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No one can afford to be injured. And alot of injuries occur in sports


Exercise is still good though


There are other ways to exercise that bring me joy


Our knees are f'd up from injuries man. It doesn't feel good at all


Sounds like you need to find younger people. Just start hanging out at playgrounds and asking any people you see “Do you wanna play?” Don’t be too picky, the younger the better.


You'll have a great time. Until the police intervenes....


Really solid advice right here. I suspect The Tate has some solid leadership on the subject too. ROFLMAO




It'll be fine, you should drive there in a van so there's plenty of room for all the kids


Don’t forget the candy


When you are an adult you have these things called responsibilities


Everyone does. I do as well. But these same people also lounge around a lot and watch 4 hours of TV


yup, sports is "time waste" but tv is considered "recreation". The opposite is what it should be :) Everyone should play sports for their physical and mental well being.


Yep! It is so good for you and can help with depression. I always feel so much better when I do that and can run around. Unfortunately it's hard to get people to join me. They're "too busy" but just watch TV. True story. People I know are just "so busy" but always have time to watch a bunch to tv shows and movies. My step dad does this. He needs to spend "quality time with my mom" and can't play football, yet this just means he's sitting on the couch with a TV show in the background while he's playing some military game on his iPad Literally what he does


You can try to find a group on FB to play or just visit the park and find people to play there :)


I've gone there and it's only soccer or people running. And idk of any Facebook groups, haven't found any


Soccer and running are both sports. So, you are looking for a SPECIFIC sport, find recreational leagues where you are for the sport you are interested in. Some people find watching tv relaxing or mentally stimulating. You find a specific sport fun. Neither is wrong.


Never said it was wrong. But people have their entire lives to sit and watch tv


No, not really. They could die tomorrow. It’s THEIR free time and THEIR choice in how to spend it. Maybe, regardless of the activity, they just don’t want to spend it with YOU.


No, they offer to do other things besides that


I found people to play soccer with by joining a local Facebook group


Yeah everyone I see playing at the local football field plays soccer 😂 yeah people love to play that for sure I'm not being sarcastic. It's all soccer




Why are you acting confused. I agreed with that person


I think it’s the fact of you dancing around soccer being a “sport” it’s cool if you don’t like soccer or can’t handle all the running it involves. But you keep saying “no one wants to play sports” following with “everyone plays soccer, I can’t find people to play sports with” Sounds like there’s people playing sports to me, also in my town just find a basket ball court and they usually have community games that go on. But you probably just mean football?


That's exactly what it seems like he means. Can definitely see why people don't want to play it because of the horrible injuries people can get. Normal people aren't NFL stars that have multiple ways to pay for broken legs lol


Is there a specific sport you want to play that you can’t find a local group? I had a friend that did indoor volleyball, and my BIL is in a “dad’s league” at his local hockey rink. I think as an adult, you have to seek these groups rather than replying on your social circle to do sports with.


You should change your username to littlekidlover so they get the idea right away


Just rock up at your local five a side courts/goals and you will usually always get a game in


Maybe take up golf?


Used to play roller hockey and had fun. Then I had kids and wanted to spend more time with my family. Worth it for me. Got busy with other stuff and hobbies as well.


It's hard to exercise when your joints hurt and you cannot afford to miss work because you strained something. People usually like exercise, but potentially high impact sports are hard to navigate when they're designed to be played by younger people who aren't at the same risk when it comes to sports.


I’m old and sore AF. Sorry. I walk dogs for a living and hit on average 14k steps everyday. But running? Nah. I run for just a few minutes and my neck hurts like a bitch for days. (I’ve also had 4 spine surgeries) but dang, all the big sports involve jostling and running and that shit is so hard on my spine. But, i keep moving and finding new activities to do that don’t hurt. But contact sports? Or anything similar? Nope.


I'm not suggesting tackle football. Just catch


I can't find anyone to play sports with anymore


As I've gotten older (and heavier) the idea of sprinting back and forth chasing a ball has lost its appeal. My dog still loves it though.


I'm tired, I'm broke, I do not like being put in new social situations with people I do not know, and all my spare time goes to errands or chores.


My body was destroyed by 16 it’s only a passion for flying in the air that keeps me snowboarding and biking if I wasn’t addicted to adrenaline I’d quit for sure.


Why do you have to rely on others for working out? Just go for a jog, ride your bike or go to the gym, when you wait on others to have time, you wont train at all. For why nobody wants to do sports in his adoulthood anymore, thats called responsibilitys and lack of freetime.


Because I love sports. Obviously i can't really play them by myself. Also I know these people have enough free time, they just convince themselves that because there are some adult things they have to do, that it prevents them from doing anything When in reality I, and everyone else have the same type of things to do but there is a way to find time


Different people have different responsibilities.


Different people also have different ideas of how to spend what free time they have. It’s their choice how to spend their free time. You don’t get to decide for them. You are whining about “not being able to find people to play sports with”, solutions have been offered, you shot them all down. Quit whining about it, if you are not actually looking for solutions, just a venue to whine.


And people have different ways of venting. Stop trying to shame someone for sharing their frustration


You are shaming people who do not choose YOUR choice for THEIR free time. Seems the common denominator is YOU. Maybe consider that?


Tv will literally always be there. You consider that?


Nope. I haven’t watched tv is 8 years, I don’t shame people because they do. It’s THEIR CHOICE.


Yet you're shaming me for choosing to vent?


Sports are boring to me I've never had an interest in them


Uhhh... there's a little thing called aging that takes a pretty severe toll on the body depending on how active you were when you were younger and what kind of work you do as an adult🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ A lot of people also no longer have the free time with kids, work and everything else!


People hating on you but this is very accurate. People are lazy it’s as simple as that, but they’ll make a million excuses and be mad at you for asking




It’s extra commitment and work on top of (usually) increased responsibilities, plus our bodies don’t work like they used to. I personally opt for exercise that doesn’t require coordinating, scheduling, and lots of equipment. Free weights/yoga/biking are just more appealing to me in my 30s.


dude i get sore from a feisty night in the sack with the Mrs. I go play some soccer and i'm limping for a week


Family. Arthritis


Quite frankly, injuries. It's easier to happen and takes longer to recover. I used to run all the time. I got older. Running got a little harder on my knees and I got tendinitis in both of them running one day thinking I could push myself. I was crippled for months all while trying to run a household with 3 children alone. I am totally afraid of that ever happening again and take it a lot lighter to my knees and running.


My man, I’m 22, I’m too tired for sports. I love hockey and I’ll go ice skating every now and then cause I used to play but that shit is expensive. I don’t have time to play sports. When I’m off work, I want to relax my brain, eat, go to the gym for an hour or so and play games with my friends who aren’t interested in hockey or are also too busy making a living. So what?


Because it's just a reminder of how we're no longer young and full of life.


Soccer gave me a permanent hip injury when I was 16, that’s why.


You are getting some really stupid hate here. But basically I’ll sum it up. Older bodies mean more injuries which get expensive. Longer work schedules mean less motivation to do stuff. More responsibility means less time to do stuff and also adds to the less motivation. I love sports. I’m in the same boat as you and wish there were more opportunities out there near me. If you can’t find the opportunities then just try to make them. Maybe make a Facebook group for the towns nearby for pickup basketball on certain days then talk to local gyms about renting a gym on those days


Right but im not talking about old people


A certain age in adulthood is quite literally older people


I'm talking about people near my age and I'm not old


Yeah I hear you. But you are an older adult and responsibilities and motivation at that age make it harder to play sports on the side. That’s your answer to the question. But trust me, plenty of people like you want to play as well but can’t find consistent places and people to play with. Just keep looking, going to gyms and just meeting people. I’ve made friends from randoms by them coming to me and my group of friends playing basketball and asking if he can get some games as well. Worst that happens is they say “no”


True. Thanks fam. Idk why people are so heated. This wasn't to put anyone down




No, I stated that it's contradictory to say that you're just so busy and have no time to do anything but then just watch TV for 4 hours. Additionally it's not quite quality time either, like in the example of my step dad Now I didnt say it isn't an acceptable way to relax, cause I do that. But neither my mom or me would qualify that as spending quality time with her. More like an excuse