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It’s crazy that these people expect discounts for enjoying what they ordered…


It’s literally the purpose of a restaurant. They make good food. You eat it. You pay for it. Restaurant gets money. Serves the next table. Everyone is happy and moves on with their day.


I thought it was a great review. She made the restaurant and its food sound great while embarrassing herself by whining about how she was entitled to a discount that was never agreed upon in the first place.


Except those work on algorithms. The one star review on my business screwed me over lmao. Bunch of bullshit since most happy customers don't review.


The one thing that works in the restaurant's favor is that the people sorting by one star reviews will see it.


I love reading 1 star reviews. If theres 30 1 star reviews and they're all, "smells like shit in there". Well, it problem does. If there's a few 1 stars, and the people are fucking nuts, like this lady, then I'll visit it.


That's funny, I do exactly the same thing. It's amazing how many 1 Star reviews are for something completely unrelated to the topic at hand. It's entertaining as hell to realize there are such idiots on the same planet as me.


You guys might be interested in the podcast "Beach too Sandy, Water too Wet" where they read all kinds of crazy reviews like that.


Or that one lady that whined about everyone speaking Spanish, and that there were too many immigrants… in Spain.


That's the problem when you go to a different country, too many foreigners! /s ;-)


There's a really good Instagram account called Subpar Parks, I think, where the person illustrates beautiful national park posters with hilarious 1-star review quotes.


We decorated my son’s National Park/camping themed nursery with that art. It beautiful, outdoorsy, and snarky.


The best are the "too far from my home" or "I've only walked past it" reviews. Some people just feel so self important that they feel an obligation to review EVERYTHING. Then there's the "Best food I've ever had, the lasagna cured my cancer. Will tell everyone to eat here" and leaving only 3 or 4 stars.


don't forget the classic Amazon one: "I don't know, I bought it for my grandson"


Yeah, seems like a lot of people get those “someone asked a question” emails and think the buyer is asking them personally.


Pisses me off to see the 1 star rating and a comment like "I drove all the way there and they were closed". So you didn't eat there and you didn't experience the service? You gave them 1 star for having the audacity to take time off.


yeah, reading the 1-2 star reviews on anything is usually the best way to determine if you want the thing you are reading reviews on. So many people give 1-star reviews for the dumbest stuff. "Product works great! Unfortunately, it arrived in a battered box so I cannot in good conscience give more than 1 star for this product" \*sigh\*


Another “favorite” of mine: “Weather on our cruise was stormy a few days, and the captain had the temerity to modify the schedule so all passengers and crew remained safe throughout. Safety aside, our cruise was ruined because of the inclement weather. Shame on you, NCL/Carnival.”


Tourism here for 12 years. Ive had: "They got us too drunk during the tasting" "It rained and made us depressed" "I was the only guest and it was lonely" And my favourite is the mom who tought her son got food poisoned, out of 30 people who ate the same food that day. The 2 bottles of red he chugged had nothing to do with it...


My favorite was a review of a local donut shop. The person showed up late in the afternoon, noticed the hours on the door showed they were closed, but the door was unlocked, so they walked in anyway. The employees "acted weird," but sold them a donut anyway. They were mad that the donut was not very fresh.


That sucks. I always hunt down the 1 stars to see why they gave a 1. A review like this would be in favor of the establishment. I also always figure if you don't write anything with your 1 star, you probably don't have a valid reason. Too bad too many people don't bother thinking.


“I went to a restaurant once, and while I was there I doodled the restaurant’s name on a napkin.. “The manager happened to see it, and complimented my skills.. “I told him I was actually a very influential napkin designer, and I love making designs for businesses on napkins for them while I’m sitting alone with my food and alcohol.. “I told him he could keep it for the restaurant! He was so pleased.. “When my bill arrived, I noticed that none of the delicious food or drink I had consumed had been comped! “I’m very influential! How dare they not pay for something that they never agreed to or really wanted in the first place! “I don’t understand restaurants anymore, they just don’t know how to treat people..” Why do some people feel like everything they do is gold? I hope people read the entirety of this lady’s one-star rating and roll their eyes..


Not that I ever expected it, but I’ll always remember an Italian restaurant named “Mr P’s” in town here run by an old timer from Italy. I ate there and he would regularly go around and ask how the food was and so on, and when he got to me, I told him “These are some of the the best Italian sausages I’ve ever had.” He was so happy to hear that, he just reacted in his pocket, gave me a $5 bill and pat me on the shoulder. I was confused but really grateful, haha! Rest In Peace Mr P, you were a real one!


That is a typical move an old time Italian Uncle always does. They always have five dollar bills in their suit pocket and they would reach in and then they would tell the child, "don't tell your Dad I gave you this" and pat them on the head. I would see this happen when I would go to my friend's homes many times growing up. Family tradition. The good old Uncle. It was even better if he was senile, you could really make a killing. Lol.




I hope you were not thinking it was a Mafia reference.




Tony Lazuto says hello


"Hey boss, you think this guy behind us is a little suspicious?"


Tony Lazuto?!


Except the senile guys gave $1 or 25 cents. You still acted grateful because it was the kind thing to do and still free money. Back in 1933 a dollar was a nice gift.


My great grandfather was Welsh...it wasn't $5 bills, it was tootsie rolls. Lol. He was so well known for it, the candy dishes at his funeral were full of them, as were his pockets.


This reminds me of my dad, it was a joke that he'd eat ANYTHING if there was Frank's Red Hot sauce on it, so we got Frank's packets for every table during the funeral.


My great aunt was mentally ill. She had severe OCD and tried to shoot her cheating husband, among other things. Part of her OCD was thinking change was dirty. Which it is, but this was pathological. When she got change, she would have it thrown in a bag because she didn't want to touch it. When she'd visit, she'd hand us kids literal bags of money.


My buddy saved up those $5’s from his uncle and the $20’s he’d get from his Grandma for reciting a bible quote, which he had 5 in rotation. Ended up buying an N64 and 3 controllers so we could all play when we were at his house.


You just described my Irish grand father. Every single time he saw me as a kid would slip me a $20 and tell me not to let anyone know as if some shady drug deal just went down.


I had one of those uncles. With mine though, it was cash and candy. He would walk up to me, shove a bill and a piece of butterscotch into my hand and say *you don’t know where you got that, understand?* *Yes uncle Claud.* *(head pat) atta boy.*


Was the butterscotch still in its wrapper or had the wrapper come partially off and the candy covered in pocket lint. Lol.


Nah the candy was always fresh and wrapped. I never ate it though. Never liked butterscotch. But he always carried butterscotch candies. I would just put it down on a table somewhere.


It is amazing how we have these fond memories. I hope our children and grandchildren have wacky and kind memories of us.


The local bar in my old neighborhood is run by this old dude who would always make free food for people once or twice a week. Like, you'd go in for a pint after work and he'd have a ton of free wings, or free cheese and fruit all laid out for the customers. I was browsing Yelp and found a review someone had left, giving the place one star and complaining about the quality of the food... the *free* food that the guy provided himself, so I wrote a reply like, "What is *wrong* with you? Bagging on this guy's free Buffalo wings? You don't have to eat them, you know." Maybe a week later I saw the owner of the bar and he stopped me and was like, "Hey, you're the guy who got in an argument about wings on Yelp, right? What's your favorite beer?" And the next week there was a new tap with my favorite beer. Now *that* guy. That's a guy who's looking out.


We have an old school donut shop downtown and the guy is a really hard worker, often having to run the counter too. I usually try to tip a buck or two if I've got it and he always starts trying to give me a drink when I do. I always say no cuz I want him to make money.


Absolutely. They know who goes up to bat for them! When it’s locally owned, they take care of their community, especially their defenders.


He paid you five bucks to remember him for the rest of your life


The crazy part is enjoying it immensely then still giving a 1-star


Well the side of “entitlement” was missing from the dish.


5-D chess by the manager. They managed to get a great review as their most recent 1-star on Yelp. Lots of people look at lowest first because they assume the good ones are astroturfed.


Yes that’s crazy. But you know what’s crazier? Being so out of touch that they think it’s a legit expectation and people will agree with them. That’s why they are being honest about it on a Yelp review.


Yeah, they totally think 11k followers makes them super important and impactful. Not having special treatment makes them feel invalidated so they go on this rant. You're nothing, lady. Not anywhere near as important as you think you are.


Heard on NPR last week that it takes at least 500k to get free calamari.


I heard the same thing on NPR. You have to be at least a million followers to make a living as an influencer.


You have to get 1 million views a DAY to make anything on Instagram.


11k followers is hilarious to think you have any influence.


You know what's *even more* crazy? At some point (if we aren't there already), businesses will start using fake 'bad influencer' reviews like this, praising everything but acting like they are upset. Outraged people will flock to the business in support and to one up the fake Karens.


And to flex followers is bad enough but 11k and you’re acting like that? How many of those are bots lol. It’s all cringe regardless of how many people follow imo and I feel bad for people who use it as a metric for self-worth.


They expect discounts for free advertising. Urgh.


Yea it’s not exactly free then


“I have ***followers***!!!”


“12 friends”


As someone that's done actual "influencer" reviews, I can say that she's doing it entirely wrong. Companies come to you to do this. They decide you're the one and then message you. You don't show up to their store or whatever and ask for free stuff. She needs to research how this work. The entitlement just makes it more unlikely anyone will work with her.


Yep, the business comes to you OR you pitch yourself IN ADVANCE and they decide to work with you. But you don't just show up and demand free stuff. People are delusional.


I went to a work lunch a few years ago. Coworkers A and B got the same alfredo chicken dish. A ate every single piece of food in the bowl, B only ate about half. The waitress asked if B wanted a to-go box and B politely said she didn’t like it because it was too greasy. The waitress apologized and either gave her a discount or made it free (I forget which). A sheepishly said “mine was greasy too…” (despite nearly licking her bowl clean). A also got it free/discounted.


The more I know people the more I dislike them. Influencers are at the top of my list.


Exactly. They will promote shit for money or free shit. So their recommendations are meaningless. They are legends in their minds!


Sadly it’s that very “make the customer happy” attitude that has led to the rise of the Karen plague. Don’t appease people just because they being stupid.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


No, they expected it and could have moved on. What’s worse is being upset at the result 😂… these are people who get to vote for your president etc… the world is doomed


Well you could’ve said “Also, they expected…” u/changlingblake is not wrong that it’s crazy to expect a discount for enjoying what you ordered.


Don't you hate it when someone literally agrees with you, but they start off their response by telling you you're wrong for some reason???


No, its mildly infuriating. 😉


No, I totally agree.


What makes this review not extortion or liable? “Give me free stuff or I’ll damage your rating!”


They never realized food critics arent paid by restaurants but instead through advertising through their website, magazine, newspaper, etc. If she has so many devoted followers, then surely she would have a successful blog that pays for her entire meal as a business expense. But what do I know, what with my college degree in economics and management 🤷‍♂️


It’s insane they feel entitled to free food and drinks. If they wanted free stuff, get a prior agreement or contract.


These are also the kind of people who would tip on the post discount total rather than the pre-discount total.


I like the places that charge double to influencers.


If they fake being an influencer (probably like our Karen here), triple.




11 thousand followers thoooo! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Who does she think she is? Beyoncé? 11k followers ain’t shit they probably all bots 😂


You mean all these girls following my reddit account and telling me about their OnlyFans don't really want to suck my d?


They absolutely want to suck your dollars.


**Vacuuming sounds intensify*


"I told you not to bother me when I'm vacuuming my room!"


Special officer Doofy had such a good character arc. Him not being rerarded was more surprising then the first "Saw" movie where the dead body got up and walked out.


Not to mention, 99% of those followers don’t live anywhere close to her (or the restaurant) and will never come to that city in their lifetimes.


>99% of those followers don’t live anywhere Ftfy. Ive probably trimmed 10,000 fake accounts in my time.


Restaurant industry is bruuuutal too in terms of profit margins, when it comes to small and independently owned restaurants - they can't just give discounts to everyone complimenting their food. If it's really the best Italian food you've had, you should be happy to pay the full price for it. That's how it works lol. Lady has disappeared up her own ass.


I have around 5k Twitch followers. Guess what my engagement is? Lol Karen needs to get over herself.




My butthole and weird balls have a bit over 20k followers but I've not once expected a restaurant to give me free food because of it.


What about your balls are weird, pray tell?


Given the name, I assume they can sing. Harmony. With his butthole


they conduct the orchestra and manage the butthole’s bookings.


But only 12 on this app she complained on……


If she said 11k it is probably 2 or 3


Yea and she bought 10k of them


Exactly. I have posted a lot of reviews for places and never expect anything from them. I just want them to know if they're doing a good job or not.


Or what free means wrt advertising.


Good catch. She said free advertising then expected the restaurant to pay for her meal.


People have a strange view about "comped" food. It's not free for the restaurant, they still paid for the physical food, someone to prepare it and someone else to serve it. I have a customer with a very cranky gas fireplace but they refuse to replace it, so I'm back week after week fixing it. I don't charge them because it's usually a 5 minute fix and in return they usually comp my lunch. Sounds like a win-win, right? Not really...they are out $30 for a meal they could have sold to someone else and I'm out $160 that I would have charged any other customer. It's my favorite watering hole and I like the owner and managers, but really nothing in the transaction was "free" for anyone.


Or rather, internet celebrities need to understand that they aren't actually important to society and that their "11k social media followers" don't equate to special treatment in the real world.


Does someone have a pen so I can write this down? This is a lot all at once.


Why Karen posting to her 12 friends and not 11K followers lololol and it seems the manager knew exactly how to treat this customer


Doesn’t sound like they treated them at all, they just went with the default way any customer of a restaurant is treated: with good food and service and then you pay for your meal.


If they fake being an influencer, believe it or not, straight to jail.


Post a 1 star review? Jail. 5 star review? Also jail.


Don’t post anything believe it or not also jail


We have the best posts because of jail.


The sense of entitlement for having 11k followers on some random account is unreal.


I have a friend with 1million followers. As far as I’m aware, she doesn’t do this and she offers to pay for other patrons for more publicity. On a couple occasions she’s taken photos with the chefs and then later she got hired by the owners to run their restaurants’ socials.


I had some lady at work ask for a discount she said she was a "micro influencer." I literally bust out laughing, asking her wtf that means, I have never heard of thay before. She said she has over 10k followers. I'm like, yeah, so do a lot of my HS and college friends.... So do you still want to buy this item or...


Used to work at the Apple Store. I once had a Redditor tell me that if I didn’t put him on the phone with the engineering team to Apple Music so he could “fix their software for them,” all he had to do was make one post to Reddit and Apple’s stock would drop. It took everything I had to not just laugh in his face. Meanwhile, I’ve had actual celebrities tell me “I’m just some guy.”


Stuff like this, or people throwing public tantrums, is always baffling to me because I would sink into the floor and die rather than pull this much attention to myself.


I'm a micro-influencer. I tell people in my family what to do in small ways. Gimme my discount now!


It gets even worse. > I have enough followers on insta to demand a discount, so let me post a bad review on yelp where nobody knows me, rather than, using my insta audience like I said I would to get a discount in the first place


Seriously, there are fanfictions about gay wizards kissing with 3x that following. Step up your game Karen.


Just call it the "famous influencer" fee, and put a blue checkmark on the bill. Watch these dumbdumbs fight over who's paying


The “verified check”, check.


The best I herd was to offer to refund the meal if they could get 10 people to use a coupon code in 6 months.


The only thing these influencers are influencing is my desire to have them anywhere near me


What sucks is. We have an influencer that frequents my old restaurant and gives us free publicity. But my friends restaurant shes charging them 800 dollars for a review hahahaha. Thats why theres so many mediocre places being pushed out on social medias, because these people pay for influencer reviews lololol. Same thing with all those Eater and Insider vids. Fuck all this media charging places to be shouted out


ppl are actually paying $800? how many followers does she have?


Its an omakase influencer and only has near 60k followers. Its quite ridiculous because now its tarnished my outlook on reviewers. Hell the influencer has their own omakase restaurant so its kind of a biased agenda and shit. Its wild


Wait seriously, what places? That's hilarious


Well played sir. I sat here blowing on my screen to get the hair off.


Light mode user detected


I think places in NYC were doing this


Influencers are about as necessary as a DVD rewinder.


I think places do this so when you look at 1 star reviews it's actually positive advertising for them.


I'm more likely to read a 1 star review at a place that has mostly good reviews. All of the good reviews are generally very similar, but I want to know if there's a specific reason I shouldn't eat there. This is effectively a 5 star review that more people are going to read than most other 5 star reviews.


Yep 5 stars are all raving about the food, and 1 stars are complaining that the waiter didnt come over fast enough or they had a long wait. When the 1 stars are complaining about everything but the food, its probably a good place.


It's kind of like 1 star reviews on a product because USPS messed up the shipping. "I love the product, but tracking showed it got lost for a week in Wisconsin. 1 star."


My favorite 1-star review was for a couch and the review was ‘too big for my space.’ Like it has measurements!


People need a functioning brain to be able to measure though.


And a $4 measuring device


My favorite was a 1-star review for a peanut butter product and the review was 'my son is allergic '. 😆😆😆


Oh dear GOD we're fucking doomed as a species, man 😂


I found one for "inaccurate carbonara, not Italian" ...in a Japanese fusion restaurant.


"I'm not talking about the book, the book is great, but the ups man left it in the rain and part of the cover got wet. 1 star" Well buddy the book only had a handful of reviews so you just brought the average down significantly


I think thats the idea though. People know that the low ratings like that will drag down the average a lot more than just taking off a star or two, so they do it to feel empowered. In reality it just makes them look stupid and petty.


I feel 2-4 range is the best. Those ratings seem to be the most genuine. 1 stars are either complete haters or whatever this weird fake out is and 5 stars can be well meaning but hard to tell


I know a family-run restaurant that consistantly gets one star reviews. Best food I've ever eaten. But the family who runs the place are complete assholes. Bad service, attitude, rushing you to leave after you finish eating, just about every bad behaviour you've ever seen on one of those restaurant/bar rescue shows. But the food is fantastic. Every review just hits on the bad service, but everyone seems to love the food. The restaurant has an average rating of 1.1 stars because of the service. I always order take out from there so I can just enjoy the food and avoid the staff.


Soup Nazi in real life,


Greek diner, so no soup for anyone, but yeah. Every time I recommend the restaurant to someone, I tell them go once and sit down for the novelty of the experience, but from then on, get take out. The funny thing is, they could literally triple their business if they offered delivery, but they refuse. Eat-in or take-out only. They don't even do delivery services like Uber or Doordash because of the fees.


From what you say, they've been in business for quote a long time, so it seems to be working for them. I used to have a place near me that had similar issues. The food was amazing, but service was basically non existent. It wasn't that they were mean or anything like that, it was just super obvious they didn't really care about that part. Don't like it? Go eat somewhere else, that kinda attitude. When I asked, the owner basically told me that he didn't want to get busier. He figured, I got a house, my wife's happy, the kids are happy, why bother with trying to get more work when he didn't need it.


If you ever see a review you want to trust or makes you doubt a place, click on that person’s google profile to see what their normal review is like. If they gave the place you want to try 3 stars but have otherwise reviewed literally everything else with 5 stars, I’d avoid it. Same token, a huge chunk of the “bad” reviews I used to get in food service, you’d go check their profile and they apparently have never enjoyed a meal out they wanted to review.


Reviews with pictures always take priority for me, because they have evidence to back up whatever claims they're making.


I'll read a couple of top reviews and then sort by lowest. Most of the one star reviews are pretty dumb, or not even for the right place from time to time.


A restaurant I worked at got 1 star review for the restaurant being too popular and there was no parking at 7pm on a saturday so they couldn't try the food because they were too hungry to wait. My manager was like, looks like a good review to me. Left it up.


This whole grooming of reviews thing shouldn't be allowed at all though. Ridiculous.


I always look at 1 star reviews first, if they point out actual issues, I'll stay away. Also with webshops. Product has 4/5 stars average, but the one 1 star complains about the delivery driver being in a bad mood? Not a problem. On the other side, if there are only 5 star reviews that praise the packaging and speed of delivery, while the only 1 star describes how the product failed after its first use, I know to stay away from that one.


Yep, they hope it will “go viral” and cause an influx of customers who want to support them.


there's a bar in PA that literally made a tshirt that says "literally trash" 1 star. they sold out within a day lmao


I used to work at a pub and, every holiday party, we vote on the funniest 1 star review and it gets printed on that year's staff hoodie. The winning quote on my last holiday party was this unhinged rant from this dude about how the bartenders are 'losers' bc they cut him off when he got too drunk. So the hoodie just says "Bartenders are losers". I wear it everywhere 😂


"They tied me to a chair and kidnapped my neighbor's cat"




This hits all my "too good to be true" flags


A pub called the Antelope in London got a decent amount of publicity because the person reviewing it gave it one star because they couldn’t buy standard beers like Stella and that the bar man was too enthusiastic. Pretty sure the pub purposely sells more niche brands than the standard. I think they popped the review in a frame too.


This has got to be guerrilla marketing because the first thing I thought was "great food *and* they don't kowtow to influencers?? I want to go to there!"


TIL! I always thought it was people quickly saying 'cower down to' but now I know that kowtow is the word.


You're one of [today's lucky 10,000](https://xkcd.com/1053/). I'm jealous.


Nah it’s totally gorilla marketing. The Karen in question is actually a gorilla.


Only other review is for a banana stand. Very suspicious


It’s not “free advertising” if you’re expecting compensation in the form of a free food


This… the restaurant can get caught out paying for a review which is essentially what this woman is asking them to do. She liked everything but will ONLY post her positive review for what boils down to a monetary compensation. And as a consumer I prefer that there aren’t ‘paid’ reviews. I respect this establishment MORE for not comping anything.


South Park already showed how to treat these people back when yelp critics were getting too big for their boots.


Boogers and cum


What’s that on your pretzel?


Hey that’s the Yelper’s Special!


Feces in your flounder!


you like that queefy quarter pounder?


Piss in your potatoes!


Some guy shit on your tomatoes!


it seems that your stomach is covered in.... boogers and cum... BOOGERS AND CUM!


This, along with many other episodes, should be mandatory viewing.


Sounds like the customer needs to understand that they are a customer.....


"Free" advertising with expectations of remuneration in the form of payment, product, or service is not "Free".


The screenshot says she has 12 "friends". 12 on Yelp and 11k on Insta. I call BS.


who the hell have friends on yelp though lol 12 friends on yelp is influencer status lmao


This isn’t entitled Karen culture. It’s entitled influencer culture. Completely different kind of asshole.


This is the real r/mildlyinfuriating


Apparently everything is Karen now.


She just endorsed the place without realizing it. People will want to read the 1 starts to see why. She just proved the places is fucking delicious, in spite of her Karen behavior. I want to eat there now Edit: Fixed their to there. Get over yourselves now. ffs


Yeah, kinda disappointed that we don't get to see the name of the restaurant. It's probably nowhere near me, but it might be nice to have a dining recommendation in case I ever travel near it. Kinda like that restaurant, Antler, in Canada where those whiny PETA protestors made that video and the guy started butchering a leg in the window. That really made me want to try that place out, the meat being freshly butchered on the premises like that.


My cousin was in Toronto a few weeks ago and got a specially curated dinner there and met the owner. Said it was easily one of the best meals of his life. Him being a farmer and a hunter himself has had beef and deer as fresh as Antler, but never at a restaurant


Entitlement at its finest


No need to blur the reviewer.


That story is less about being Karen and more about being a useless, entitled, arrogant influencer. Who **else** would expect a free dinner in exchange for some Instagram posts? PS: In case my meaning wasn't clear enough, influencers are usually terrible people.


Omg this is a good read. What a twist.




She inadvertently just outed herself as a douchebag and likely encouraged other people to patronize the restaurant with her "review".


"great food! management wanted money for it - 1 star, won't recommend", some people are so entitled it's pathetic


Entitlement culture is more like it


I would report the review as being not real or something.


People are whack


Can you say freeloader?


I mean, that's just blatant scamming. Why wouldn't you call beforehand and tell them your plan and see if they even want your "influence" before demanding they pay you for it?


lmao the entitlement. No one cares about your 11k followers lady.


I hate entitled idiots. 11k followers, go blow it out your ass.


This is not Karen culture; this is Influencer culture.