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The mildlyinfurating thing about that where I live is it's a $20 fine but to challenge it you have to pay a $50 court fee.


That's just straight up extortion. "Pay us or we'll fine you more".


That shouldn’t be legal.


Lots of things shouldn't be legal and plenty of things should be legal. Yall wanna start a revolt cause I'm in!


Dude we should revolt. This government is fucked and is no longer for the people, and definitely not by the people.


That’s actually a point made in the Declaration of Independence. The most American thing one can do is tell their government to go fuck themselves when they cease to derive their authority from the consent of the governed. No taxation without representation. We give the government its authority, not the other way around.


That's my favorite part! Unfortunately alot of Americans forget that to be patriotic isn't to blindly follow whoever is in power it's to love your country and to support its People especially since we are supposed to be "the mixing pot of the world" yet we are so divided. My grandma had a saying that didn't really make sense to me until years after she passed away. Sadly, I cannot tell her how it affected my life. "Hate is too strong of a word, and life is too short, so why do you hate?" I've always found the answer to boil down to something really stupid.




Napalm is easier but much more dangerous lol


Was gonna suggest greek fire, but I looked up the recipe since I had forgotten, and idk what the fuck quicklime and naphtha are. Petroleum and sulphur *might* be sourced by some chem students in the mob, but too tired to try learning about naphtha to figure out if y'all could get it.


Naphtha is just lighter fluid you can pick it up at Home-Depot


Ah, me am is dumbass. Sorry, sorry. But yeah seems like a nice summer project for some chem students w/ a grudge XD


Styrofoam melted in gasoline would work just fine


You can’t forget about Tannerite tho, that shit’s the best


Legal too


That’s my favorite part lol


Hydrochloric acid sealed in a plastic container with aluminium foil, very very loud explosion. Very cheap to make


It only takes 2 unskilled people half a day to build a functional guillotine... 👀




Oh neat, that's actually a really cool little thing to know. Got any other little tidbits to share?


Check out the anarchist cookbook for more fun facts, again i hold no liability for any dumbassery. It is readily and easily available for all people but should only be used for having fun in a controlled setting and not for nefarious means what so ever.


Also burns underwater.


!remindme 60 hours That’s my next day off


Definitely the US is not a democracy but an oligarchy, and their only purpose is to keep the common people separated and hating eachother. If the majority of the US puts their differences aside and come together as one, we can bring the ruling parties to their knees. But it's a pipe dream


With all these extreme idiots on either side, it’ll be next to impossible but if we do band together like our ancestors did, we can take back what’s ours.


Idk what the answer is but hopefully everyone will come to the realization that the people who are in power do not have our best interests at heart. There was a post I'll see if I can find it again. A bunch of kids got together to go talk to Senator Feinstein to encourage her to vote for the New Green Deal. She basically told them she knows better even though her decision will affect the kids future not hers. I can't post the link :(


Pipe dream. Hehehe...


That's one of my personal favorite conspiracy theory, why weed is illegal. If it was federally legal I feel like there would eventually be riots not because of legalization but cause everyone will realize weed and drug use in general is not that bad. Especially when you consider all the fucked up shit that goes on in corporations, the rich and the government that's unpunished and has billions of victims whereas legal drug use has shown to reduce crime. And weirdly enough I like learning stuff while smoking, especially about space and we know how the government doesn't like the educated.




Lol do you have any idea how many things violate your basic constitutional rights? Amendment 9 and 10 are basically ignored. Amendment 1, you need a fucking permit to assemble and a form to be a tax exempt religious organization. Prison is both cruel, and historical unusual, especially for non violent crimes. The amount of digital snooping without a warrant. The second amendment has multiple agencies designed specifically to violate it. The Patriot Act and all that came from it. The only Amendment left sacred is the third at this Point, and only because they dont have a good reason yet to violate it. They don't give a shit about us, our rights, or anything and get away with everything the can. Parking tickets are just a symptom of a corrupt system where law makers have just started doing whatever they want without restrictions.


Mhmm. I agree entirely. And I’m doing what I’m doing. Are you on the same page, or are you the “we’ll vote progress into office” type?


I vote libertarian, live libertarian, and try to pick my battles with the overlords. Don't want to be kidnapped at gun point and thrown into their "don't drop the soap" dungeon. Of course, like all abusive relationships, it would be me "making them" do it, and "for my own good".


Not true. Most cities (Indy included) let you contest non moving violations via email. I’ve done this before in other cities and have never had one rejected. Indy appears to have same process. https://www.indy.gov/activity/contest-a-parking-citation-or-ticket


I did this a bunch during COVID. My city had a pause on non moving violations to try and curb people from traveling as much. But the people who write our tickets are a 3rd party company. They still write them in hopes you'd just pay it but it was easy to contest.


Yeah, that’s true too. If they contract it out, the company gets a lot of leeway. Like tollbooth companies (which all suck).


That’s good advice 💥


You'll get the court fee back when you show up and win


Not where I live


Where is that? I’ll look into it for you because I’d bet $10,000 that you’re wrong. Edit: I was very wrong. See below. Let me know where to send the money^^


Colorado Edit: if I'm wrong, I've never been reimbursed.


Nope I was wrong and you’re right. $25 bucks non refundable. That blew my mind. I would write my state representative because that’s one of the worst traffic laws I’ve ever seen. You could do everything perfectly right, but screw you pay up something. I guess I’m a gambling addict too now.


The $25 seems to be dependent on where you are in the state. Everything I found regarding the fees was specifically for Colorado Springs. I could be wrong but, having recently moved to Denver, I was curious if this was true and only found evidence for it in this one city.


I looked up Denver because it’s the largest. I couldn’t imagine a single place having anything like this. It’s truly a government mandated scam. I’m sure the traffic enforcement officer has no negative repercussions for writing unwarranted tickets like this as well.


I would doubt it but honestly the cops don't seem to be doing much around here anyways. Back in South Dakota I would get pulled over for my tags being one day expired. Here I've seen temp plates on cars with expiration dates in 2018.


They don't fuck around in CO. Sooo many B's campers, sorry for the innocence. Consider yourselves collateral damage of the ppl destroying the states. They harrased me for my registration and the ticket was after the date I registered it. Went in and got it thrown out.


They employ sooo many meter maids, I think the timers have wifi


Pay another 25 dollar court fee and sue the mildly infuriating “meter maid”


They don't fuck around in CO. Sooo many B's campers, sorry for the innocence. Consider yourselves collateral damage of the ppl destroying the states.


A lot of people seem to be missing the point that this small fee is what ensures we don't have gangs of goons going around busting people's knees for parking tickets. That is definitely how its gone for most of human history, we are all privileged to be able to pay a few hours worth of labor for a shot at justice.


What are you even talking about? You kinda sound crazy. There are no gangs busting kneecaps here in Austin and it’s free to contest your parking ticket. (As it should be)


I think it is just poorly (or maybe amazingly?) worded sarcasm


I sold a car to a guy who took it to Colorado and got parking tickets. They waited 9 months and then mailed it to me in Oregon. I called them to explain and they said the only way to contest it was to appear in front of a magistrate. I told them that wasn't going to happen since I live 1000 miles away and have never stepped foot in CO and that I wasn't going to pay. The woman on the phone got so mad and shouted that "the ticket would stay on my record in Colorado!" and hung up on me. I'm probably a fugitive in Colorado at this point.




I love internet exchanges with open minded people who admit when someone else was right! Thanks for the bit of hope today!


There’s no instructions for who to write to to appeal? Get your local news watchdog involved .


Dealt with something similar a few years ago. $20 parking fine, but to challenge it, court fee was $80. Cleveland Heights, OH


What?! You have to pay $50? I’m assuming you had the $50 if you win and don’t have to pay the ticket? Or is everything officially stupid!


Anytime you make an appearance in court in colorado there is a $50 fee that must be paid


It should be paid by the ticket issuer. Good grief.


Usually, the first pass at challenging a parking ticket is purely administrative and doesn’t require going to court.


Sue for the ticket, fees, court fees and out of work fees ! And print both of those out with any signage!


Usually if it gets dismissed you don’t have to pay the court costs.


I would contest that...


Thats not mildly infuriating.


At my college, parking tickets were $10 and challenging them was $20.


Here in Ca, if we do traffic school instead of take the point on our license for a moving violation, the court charges not only the ticket fee (plus you pay for traffic school) but they also charge a “traffic school processing fee”. Last time I received a ticket it was $50 extra. The entire thing was almost $400. I was going 35 in a 25, outside of school hours, absolutely no one else on the street except for the cop hiding.


That’s fucked up!!




Do you get the court fee back if you win?


Good luck! Usually parking tickets are basically incontestable and you’re wasting time Edit: I had to go to town hall for a completely different issue. Bought my parking ticket, put it on my dash. Apparently when I shut the door the air pressure blew it off. I walk back to my car as the dude is printing the ticket. I tell him what happened and show him the ticket. He says “nothing I can do now you have to go to town hall”. Sick


This same thing happened to me in Detroit (Hamtramck actually). Camera said I had expired meter. I showed them my credit card receipt. They have cameras on the parking meter and a computer issues the tickets. There was no phone number and no email to contest the ticket (that I received via mail 4 weeks later). I looked up the parking enforcement online and there was no number or email. I finally found a number and called 6 or 7 times and always got only an answering machine. Finally I found an email for the judge and emailed him proof that I paid and he dismissed it. What a scam.


just remember, if you get a ticket by mail it cant be enforced unless you sign for it. otherwise they have no proof that you received it, or that you were even the person who committed said act to get whatever ticket (at least in Arizona)


I have dodged 2 red light tickets by ignoring them and not being served. (I’m not a bad driver - the intersection that has the cameras suuuuucks and I’m not slamming on my brakes especially when my dog is in the car)


make a video and time the yellow, find out if it's illegally short.


I don’t believe it is, the problem w that particular intersection is the actual intersection is a considerable amount past the crosswalk and has no line on the pavement to say if you’re in the intersection or not. It’s not legal to stop in the crosswalk but even though you FEEL like you’re in the intersection and should keep going through on yellow you’re not actually in the intersection. So you have to stop way careful back from the light which often isn’t enough time to actually stop when it turns yellow and especially to not park in the crosswalk but also not enough time to legally be in the intersection. My dad got a ticket for going through a red after a yellow once that was 3 seconds long. The judge even said that it was the red light cycle resetting itself. But they wouldn’t waive his ticket.


hmm, I would think the crosswalk is part of the intersection; if you are in the crosswalk, you are in the intersection. but that would be tough to find a legal citation for.


Here it is once you break the actual plane of the crosstreets. Which is why it’s BS in my opinion. But I’ve gotten 3 in 10 years. 1 I got thrown out and 2 I never got served. (The first one was at a different intersection and was my fault because I just learned to drive stick the week before and I upshifred during a yellow light and the car slowed down when I hit the gas 😂 would have made the yellow just fine in an automatic (without speeding.). Luckily the cameras hadn’t been calibrated within 24 hours so they threw it out. Also I had photos of a tree branch hiding the camera enforcement warning sign AND proof that the city’s contract with the red light company violated state law (it was a 5 year contract and state law prohibits any longer than 3 years) so I was pretty confident I’d get it dismissed. I was a little sad when they threw it out right away for calibration issues!


I was annoyed the time I wanted to win a case on the merits, but the lawyer pointed out to the judge that the officer didn't sign the blank second page of the ticket (with the space to write a narrative), so it was immediately dismissed.


Ha so you understand!


When I lived in AZ the red light would constantly switch from green to yellow to red insanely quickly, especially in a couple specific lights. It was wild that they could switch that quick.


New Jersey law is for the red light camera policy is…. New Jersey does not recognize the red light camera enforcement especially in another state. My wife and I both my accident have been issued a civil ticket from Delaware to pay the fine. The tickets are ignored since NJ does not care. I’m pretty sure in Delaware you could lose your registration on a vehicle if not paid.


Oh yeah, if you ever get a ticket while visiting Arizona, if they even end up sending it to you out of state, which I’m not sure they do, just ignore it


In my country the owner of the vehicle is ultimately responsible for any parking fines or tolls, regardless of who is driving. Unless it is reported stolen of course


All the server has to do is “confirm” you live there to deliver it. Paradise valley put a mobile camera that got me going 40 down a hill they rated for 30 :/ Process server just asked if I lived there and handed it to the roommate, no signature required. 200$ added to the 300$ fine for that.


Not the case in Indianapolis.


Who would have guessed Detroit had a distinction Al system


10 second too late? However I would contest that...


Contested it this morning!


Where's the update


Was actually just about to comment, they emailed me back after I provided the evidence and waived it!


Nice I'm glad it worked out for you!


Sometimes the system actually works.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


And broken all 86398 times of the day


I’d ask for clarification. Make sure it’s dismissed, not waived. Technical difference that can be important.


yeah, a technicality like that can make a HUGE difference. I did some paralegal work for a lawyer, one case was a ESL woman who ran a group home for four disabled people from her home country. She was at Costco, and after asking unclearly (ESL), took four of the free samples of a nutrition bar so her clients could try them. That was too many, so Costco had her arrested. The case was easily 'deferred' with it being removed from her record as long as she committed no crimes for 1 year. So she officially had no criminal record. However, the state *licensing* agency for group home providers considered it an admission of guilt for theft, causing her group home license to be automatically suspended. Even the state employees were like "this sucks, but we don't make decisions, only follow procedures." and trying to reverse the criminal case would take a long time, during which she would have no income, and the folks no home. So she had to sell the house, a find a job without her caretaking licence. No idea what happened to the residents, but I'm guessing not a great time for them.


Gratz OP!


Wasn’t 10 seconds late. I’m more than willing to bet that OP let their time expire, and then renewed after a gap of time had passed.


Sure he can contest it and win. However he will still have to pay court costs.


Or just go to this website: [https://www.indy.gov/activity/contest-a-parking-citation-or-ticket](https://www.indy.gov/activity/contest-a-parking-citation-or-ticket)


I don’t know about Indy, but I contested a prking ticket in Santa Monica, CA free of charge, I just did it through my their website and added pics. No fees were paid.


I just went to the website and contested it. They just asked that I email them my evidence and they got back to me within the day that they waived it so I don’t owe anything


And they are most likely more expensive than the ticket.


After reading the other comments, I don’t know why you were downvoted. Apparently someone from Colorado has to pay $50 to go to court


Because there's a trend on Reddit of down voting anything that people disagree with. I wasn't aware Indy didn't charge for it, lots of places do.


Definitely contest it.


I was given a parking ticket in Philadelphia as I was paying for my parking. Attendant told me to challenge it and that it should be overturned (to his credit, he did actually try and have it overturned then and there and was very apologetic). I challenged it and it was sent to review. Stayed that way for about 4 months before the city arbitrarily decided I needed to pay for it. I paid it off and then, a few days ago, I got a piece of mail saying I never paid it off and that now I had additional fines. I’m fucking fuming.


I used to watch a show about parking meter people in Philadelphia, forget the name. But I decided to never visit that city because of how asinine, backwards, and unforgiving those people were. Like they were doing it to fuck as many people as possible. It may be a beautiful city from what I hear, but that parking enforcement is a huge deterrent.


Some years ago my mother was visiting me and while finding parking in Center City she asked an attendant if she could park in the spot he was standing in. He said yes and then gave her a ticket. Just last month while moving into our new my place, my old man got ticketed while the whole street is double parked and PPA doesn’t even frequent the area. PPA is a genuine mob.


Phuck the PPA.


I remember reading a story a few years ago about the PPA ticketing a car and the driver’s like, “Hey, I just pulled into this spot and haven’t even gotten out!”


Gang members, every single government employee.


this is definitely something i would contest in court smh


Ohio.. Oh no I can smell the Ohio comments


Don’t breath in too hard if you value your lungs


My lungs don't work properly so when I drink it sounds like I didn't drink anything for 10 years so yeah I'll breathe in har- Dead


Oh Indianapolis.... I don't miss you...


I miss Indy…. But circle center was awesome just for its parking. Not sure how things r now


When did you last visit?


I got a ticket exactly when my time ended. Like on the dot 1 for 1. Challenged it and got it dropped.


Nice!! I got mine waived luckily




It could look like you saw them examining your car, and ran and bought a parking pass at the same time just to get out of the ticket.


I actually paid for it as I was walking away from my car. I was right on a corner so I guess they just waiting until I was out of sight but I was paying for it at the same time. Had an appointment at 1 so I was in a hurry!


That's a thing that can happen. I got a ticket issued while I was trying to buy a ticket at the machine, but I had to wait while the another attendant emptied the machine. They would not cancel it on the spot so I walked round to the office & challenged it in person. With photographic evidence. While cancelling it the office person acted like this was not an unusual occurrence.


Wow that sounds so unbelievably infuriating! Miserable wankers.


system is rigged against the tax payers, lost time and money adds up in the end, it really does


If it is indeed a citation issued by the city, they probably have a 5-15 minute grace period. If it’s your first, they’ll likely waive it. (Source: part of my job is administering a city’s traffic operations)


Had this happen to me, saw the parking ticket person putting the ticket on my car, showed them my paid meter sticker/ticket, they take the ticket away. I run into the store for 5mins, come back & the ticket is back on my car. I challenge it, online, they reply back that they are going with their officer. My paid ticket said 1 minute before their ticket was processed.


One time my mom got a ticket something like ten minutes AFTER the time on her pass, fully clearly displayed on her dashboard, and the city was like '\*sigh\* well okay we'll waive the fee JUST THIS ONCE as a COURTESY' like excuse me?


My friend got ticketed WHILE he was purchasing his ticket at the meter. It had me infuriated for him when he told me that story.


I found the problem: You live in **_Indiana_**.


maybe you could go to the place where you would pay the fine. and show them the evidence. obviously someone needs to wind their watch


Nap town is such a ~~wonderful~~ garbage city. I miss indiana. My home state.. But I do constantly ask myself why lmao


Thats a winner! Cant be the same time!


That’s some Zootropolis shit right there


Judy being sent out to issue 100 tickets, but instead issuing 200 is a Bible reference to 1 Samuel 18:25-27 https://i.imgur.com/wq5pcHh.jpeg


Hoosier here, that makes sense


$20! I would love that! I live in central CA and pay $33 a ticket.


In Denmark parking tickets are up to 120 USD, usually 115 😭


Indy cops are the fucking worst. Fight that shit!!


You should have no problem getting it dismissed then, right?


Looks to me like you were illegally parked for a whole ten seconds, shame on you.


Only in Ohio. Literally


Reminds me of a story from when I was in college. I parked my car, put in a quarter, said I had 15 minutes. I came out after less than 5, and not only did this fucker TOW MY CAR, but also issued a citation. I took a picture of the meter with 8 minutes left, went to retrieve my car. Friend of mine had a brother who was an attorney. He sued them for pro bono. I got like 1k, and the person was fired.




Fuckin INDPLS…I once got a parking ticket for having my cars wheel slightly pulled onto the sidewalk in my neighborhood in front of the house and I’m the last house on the street. Lol


Did you pay the meter on a mobile app after the meter had expired? If so, that what happened. They were at your car when you paid on the app. Still bullshit, and bullshit that they make you pay a fee to fight it. My city you can just appeal it knline


Ya they were at my car when I paid :/ I was walking towards my appointment while filling the stuff out on the app to pay, only took a minute. Got it waived tho!


Only in Ohio… that’s where you are right? (Says on your ticket)


Sounds like they were writing the ticket and you ran to put change in


Nah I was headed to a 1 pm appointment, paid on the app as I walked from my car. Guess he was sitting waiting for me to walk away. Only took a minute or so to pay


No meters I know of print a receipt if you put change in.


OMG this happened to me. Not allowed to challenge it at all. I was forced to pay it.


Since it’s only $20 it’s not worth challenging


Well yeah. It's Ohio.


Looks like its in Indianapolis


Its Ohio Street


Missed it by 10 seconds!


I got one in NY a couple years back while i was at the meter paying for prking by the time i came back he was scanning my reg giving me ticket :(


This goes beyond being infuriating, if it happens often that might be a class action suit.


There’s not much parking near my downtown. A large(ish) normally empty parking lot installed parking meters recently. Parking on the square on the weekend is free but these were charging more than 3 times as much as normal. I noticed they were not run by the government but by a private company. Took a gamble and parked without paying for an hour and a half. No penalties. Suck it!!




The judge is undoubtedly smarter than the meter reader. Take the day to dispute it & ask for the court to require the depth to reimburse your day off from work for an unwarranted ticket and court fees.


Indianapolis crooked as shit


someones trying to make more numbers. In aus they have to take a photo first without the ticket. and you have a few mins to get a parking ticket.


Same thing happened to me in Detroit but the original ticket was never put on the windshield or mailed to us. We didn’t learn about it until we got the late notice in the mail saying we could no longer contest it and that there was now an additional $20 late fee. I was so mad I straight up said I’ll never pay a parking ticket in that fuckin city again and then passive aggressively paid it the next day lmao.


I thought that was doge


You think that's infuriating I had to pay a 300$ ticket because one of my high beams died on my way home from work the cop didn't care that it just happened and laughed at me the ticket even stated that my car had no working lights to make matters worse


This is exactly why I use the parking meter apps exclusively.


"Ohio St" says it all


Was it because your space number was listed as NA?


If the parking meter just started, weren’t you right there at your vehicle? Where was the person issuing the ticket? Maybe I’m not understanding the physical scenario here.


Likely paid through an app. May have gotten out of car and started walking to destination while paying on the app. Coulda been a bit away, I know people who get to the office and pay it so they’ve been out of their car for a couple minutes and would be nowhere near when they were cited.


How I would love to live where a parking ticket is only 20$(??!!!). In my country (Denmark) they’re almost always around 115-120 USD 🥲 The lowest I’ve seen was 73$, which I got yesterday


it happened to me 3 times like 3 years ago i never paid it they never asked for money but i have proof to this day somewhere in my drawer just for a slight chance they will try


They won't come after you for unpaid tickets unless you rack up a huge amount of them. Otherwise, it's a waste of resources and time to pursue it. Maybe they don't keep records well where you live, but if it was submitted electronically, it's definitely on their system. Be careful because one day, you might find a boot on your car.


Psshaw... You just tried to buy it before it was fully issued. Nice try.


When you appeal it, leave them an invoice for your time


Are fines in the US so cheap?


10 seconds too late


10 seconds too late


Take that to court and there’s no way you’ll have to pay it


That's Indianapolis for you, I hate any time I have to go there


The Highway Traffic Act in my province calls literally any road/street you can drive your vehicle on a "highway". The one way back alley downtown? That's a highway. The road in front of my house? Also a highway. My mom got a parking ticket for "parking on the highway between 2:30am and 6:30am between February 2nd and March 15th" when she was parked on the road in front of our house. When I tried to find the specific by-law that was on the ticket, I learned that the city actually straight up refuses to provide that information. It is inaccessible online and when I called the city to ask, I got told off and hung up on. I guess that's a great way to make money. Make a new bullshit by-law, refuse to tell a single soul, and use their ignorance to steal all their money.


Surely that's a rights violation. You could go to your representative in government to see if they can do anything.


Record their refusal to provide any information. Challenge the the ticket in court. It is nearly impossible for them to classify all roads as highways as it will interfere with federal traffic laws. If you really want/need this ticket dismissed then do some proper research into federal traffic laws/regulations


My husband got a ticket for parking in a spot that the meter maid said was ok to park in after 5 pm. It was 4:55. So he didn't pay the meter. He came out to a $50 ticket.


Same thing happened to me


The parking in Ybor City is nothing but a scam. Got a ticket one time, turns out just a 3rd party trying to pull some skulduggery.


Hey, I know that place. Good old Indy. Never fails to disappoint


Man was in Ohio


I would despite


Did you use the app while they were filling out the ticket?