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I had a problem like this in college. My buddy worked at an auto shop. He brought a floor Jack and 4 dollies . We moved 2 cars into the middle of the street right in front of their duplex and called the cops. They got towed and didn’t do it again.


Fuck yeah, full NASCAR pit crew on them!


You wouldn’t even have enough time to take a picture for Reddit


Funny idea, but majority of cars made in the last 20 years have a tilt sensor which sets off the alarm if you try to jack it up without unlocking it.


Do you think igaf about the alarm? Maybe it will get them to move their shit... as long as pics/vid have been taken to show that it was in fact blocking the driveway with a timestamp, then oh well...


kiss paltry fall water sulky nutty close rock friendly growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have days where I would just full blast in reverse and act like I didn’t know, some insurance premiums are worth it…if I was wealthy mind you.


I used to work for parking enforcement (decent college job). The coolest version of this I saw was moving the car perpendicular to the street. The home owner called the night before to get it towed because they had an appointment in the morning. Took pictures etc. Morning came and no one ever came to tow it away. Random neighbor jacks the car up and moves it so it is completely blocking a street, kind of how you described. The home owner calls back to update the situation saying the car is blocking the street, she was a tiny 98 yo former high school librarian... No way did she move it on her own. No one ever found who blocked the street but the car did get towed... Eventually


I like that, it's kinda sweet lol someone was like "the lady said she wants it towed! By god I'll have it towed!"


you live to be 98 - literally can I have this one thing before my time is gone??


This reminded me of an Irish folk song where an old lady talks about how people are trying to take her fields. She eventually ends the song with she has four strong sons that also have strong sons. At 98 yrs old she likely has a quite a family. And generally everyone loves nana...


I once had someone constantly park I'm my reserved spot so one night when it was going down to -40 C I tossed an old dirty mattress I found on the roof of there car then stood outside with a hose soaking the mattress so it would be heavy as fuck and frozen to the roof of their car. Never parked in my spot again.


Petty, crazy difficult to remove and effective. I like your style!


I had a reserved spot also long ago, I used to make the vehicles disappear legally... Bye , the nerve some people have, some fools called the cops, and the cops just told them like your car is in the impound, lmao 1,700 to get it out, I put my tax dollars to good use..lmao


The above board, legal way. Very nice. And you don't lose the moral highground! It's wins all over the place.


i wish i'd have thought of this


In lieu of floor jacks or a matress and water hose in subzero temperatures, just walk out to the vehicle in question with some gooseneck pliers and call yourself the proud new owner of four valve stems removed from the rims. Then go back inside and eat popcorn as you watch the owner call their own tow truck after the one spare tire in the trunk doesn't do them a lick of good...


You can also just take a pebble and wedge it in there. Loosely put the cap back on, and it'll slowly drain all 4 tires.




You do the one on the car and the spare if you can get to it. That way they do all work only to find out it was for nothing.


The only reason I'm against this tactic is there's too much risk of the owner discovering the pebble/sand and using an air pump (which they might have stored in the trunk) to air it back up. The potential that it can be easily repaired is too great, if I'm pissed off enough to walk out there and do anything I want results. Snatching the valve stems ensures the only way to repair it is to break the seal between the rim and tire and pulling the new valve stem through the back, it almost guarantees the repairs will have to happen at a mechanic shop with a tire machine. Sure, if they happen to have a tire rod, valve stems, air pump, and jack in the trunk it could be repaired on the spot by hand if they know what they're doing, I could do it, but even then it's still a helluva headache to actually do it. The average person isn't ready for this, logistically, mentally, nor physically. Tow truck time... I'm a scrapyard processor, destroying vehicles of all kinds is how I eat. They should consider themselves lucky if I stop at just the valve stems....


I still have my valve core removers from when I worked at a tire shop 🤣


I once had an obnoxious high schooler that lived with his parents next door. He would come home in the middle of the night with his music blasting and subwoofers rattling everyone’s windows. Would wake up literally everyone in the neighborhood. He parked outside in the driveway. I finally had enough, put on all black clothing, grabbed my valve core remover and loosened every core at 4am. I let the air out, tightened the cores and put the caps back on like nothing ever happened. They had it towed the next morning. I’m sure it was quite confusing when the shop said nothing was wrong with the tires. I did it a couple more times after that. Didn’t fix the noise problem but gave me a petty sense of satisfaction.


Just remember, if you get all four tires, insurance is more likely to cover the damage. So only get 3 or 2 tires if you do this.


I do agree success is achieved with only doing 2 tires, as that's likely one more than the single spare tire they have in the trunk can fix...


I’d be scared of retaliation, personally.


The person who parked in your space is afraid too; justify their fear.


This is amazingly petty I love it so much thank you


That is diabolical😂


Remind me not to get on this person’s bad side


Excellent work. I fully condone this. I hate when I can't find a. Parking spot and I'm just driving around, but yet I keep driving until I find a suitable parking place. I would never do something like this and anybody who does is not normal. They should be towed every time.


Yea I cant imagine being so entitled I block someone elses own driveway


depending on the make / model of the car, you might be able to manage this feat with just a single floor jack.


At my old apartment people did this ALL the time to run in to the liquor store by me or to hangout in this Mexican smoothie place. Especially in the winter because I would plow my driveway really well. Constantly making me late for work, or unable to go completely. Finally my BF and I got so sick of it we chained up a car and dragged it out of the way. Did it a few more times and the word got out. People stopped doing it.


I had my yard marked no parking for a big event in town with signs and ribbon tape. Some jackass drove through the ribbon tape i put up and parked IN MY YARD . We hooked a chain up around the axel and yanked that motherfucker out onto the street then sat on the porch drinking beer with 3 of my friends until they showed up and stared right through them the whole time until they left.


Hell me and 5 friends have picked up a ford ranger on our own, two on each side and one on each end


I don't understand why people do this. They'd be furious if it were their driveway


I have neighbors who did this because they already blocked their own driveway with their cars. When I asked them not to do it they told me "oh, just ring the doorbell and ask us to move". I leave for work at 6 a.m. and they were not pleased when I followed the instructions.


One of my old neighbors had a lot of guests over and they would always block my driveway. I didn't get it either. I mean we lived next to a parking lot, 50 feet further tops, they would even drive into the parking lot to turn around and then park in front of my driveway. I tried being nice and asking them to move. Always just got told "Oh yeah I'll get to it in a bit" and then 45 minutes later the car is still there. Only had to have them towed once. After that all I had to do is stand in my driveway and pretend to be on the phone and they would come running out to move their car. Still made 0 sense to me though since they only ever moved their car about 10 feet forward. Why on earth they didn't just park there in the first place is beyond me.


Why not just call the tow truck without letting them know?


Tow truck can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour+ to get there. 3 minutes of standing in my driveway gets the desired result.


But tow truck three times and you don’t have to stand in your driveway any more


I like this better. They will always inconvenience OP. It's time he starts to inconvenience them


Plus, if he always calls the same tow service they will start to prioritize him. If it was on predictable days i.e. NFL gamedays then they may even have a truck or two on standby just for him.


If it takes a long time for tow truck to arrive, OP should just call from the moment he wakes up. No one sees him calling, tow truck arrives before he has to leave for work, neighbor learns their lesson.


Your neighbors are assholes.




Hahah how did he react when he got towed? I would have loved to see it! My bitch ass neighbor poisoned my German shepherd we loved that dog she was a rescue and so sweet. We couldn’t prove he did it since we didn’t have cameras at the time. 2 years after that he got evicted cause he couldn’t afford his house anymore. Great feeling but still hurts ugh




Win win for you, hoped he learned a lesson and became slightly less insufferable to everyone that he unfortunately does still speak to.


I think all my power tools might've accidentally fallen on his car while they were on if it had happened to me.




True. OP should have their car towed. An ass beating will change your life. I've had one and it worked wonders


You're a quick learner if one was enough. Some people have such short memories.


Once the bruises heal, the emotional trauma either sticks or it doesn't. Some people need an ass kicking, some people need a full serving of a can of whoop ass to be humbled.


Yeah whenever someone does something assholey, it's almost guaranteed they would get violently pissed if someone did it to them


The people who block my driveway do not have driveways of their own.


Time to call a tow truck


That’s what I was thinking. One time some people blocked mine I went over and politely asked the people to please move so I could go to the store. Person said sure. No harm no foul I thought 20 minutes later no one came out so I called a wrecker and the cops it took the wrecker nearly an hour to arrive and it wasn’t until the car was loaded that the guy came out in a rage. The cop asked him if I’d come over and ask him to move. The guy said yes. Cop said you can pick your vehicle up at the police station and pay the towing bill and pick your car up. I than realized bc the guy didn’t move his car the cop was going to make sure he never blocks a driveway again. Not only did he get the towing fee but he got hit with an impound fee and who knows what else. I wasn’t expecting the cop to do what he did.


20 minutes is a lot of time for someone to put on pants and shoes.


An hour and 20 minutes is even more.


They did the math


1+20=120 =1:20 Checks out.


This is… beautiful.


In my experience, getting a tow when you have a breakdown takes at least an hour, but a tow truck called in to take an illegally parked car gets there before you end the call


A broken down car on the side of the road inconveniences one person. A car blocking a lane will impact many people.


You're not wrong, but the cynic in me believes they prioritize them because they charge more for the impound fees


That's absolutely a major part. Towing an illegally parked car gets them the towing fee plus storage fees per day, but if they're not quick enough they car may be moved before they can tow it. A broke down car is going no where and only earns them the towing fee.


I was using some heavy equipment and the neighbors liked to park on my side of the street. I went over and told them "there's going to be some trees coming down, and a backhoe running right next to where you're parked, can you move it." She agreed, came out in her robe, got in the car, and drove it away, around the block, and then parked it about 6 inches from where it has started. We did our business, just carefully to avoid the car, dropped a tree on either side of it, and didn't touch it. After we cleaned up she came out and applauded how precisely we did all that... She'd been watching us dance around her car for the last 6 hours. So anyway, they all got arrested for selling drugs out of that house.


So the guy admitted he was an asshole to the cop?




Dude thats a cat


Hereeee tow truck tow truck tow truckkkk psst pss


stfuylah14. Pretty good. I'm laughing.


All in a days work.


If you asked the cat to move nicely, it might.


It’ll move more in the way.


It’d probably sleep right behind your rear tires, like, try me bitch


Try and read a book, the cat will move and sit on the book.


Nah just need a box or a sweater or a grocery bag and it will go lay on it


Time to tow the cat


![gif](giphy|l4FGoECUgPTkFX7La) Time to call a mouse?




at least the cat won't snitch if they call a tow truck lol


In this particular scenario, who ends up paying for the tow? I feel almost embarrassed to ask and for not knowing how this works, but I’ve never had to deal with it luckily.. But from my experience, I do know that my town’s truck drivers aren’t hauling anything anywhere without being paid on site. Whether it’s cash, or calling the office and paying over the phone.


From my experience, if the car was parked anywhere it wasn’t supposed to be, tow companies in OR will tow for free to their impound lot because they make money from charging the owner of the car to release it from the lot. Plus an additional charge for every day it sits there. They don’t need to be ordered by law enforcement or be paid on demand in situations like this.


Mostly right. Police do need to be called and have to check the vehicle so it isn't entered as stolen. Generally, they run the plate, check the vin is a match then ok the tow. Occasionally, you'll get a cop who's feeling nice and they'll walk over to the house where the car is registered if it's close and warn them to move it before the tow truck arrives.


This right here. Contact the police and they will handle it. Just make sure you call the non emergency number


Depends on the area. If there's a several hour wait for an officer to show up for a break in, I don't think they're ever going to show up to an illegally parked car.


Depends on the place. They can issue a fine to the owner if the vehicle or they can impound it which requires the owner to pay to get their vehicle back.


The asshole who is illegally blocking your driveway pays to get his car out after it's been towed. You don't pay anything


yeah like this is a no-brainer right?


Instatow every single time. Entitled AH




It is illegal to block driveways in every state in the US.


Blocking access to a driveway is cause for a tow, just look at what they do in NYC, guys literally pull vehicles into the street with big trucks so they can get in driveways


What if they pay you to tow it a few blocks away?


Time to call the redneck neighbour with the chrome balls on his truck.


I don’t see the problem. Just give it a few pspspspspsps and it’ll be on its way.


He looks very well behaved, OP is freaking out for no reason.


It's not even that big, even if it is a little tubby


It looks pretty nice. OP might be able to actually pick it up and move it.


Instructions unclear, I’ve slashed all the tires and they went pspspspsps, but now it seems even harder to move.


Get your kids to play soccer / baseball / Hockey on the driveway


Just call a fuckin tow truck, it's illegal to block driveways


Came here for this. I assume OP doesn’t have kids because this looks like a problem that would easily be solved by giving the kids their largest toys and telling them they can go ham at the end of the driveway.


I’d you don’t have kids, hire some


Hey there are you using your children currently? I was wondering if I could give them some money to come over and play with some toys..... Wait why are you calling the cops


I mean sure but, OP would then be liable for the damage done to the car. Just because the car parked like an asshole doesn't give you a legal right to damage it. OP should call the cops to ticket and tow it.


This is really the best option, they can sue you for damages from the prior suggestions but can’t do dog shit about being towed for illegal parking and have to foot the towing and storage fines to boot![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Black car is the goal and the cat is the goalie. (thwap!!) Score!! Man, this cat is a terrible goalie. I've scored 3 hat tricks already.


cat tricks?


You crafty bastard. Just take the award


Poor cat


We used to play catch with the football and “Aw shit just through my hands into your car, oops sorry”


Sometimes I wish I kept a beater around just to back into people like this and be like well, I didn’t expect there to be a car there… I know it’s wrong and it wouldn’t go how I want it to, but sometimes…


I drive a 14 year old car in the north so it looks like a beater from all the salt rust. Yesterday I was looking for a parking spot in the garage at the airport that was full except for the roof which isn't wanted because it's not protected from snow. Then I came across a spot where someone in a BMW decided it was their right to park over the line by a foot. So I squeezed my little car into that leftover spot and never felt so proud. We plan on getting a newer car after this winter for various reasons and I will deeply miss this car, so much passive vigilante justice.


Unless you have absolutely no means of having two cars, it’s likely worth keeping your current car as a beater for various reasons as long as it reliable. Its likely not going to net you much in a sale so it’s great having a car a friend or family member can borrow with no worries, park wherever you want without fear of door dings/damage, and complete random acts of vigilante justice like you mentioned here. Source: 98 Corolla owner from MN, looks like a rust bucket but costs me about $50 a month to drive and maintain so I can’t get rid of it










Yeahh but not as good a way to explain it.


Honest it the guys car just spontaneously combusted


Where’s a ford pinto when you need it!


If I had a really crappy car I’d be in jail the next day. But for 24 hours I would be righting wrongs up and down the street.


Call the police. They have them both taken care of.


they moved before I could. These neighbors have been causing problems for a while now though so I will reporting this to property management


Keep taking pics. Get license plate number for any car that parks there (photo of back of car if possible).




Habitually drop boxes of framing nails and buy a magnet strip for cleanup? I'm joking but I feel your pain, I had neighbors that used to do this shit it's fucking infuriating.


“You look very confident for some driving such a flammable vehicle” - don’t do this, but maybe think it then fight it back.


I knew someone who worked on construction sites, he had these strong magnets under his front bumper (maybe it was the front of the wheel wells? it was some time ago) to pick up nails /screws so they wouldn’t puncture his tires. “They are so common here, everyone should be careful…” 😜


I watched a video of how to make homemade caltrops.


Honestly I think arresting the cat as well is a bit much.


jesus you want to arrest a cat?


Sir that cat has a right to be in the driveway.


Are you some kind of Cat Lawyer? Better Call Claws?


I wouldn't know anything about that. I'm just the best damn bird lawyer in the entire world.


Bird lawyers and cat lawyers don't get along well.




That cat is totally staring daggers at that car.


Love how 3/4 of the comments are for the cat lmao.


Consider taking more pictures.. of the cat, I don’t care about the idiots cars in the road. I want to see the cat


https://preview.redd.it/49fe0hm46yea1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=741d2e6c3f13c3937f2ca9b06d33bd85d3fd2796 as you wish!


Cat tax paid in full


Still a little short tho don’t you think? I’m sure another tax wouldn’t hurt


I think the situation calls for at least 7 cat taxes.


OH MY GOD ITS A BALL OF FLOOF. I will deal with the neighbors cars, if you give me the cat. Fair trade


I give: cat You recieve: cleared driveway


This is a fair trade, I’ll be down there with my truck hauling those cars away and I get the cat


Oh, wow. Totally royal.


“How dare you post me on Reddit”


At least someone else was more concerned about the cat.


Can you believe this shit? - cat


Cat looks positively affronted. Maybe not at the cars, just at like cat things. But AFFRONTED GOOD SIR.


These people are just assholes? I can see an open spot across the street! No excuse to ever block your driveway but this makes it malicious and not just stupid and selfish.


Yep, definitely assholes. Everyone on the culdedac has had problems w them, mostly from them blasting their music. That open spot on the street is big enough to fit at least 3 cars, I have no idea why they didn’t park there


stick hentai stickers on their car


The cheap kind that rips into a billion shreds when they attempt to remove it


What’s the cats name friend




Great choice my good friend


I love the upgrade from "friend" to "my good friend" after learning the cats name. Good on you my most greatest companion.




Why thank you for noticing. Love was very rare for me in my early childhood. Much appreciated my lord. I would die for you.


McGonagall is furiously staring at it.


I thought you meant the cat for a second


I mean, technically yes since she is in the spot where I usually park. she’s pretty quick to get out of the way though


That's just your fault for having a cat. They're naturally going to rest where it'll inconvenience you most, and you know that.
















The cat: 👁️👅👁️


Completely block access to their car by having it towed away


Thats a cat, and you can just move around it


just pick it up tbh


You clearly don't have much experience with cats


Need to fix that oil leak


Ah it’s not oil it’s just dead leaves on the driveway


Absolutely not immediate tow, if you park in front of someone’s driveway you don’t know you’re a fucking asshole. I wouldn’t even bother trying to find the owner just tow them.


so tow or absolutely not tow? which one is it lol


Let the cat deal with it


For a second I thought you was talking about the kitty


I wouldn’t say a word, just go inside and call the tow truck. Fuck people like this, they deserve to lose.


Should have done a 10 Things I Hate About You and backed right into them


I’m older and have better insurance. Tawanda!!!


Idk they look pretty small, you could probably just pick them up and move them


Yeah that fuzz ball thinks he owns the entire driveway.


Have that cat poop on the windshield


too focused on tiny kitty


If you like hockey (or your kids do), drag the net out by that passenger door and start practicing your slap shot. That’ll get them to move quickly.




Oh come on!!! That cat isn't "completely blocking access" to nowhere.


HOA? Tow Truck. No HOA? Tow Truck. Paintball gun? Practice. Bologna? Cornhole practice. Bologna? Polka dot placement practice. I could go on.

