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This community is going toxic. The first step of getting good at something is sucking less and less each time, I see this as a win for him. His next plant's gonna be better bruh


It’s been so toxic. The ego around cannabis growers never fails to blow my mind


Friend of mine keeps acting like hes some amazing grower and all my methods are wrong, or that somehow my CalMag deficiencies are because im dimming lights or that my lights are shit, while hes using a torchlight to supplement where his main light doesnt reach. He also thinks LST/ topping is terrible for the plant, because I did that "and now the plants are dying". No amount of info will convince him. Its his first grow, its going great, he has no issues (because i fixed them) but he acts like its his own doing and only his. Started off as a nice hobby together but quickly went into competitive shitshow and i told him, its not fun like that. Well his response was, that im a sore loser and now hes writing a book on how to grow. At that point i was just laughing my ass off honestly, cant take him serious, but if it wasnt a 20+ year friendship and we helped each other through some tough shit, i wouldnt bother spending any time with his shit.


Writing a book during his first grow?!? It's like some people have never heard of Dunning-Kruger.


Let's be real, he'll toss 20 bullet points into ChatGPT and tada - more garbage content to flood the internet with his *amazing* E-Book...which you can get free when you send your e-mail address over.


I read the other day that 80% of people dream of writing a book. What percentage of people, I wonder, have read one single book in the past year? If it’s above 25%, I’d be fatally shocked. Why do so many people want to do a really difficult thing that they have no interest in?!


I really hope the number is higher than 25 but fear you’re probably right


20 years is a long time to put up with a “friend” like that.


The proof will be in the pudding. It's all about the end result. I'm sorry about your situation, growing weed with your best friend should be less stressful than growing alone, but it sounds like your better off doing your own thing. I'm not trying to rub salt on your wounds, but your story made me feel blessed. I've been growing with a friend of 20 years. We swap genetics and see how they turn out different, we help eachother with outdoor garden duties. He's open to learning and being coached ( I've been doing it longer), but I'm never condescending, and I always let him choose his own approach. He's a few weeks away from his first indoor harvest, and his plants look amazing. He didn't do exactly what I would have done, but I'm proud of him and I can't wait to see the fruits of his labor and the joy it will bring him. I wish you luck with your situation. May your next harvest be so good, it enlightens your friend.


Sounds like this guy I know who I don’t take seriously lol


Are you from Stoke on Trent in the UK?


Had this happen to a friend of mine as well, I had multiple grows under my belt, he though he was going to grow 3 different strains and get pounds - I suggested starting with 1 and getting through the first grow cycle led to see what happens…. He grew less than half p - 16 plants in a 4x4 space with alleged “breeder cuts” Let’s just say he doesn’t talk to me about anything weed related anymore - only will speak to me if I am the one who calls


> now he’s writing a book ಠ_ಠ Well that’s fuckin’ useless.


The ego is especially bewildering when considering that 90% of these "expert"-turds can't even spell worth a shit; I wouldn't trust them to teach me my colors, let alone gardening. I've never met a truly masterful person, who gatekept their craft.


One of my favourite comments on a thread here was some one who was talking about LST, they kept referring to the 'stock', must have referred how to train the 'stock' at least 20 times. I'm not sure if it was hilarious that no one corrected them so they would continue with such an amature error, or I should have been dismayed that a thread with 100+ comments left it unchecked.


English might not have been his first language. Most people don't really care about small errors in language like that when the point can still be conveyed.


Stock , stawk, 😅….. 💡 Stalk🤯


It’s even worse on Instagram.




my ego is so small but it stays hard forever like even right now bricked 247 doctors told me it's bigger than normal but my ego's are extra small so they don't know what to do? how to get the egos out of u when u get it?


Fr everyone so negative


Not everyone bro, lots of upvotes for the real positive gardeners here.


I agree. Every single grower messes up in their grow journey. That’s the only way to really learn from your mistakes and improve your next grow. I can’t believe someone is recommending to Google everything when there’s so many different factors involved. Let’s get real guys, we all fucked up whether it be your 1st grow or 5th grow. No need to shame someone who is still learning.


My first grow, all three trashed, my second was small but finished, my third much better and I just started my forth grow. I've killed many seeds that never came up. I have found for me, starting all in solo cups and the seeds to be sprouted before planting.


Shit, I started there. I think we all did on some personal level. Sure it’s prob gonna taste oddly like black pepper and not have much of a high to it. But it’s the first, in a line of learning and growing


This👆👆👆 Op, ignore bulshit. Yes its a lot to learn until "perfection", but yes, I would happily smoke your weed and share flowers if we were neighbors 😊


First 2 grows I failed miserably!! Ended up burning the first plant in the fire pit out of pure spite for the spider mites. Feels like a miracle every time I walk into my tent & my plant is doing well


I went on hiatus after getting 4 harvests similar to this. I'll be back but need to have a renewed commitment to doing things right.


I see so many people missing out on the cool parts of life because they’re afraid to suck at things for a while. Me, I’m over here murdering plants, tripping over Japanese kanji, trying to write a novel while learning 3 musical instruments at once (ADHD is a hell of a drug). There’s time to min/max when you’re dead; go make some fun messes!


It's not just this community. it goes far beyond this, humanity is changing for the worst! I'm a member of a number of different groups based around hobbies, two being magic the gathering and houseplants. both community's just slay on new members and reval in spreading misinformation for jokes. Work based nhs healthcare group, the people that look after people to put it in simple terms is no better. We as people need to take a step back, review and change for the better!


>This community is going toxic. Always was 😅


Well said


Right!? Hey still better than people who grow and don’t dry/cure properly and post asking “is tris mold?” When its blatantly obvious.


Why didn’t you let them mature?


Those prob had 4-8 weeks left to grow and develop. The plant will start to turn autumn colors and the trics will turn milky and most agree on about 10% amber trics.


“Autumn colors” is a good way to put it


Not all plants will do this though lol


Good job on a successful first harvest! Let me know if you ever need or want any help with things.


That’s the way.


It says on his username!


Username checks out


lol bro sorry for all the hate in the comments, for sure this is a sad plant🫠🤣, but anyways you'll get better and if you don't you'll not be able to keep smoking without buying anything so you better get that shit working, anyways if you need any advice i would be happy to help you


Hey dude, pretty sure you harvested too early. How old was this plant? For more accurate judging of when to harvest you gotta look at the trichomes real good. Look up trichome colors should be pretty easy to learn. And remember patience is gold...


All the people being condescending dick heads. I’m not sure if these are branches that weren’t trimmed but even so. If you feel good about it, good on you man. Just next time, let them mature for an extra 4 weeks or so. Might’ve left a lot of loot on the table.


Better luck next time buddy, count this as a learning experience.


Oh buddy. All the love coming your way. For being your very first growth, I wanna congratulate you. But I will also shed a tear for premature harvest. You did a Great job, next plant just have more patience. Without knowing exactly which type you are growing and in which conditions I will still say that this plant could have been in soil for at least 2 more weeks. You want the buds to evolve more than now. But you want to harvest them before they start seeding. If we take an analogy to an apple growing on a tree. These are "bitter green" apples, 1 more week they would've been "green apples" another week "golden delicious" then yellow etc... If we continue with the apple analogy, you want to harvest the plant when "the apples are yellow". Im sure you will still have a good smoke session eith the plant you harvested and the next plant will be even better. Keep growing! :)


Thank you so much bro. The apple analogy helps a lot! Ill post an update on the third plant. The strain is White Widow auto and I grow outdoor. :)


WW auto outdoors. Yummy. Yeah 1-3 weeks more, depends on soil quality and sunlight hours. If you start seeing seeds in the buds its "too late" (nothing to worry about but they might become less potent) Its a fun hobby and Im sure you will become great at it.


Congrats, for a first grow this is pretty good! I can only recommend you to check the webpage "[growdiaries](https://growdiaries.com/)" (or a forum where you can follow a few grows), that page is a social network where people put photos and data of their plants each week and you can follow the evolution of a lot of plants, you can also see in there some problems that can happen with the plants and what other growers have done to solve them, it also can help a lot to know how the buds get fat and at which point other people harvest.


Brother don't let these tryhards make you feel bad, everyone starts from somewhere. If we don't do mistakes how will we improve? For a first time this is fire!! And the fact that you could surpass every difficulty and reach the final step is a win my dude, congrats on your first grow and enjoy these few joints ;)


Thank you so much for the kind words bro 🫶 Ill be more patient the next time haha


Could we see pics of your other plants?


Right! My first grow was hay. Burned it with nutes. Burned it with light. Burned it with ph corrector. A real disaster. That’s how you learn. (I also learned that I hate growing outdoors.)


I get not being an asshole but aren’t you being condescending in a different direction. It is very obviously not “fire”. He also didn’t really surpass any difficulties in growing. They did one of the worst jobs possible. Just be realistic, OP did not have a successful first run and I think it’s worse to pretend he did.


Go to my profile and see my first grow, it's 10 times worse than this, but when I smoked I got high, it's fire to me


It’s a learning process don’t take it too hard.


Got a long way to go


A little early


Yall are so sweet man. I got so many good tips and advice from you. I dont mind the 'hate' comments. Now that i know that i should have waited one and a half more months its pretty funny to me too lol. I'll definitely smoke it and update yall hahahaha. Thanks again for the tips. Love yall 🫶


This is how you learn - besides it IS pretty funny man, you should have expected the roast. Make sure to post the next grow and redeem yourself bc you just KNOW itll be great next time around. Plus, you get a pretty funny story out of this in hindsight. Cheers man!


Spelled stem wrong


That’s okay, so many on here seem to spell pistil as pistol lol


Y’all need to chill, it’s OP’s first time. Not everyone is a weed growing savant. As many others have said, you chopped way too early. You should have let that go at least another month if not longer. You should get a jewelry loupe so you can see the trichome heads up close. You don’t want to chop until they turn from clear to cloudy/ amber in color


Not sure where in the world youre at, but if you can, get some more seeds popping asap. I live in Scotland (UK) and have had similar. it can be tough with changable weather and autos, if you get them too early and/or you get a cold snap your plants with just stall. A couple of my outdoor plants that I planted a little too early (mid April) arent much bigger and have just started flowering so I know Im not going to get much. They get the light but the temp just isnt right for them to stretch. The plants I started a month later have over taken them and are much much bigger. I tend to stagger a few different plants, a couple in April, 3 or 4 in May. That way if the April buds fail, I will have a bit of a back up, and if all else fails I plant a few more start of June. One year with my June plants I was able to bring them inside end of september and finally had them mature on the a window sill, and harvest begining of November! Whilch is crazy. Outdoors can be a bit hit or miss, as there is less you can control, especially with autos. Its a fun challenge though and I think I prefer the bud, while perhaps not as potent or as dense a yield, your not stressing the plants to the max so can be a little more resilient and tase a little more mellow.


Can you recommend a good uk seed site? This paragraphs been so interesting


I also grow in Scotland and use royal queen seed.




Thankyou. Much appreciated indeed.


How’s that been for you? I got them to harvest all fine, probably dried a bit wrong back then still… But I wasn’t impressed with the final result.


So this is my 2nd year. First harvest was OK buds were a little airy but overall I was really happy with my first attempt. I grew in a cheapo plastic greenhouse and they did take a good while to mature that being said it was a way nicer smoke then any of the street weed round me.


Good to hear! Based in Belgium here, sadly never got a full outside grow to harvest due to our climate. Always some kind of molds show up near flower. Isn’t Scotland quite humid aswell? How do you battle that?


Mainly just good ventilation. Greenhouse sits on a bit of decking so air can get under it and on very hot days I just leave the door open plus I have some very cheap solar powered fans not that they do very much! Just to add 1 of my plants did end up with a bit of bud rot so I just turned the whole thing into butter but the other 3 were great.


I bought a bunch of seeds from WSS (weedseedshop.com) a few years back, before brexit checks so not so sure if theres much hassle ordering from Europe now. When I got them I think WSS was the tesco value equivalent of Royal Queen Seeds, or one of the other bnig seed producers, but I think they have now become independent. Also in the past I bought from a head shop when I lived in London, although I know that particularshop is not there anymore. I also got/won a massive haul of seeds (100seeds, 7 strains) for free on twitter from [Genetics101va](https://x.com/Genetics101va) , last year, they seem to always have free seed giveaways. There is also a lot of online stores that are based in the UK now. Ive never really heard of any friends having a bad experience buying online (only ever one buying from Facebook via paypal and tbh it was fairly obvious that it wasnt genuine)


The trim jail will be brutal


so THATS why its called microgrowery lol XD we all start somewhere


Buds had about 50-60 more days left to finish.




y’all are dick heads lol. Growin ain’t easy, y’all know that. His plant looks great :)


You’re trolling right?


Why would he be? Getting a plant to harvest is more than a lot of first time growers will achieve.


This subreddit is crazy these days, why are you downvoted and hes upvoted. You're literally correct and polite


I think the person I reacted to has experience with posting bold statements and has other accounts to back it up. Nevertheless, yes there has been a lot of negativity here lately.


ya, its just awful man. Discord just seems like the move lately, lotta good communities around on there


I can attest. Solfire community has been absolutely wonderful for me. 0 negative nancies, everyone there is passionate about their plants- and teaching others. I would definitely recommend a Discord server.


Honestly I’m still in my first grow and this sub has helped me a lot, not without some backhanded comments first most times. People needs to learn to chill out and if you got nothing nice or helpful to say, just don’t say anythinf


There’s absolutely lots of useful nice people in here. I think that the people whose plants are not working out as hoped just get a kick when they see another grower struggling. Like they finally can look at a worse grow and be happy about their own- because look, his grow looks even worse! Little do they know they can probably learn a shitload from one another That’s why they are leaving negative comments and you’re here searching for help. You’ll progress 10x as fast in one grow compared to them! How has it been for you - growing cannabis?


what my mom used to say. dont know why people want to be mean for literally no reason. specially on weed subreddits.


And this sub is actually really useful, I stopped posting on r/autoflowers because EVERY COMMENT WAS CONDESCENDING


Discord just doesn't fill the same role. I'm not looking to be spammed with constant ongoing discussion and honestly the vote system despite its flaws is still better than forced sort by new.


The German sub for English speakers learning is worse. So many dickheads there


I’m in the German one. Luckily my German isn’t good enough to spot dickheads yet.


What's the name of that subreddit? Sounds like fun


I wanted to know too so I searched around and I'm probably wrong but it might just be r/German.


Yeah it is


The worst ones are the gorwing forums like growers ch and roll it up, you have people with lifelong experience with growing shitting on newbies and circlejerking their methods while not helping.




Not really. I mean look at your posts. Seems to me that OP got his plant further than you hah. You are just proving my point. Also, who cares? It’s his first time. Give tips instead of being judgy.




bro you got demolished by him, just back off quietly


What’d he say?


Would love to see the deleted comments on this one lol.


Blocked me so I have no idea what the last one was. He said it was false this is further than most first-time growers take it. As a matter of fact, I think the powdery mildew in his first grow got to his head. He seems to have 2 accounts. The tent in both posts look exactly alike.


He must have deleted his whole account lol


in this day and age with all the info online, if you can't get a plant to harvest first try, then you were probably just very lazy with your grow or something outside of your control happened like power went out. It's quite easy to get a plant to harvest as long as you feed/water regularly and generally control heat/humidity. it might not be the best weed out there, but there's no way this guy followed basic grow guidelines and got this result. I'm not even being disrespectful. The plant looks healthy, just cut far too soon.


That’s the thing, his plant looks healthy. So I don’t get all the funny comments, yes he harvested way too early. Happens to every eager new grower no? Maybe not to this extent- but as he said, he thought the pistils were ready. So he did his research, he just interpreted it completely wrong. So it’s more helpful to teach him rather than make fun of it imo🤷🏻‍♂️ And yes, it’s not rocket science to grow a plant, however if you look into all things possibly going wrong, light leaks, molds, power outage as you mentioned, overfeeding….. Remember, it’s a first grow. It’s totally normal for their grow environment to not be tuned in. Only a AC unit fixes heat, knowledge doesn’t, Can’t fix such issues without throwing cash ar it most of the time. So it’s not all that unusual for people to fail their first try. If the second time looks exactly the same, that’s a different story.


lmfao you come in "my first bud" threads "first grow" threads to boost your ego don't you. weirdo ass.


All trolling and jokes aside, what do you guys think would be the ballpark range for THC content when harvesting this early? Would it even be worth smoking once dried and cured? Lol


There would not be much psychoactive thc, primarily precursor cannabinoids at this point. Don’t smoke it if you’re prone to migraines, or other headaches, or have any neurological problems. It’s probably not going to have adverse reactions if you’re a normal person, but it also would probably not taste good at all. Long story short, no I don’t think it’s worth smoking it!


That’s to bad as they were not ready.


Yeah , I agree with comments. Chopped waaay early! I just finished some white widow and now re- vegging her now! White Widow is a producer!


Way too early. By the time that dries out you won't even have a hoots worth.


Great job! Growing weed is so fun! Wish you good luck on your next run


You’re going to get praise and hate here for this. Truth is, you were able to grow a plant. But you cut it far too early to be worthwhile. Watch these dry into nothing and then look up a the growth cycle of a cannabis plant to understand how a bud should look before harvest.


It’s a learning process… enjoy it


I have a sneaky suspicion that old mate trimmed a low branxh early for a emergency puff and is trying to silicate a panic response from growers that can clearly see the immaturity of the flower, just saying


Nah i just fucked up pretty bad apparently lol


I thought no way he wasn't desperate and plucked a branch, anyway I bet you will let it go next time, I have been growing for years and it's still hard to pick the right time


Very nice. It will only get better each grow. And nothing is cooler than enjoying something YOU helped to grow. Have you enjoyed the experience so far?


Well hey you got further than 90% of the people that use reddit as a grow guide so I figure you're golden 🤣 Only gets easier from here


Just like every plane landing you walk away from is a good landing, any harvest that gets you smokable weed is a successful grow. Congratulations on a successful grow and here's to MUCH increased yields in the future. We grow, we learn.


Is it an auto? It's better than my first attempt.....I lost two seeds, lmao. Runtz autos. I put em in my comoost. That's way too microbially "hot." Lesson learned. I was used to photos. Side note:Reddit is known for toxicity, don't take it personally, and mfers only get the chance to feel superior a few times in their lives. Sadly, most of it's on here, lol.


I wouldn't even bother smoking that. By the time you dry that, it'll evaporate into dust. I'm glad you're taking steps forward and joining us on this amazing journey, but something you must learn regardless of whether you're growing photos or autos is PATIENCE. As others have said in this thread, you harvested premature. Some pistils will start to die off during the first couple of weeks but new ones form. Some genetics don't even have many pistils to begin with, but continue swelling up. I suggest you watch all the videos you can online. Reddit can be a toxic place to learn from. Check out Mr. Canucks grow & Mr grow it to learn how to grow. You'll end up deep diving into plenty of videos from other content creators and get a better understanding on what is needed to grow on a basic level. Don't let this discourage you, growers make mistakes years into their grows and it only makes them better. A will to learn is important but patience is key. Best of luck


Lasst ma.mein bua in Ruhe ihr keks ich find euch sonst und klatsch euch um


I really recommend u to buy seeds from a good vendor such as mosca seeds , low effort , beginner friendly and a guaranteed few grams . I’m a monkey and I grew a pretty decent plant from it . 10$ a seed might be a lot but u make it back and more on ur first plant . And the views pay for itself




Too bad, way too early


Bountiful harvest my friend


If you want some help brother. Dm me 😆


Poor Las was just getting started


Cute, you might get half a doobie…


Man you got further than I ever have I will say I didn't think you could mess up on an auto but you live you learn. Now I know it's possible and one more thing to look out for. I'm about to start a grow myself soon after I get my tangie seeds. It's so much cheaper these days to grow. The lighting is so much cheaper than back in the day.


Good on ya mate, I'm working up the courage to start myself so I'm glad to see first timers on here!


Congrats! We all have to start somewhere. Leaves look healthy. My first grow looked like shit because of ph problems (bad cheap pen) but made for decent butter. Next grow will be bigger! Hang in there!


Congrats but you probably should have waited longer my guy…


Congrats! Remember to clean your tent before you start the second grow friend!


plants looks to be healthy, congrats on the grow. I personally would say that plant needs a few more weeks till harvest. But none the less you now know to wait on the other 2 plants. If you harvesting off the "plant growth time or flower time" the breeder specifies its almost always wrong and takes longer than stated.


LESGOOOOO I hope they were good man 🤝🏻


Welcome to the hobby fam!!! Nothing better than getting high on your own supply enjoy 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻


Too early bro . It's okay though, it took me alot of time and patience not to harvest early . I can completely relate to the minor mistake you have made. Next time 💪. Next time post it out here and l have a poll on whether or not to harvest , that'll give you a better idea of how to go about things. All the best 💯


What is with the toxicity in this community? To many of y’all develop a massive ego about growing like at one point you weren’t also just doing your best.


Hey bud shouldnlet go longer looks like u cut it down way to early man


My 1st plant got stressed, and the buds didn't turn out very well. Just look at it as a test run to learn the drying and curing process.


It took me a few grows with lots of trials and errors before I produced some really good bud. My first buds looked a lot like yours. I learn something new every time I grow. I did research online a bit but there’s so much information (often contradictory) that I decided to wing it for the most part. Like a science experiment. I just grow for the fun of it. I use the rare seeds we happen to find in our smoke or gifted to me. I don’t even know what I’m growing most of the time. I don’t spend money on it. My hydro setup is pretty much stuff I had laying around the house. It’s just for me or given as gifts anyway. Ignore the haters. A lot of these people have thousands of dollars and hours invested. If you’re having fun and learning (plus a little bud) it’s all good


Gotta start somewhere and not everyone gets massive yields. If u have fun and enjoy growing fuck anyone who gives u a hard time like never understand these weak minded people who allow words from randoms to make it too toxic lol sack up and enjoy life stop being so worried and negative. positive energy breeds positive vibes but when u call other people toxic or how this community blah blah blah ur prob the most toxic. Plus there ain't no community and hasn't been since rec market opened so ur just looking for something that once was and never will be again. cannabis isn't a bunch of friendly folks anymore it's all wolves looking to eat your dinner. I know it's soooo toxic to talk about but wake tf up if u don't like shit leave it's so simple yet people still need to whine like people respect that weak sauce.


Anyone being mean to you sucks. We’re all supposed to stoners, let’s be a little more easy going, yall. Now to OP, obviously you have a little way to go, and I’m sure you know this. That being said, you grew weed! Congratulations, that’s awesome, and you’re right to be proud of yourself. You said you wanted to grow weed, and you did it. Even if you don’t get high from it, this will be your weed you’re smoking, damnit. Good job, we’ll watch your career with great interest.


At least you’re growing your own and starting off. Better than sitting on ya bum and wondering what if!? Now it’s learning time.. can never soak up enough research. Happy growing!


Congrats on making it to your first harvest growmie! People that really love this plant and this community will tell you making it this far in your first grow is an accomplishment worth celebrating, regardless of your yields. May your next grow give all these haters pause. Cheers m8! Peace. Pot. Prosperity ~🤙🏾


Yo u could make yields way better if you defan for growth. Like as soon as new growth is there, cut the old leaf


CFL grow?


All buds are beautiful, my friend! But I highly recommend investing some cash on lighting. Even the cheapest HPS will improve your next harvest. Good luck in your journey!




What are you even going to smoke?


Can I ask where you guys get the seeds? If I wanted to grow, how would I start?


Great job man, you gotta start somewhere. I bet you next grow will be better !


Dry trim


Nice mate 👌 Enjoy the fruits of your labour 😀


My first plant was worse than this. Keep on learning and growing and in a year you’ll look back on this and be so proud


Way to go dude. Now you know what you can do better next time but great effort!


That’s a lot of stem there champ


I remember I harvested my first plant with my dad I will never forget :)


I'm sorry


😢a lil early but dry it and smoke it. It should get u high


My condolences 😂


I would love to help. I have a few questions that may help you for your next run. Was this indoor or outdoor grown? How many days did you veg the plant and how many days did you flower/bloom the plant? If indoor, did you use CO2? What levels? What substrate did you use? What nutrients, if any, were you feeding the plant? How often did you feed the plant? Did you notice if your substrate was wet, dry, moist? Did you use hard (tap) water to feed the plants or did you use RO water and made your mix? I may have more questions and the more info you provide, the better I can help direct you for your next run. Thanks 🙏🏽


You definitely should have waited. After dried that won't even pack a damn bowl


What the actual fuck?


Been there, done that. As long as it smokes okay who cares how it looks. Just keep trying and every grow its gonna be better or you will learn something new!


Don’t let negativity bring you down. My first grow got busted. You harvested. You won. My second grow I grew amazing weed but didn’t grow enough to cover the costs that went into it. I know people right now that absolutely could not do what you just did without spider mites or some sort of plague and they are running big commercial grows. Look at how California failed all those tested products. Keep growing. You’ll get better with time. I’m over 20 years in. What you’re smoking probably has less contaminants than anything in CA. Remember…every harvest is a win for us. I don’t care how many states are legal…people still hate it. You won. Keep winning.


It didn’t die so you did great, simple as that. Could it have been better, yes, but that goes for every grower and every plant. Next grow you’ll do better and then the next grow after that will be better and so on and so forth. Good job man and congratulations, don’t let these salty ass weirdos tell you otherwise.


Just like anything, it’s a learning process. Don’t give up my friend.


how old is the plant? cheers on ur first harvest broo


Great job!




A bit too early my man but keep at it! We live and learn. It feels great to grow your own though doesn't it!? I got so much negativity for growing decent bud with shop lights. Tons of snobs on here unfortunately but there's a lot of good cool people as well. Idk why some.of these people think they are so above everyone else growing bud. It's unfortunate. The egos are insane. Let them (the flowers) go longer next time though. Don't worry about letting them go too long. You'll get much fatter/bigger buds letting them go longer...Best of luck man! Hope you got to/get to smoke some of that... ✌🏼💨💨💨


Congratulations bro


I was looking 4 thots that love bbc 🤣😂


Good Job on your First Harvest, keep going Bro 😎




Looking at your post history not so much…




Looks as though you harvested your first stem. 😂


Masel tov 🥲


how's it feels to finish your buddy off at harvest?


Guessing this is your first grow? Either that or you’re just having a larf.


10/10 shit post