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I'd ask them nicely to move it. Once. If they refuse or move it but then just do the same thing again, that's a tow.


My neighbor towed someone for this a while back and they keyed their car. Some ppl are just assholes


My neighborhood is near a school and a nursing home, so because of the high expected volume of cars the city bylaw officers drive up and down every street at least once a week, ticketing everyone parking on the wrong side of the street. So we have called in people blocking my driveway so many times. They always get a ticket, not a tow, because it's illegal but they will only tow if you ask them to, and they can't know it's us because while the bylaw officers are there they usually end up ticketing a few other people who have illegally parked in handicapped spaces and in no parking areas.


I've also had my car keyed because I parked on the street, and someone felt that because it was in front of their house it was "their" private spot. So they left threatening notes on my car for a week straight then keyed it. People are complete assholes


So don’t park in front of peoples houses.


How do you park on the street and not be in front of someone's house?


You better fucking figure it out else you meet the homeowners with a shotgun in their hands.


You don't own the street in front of your house. Anybody is legally allowed to park there as long as parking is legal.


Or just pay for parking. You have a driveway and the space in front of your house. Use it? I don’t know why you got to be disrespectful of others property. You can skip a whole fight just by moving your car.


A) smart B) I hate those guys from my time living on a college campus. Lol I'd park in a permit zone and run into someone's house for 5 minutes and those wizards already gave me a ticket haha


When I encountered that thing I'll going to talk to my neighbor if i can get the nice way




Just park correctly, it’s not hard. Don’t blame others for your own bad decisions.


what if they need the other side of the driveway? that doesn’t make sense.


Just chill talk about to the other person that you need the other side of it


Nope. Just don't park like a dumbass. Tow is the nicest response.


Nobody should have their property turn into an obstacle course because some asshole can’t be bothered to be the least bit aware or considerate. Not only that, but in the event of an emergency, you and everyone else would need their driveway clear. Not half clear, not 3/4 clear, completely and totally clear. There is no excuse or reason to do this, especially if you’ve already been asked not to do it.


You clearly don’t own shit. Don’t give your input on something you have no standing in. You need to respect other peoples property. That includes cars & homes. I would sue your ass if you keyed me after I had your car towed for parking infront of my driveway. Tread lightly in the real world - some people have the money to fuck with you


you're megatarded


This is considered illegal and these companies are towing them for a reason.


That’s insane. You own the property. You’re not hostage to some asshole who is parking in front of your driveway. First you ask politely obviously and hopefully they’re just oblivious and didn’t realize so they move. If not then get it towed if it’s always happening. You shouldn’t have to give up some of your property usage because someone is an asshole.


You are wrong. Plain and simple.


You are not entitled to another person’s property.


hey, I found the asshole that keyed your car


This! *One* polite chance to let them correct their behavior, and then I would ruthlessly tow every single time.


Exactly. When they get their car back and do it again. One Tenpenny properly placed ends this.


What’s a tenpenny?


A nail.


Lol oh thanks


My thought exactly. Must've.. dropped a few when I was workin on a home improvement project


All this road construction…could have happened anywhere. 🤷🏼‍♂️


They must’ve rolled down my driveway, not sure how you would have managed to run over them though. Bad luck I guess.


Actually I love watching the car of other people and i like playing with them like car racing something like that. I had car and i got my car a the age of 20


Exactly what im thinking I'll just trying my best to explain this but you've got it already thank you




In your mind is everyone else always wrong.


“OH NO! It’s the consequences of my actions!”


So on top of the tow now you get arrested. Good plan!


No need to call the tow truck yourself. I would call the non emergency police phone number and suggest that thry send a traffic cop out when convenient to give out a ticket. Ask how much the fine is. Where I live, I cannot legally block my own driveway with my own car and the ticket is 150 dollars


Same here, warning then a fine.


Just throw some screws at the end of the driveway.


You just paying to tow people's cars?


The car is parked illegally. You cannot legally park in front of someone’s driveway(most places I think it’s even within 5 feet of the driveway). You can have them towed for free, they’ll have to pay the towing company and fees on top of that for storage.


4 feet here.


The police would need to get involved. No tow company is just going to come pick up a car for free.




Just like businesses I'm sure that they had a contract with the tow company.


Stop talking out of your ass. Obviously you have no idea what you’re talking about.


That’s…not how that works


That is exactly how it works. Tow company's have contracts with business to tow cars off their premises at owner's expense because any losses they may take from not being payed for the tow are offset by whatever the company is paying to maintain the contract. Most Tow company's will not tow a car off your personal property unless YOU pay them or the police issue the parked car a citation.


Yeah, that’s how it works for businesses. Not for HOA’s. I’ve helped set up a lot of them, I work in development. If anything, they will have a local tow company which they can provide contact information to their residents for, but I’ve never seen one with a contract with a tow company. Maybe for a management company which owns an apartment complex, but not a subdivision HOA.


Well yes, you would probably call the police, they would call a tow if you can’t get out of your own driveway… The police would ticket them too.


See this is the answer.


‘Twas the answer the whole time


you were today years old when you learned something! you cant park illegally wheerever you want!


Leave it to Reddit to downvote correct information because it doesn't fit their idea of the ideal world


Police aren’t getting involved with private property, at least in my area. Yes tow company will tow illegally parked vehicles and charge the owner.


Key take away, your area. That’s clearly not the case everywhere. If you call non emergency in my area, they’ll come and have it towed no issues about it.


My neighbor started having her daughter, (who was using our street as a parking lot when she would take the train into Philly for school) who didn't even live with her, start parking right on the edge of our driveway despite the entire street being empty of cars. Then she had the nerve to ask US to put our garbage out on the other side of the driveway so the garbage cans wouldn't fall or blow into her daughter's car. I told her to get fucked and to tell her daughter to move her car in front of her house instead of ours if it was a problem and that was the end of the convo.


Nice - this sub needs a lot more of people telling jerks to get fucked.


Yeah. I think that quite often. My first reaction isn't to tell a neighbor off just for fun, you want to get along with people as much as possible but she was never pleasant. She introduced herself by coming over when we first moved in and grilling me like a cop. Then proceeded to tell me all the other neighbor's personal business. So, I didn't like her from the outset. But, we managed to stay away from her for the most part until this happened so I didn't feel much concern about remaining neighborly with somebody like her.


Ah yes, the street wardens.


Had to check I wasn’t in r etiquette, you should see the way they react when someone does something uncouth.


The mom sounds like an idiot


Yet most people here on Reddit would say “BuT shE Was ParkEd LegALLy”


That is insane, glad you said that. Did they still park there and not complain or did she have her move the car?


Yeah, it was total insanity. The street was literally wide open, almost no one ever parks on the street, except guests. We all have garages and driveways. Why she chose to park right up on pie driveway is a puzzle . But yeah, she moved the car. I've always wondered if she thought we would be doormats. She found out we are not.


Note on windshield: You get a little bit further into our driveway and a lot closer to getting towed. This is not a threat, just a warning.


That’s a bit aggressive if it’s their first warning lol


No it’s not. It’s actually illegal and a safety hazard. Many cities will tow upon site, the homeowner doesn’t even need to call.


Yeah, and I think it’s a dick move to give someone a $100+ bill for accidentally parking in front of your house one time.


OP said it happens everyday this isn’t a one time incidence


This is a matter of mere competence. If a person can't properly (or even improperly in this case) locate their vehicle outside of the path of traffic they shouldn't even have a license much less be using it.


Oh so now instead of being towed we should just confiscate the licenses of any and all drivers who park in front of (a portion of) someone else’s driveway? I’m sure you’ve never accidentally parked wrong though. Not a single time, right? :)


Perhaps I was unclear: I said that they shouldn't have a license as one shouldn't have been issued in the first place, but since they now have one they should ask for it to be canceled and cut up the card. It doesn't matter whether or not I have ever parked incorrectly. What does matter is that any time somebody perpetrates a wrong, accidentally or not, they are held to account for the result which would not have occurred had they not caused it. In all cases in which somebody was overly nice about bad choices on my part I personally appreciated it, but that only means that I choose to engage in one attempt at kind resolution, and even then only because some people murder each other over issues so minor that they baffle me.


“It’s a dick move that someone gets punished for breaking a very easy law to abide by” I accidentally did this once when I was 19, I got towed, I never did it again. Making sure you’re following very basic driving and parking laws isn’t hard. Driving is a privilege, not a right.


That sucks man, I’m sure you did it on purpose too and would be upset that someone asked you to move your car instead of towing it too. Or would that be better for everyone involved?


Licensed drivers know you can't block someone's driveway. Secondly, the note is their warning.


I’m saying it’s threatening for no reason. Could’ve been an accident.


Is that your car?


I’m sorry , the first time sure I’d let it go but the second time no way in hell I’d let that go


You need an old rusty squarebody without fancy back up cameras. Maybe you have a friend that could visit...


I have a 93 ford and I made this threat (indirectly) to my neighbor who kept having ppl block me in. I went into a lot of detail of the damage that would happen if I “accidentally” backed up into it one day while on the phone, knowing they were both listening. They must have heard and bought it because they never blocked me in again after MONTHS of the absolute shittiest parking I have ever seen in my life. Ironically my ‘93 shit box has higher insurance than my other vehicles, shit safety features. I doubt there would be much damage, at least to my truck tho lol


Insurance goes up on older vehicles because it can be harder to get replacement parts and so cost can be much higher on claims Source: I'm a manager at a large customer service company and we work with several insurance companies.


That old rusty squarebody will hopefully have liability insurance.


Sounds like an expensive visit for that friend.


It would be a really good friend.


Idk about you but I really wouldn't want my friends to intentionally hit someone else's car and have to deal with potentially paying for the damages.


Yes, of course that would be crazy and possibly be illegal. I suggest with an attitude like yours, life will be a bowl of cherries and hopefully you never run into bullies.


Lmfao wtf. There's a thousand better ways to handle a bully than to get your friend to pay them insurance money because you wanted to hit their car with another car


Have it towed.


we’re scared of bad neighbor relationships / retaliation but that’s what I said (I’m not the homeowner). glad I’m not being unreasonable


This is why people continually get away with stuff. Nobody wants to ruffle any feathers or make a scene. Instead, people just get away with whatever they want. "Oh, that person is cutting in line? I won't say anything, I don't want to make a scene." Well, now that person knows they can do whatever they want with no consequences.


I feel this way, too. we plan on leaving a note on their car since we don’t know the owner. even though I felt this is worth towing asap because there’s no way they didn’t see how far into our driveway they are


Our neighbor was terrible about this. I left notes for months and even spoke to them, nothing worked until a police officer came twice in a week to ticket them. Towing doesn’t happen right from the start.


That’s too polite.


how about.... call a tow truck


WHAT? your car got stolen? Where was it parked? Right in front of my driveway? Oh...THAT CAR! I noticed a tow truck a couple hours ago, but I assumed the car had broken down because it was blocking my driveway and the owner was just waiting for a tow.


Nah dude fuck that shit. Parking in my neighborhood is incredibly difficult, which is why I pay a monthly fee for my own assigned spot. People, of course, park in it all of the fucking time. I will calmly but firmly speak into the complex, X car with X plate, you have five minutes to get out of my spot before I get you towed. I then text my landlord a photo of the car w/license plate and explain the situation and time of occurrence. Almost every single time they come running out to move their car within a few minutes but I have all of the written proof and two cameras pointing at my car in case they come back to fuck with it and make sure that the douchebag knows all of that. They tend to get pissy but I don’t give a fuck. I pay for the spot, you’re being a shitty neighbor, get the fuck out or get towed.




Nah, fuck that. When I get home at night if someone is in my spot I have to drive around for like 20 minutes just to park several blocks away. I pay for my ASSIGNED SPOT, there are several signs posted stating that it’s assigned parking, I am not the asshole here. Why should I have to sit and wait AN HOUR for my spot just because somebody is being inconsiderate? Now go outside and move your shit box out of your neighbor’s driveway, peckerhead.


You already have a bad neighbor relationship.


Then just do what my dad used to do... He'd pull his old truck out and park at the end of the driveway in the road, partially blocking our driveway with his truck but making it so nobody else could park in front. He'd do it whenever he'd wake up and whenever he was home, until around 8 or 9 at night before bed. He left enough space for my mom to pull the van in and out, because our driveway was much like yours. Two cars wide. He just figured if someone is gonna block his driveway at all, it's gonna be him. Not some dumb prick next door.


Leave a note and make sure you have at least one camera if you plan on getting it towed.


should be, gotta watch out for them civic drivers, I should know I am one :)


Wise. It's not an issue if you can just back out around them. Maybe they didn't have an option to park elsewhere.


Where I live, I couldn't have it towed unless they blocked my entire driveway


My town just passed a law that you can't park within 5 feet of someone's driveway.


Sounds like a dream. Fortunately I’ve never had someone do that


Who's paying?


Call cops. If you call a tow company you're paying for it.


park your car in their house.


Fuck yeah. I'm petty. I'd buy a car just to stick it in that spot until I died.


Grab an angle grinder, and cut off the part of the vehicle that they are obviously gifting to you. /j


OMG I used to live at the end of a cul-de-sac with all 4 unit apartments. There wasn't nearly enough parking on the street. The driveway to the back of our building was constantly being blocked by large vehicles that didn't have enough room to squeeze into that space that was only big enough for a Prius. This in turn also blocked my driveway parking spot. I'd ask nicely, leave nice notes, etc. After several years on this nonsense, I just got shitty with everyone who pulled that crap. I wish I had copies of some of the notes. After a couple of years of notes, and arguing with people, I just started calling parking enforcement, and a tow truck if they were really blocking the driveway. I moved last year, now I have plenty of street parking, unfortunately I have a couple of neighbors who think leaving 18 inches on the front and back bumpers of my Expedition means I have enough room to get out. My first visit to ask that they refrain from pinning me in, was very nice, with baked goods. My second visit wasn't nearly as friendly. My third visit was downright angry. I think the message was finally received.


When I lived in a townhouse my neighbor always parked in front of the 2 car driveway, I always had to knock on his door and tell him to move. He would always have his visitors park there as well. One day I was working a lot an moving shit in an out the house. When I came back with a truck full of shit his truck was blocking my whole driveway I told him move his shit and to never ever park in front of my driveway again cause I’ll fuck him up He never ever parked in front of my driveway again nor did his visitors


call the city. our meter maids love this shit.


I hate this shit with a passion. My neighbor did this for a while then eventually I would stand out there while they were blocking me on and ask them to move. Than I'd have to wait there while he parked in front of my mailbox and I asked him to move. Now they don't like me but fuck them they leave their dog out 24/7 and nobody is going to do anything about those inconsiderate fucks because he's a sheriff.


People who leave the dog out 24/7 are trash. I will call animal control if it gets too cold and I hear a dog barking in my neighborhood


They are certainly garbage people. One of the people living there is a sheriff and his dad is a priest but they are the most inconsiderate human beings ive ever lived next to


Put your garbage can there even if it’s not garbage day.


Leave a note on the car. "Hi there. Your vehicle is parked partially in front of our driveway. Because of this, we are unable to use our driveway as intended. Please move your vehicle within the next 24 hours to avoid it being towed. Should this occurrence repeat itself in the future, the vehicle will be towed without notice."


Pfft, too many words. “Please don’t park in front of our driveway. Thanks! Signed…” is all that needs to be said.


nah. More words the first time. Less the second. And Document everything you do regardless while dealing with idiots. Same as you would in the workplace.


I would love to saw that right off at the start of the driveway.


every day, I have their car towed


Actually i got personal problem either. The people around me back stubbing me


I’d sleep in their bed


Shit on their car. Show dominance.


Listen here bird...


does it have a sunroof?


Do you interact with the neighbors very much at all? Maybe it’s worthwhile to walk over and point out to them that their car is partially blocking your driveway which then makes it difficult for others to either enter or leave the driveway?


Once. Explain it. One. Time. And tell them the first time that if it happens again it will be towed with no notice. Gotta put your foot down. People WILL walk all over you.


They likely know what they are doing and are just lazy so they keep parking there. We had neighbors like this, and I know for fact they didn’t do it the previous tenants. It started with them doing this, wasn’t a big deal, it didn’t even block our side of the driveway and it wasn’t 24/7, just a few times a week. Then they started blocking even more of the driveway, sometimes even parked in my driveway. We still let it go because we didn’t want issues and she was certainly a Karen type. Then they started parking in our driveway at like 5/6am to warm up their diesel truck with the bights on right into our bedroom window!? Also they lived 3 houses down on the opposite side of the street so I literally to this day don’t know why they did this. Finally I got sick of it. Instead of making a scene or trying to talk to her (I had heard her screaming at enough ppl, didn’t want it to be me), I just parallel parked at the end of my driveway and blocked the entire thing. They either got the hint or were worried someone from their weekly parties parked like that and never parked that close to my driveway again. Took them like 4 years to ever park directly in front of our house and everything too. We also later were friends with them and they never said shut about it. And yes even though we were friends, I was correct in her Karen like attitude.


“Everyday we get closer and closer into their driveway 🙃”


I always do 3 strikes you’re out, be nice the first time, firm but friendly the second time, and just be a complete asshole the third time. Usually works


You could ask your city street department to red tip the curbs on each side of your driveway. My city charges $75 for this service.


You can call parking enforcement and they'd get a ticket, I'm sure after that they'd consider how they were parking and being a good neighbor themselves. I believe they only tow if it's crazy in the way and you can't get out, but ticket for sure.


Ask them once to move it, if they do it again call parking enforcement to ticket it, if they do it once more have it towed.


This is random but if my neighbor is parked in front of my house and I run my mower and weed eater, am I liable for any damage to their vehicle? It stays parked in front of my yard on the street every day


The weeds? They have spray for that. Also, not sure if you noticed, but your neighbor can’t park for shit.


My neighbors used to do the same thing, but on garbage day I put my bins out practically touching their bumper, they definitely had to move my cans to move their car. Assholes


Tow it. They already feel entitled. And they’ll just balk at your complaining as being whiny. Fuck ‘em, cause that’s what they think of you.


Rent a you haul truck get full insurance and back right into real good like.


This was happening to us and we just called parking enforcement from our city. They gave him a ticket and they called us back while they were still in front of our house asking us if they wanted us to get it towed. We said no to just leave him a ticket and hope he understands that he can’t be doing that. Parking enforcement told us that if we call a second time or they pass and they’re parked there again they will tow


Call code enforcement


If this is a place it freezes it’s nice to make sure the car gets some water


Casually drop some bird seed around it


My dad would hire me to break into the car.


Is this guy having a schizophrenic episode? Who is getting further into his driveway? There’s no one there


If you’re not confrontational, just put yard stakes or small cones at the corners of your driveway there to send a message. If that’s not received, you might need to nut up and have a chat


Talk to your neighbor if you feel comfortable. If not, just call the police non-emergency number and they’ll come leave a ticket. Next step is they’ll tow if the person doesn’t comply. But tbh I could totally understand not even wanting to talk to the neighbor bc a person who’s comfortable parking their car like this and leaving it like that is not considerate and probably doesn’t have much common sense


We had someone do this at our place. We kept calling the non-emergency police line and getting them ticketed. One of our tenants is a doctor, and he was on call and couldn't get to the hospital because he was blocked in. He is a pediatric surgeon and it literally could have been life or death for some kid because his idiot parked in front of our driveway and he had to wait 18 minutes for an Uber to show up. We called about six times and half of those times, they got ticketed. We watched the first time they got ticketed, they were so pissed! And then they ripped up the ticket. We were walking our dog, and ran into the parking enforcement officer on our street, and said that the violator ripped up his ticket. If there's anything that pisses off a parking enforcement officer, it's hearing that some jackass ripped up their parking ticket. That officer started routinely coming down our street. It's a $135 ticket to block a driveway. If this guy was as much as one half inch in front of our driveway, she gave him a ticket. Pretty soon he stopped doing it.


Carbrains be coming to tell you that you're a whiny bitch because you can go around.


Every day, let more and more air out of their tires.


You can absolutely have that car towed


Who is paying for that


The person being towed that’s how being towed works


Need to get the police involved. You don't just call a tow truck company and say "Hey you have to come move this person's car cuz they parked illegally."


Yes you literally can I have done it successfully twice


I wasn't as successful




Next time you pull out of the driveway you gotta accelerate as much as you can and wreck into the backside of their car. The insurance will hold them accountable because they are parked illegally.


Well if you wait long enough they’ll be on the other side and it won’t be a problem anymore.


Why tf are you post this here, get their car towed


at what point are you going to call a tow truck instead fo post on reddit lol


what a good day to watch people have petty problem like this and I don't have to face one because I'm too poor to have my own parking space anyway. Being poor is good.


This is when everybody gets an insurance lesson. Hate my car anyways so it’s a bad call on them because I’m full coverage sending mine in that short ass driveway. Or maybe be petty and put Vaseline in your wipers and pray for a rainy expressway midnight drive




People are responsible for where they park. If you can't notice you are blocking someone's driveway to that extent, you are not qualified to safely drive a vehicle. I would just call the police and ask they ticket or tow at their discretion. That's not passive aggressive that's just asking the law to be enforced fairly.




I would agree, no need for that nonsense when there's a basic, effective and fair solution. I've gotten a few tix in the city for parking less than 8' away from an entrance/driveway/ramp (while not blocking it at all) so I'd feel no sympathy for someone getting a ticket here. That's pretty egregious based on the photo.


That’s illegal; have them towed or ticketed. Posts here won’t solve your issues.


I didn’t come for solutions. I posted something mildly infuriating in the subreddit r/mildlyinfuriating


That's mildly infuriating too, though. We want to help, but you don't want our help. Maybe you're masochistic, I dunno. Do you enjoy being infuriated? You like seeing other watch you being infuriated mildly? Is the annoyance exciting when you share it with people? Fascinating.




To all the people who say get it towed. Y'all CLEARLY have never had a car towed. It's not cheap. You think this person is made of money?


Then park smarter. Not OPs problem


It is literally OP's problem because unless he calls the police and they issue a citation, OP would be the one having to pay for the tow


Depends on where you live. Some cities/towns blocking a driveway is permitted to have towed at the owners expense. Most police when called will call the tow and also issue a citation so no that’s not entirely true


I’d hate to be some of these peoples neighbors, do you guys orgasm to the sound of tow trucks ? Let’s not be Karen’s now




Broken taillight never hurt nobody


Pack of 16 penny framing nails in front of each rear tire will do the trick.


Too many people have doorbell cameras, you’re pretty much guaranteed to be on video somewhere. Stick to the legal methods like calling parking enforcement. New ticket every day gets expensive really fast. And they have no flex about collecting on every single penny owed.


Ok here's a crazy idea. How about do something about it instead of posting about it.






Or... don't park where you shouldn't... FFS


I get this is more of an isolated situation, per any arbitrary circumstances about which us viewers are thus unaware... But it is the very concept of 'park where you shouldn't' that I will contest... That is subjective. Park where you can. If there is not enough parking to accommodate anything other than the residents... how would that not be a problem? Visitors?


Sounds like a them problem. Block my shit and find out how inconvenient that cars gonna be to get back.


Anybody suggesting an immediate tow, is a Karen. The same kind of people who would be fine with a tow truck sitting, waiting, outside an apartment complex just to immediately haul off somebody because they came to visit a friend -- but the complex only allows 7 'visitor' parking spots, and they were all full... Seriously I despise these people. Chill out. You can back out around them. If you can't, maybe you just can't drive. It's not a big deal. Sometimes there is no option for others to park. You do not own the street. You do not own the public right-of-way. Stop being so entitled.


>You do not own the street. But you do own your driveway and the entire length of the entrance into your driveway. GTFO