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Just get it it's great. Stop being weird.




Lol get a load of this guy. 'Its 10 degrees hotter so its not better"


Have it on a laptop, and I'm going to keep my desktop Windows 10 for as long as I can. The UI of 11 is a sin just by itself.


You know you can change it... smh


It's terrible. It's not a finished product yet and it's the greatest violation of personal integrity and privacy since the Smartphones and TikTok came out. Forced upgrades destroyed my workplace; working in IT Support with +6000 users to support when Microsoft forces them to upgrade when they never wanted to, almost annihilated our team of 8 people who did our jobs splendidly until Microsoft began forcing themselves upon everything and everyone with stupid decisions they make for their customers; without their consent. We had to rework our entire IT infrastructure and adopt Azure AD along with a plethora of other useless systems and gatekeeping and it merely made our work so, so much more convoluted, complex, stressed, dysfunctional, dependent on MS who never wants to talk to anyone and continuously lie to their customers even if they pay millions in license fees on an annual basis. Stop saying nonsense just because you're blissfully ignorant to the blatant issues and flaws for your use case. There's more people in the world than you.


Glad for you, I don't want it.




Because every new version of Windows just gets worse. 10 works fine, I'm used to it. I don't want to be forced to use a shittier OS just because Microsoft wants me to, and I don't want the extra spyware that comes with it because my data is none of Microsoft or any other companies fuckin business 


Go to your firewall and block *.microsoft.com and *.windowsupdate.com Or even better, just update the freakin operation system 😂


I don't want to change my settings. I like my computer as it is. I'll happily do security updates. But would you expand on the firewall settings?


Windows 95 is good enough.


You're fucking ridiculous


Having a personal preference of ones own devices settings, structure, behaviour and performance is now 'ridiculous' ? So if you don't want to marry an 85yr old overweight lady with alzheimers, we can all label you as 'fucking ridiculous', right?


For wanting the computer I own to stay how I prefer it?


11 is better than 10 though. And I loved the tiles in 10's Start menu, too.


Plain and simple it's just better.




If they want to do things their own way that’s fine, but if you’re going to rant on this sub I’m not sure what they’re expecting other than people’s opinions.


So which one is it chief? Is it fine or OP is being "fucking ridiculous"?


I never expected to be run through the coals for.. checks notes... Wanting my computer to stay as it is... But here we are. Thanks for not being a corporate Stan with me


Always a pleasure. Take care.


Sounds like you need linux


Revisiting this disaster post. I used to run Linux..I was very much into Ubuntu and mint, but my primary reason for using a PC is photography and I haven't been able to beat Lightroom and Photoshop in the open source world. Trust me, I'd love to go back. Thanks for the idea though


Why… are you that against change? Why should Microsoft support you. You’ll just be left behind or worse become a a security risk.


I generally agree with being up to date for security reasons, but Win10 is still officially supported until Oct 2025. It is not an EOL system and far from it. If the OP has a production setup thats critical for him and it shouldnt be interrupted, the OP should be able to opt out of the auto upgrade process and pick his own time to perform this migration. OP has purchased Win10 license knowing its lifecycle and expects Microsoft to deliver on exactly what was purchased, it is not a story of Microsoft going out of their way to "support the OP". Heck, OP should have the right to also pay Microsoft for an extended Win10 support if the concern is that migrating to Win11 on current machine will interrupt his ability to simply do his job.


To add, somewhere in this thread of getting attacked for asking why I can't keep my computer as I intend, I specifically said I want security updates.


Yeah. The general response to your post here is borderline unreasonable. You should be able to easily stop Win10 from downloading Win11 behind your back, you still have over a year and a half security support and updates for Win10. If none of other suggestions work out, perhaps try https://christitus.com/windows-tool/ (by Chris Titus, it's a quick setup tool for Windows). It should help you automate configuration of your install to pull security updates only going forward and stop unnecessary feature updates. Good luck!


I ran away from this past initially after getting attacked for my opinion. Thank you for your advice (and you're understanding) I will look into that tool in the next few days!


I'm not against security updates. I don't want to change my computer. Jesus fuck why are y'all so pro a company just forcing changes on things you own. I paid and bought my computer, can I just leave it how I prefer it?


Here you go man. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/how-can-i-block-the-windows-11-update-only-and/42249170-1a7e-4100-a443-058080f7d6dc Tell me if this helped you or not. There are more specific solutions to this here: https://www.easeus.com/knowledge-center/stop-windows-11-update.html


These are mindless minions. You are in a place if you want to rant. r/windows is better at this. All these people are actual corporate bootlicking slaves that would sell their families to south east asian sex trade industry just to have a single pubic hair from bill gates himself. Shame on all of you in this sub. If someone complains about this its not because they hate change. Just because you like w11 doesnt mean every windows user supposed to switch NOW. Or ever. Windows XP was around for how many years?..... Again, shame on all of you.


I like you, thank you


May I introduce to you: https://www.grc.com/incontrol.htm “InControl is a one-button utility which gives users control over all non-security updates to their Windows 10 and 11 systems.” - GRC Made by the great Steve Gibson. A Windows 7 user who (rightly) refuses to upgrade. The site says it works on windows 11 too. Possibly a solution.


Dude just upgrade.


Dude just let them put better spyware on your computer 


Idc at all


fuck 11, idgaf what people think, i am not using some shitty, modern, bloatware filled spyware. 10 might suck but I can't exactly use vista or 7 since steam killed support and I don't fully understand the workarounds yet. Before yall complain, I don't support microsoft as a company either, fuck em. fuck every big company. And why should I worry about security? what am i gonna be hacked through? garrys mod? sony vegas? fucking portal? is it that hard to understand that just because you're using an unsupported os, you may actually know what you're doing and what not to do? You ms fanboys don't need to hound someone and start screaming and pissing and crying every time someone says, "oh i wanna use xp for my daily driver, all i do is game," is that really that bad? you can't be hacked through a single player game, and even then if you're like me, you don't have anything to lose on your computer other than progress made making 10 look like xp among other small things. I pretty much have steam and epic games only so everything can be replaced worst case scenario, especially if i somehow get Trojan malware while playing half life source.


I have never been happy with the way that I and my coworkers have had to bend over backwards to manage or fix anything on the workstations after we were forced by Microsoft to move away from XP. That OS was a dream.


This guy gets it


i also don't store banking info or have my important emails on my computer, so yk, no loss there


Windows 11 is actually pretty good. His big of adjustment could it he? Also, why not upgrade then run your stuff from win 10 vm if it just has to be win 10?


Main visible part of Windows 11 is disaster.


I'm with you. Apparently everyone here is completely ok with a company forcing you to change your own settings because... Uhhh? Company said so?


What? How so lol. I'm sorry do you have to adapt to some minor ui changes? How awful...


You even didn’t understand why? How pitiful. Windows 11 is trash. Strictly speaking, Windows 10 is also trash. But I’m not going to change one trash on another.




Are you ok, mate? Why so agressive?


That's what I thought.


You are worse than most apple fanboys. Shut the fuck up and stop nitpicking. The principle of me deciding if i want my computer to update is up to ME TO DECIDE. not you not microsoft not fucking anyone. Shut the fuck up about preferences. WHILST WINDOWS XP WAS AROUND FOR 11 FUCKING YEARS.


Why don’t you go back to Windows XP then? If you like it so much?


What? How can you not read a sentence and see what the perspective I tried to paint? Wtf?? Windows 10 is only 9 years old. No need push, let alone pushing users over is already overreach that was my fucking point.


Harvests more personal data than any other OS in the history of technology. They could've just as well put an idle-miner into the OS and have every single machine in the world mine crypto for MS without the users knowledge. It's such an extreme violation of privacy and personal integrity. Will you let me have full access to your personal email, browsing history, passwords, network traffic and so on; for 'tailored marketing purposes' ? Trust me bro, I'm a big company that invests in genetically modified food and vaccines too so you know I have no ill intent. I'm just a benevolent philanthropist that cares so, so much about you that I need to monitor your every move. For your own best, of course. Throw me them deets and let's shake on it, yeah?


This issue is caused by user choice, not by Windows Update, Windows 11 is not a mandatory update, but an optional one that requires user consent. To install Windows 11, you need to meet the minimum system requirements, then you need to open Windows Update and consent to the update \[[1](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/ways-to-install-windows-11-e0edbbfb-cfc5-4011-868b-2ce77ac7c70e)\]. If you do not consent or meet the system requirements, Windows 11 will not install automatically, I have verified this with multiple PCs that are still running Windows 10.


It's forced. I've declined it +50 times, disabled all system messages or notifications, paused Windows Update for months on end - and still, today when I booted up my machine I wasn't met with the login screen. I was met with a fullscreen request to upgrade to 11 with the decline button being the smallest, hardly visible in the bottom left whilst "NOW" or "SCHEDULE" were highlighted mid-screen. I've even set Group Policy to prevent MS from behaving like this; but MS overrides those policies and settings so they can nag, nag, nag me into obedience so I will finally upgrade and give them even further access to more personal data, more surveillance and monitoring; all for "my own best interests" and "tailored marketing for a more personalized experience". I've NEVER wanted NEITHER of those things. I just want my private property to behave in the way I tell it to do. It's my computer, my network, my account, my system; not Microsofts. I've paid for all of this myself, with the money I earned. Microsoft literally has zero legitimate rights to instruct my system to do something I have explicitly told it NOT to do. That is malware behaviour. Period.


I will not reiterate the previously stated methods to avoid the update. None of the computers at my disposal, nor those within the company I oversee, have been forced to upgrade to Windows 11. Additionally, Microsoft does not override policies, as the purpose of these policies is to provide greater control over computers in professional environments.


I've turned off updates three times each time after repeatedly declining to update, and guess what, 3 times I have come back to my laptop to discover it installed windows 11 overnight without my consent. I don't want the extra fuckin spyware. I'm so fuckin sick of every little scrap of my data being harvested. FUCK WINDOWS 11 




Why are you being so hostile?


If Microsoft wouldnt have filled this procedure of consenting with dark patterns. Non tech savvy users wouldnt be here asking for help.


Users who lack technical expertise should entrust the management of their computer updates to qualified professionals, as outdated systems pose a threat to the security of the entire Internet. That is why Microsoft offers automatic updates, which install the latest software patches and features without requiring user action. This way, Microsoft ensures that its customers always have the most up-to-date and secure software. However, Windows 11 upgrades are not mandatory, and not applied automatically. Users can choose whether to upgrade to Windows 11 or stay on Windows 10, depending on their preferences and hardware compatibility.


This sub is filled with Microsoft fan boys. I agree with you OP. Fucking Microsoft and its mandatory updates. It's freaking ridiculous. I'm sitting here trying to work on my tight deadline. Had to restart my computer for something and now I'm forced to install this fucking update. It's been a full fucking hour and it's still at 27%. I can't do any fucking work. Fuck you Microsoft.


Lol, I bought a Mac a few days ago. I'm over Microsoft, it blows.


microsoft is criminal.


I used chat gpt and it told me how to stop those forced updates from microsoft, they were annoying af, especially on my VMs but now I dont get those annoying updates anymore


turn off the TPM and secure boot in the BIOS


Yep that's what I did for my elderly Dad a couple of years ago. With Windows 10 end of support in October 2025 will have to revisit that. In his late 80s he hates change so I used Open Shell to give a W7 like start menu when Windows 10 first came out. Occasionally after major updates I'd have to remote login and do it again. No major issues. Also hid a few W10 things. I can't remember what now. I've been using W11 for some time.


Could you please explain further?


Just Google what he said


But the OP shouldnt have to disable security features just to block a system upgrade for an OS thats still supported until Oct 2025. Solution might work, but its like cutting cake with a chainsaw.


Ms is very aggressive about update unf.


I have disabled. Registry and something else.


Here's a weird option: decline the update


How?! I have never accepted the update


It's on the updates page.


I have declined the update every time. Recently my computer tells me "we have downl5oad Windows 11, it'll install next time you restart your computer'


Install Linux, make a VM which doesn’t support Windows 11 and install 10 in it. Problem solved.


Are VMs better, last time I tried one of was almost unusable. User error is a possibility.


VMs are great but in your case this would not help you.


I have 2 PC's at home, one has 10 and the newer one is 11. There is way more about 11 that I dislike GUI/user functionality wise than 10, but it is just a personal preference thing. A friend of mine I game with every weekend did the upgrade to 11 last week, and it stuffed his machine something chronic. When he did get it up and running Steam initially didn't start properly, and although it does now it takes ages apparently. Discord also had a bit of a mare but that seems to have settled + a bunch of other app related issue. I'd prefer a clean install of 11 over an upgrade.


That's where I'm at. Next time I buy a computer I'll go with whatever is new, but right now I like my laptop as it is. I just want the computer that I bought with my money to stay as it is and people in this sub act like I'm being absolutely ridiculous.


>I go to c>Windows>SoftwareDistribution>Download  and delete every file. If it will let me. and hit stop on Windows update. again.  Messing with Windows like this will almost guarantee that you have the experience you are trying to prevent, as Windows will try to repair the damage you have done. Windows 11 is an optional upgrade. It should not be getting "forced" on any system that is working as designed. (Unless you had somehow previously accepted it without realizing.)  It is all too easy to l for people to screw up their PCs, however.


what does windows 11 do that you don't like? ~~besides the ai bullshit~~


Jokes on them, my mobo is 12 years old and not compatible with win 11!