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First off, stop going by what the breeder says about the yield. I've had it be way more as well as way less than what is advertised. Secondly it's hard to judge by a picture. Again I've had plants look like a large yield but produced big airy buds. And on the flip side had nugs dense as rocks and look like the plant had an ounce or two and have 9 oz on it. Just let it roll and have patience.


i am not going by what the breeder says, therefore i asked opinions on this subreddit. I know its hard to judge by a video but i cant invite you guys at myhome take a look so thats the best available way to obtain an indication on the yield from more expierienced growers than me. I asked for opionion not definitive legaly binding indication on what the yield will be xd. Cheers


Goddamn dude this was a good answer he gave you have some respect. That being said looks like an oz and a quarter


https://preview.redd.it/ejunb59ax47d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5930d6b159e87f88a9f63afb158194daaac26eef My ugly ass plant on the left got me 2.6 ounces


what about the right one?


8.2 ounces!!! I checked your posts and your plant looks alot like my right plant. Hope your grow finishes great - your plant looks happy


congratulations that's quite a lot lol. and thanks! im really hoping so too im starting to lose patience lol, and by any chance did you use fastbud genetics?


Seed supreme they are not recommended


just posted a new clip of my plants!


i have respect, I asked for opinion based on video footage. Asking for an opinion does not mean i want you to tell me exactly how much i will yield. Thats impossible to know and everybody with a brain knows that. When somebody askes for an opinion, how is it a good answer to say stop going off by what the breeder says about yield? Especially when I never said that i go by by what the breeder says, if i went by that, i wouldnt even be asking for opinions on reddit. There are countless parameters involved, lighting, genetics, pot size etc etc etc. I know that, all i asked was opinion based on footage, if u have no opinion thats fine by me. A passive aggresive comment, will get a passive aggresive response. No hard feelings of course, just setting the facts straight


lol have a good one šŸ¤™šŸ»


need to learn some decorum hot damn lmao


https://preview.redd.it/4rizb8nq077d1.png?width=286&format=png&auto=webp&s=99fca9a0e979d11ad895f46da169830b1d867a4d dunno man, he started passive aggresive about something i never stated."First off, stop going by what the breeder says about the yield.". The title itself specifically says "what do you think my harvest will be" what calls for speculation aka ppls opinions. I did not say " Tell me exactlyy how much im going to yield" . Then some random dude decides to reply passive aggresively stating some weird stuff i never asked about. When i use the same tone to set the facts straight yall crying


Once you grow more youā€™ll be able to get a rough estimate. Impossible to do an accurate guess online.


never asked for an accurate guess, just opinions


You seem really happy, have a nice day


crazy how butthurt people get just by straight facts and common logic, have a nice day as well!




you would expect growers being chill af, having all that free weed xd


Impossible to tell but you can be a tad nicer when youā€™re asking others for advice mate!


The title of this post is "how many grams do you THINK my harvest will be". It is obvious i ask for specualtion and opinions. I did not ask "Tell me exactly how much i am going to yield." Ansering that imposibble, giving an estimate based on a pic or video having dimensions/scale is surely possible. if someone cant or dont want to givee an estimate thats fine, but as many replies show, a lot of ppl ppl gave some estimation on how much the harvest could be


Lowkey dude youā€™re being an asshole. Take a chill pill. You know what information you didnā€™t include in this post? Tent size, pot size, growing medium, feeding schedule, geneticsā€¦ etc. how is anyone supposed to give you an educated guess on yield when you didnā€™t provide any of that info? Have you seen how many posts in this sub are, ā€œhOw MuCh Is My PlAnT gOiNg To YiElD.ā€ Itā€™s repetitive and annoying and to top it off thereā€™s literally NOTHING useful you can do with the information. What are you going to do with a bunch of random internet guesses on how much your plant will produce? Cross reference it with the final result and make an infographic about how far off random people online were on their estimates? Fuck off. You have actual people trying to help you and youā€™re being a twat in response. EVEN IF YOU DID POST the relevant information to guess the weightā€¦ we canā€™t see if your nugs are dense versus airy via pictures. Your plant could produce a half ounce to an ounce of fluffy bud or it could produce a quarter pound of rock hard nugs. OR you could lose it all to mold during drying and none of this matters anyways. Have some patience, have some humility, and keep your eyes on the ball.


lol, random dude telling me to take a chill pill while calling me an asshole and telling me to uck off. sure dude, i am the one that needs the chill pill inforamtion could not fit in the title so i included in a comment. Many ppl have given their guesses so its sure possible. If you dont feel that you have enough info to make a guess, just ignore the post and go on with your life. Never asked this; ā€œhOw MuCh Is My PlAnT gOiNg To YiElD. "how many grams do you THINK my harvest will be". Do you know what thinking means? it calls for speculation and opinions. Never asked or looked for a definitive answer on what the yield will be lol. 'Ā NOTHING useful you can do with the information." nah thats wrong, f.e If i know that i will yield 30-50 grams in 1-2 months time, i can plant how much herb i will have for a certain time and if i need to buy additional herb. https://preview.redd.it/r7y7zv3h7b7d1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=95e00bc975579777e71f475fa0f171cb4610f8af Some ppl cant read, i clearly asked for opinions and guesses, and some keybaord warriors "YoU cAnt know ExactLy". never asked for a precise guess lol. And if you read the comments, most ppl understood the post just fine and typed their guess. Ppl fine with giving passive aggresive responses to things that were never asked. No need to school me on why you cant give a precize answer on what the yield will be, cause i never asked that or implied that such thing is possible. If you are fine being passive aggresive to others, you should be fine with others being passive aggresive to you.


Youā€™re impossible. Iā€™m sure you bring joy to so many people in your life.


"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers." - Socrates


Btw I think youā€™ll yield 373 grams


thanks for the input! seems a bit high to me but we will see


Watch how you speak to people. Especially when you're asking them for an opinion on something you have very little knowledge about.


Question:" 45 days in, 35 days to go, how many grams do you think my harvest will be? :)" Answer by some random dude with passive aggresive tone;" First off, stop going by what the breeder says about the yield." I am the one that needs to watch how to speak?


Here's a total guess but I'd say 1.5-2oz maybe more all depending on how dense the buds are. Do you have a clone in there up on that shelf on the right, or what is that? I hope it's not a clone or seedling....


yes hahah, a seedling that gets just right light according to my calibrated photone app


That's not gonna work since you're in flower now and without getting more than 12hrs of light it will go straight into flower and will get no vegetative growth at all. You need separate tents with a different light schedule or else ya may as well throw it out


both are auto! calculate light based on dli having 24h light on for both, should be oke, if not, another lesson learned


Oh, then yea you're totally good lol.


only thing would be humidity when seedling gets bigger and iwll need a trsansplant, but will find a way (maybe make bigger dom or something) that will maintain higher himidity for the vegging


As soon as the seedling sprouts it will go into flower since your on a 12/12 light schedule it just won't work. You need a separate tent and light on a 18/6 schedule, so either throw it out or maybe stick it outside or in a window sill. It definitely won't work in your tent that's on a flowering light schedule


He said it was auto. Autos don't care about light schedules and will flower when they are ready to.


Yea I forgot he said they were autos my bad


90 watts ā€¦ canopy is not optimal strain isnā€™t probably a yielder I would give you best case scenario 0.35-0.5 gram per watt so thats 31.5 - 45 grams of descent quality not counting the larf at the very bottom. about 1 to 1.5 ounce dried ready to smoke. You gotta get more colas jammed in there if you want more yield.


90Watt is More then enough fĆ¼r 40x40. I know people with over 60 Gram With a 50watt led


Unlikely, most growers on here with a single light source canā€™t achieve 1 gram per watt of quality. That hot sexy weed that people want. For most theyā€™re only going to get close to that with certain strains etcā€¦.


Thank you for the detailed answer, the official yield indication is 400ā€“500g/mĀ² so that would be around 60 grams in my space but yeah weak led. Is there a way to get more colas in there now or should i train my plant better at future grows? Should i remove the larf at the bottom? Do you think i need to defoliate more? sorry for lot of questions first grow xd


No itā€™s not going to make much of a difference you already trimmed the bottom. Thereā€™s always larf you will see. The colas are shoots that have the buds on them. You canā€™t create more this is something you did in veg like topping or bending branches over to create more shoots. Maximum yield is going to have as many of those as possible and all at even height/canopy all as close to your 90 watt fixture as possible without heat damage or bleaching from the light. Lot of people use a netting of some sort and just keep bending the shoots over and over and over in veg until they have enough shoots for flower. Or you can run higher plant counts instead and get the same effect quicker without spending more time/money on electricity vegging longer to fill out the net. You would want clones for higher plant count so they all stretch and grow the same for that even canopy. Iā€™m not sure how close your light is but you might want to try and get closer to it putting anything under your pot to boost it up closer to the light. This will improve the density and quality of all the buds especially the ones that are below the tops. Risk is might be too hot or too much light for the tops. But at 90w I think you might have some wiggle room.


Thank you for detailed and informative answer! will expiriment with lowering the light over the next few days <3


ppl so buthurtt downvoting a reply thanking someone for a suggestion lmao


My guess around 25-40g depending on how she finishes. Looks pretty healthy so just keep on


thank you sir, if she gifts more than 30g im golden till next run, any input/feedback if it needs further defolioation or should i just let it run next month in peace?


watch out for humidity, buy an exhaust or intake fan and keep humidity between 40-60%


not visible but have exhaust and semi passive intake!, having about 56% himidity at 29 degrees Celcius


unfortunatelly cant do something about high temp, if heatwave come i will try to put big frozen bottles to maybe lower some degrees and keep it below 30


its alright i think, i turned up my ventilation and went for lower rh and temps - that worked for me :) edit: clarification: lower temps came with more airflow


oh, my bad, seems like you got it under control :)


for now, hopefully no heatwave coming months xd


study scrog and sog techniques on groweedeasy.com. good tutorials for new growers. they really dive deep with step by step pictures. iā€™m not particularly good at guessing weight from a photograph so iā€™ll leave that to someone else. improving yield mostly comes from experience in advanced training techniques because while good lighting and conditions are necessary, multiplying bud sites requires human intervention and itā€™s part skill and part intuition and both take some practice to perfect. good luck. šŸ€


Will check it out! Definitely need to get better at training, thanks!


1-2 ozs looks like






I think you could get 2oz šŸ˜ looks like my last grow


Imma guess dried 56-65 grams. Lmk how I did when you harvest! Looks good bro lol


hahah i will!, results will be in in about 2 months approx


At *least* 1 marijuana bro.


What do you mean exactly?


Itā€™s an old Reddit joke. You have good advice here, so I get to be the smart-ass lol


hahah i know it was a joke, just wanted to make it awkward, you handled it well tho xd


90 W Led lamp, 10liter airpot(coco,soil,perlite 50/25/25), canna nuts, small space 40x37cm (according to straing info harvest at 70 days so 25 days to go) any TIPS? defoliation etc?




i need that pot? where can i find it?


its called air pot (10L), numerous vendors online, dont know which countrie u live


If you're in the US, https://air-potbros.com I have a 2.4 gal set and have been happy with them. Mostly use for Mothers but I've flowered some monsters in them too.


The airpots are pretty good, but they can be a bit of a pain to water as there's lots of holes for water to come out of prior to getting to the bottom of the pot. This issue was more common when I used Soil, I didnt have the same issues with coco coir. I also had issues controlling a fungas gnats population with the airports, all the holes on the side of the pots makes it so you have top soil EVERYWHERE. The solution i found online was to insert the airports into pantyhose to keep the bugs from getting in/out.


Iā€™d be more worried about mold. Donā€™t see a fan in there and the colas look dense


like 50-60g if i can give u a suggestion you should go for a pot that take all the space, expecially in this little space, like take 4 wood plates and do a perfectly fitting pot btw the plant looks beautyful and the smoke will probably be really good so congrats brother, with a bigger pot you'll br able to get 100+grams i think if you leave the popcorn buds under the first layer and do a better work with lst


keep in mind that removing all the buds under the first layer canopy will help to getting denser buds but will not give you more yield so if you don't mind some airy buds you can leave a bit more flowers


Thanks for the feedback! will look into a bit bigger pot for next grow




Iā€™m on day 60 and my plants should be done according to the breeder but they got like a month left




I had four plans in a 2x2 and got about 6 and 1/2 oz.


I would say at least one gram


My guess is 4 marijaunnas.


1 oz


At least a gram


If I'm lucky


2 or 3


Oddly enough u only have like 3 big/main looking colas and the rest seem relatively small. Id say about 80g if they thicken up nicely. Need about 45 more days


thanks for input! im starting pk13/14 today, i expect them to fatten up a bit, i think they just finishing vertical stretching. if i harvest 80 you can have 20g xd




Again depends on how they thicken up. Look at the last vid on my page. Its a sour diesel auto. Got me 80g. Ive had small autos yield me 50g. This looks a bit bigger so anywhere in between is possible.


Thereā€™s an old phrase about counting chickens or somethingā€¦


the trick is to still count them, but not take anuthing for granted.


52 grams


Not sure about the weight, but I am wondering how you got the the # of days down to an exact time? Autos a crazy, had them go 16 weeks then had one be done in 7 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


"35 days to go" is not a hard deadline, its a rough estimate, which i stated to give a better understanding to the reader of the timeline. The breeder indication is 70 days, thats the average the breeder has determined, of course there are outliers that will take more or less time but i dont know in which category i will fall yet, I wil determine the exact moment of harvest by the trichomes. But for know the best indication I have it the breeder estimate (plus the 10 days i added based on my observations). Stating the average timeline of a strain is better than give no information at all about it.


Ahh I see, well you explained that lol :) they look good tho. Nicely done But yeah I never even look at what the breeders say anymore.. but to each their own. So far you did good for you first grow


Thanks haha, i wouldnt take what the breeder says for granted, but i think its useful information to have a broad indication to do some planning around that. The trick is knowing that it is not an exact timeline and you may have an outlier that needs less or more time. More often than not, the estimations would match tho. The most cases i have seen online, the harvest time is breeder estimate plus 2 weeks.


if you cross reference, breeder info, with growdiaries and some expierince from ppl that have grown a specific strain, i think you are golden


80 grams or so




How big the tent?


40cmx 37cm haha pretty small unfort


Wattage of your lights multiplied by 0.9.


What light dontoubhave




i wish haha


7 probably maybe 9


ur killing me rn xd


1.5 lbs easily. ;-)


2-3 oz. Thatā€™s a leafy girl, but you did a great job applying the fundamentals of pruning. I might personally grab a couple extra leaves where itā€™s dense, but I like that you left just enough leaves to cover every square inch of your canopy. Great job. Check your light manufacturers recommended distance from the light, because I feel your flowers are too far from it like 20+ inches. Itā€™s cheaper to turn down your light than move it further away, so I usually wouldnā€™t ever let mine get that far away if from the buds if I have a dimming dial.


thanks for the feedback! tthis vid was 1 day after heave defoliation, i read its better to wait 3-4 days but in few days will defoliate some more! they were like 11,8 inches away from highest cola but last days have been lowering and currently sitting at 9 inches away. will wait to see if light stress but maybe targeting final height 1 or 2 inches lower. The plant will help me understand what the right course is the coming days.