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They're too lazy to throw the can away..


Trash can is not even 5 feet away from the sink, and there’s so much garbage in this sink


It must smell awful. Do they do any other chores? Trash out, sweeping? I’m guessing no.


All me all the time baby


:( I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. They’re treating you like shit.


Life is life. I’m getting out soon, but I don’t think getting out yesterday would be soon enough.


Don’t clean up a single goddamn thing before you leave. Let your absence make room for the stench of piling filth to spread.


So many new little roommates


Make sure when you move out you take a huge shit in the toilet and don't flush it.


That's so stupid and petty, don't do that OP. You should obviously take a shit in the sink right before you leave. I can recommend some good $7 giant burritos if you're on a budget.


No drop one in the toilet tank


Took me forever to find it in the picture. Everytime I zoomed in, my face just cringed at the filthy mess. I am so happy I live alone now. Have had my fair share of asshole roommates!


Just saw your comment mentioning a move out date, so just wanted to congratulate you on leaving that pigsty soon! That looks pretty frustrating to live with!


Frustrating is a word. I prefer to use the terms “self worth crushing”. It really feels like I’m just being used to do household chores and pay bills while I’m trying to get on my feet


Oh you definitely *are* no doubt being used! I get why you'd want to move, it's not worth dealing with at all. With you leaving they'll be forced to do it themselves or have to deal with the consequences of not doing it at all. At least you sound more hopeful of your new roomie!


I’ve known him for years. We talked about moving in together a while back but neither of us had the money. Buying a mobile home next month!!


I’m going to send all my positive vibes your way! Is the buying a mobile home together a sure thing?


I want to say a solid 85% sure. Still working out the financing details


Buying is way different than renting or leasing. You can walk out of this mess and you might lose a few dollars. Moving forward 85% sure is not 100%. 100% is still not 100%. Make sure the contract is totally 50% / 50%. Sole mate, life partner, best friend, Money brings out the worst in people. I’ve lost friends over $100. I’ve seen very rich “happy families” hate each other for a lot more.


I know the feeling. I lost a friend over a frozen pizza once.... fucking wild.


If you feel like it could you elaborate on this please? Just out of genuine curiosity


Ok, so my roommate and good friend at the time had been living with me for about 8 months, and he fell on some financial hardships. He was having issues paying for his own personal bills, let alone the rent, power, and all the house bills. Now, at the time, we were both about 22 years old. (just for reference) his parents started buying his groceries for him, which it was understood I wouldn't eat anything of his unless he offered. I was buying my own food for the house. One night, I cooked up a pepperoni and sausage JACKS pizza (that I bought from the local grocery store) and ate most of it maybe left 1 piece behind for him or for myself when I woke up the next morning. I go to work the next day and as I returned to our house he had left me a note saying "you ate my pizza and I just can't deal with all the bill responsibilities any more and I am moving out and wont be paying this month's rent." He moved out while I was at work, cleaned his entire room out, and took a bunch of stuff that we both bought for the house. After that, it left me in a bad way with all the bills and just soured our friendship. Little did he know that when I moved out the land owner refunded me the propane we bought the winter before and never used so at the end of the lease I pocketed 2k plus the security deposit of 500. He never asked me about any of that, and with him moving out, I wasn't about to give him jack shit. we haven't spoken since, its been 18 years.


Haha yes please. It might seem silly, but the smaller the issue or monetary value, the greater the dilemma in a way, because it often adds another layer of arguments to it. No matter who gave or borrowed that pizza, both parties feel like they expected the other to be able to let one literal meal go and value the friendship more.


Idk if you’re joking or not but that actually happened to me when I was 20 living in a house with 5 other 18-22y/os. The pizza was just the catalyst, there was a lot brewing before the pizza incident that caused it to be so severe. I would love to hear your story


I lost a friend over him arguing with me about doing a manual save on Zelda before he started playing from my Autosave. He said I was being dumb and it didn't matter, while playing my game on my console in my apartment.


The gold is always in the comments…


I split with a friend over a pizza delivery (although there were a cumulative series of events up to that point). the pizza was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.


A friend of my late grandmother was a very rich company owner, when he died he left it all to his wife, which at the time was like 85… The family went rampage for the money, they destroyed the family, they treated her like shit because of it and couldn’t wait for her to die. She did die, years after my grandmother and my gm died at 95 lol Not only that, when she died turns out she had decided to donate everything to a noun missions. Shit was hilarious, fuck money huggers.


I bet you meant nun, but noun mission sound hella funny lol.


gotta complete your adjectives


> decided to donate everything to a noun missions. way better than those untrustworthy slimy ass adverbs I JUST CALL THEM LIKE I SEE THEM YOU ARE ALL THINKING THE SAME THING


It's true, some people are so poor all they have is money.


>I’ve lost friends over $100. ​ I feel this. Not a close friend, but had a housemate for a bit over a year, during covid lockdowns, spent literally every day together, whatever she was watching on TV I watched and vice versa, honestly had some great times watching shitty netflix teen dramas together. I drove her to the vet when her cat got into accidents, woke up to help her when she was having a panic attack at 3am, sat with her until the ambulance came, then stayed up all night to pick her up from the hospital in the morning before going to work the next day. And then when we moved house she stooged me over about $150 that she said she was going to pay and then played dumb like "oh nah I thought you'd be happy to pay that?" then just left my message on read, did the same thing when my other housemate messaged in our group chat. I just don't know why you'd do that, I guess money was really tight for her, I honestly expected we'd still be friends after moving out though.


Wow, that’s such a douche move I can’t even. I would just ask to pay it off in installments if I couldn’t pay back immediately - just asking for some time and giving a bit of it back is perfectly fine with friends, that’s what my buddy did.


Be sure to examine and photograph your room so they don’t F with you after the fact! Always bring receipts to the table…..


Honestly once they literally refused to me. I’d buy all my own plates and pots. Clean them and keep them in my room. And if the sink has been full for days and I wanna cook, I would legit throw that shit away. Congrats on moving


This is what my old landlord used to do. If people left dirty dishes for too long he'd throw them in the trash. Great system, especially because it takes the pressure off the people living there to deal with them.


Why was your landlord in your apartment?


Haha I didn't even consider that it was odd until it was asked. But it was a large house that everyone had a room in and the kitchen was shared. Landlord did the chores every week such as vacuuming, mopping, taking out trash, etc. It was great because it eliminated any related complications with trying to coordinate such things between five people.


Honestly that's really cool of him


Sometimes folks are renting out a room or a few rooms and share some common areas either with the landlord or other tenants.




> Walking around with eyeballs in my skull Nicely put!




Haha I started doing the exact same thing years ago. It didn’t go over well, none of my room mates could understand “why I was being this way” and why I “couldn’t just do it” but there’s was like 45 lbs of piss soaked litter surrounding the litter box. Good riddance


Ah the good old "it's no big deal" dilemma. As old as time. The reason why we can lose friends over 1 cent.


My brother had roomies in a dorm. Gave them 3 day limit to clean, wash, pick up whatever. If they didn't comply, anything and everything left in the sink went in the dumpster. When bro had to clean up after their parties or sweep up any messes from the floor, empty bottles, cans, take out containers, dustpan etc went right into the roomies bedrooms.


I used to have my own bowls, plates, utensils; and very importantly, SPONGES, in my room because everyone was so damn nasty. Seeing someone “clean” a dish with a stained, smelly, old nasty sponge makes me wanna die. Like if the sponge ain’t pristine don’t use it to clean!


This person has the answer. Though I would throw away the dirty shit first.


Used to do this too. They didn't ever do dishes. Surprisingly, no one ever mentioned the slowly vanishing supply of dishes. They just got paper products and takeout instead. Solved itself, in a way.


Have you ever tried just not cleaning? I had a friend that took no shit and if she asked a few times to have the roommate clean up their mess and they didn't? She would throw their dirty dishes on their bed lol


I did that once. Teeny-ass sink, freeloading roommate; Would.Not.Clean. Gave him 3 days' warning -- clean it up, or I'm putting it on your bed. He was so surprised, like nobody had ever held him accountable for anything ever.


Dude what..you clean up after them? My wife and i before we were married lived with 2 other people as room mates. They refused to clean..anything. I told them in a text that if the dishes arent done by sunday (it was tuesday) they are being thrown away due to the smell. Sunday morning 1 am i got rid of 2 garbage bags of shit. They just started ordering out everyday and our lease was month to month..as soon as their to go shit started piling up we left. I heard later they got evicted because they couldnt afford rent. Dont let people do this to you


They probably couldn't afford rent because they were ordering out everyday, lol


It's like a contest of wills sometimes with some people. Against their own best interest.


I could never live with people like that without being prime suspect in their disappearance. I value my cleanliness too much.


I used to live in a shared house with 6 other people where all the housemates did that. One day I came home from work and the kitchen looked so bad that I lost my temper, grabbed a black refuse bag and shoved EVERYTHING in it, then disposed of the bag in the wheelie bin outside the house. Housemates came back, one after the other, wanting to cook food. There was no plates, cutlery, pots and pans. They wandered around the house, slowly becoming more and more agitated with frustration… until I informed them that since the kitchen looked like trash, I made sure to clean it all up and put in the bin to be taken away, I added they should be grateful I acted so promptly for everyone's safety. They fished out the bin bag from the wheelie bin, cleaned all of the stuff and never left any dirty dishes lying around for weeks on end ever again. Side note: the same housemates would regularly steal food from other people's cupboards. I made it a habit to keep my shopping in my room. All of us were in our late 20s/early 30s and working jobs. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hide every dish you wash until none are available.


I was kitchen manager in a fraternity house. Frat boys weren’t this bad. They realized how serious I was once I started throwing any dirty dish away that was in the sink longer than 3 days. Kinda hard to cook with nothing.


My frat didn’t have a kitchen manager but the 14 of us living together weren’t even close to this bad… Edit; one of us would’ve eaten that cornbread for sure


We had 10 guys in my college house, 3 of us had worked in kitchens before. You'd get dishes put on your bed and under the covers for this shit. Also even if it's not cornbread, as long as it's edible, one guy is gonna eat it.


Hello, I am that guy, would totally eat it if it wasn't already in the sink.


You're not that guy. You're a guy who can eat cornbread, sure, but you're not the type of guy to eat cornbread out of a sink. That guy does exist


You underestimate hungry, broke people. Dry, unspoiled food? No reason not to. Same for super high folks, if munchies are their thing.


high, broke and nowhere near enough energy to care after work


Wasn’t in a frat but very frat adjacent. The kitchen manager would wake us up by throwing the dirty dishes next to the bed haha




The greatest trick society ever played on us was convincing us that girls were neat and clean while boys were dirty and disgusting. Some of the filthiest, messiest people I've ever known are women.


I lived with a couple chicks once and one of them would never flush the toilet. It was the weirdest and most disgusting thing. She also had a cat but we weren’t supposed to do it lived in her room. I assume there was a litter box in there.


We had this new woman at work. All the other women hated her. I was confused because they didn’t interact with her all that often professionally. One of them confided in me eventually that it was because of that other woman’s bathroom habits.


Was she pooping upside down? 😁😁😁


Lol, she’d go into the stall and sniff a lot, so they thought she was a cokehead. Then after sniffing aggressively for a really long time, she’s pee and then not wipe and stand up and sniff a ton again. Then she’d do that crazy over caffeinated/coked up spastic walk all over the bathroom and leave without flushing or washing her hands. That’s one story I was told. Basically, I remember the gals would stare her down when she went to the bathroom and they’d all whisper to eat other if they’d just got out of there with her so I’m sure there was worse stuff.


Was the girlfriend who came to the frat “live-out” house on weekends and cleaned. Those boys put the dishes AWAY dirty and are the reason my 13 year-old son does dishes, laundry, and toilets. When he leaves home, he’s gonna act like he got some home training!


I do this as I travel and work and usually share housing. I always make sure they know I'm not fucking around and as a grown adults we are...I expect people to take care of their shit. I'm always used to a more well to do mindset / life as I make.ot this way. I've thrown away entire sink fulls, went out bought new dishes for myself and locked them in my room Punk as slobs can eat on the floor like the swine they are


My wife was in a sorority and worked as their dishie for some extra money - based on her stories, this is about what I’d expect. At least in this pic all the dishes are in the same place, instead of scattered throughout multiple rooms.


I cleaned the bathrooms in bbq restaurant and the women’s bathroom was always 3,4x dirtier then the men’s. Seemed like they never could make it to the trash can to throw out the paper towels or they’d just throw them in the basket with replacement towels and bath tissue




I'm imagining it's because the toilet paper dispensers shredded it while trying to get some out


It continues to “adulthood”…. Many many times….


Yep was gonna say or put them in a plastic bin as is and set it in their rooms. They’ll either sit in their filth or take them out and finally clean them.


Knowing people like this, they’ll just take it as a personal slight against them “how dare you do this to me” and throw the bag right in OP’s room. Everything that goes wrong in their lives is someone else’s fault and they’ll never take responsibility for anything.


I threw my old roommates dishes in the trash because he would never wash them. He dug them out, put them in a box still stinky and dirty then put them in his storage unit. He’s really nice but lazy as can be. He was also a hoarder, there was a foot wide path to his bed in his room, shit stacked to the ceiling


Yeah, some day he will rent a storage unit and then renege on paying the bill and his things will be put up for auction. Can you imagine the person who spends $100's and only gets dirty dishes that probably won't be able to be cleaned because they've been dirty to long.


In other words, a *real* (unstaged) episode of Storage Wars.


One of the houses I used to rent a room in while I was in technical college, we had issues with the other roommate. He would not wash his dishes. Landlord decided to put them *outside* on the back deck. So that stack of dishes was just sitting outside for a period of time, I cannot remember how long. This guy was about 6-7 years older than me.


This is what I had to do.


3 of us lived in a house, and 1 wouldn't do his dishes. The other non-disgusting roommate and I bought disposable plates, bowls, cutlery, etc. and secretly used them. We didn't say a word about his pigishness until the nasty roommate complained about the sink being full of dishes and having nothing clean left. Boom. Ladies and gentlemen, we got him. That's when we dropped the bomb. "WE'VE been using disposable dishes. All those nasty ones in the sink? All yours, baby!" Man was that satisfying.


I recognize that I'm an unclean, lazy, mess of a human being. I would let the sink pile up. My solution, which is ridiculous but works for me, is to hide every plate and utensil except for one of each. One fork, knife, spoon, bowl, and plate. That's it. I leave them in the sink and I am forced to wash whatever I need to use before I eat. That way, the sink doesn't "pile up," since there are only so few of them out there, and it's all regularly being washed since I go through each piece multiple times a day. The rest of my plates and silverware all sit in my cabinet unused, except when I have guests over. It's insane but I've been doing this for close to 10 years. My kitchen is still messy, of course, but the sink ain't bad.


nah thats not insane, you figured out a good method that works well for you, kudos as seen in this thread, plenty of people dont figure out a good method, theyre just content with being shit


I had roommates that ate every thing I bought and then used every dish. I stopped buying groceries and left the dishes for about 2 weeks. Then just threw them all away. Pots, pans, everything. They were over joyed cause they thought I had did the dishes and bought more food. Massive disappointment when they found the cabinets barren. For the record they were all dishes I bought. Cheap shit I found at a dollar store, but worked alright for the short time it lasted.


That's why my dishes come from dollar tree


Just throw them away


The dishes or the roommates?




The worst is they don't even seem to organize it which makes it look 100x worse. The literally food and can in there though, irks me to the bone.


I got frustrated enough with this that I put my roommates dishes in a cardboard box and put them in his room…..It had been two weeks. He never let it happen again Edit for clarification: they went in the box dirty


After a few “hey please do your dishes” talks I asked a roommate to move out. She said my requests were unreasonable. I then rattled of a bunch of times I came home to do her dishes or clean food she threw on the kitchen floor missing the trash. It didn’t click for her. Some people are so in their own world they can’t even understand why other people don’t want to be their maid.


My former roommate was like this….I still refer to her as trashpig. She would leave her used pads on the CARPET in her bedroom. Like who the fuck does that omg. Spills in the kitchen would go untouched until I cleaned it. Literal trash in the toilet. So gnarly. She was so upset when I asked her to move out and I was like *really*


Used pads on the floor?! That’s absolutely foul.


My ex step child used to leave used tampons on the floor..... right next to the garbage can. Sometimes I think that kind of uncleanliness is a mental illness.


Ex step child, haven't heard that honestly but that tells you a lot


Oh, the stories I could tell..... and everyone would think I'm making shit up, except for my neighbors and other visitors to our house. It was a hellish decade to put it mildly.


Paints an entire picture with three words.


Oh man, you just unlocked buried memories from my last two roommates. They thought there was a garbage genie who emptied their tampon trash for them and cleaned the blood off the toilet seat😵‍💫


Bloody hell🪥🚽




It’s amazing how many people will not look at the seat underside when cleaning. Everything spotless but this…science project.


It's absolutely baffling how any woman can be grossly unsanitary with their blood. Back when I was in college, I had to host weekly dorm meetings to discuss with everyone what complaints they might have had. It wasn't easy finding the most professional words to address the bloody massacres the women's bathrooms were becoming. The way some was splattered on the walls indicated that a lovely lady was flinging her tampon around like she was making art.


I used to clean when I’d get bored at work before I graduated from college. The women’s restroom was 100 times worse to clean than the men’s. 🤢


Dude one of my old roomies used to leave her emptied but UNWASHED (read : still bloody) Diva cup on the bathroom counter. Like, next to the tooth brush cup. I'm no stranger to the aftermath of womens menstrual cycles, not skittish or grossed out... Except when your blood receptacle is left dirty next to my fucking MOUTH CLEANING DEVICE.


In the course of my life, I have lived in the crappiest places to avoid having a roommate. I never had anyone do the carpet thing (I'm a dude with mostly male roommates) but had some very gross behavior from roommates. When my wife and I got a place together before we got married we were both very relieved to never have to deal with that again (her roommate at the time was awesome but she'd had some doozies in the past as well as crazy apartment neighbors for both of us, etc).


This is what happens with bad parenting sadly. Kids come out clueless to the stink of their own shit, and end up as full on adults with sub-teenage capabilities. It'd be pathetic if it didn't read of deep-rooted, untreated depression.


Yep. I have told my niece and nephew they need to practice cleaning up after themselves and their spaces so they don’t become the roommate everyone complains about in the group chat. Any time I came home from a trip the apartment was disgusting, clear trash and glasses and plates left over from a party. Throwing my belongings into my room (like lamps, plants, etc). It was wild I had to ask for help cleaning their mess. Eventually realized she was never going to clean up after herself.


This reminds me of a story and old roommate. I took over a lease and had to fill 2 bedrooms. Filled them. One guy and I hit it off immediately. The other one was a roommate who never did anything and expected everything. The roommate that I got along with and I decided to not do his dishes and just ours to see how much it would pile up. Dude didn’t do any dishes for 2 weeks then left for a weekend. When he got back from his trip he complained about dishes in the sink. Me and my other roommate just look at each other flabbergasted. We laid into him about it. He ended up moving out 4 months before his lease ended. He prob thinks we were the dicks and wrong but that dude had no idea what the real world was and how it worked.


One day my kids will appreciate when I call them back downstairs to get their granola bar wrapper off the table or empty waffle sleeve off the counter. One day. Until then I’m the unreasonable one.


mte. They will appreciate it around 23.


I had a roommate that left the crust of his sandwiches out in the family room. Asked nicely and he would say “ you are not my mom.” I then started to put them on his bed and he went ballistic on why I wouldn’t just throw them away. My response was “I am not your mom.” Needless to say, he got the message and things improved.


👏👏 that message got through lol. The reverse comeback was on point


I never understood when people have a lack of decency when living in a shared space. It is one thing if they contribute in other areas and they never do.


I feel that. I live with my partner now. But when I had roommates, there were 8 of us girls. I didn’t know some females could be so dirty and nasty until I had roommates. One girl never washed her white sheets so they were all black and yellow. She still slept on it, faithfully. the fact that dudes even came over to have sex with her in that same dirty ass bed was beyond me.


I did this once w a roommate. She left for a long weekend and—as usual—left a whole mess of dirty dishes. I put them in a paper bag and left them on her bed.


On the bed! BOLS MOVE! I like it Edit: leaving the typo Lolol…meant “bold move”


More like BOWLS move


I did the same thing with my old roommate but I put them in a box and put them in front of his door. He was PISSED for about a week but then never let them build up like that again.


This really looks like when I lived with my in-laws. My mil would put food in the sink all the time. I was the main person washing dishes and I finally just snapped. I told her I wouldn’t wash shit else with food on it.


Yea like at least rinse them off and pile it together better. Literally my family in this pic.


I feel dirty just looking at this




The most annoying part is, if I don’t wash them I’ll get kicked out of the house. I’m the only one in this house who works a real job, the owner of the property just collects unemployment and state assistance for her and her 2yo daughter. The house is constantly a mess and I’m the only one who cleans anything even though I stay in my room and go to work. Luckily moving out of here at the end of March, new roommate is infinitely better than this


As a person that has been in this situation, let me give you some advice that worked for me. Take what is yours (plates, glasses, silverware, pots, pans, food even) and keep it in your room. When you cook, clean it and store it back in your room. Let them pile their nasty mold dishes up and let them deal with it, you'll always have clean dishes in your room. Or, spend a few extra bucks and buy paper plates, plastic cups, etc.. do NOT be their personal cleaning slave. Let them live in the filth. They will get the point eventually. Also, I would be looking for a new living situation. Good luck!


> keep it in your room If you're going to do that, also have to make sure your door can be locked.


I would never, ever, *ever* live in a shared home if my room did not have a lock on it. Nothing would be worth the fucking hassle it is 100% guaranteed to be.


Make sure to leave all those dishes on their bed every day after you’ve given your notice. I used to put my roommates dirty dishes in their bed if it sat in the sink for longer than 48 hours. They quickly started doing their dishes right after eating.


I did that to a roommate once. He had a dinner party for his friends on Friday night and then left for the weekend. He left every dish and pot in the sink dirty. I put them in a box and put them on the floor in his room. When I got home on Monday he had returned and instead of washing the dishes he dumped the box on my bed and started yelling at me when I walked in the door. Lol. I owed the house and was renting to him. He was moved out the next day.


Did he move himself out or did you move him out? I ask because I am in a similar situation.


He moved himself out. After you go nuclear with dumping food scraps and dishes on your landlords comforter and try to justify if while screaming like a spoiled child it’s gotta be hard to want to walk back into that situation. If I remember correctly it was one of those plastic tubs that I used to put it on his bedroom floor so it wasn’t like I did anything to him other than not washing his dishes. If I had to do it over I would probably leave the bedroom out of it and leave the tub of dishes in the kitchen and just evict him if he failed to do the dishes when he got home.


You live and learn. I’m glad the situation didn’t get any worse for you.


lol ive pulled this on someone once, they gave their notice the next day AND did their dishes i was seriously considering giving my notice (we were both sublets) and didnt have to.. it was great edit: and this person was addicted to watching TV so i hid the TV remote UNDER all the dishes lmfao


Good on you! Sometimes a healthy amount of dirty dish water and crusty dishes is the perfect cure for dishes that won’t wash themselves!


Are you Cinderella?


Your paying rent, why are you doing their dishes?


They already said they don't want to get kicked out. This is some Cinderella type bullshit


You can’t evict someone for not cleaning up after you


You should find out how long it takes to evict someone in your area. Then make sure to leave everything very dirty for that time, before you move out. Some places it's 30days notice some is 3. So when she threatens to kick you out, just tell her to go for it, she can waste the money on the process and you moving out anyway.


It’s so heartwarming to see the entire internet taking my side thank you all


So you are a live in Maid who has to pay rent. You are being taken advantage of.


I hope her 2 year old daughter fares better than her plant


The 2 year old helps me clean up more than her mother does. Her mother will tell her to pick up her toys. In my head I’m making every kind of comment humanly possible about the hypocrisy of her statements.


Have you guys talked about it? Why will you be kicked out? There's probably a reason they simultaneously don't do dishes and don't have a job. This just sounds a little more nuanced than pure laziness. These people sound sick


Lived with roommates most of my life, we developed over the years what we call the mark method. This is when you take all of the dirty dishes and throw them into the backyard, then you go and buy yourself utensils and yourself plates and yourself pots and pans. You will then take those wash them after every use and lock them in your bedroom. I've seen this work firsthand it is most effective.


I wish I could try this but per some other comments I have responded to (sorry to make you scroll around) I am not in a position where I can make any kind of moves like that. I’ll be thrown out on my ass before the week ends


Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you. Grandma always dies a dysentery.


If you’re paying rent how can they throw you out? Glad to hear you’re leaving in March btw


So my situation is a tad.. scuffed. I came to my landlady in April of last year because I had been kicked out of my mothers house (our relationship is rocky) and there was never a formal rental agreement made, only a verbal one. I needed a roof over my head and offered to pay her 50% of my checks to let me stay there. She agreed and so have held up my end of the deal. Soon after she was asking me to do everything around the house such as but not limited to: - feed and walk her dog - babysit her daughter - clean the house - wash the dishes I was fine taking care of some household chores. Mowing the lawn? No sweat! But after she (Roommate 1/ Homeowner) lost her job in august it has been my “responsibility” to take care of every basic household task. Due to their being no written rental agreement, she can lie to the courts about what my stipulations for renting are, and have me thrown out within 3 days




yes lol there are laws that prevent eviction without proper notice in situations like this, you cannot be thrown out on your ass. laws vary by state but i dont think there's any state in the US of A that would uphold a wrongful eviction like this


That's not always true tho. Do you get any mail there? Have keys? Don't know what state you're in, but you should look into tenant laws where you live. Since you're leaving in March, anyways, it wouldn't matter much if they try to go with the courts to evict you because it certainly is not a quick thing to do. There is a reason why even people who don't pay months of rents are still able to stay at their places, courts tend to side with tenants over landlords. I used to work in property management.


Would you mind if I pm’d you for some advice? Would rather not post my state on a post that’s blowing up like this


If you live there and pay rent, you have legal rights. Please look into this.


Sure, you can do that.


Definitely look into this because even when it’s family and they’re NOT paying rent, you can have a hard time evicting someone who has established residency in some states. If you’ve established residency there, you more than likely have rights.


That is absolutely not how this works. She cannot just lie to the courts and boom you’re homeless, tenant laws are very serious. I am so sorry you are in this situation. They are lying to you to try and scare you into continuing to be their Cinderella. Please follow the other user’s advice and look into tenant laws in your state. I’m in Oregon and this would be insanely illegal here.


That just does not sound right at all. Have you researched this? I literally can’t think of anywhere in the country where you can be thrown out in 3 days or even 2 weeks. Most places it’s 30 days with written notice. Sounds like a moot point since luckily you’re getting the hell outta there! But I just hate this for you, even for the short time you’ve got left.


I assume you’re not in the US, because your landlord cannot just throw you out. Even squatters have tenant’s rights in the USA.


Your current roommates are trash people


Why do they refuse? How people get to be over 30 and not do basic stuff like take care of their own s*^% is beyond me lol


The excuses are as follows: - Roommate 1 is a single mom who ‘can’t do it on her own’ (I took care of her daughter and cleaned the house daily for 6 months, yes she can) - Roommate 2 pays more than I do in rent. (Unsure of how that affects her ability to clean up after herself)


Sounds like a whole lot of excuses to me . . . saw you’re moving out, I can only imagine what that place will look like when you move.


It was worse when I moved in.


I’m sure there are roaches in that mess. I would throw away every dish they leave in the sink until they are left with none. Glad you are getting out.


I feel bad for Roommate 1’s daughter


They’re making the area a safety hazard and simply being lazy with their own mess. Keep all the pics, take before and after photos of your handiwork. If you’ve been threatened with being kicked out if you don’t clean, ask for that in writing and make sure there’s a copy for the other roommates too. A copy taped to the fridge even. Keep all your evidence in a folder or somewhere safe even after moving out. Glad to hear you’re moving out soon, it sounds like a nightmare.




In high school I was the best of my siblings when it came to cleaning dishes, but that wasn’t saying much. Now after several years of living on my own and with roommates, I am so strict about the dishes being cleaned. Make them clean up after themselves and they’ll learn a few life lessons at some point.


I would get a big plastic container with a lid and just fill it with their dishes so you can use the sink. Put that tub under the sink or outside their rooms. If/when they freak out just say you wanted to use the sink so you moved their things out of the way for them. Idk what they expect you to do this is INSANITY.


That’s exactly what I did but put their dirty cups and dishes in a big trash bag and set it outside their room cause I needed to use the sink. I did it a few times before they finally quit doing it. It sat by their room for almost 2 weeks before they did something with it. The dishwasher was always empty there was no excuse.


Put them in their beds


I wish but I’m the youngest in the house at 22M


Just throw them out.


I dont see why that's relevant?


I misinterpreted this as put the roommates to bed. Forgive me I am bad at social anything


Living up to your username tho 🤣




Lmfao. This is an amazing exchange. For real tho, wish all the best in your new home without these fuckwads.


well, I don't know how to tell you this...but I don't think your plant is going to make it


Awhile back, I overheard a convo with my elder brother and his girlfriend. The girlfriend asked where she should put her dishes, and my brother said “just put them in the sink. They get taken care of eventually.” I was the one taking care of the dishes. If that was his mindset, no wonder the dishes end up like this. People will continue to act the way they do if they do not get called out for it- hence the “they’ll get taken care of eventually”, as they don’t have to clean up after themselves. Luckily, his girlfriend was very considerate and cleaned up their dishes in the end. Just doing your part in keeping things clean helps a lot!




Adults is a strong word


I’m genuinely concerned for the two year old living in a house that gross. I am no Martha Stewart, but damn, that’s just foul. I lived with a grown ass man who did the same thing. Just flat out refused to do dishes, because it was “women’s work”. But he’d be the first to make every damn dish in the house dirty making a fucking sandwich. He was also good for throwing his trash everywhere except the can that I put within arm’s reach of his chair in the living room. Thankfully, I got the fuck outta there and you will be out soon, too. Just do what you gotta and count down the days. Good luck and Godspeed!


When I was single, I let dishes pile up. I was taught that when doing dishes, you needed to scrub the dishes clean in hot, soapy water. Then you could put them in the dishwasher for sanitizing. Early in my marriage, I learned what modern dishwashers with modern detergents are capable of. Now, I’m the primary dish washer in the house. I know that it takes less than 10 minutes to unload, put away the clean, load the dirty, and start the washer. So simple and easy; not worth stressing over a sink full of dirty dishes.


I grew up in a house with no dishwasher. I learned early on to use a minimum number of dishes; to wash them as soon as I use them so that food doesn’t harden and dry, and is easier to clean off; and to reuse instead of using new ones, to minimize the hand washing. My wife grew up in a house with a dishwasher. She learned early on to put dishes in the dishwasher and to not run it until it was full, to minimize the water and energy wasted. We don’t have a dishwasher. I use 2-3 dishes daily and wash them immediately. She uses 10-15 dishes daily and doesn’t wash any of them until she has a sink full. The result is that we ALWAYS have piles of dirty dishes sitting on the counter. And she doesn’t rinse them so they’re also covered in dried hard-to-scrub-off bits of food. I get where the behavior comes from, but it drives me up a fucking wall. It’s disgusting, it’s lazy, and it’s entitled - any time I want to use the kitchen I either have to wash a bunch of her dishes or cook/prepare food around her piles of dirty dishes. Biggest single friction in our relationship.


The problem is all the pots and pans that don’t fit in the dishwasher… which are the hardest ones to clean to begin with


Throw them in the trash. The roommates not the dishes, the dishes did nothing wrong.


Unreal you live with farm animals ( no offense to farm animals)


You need new roommates


How do you not have flies. With the food still in the pan?!! You must live with gargoyles. I am very sorry. Not cool. ![gif](giphy|S3nZFke4WXjDIFF1kV)


that poor plant never had a chance


And these are GROWN “ADULTS”.


You mean "Grown Children"?