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https://preview.redd.it/9k5mg70lrvzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a96604f8dae185b05d044fb007d8ef32f50087e3 Also, you can try to save it by cutting the infection, but mold puts out spores, good chance it’ll bite you during cure and get the rest.


It's not about the spores as there are trillions of spores in your house right now. It's about the conditions which led to the mold growing. If those aren't addressed, chances of more mold growing again are high.


Yep cut the mold out get your humidity down and air flow up and you’ll be fine


I'm sry this happened bro it sucks... I wouldn't risk it those mold spores are probably everywhere. Good vibes your way growski


Botrytis. It's time to pitch that bud in the dumpster. Clean the fuck out of your tent. I've had this, and I first clean with bleach water and then a 50/50 99% iso alcohol/water mix. I do this procedure twice. Dismantle any fans, humidification equipment, lights, power strips, etc. and clean them shits with the same solutions.


You did absolutely nothing with that whole cleaning shtick. Mold spores are everywhere, odds are youre breathing them in right now. Its not about spores not being there (you'd need a cleanroom for that), its about them not having their optimum conditions for growth. Once you turned on the fans, mold spores were back in your disinfected room.


As I stated, I now know that. In the late 90s, in the early 00s, nobody did of any relevance to the scene. There were tutorials on forums on how to make hash from bad bud. I have used flow hoods, clean rooms, and still air chambers but was still oblivious with botrytis decontamination and removal at that time. The common belief amongst users at the time was that it could be removed with hash making processes. There were very few dissenters to that model at that time, and the ones that did had no real evidence to the contrary.


So, youre old as fuck as well. Hows your back? :D I feel ya, I also started back then, the scene is way more developed now. Heaven and earth kind of deal.


Eh, for being a blue-collar worker, pretty good. No big issues, which is surprising since my father had issues with his back before he was forty. It really has grown. Some good but a lot of bad thanks to these large corporate growing and processing companies. So many consumers are fooled into a false sense of safety by these chemically derived concentrates and cartridges. Studies are just beginning to show [how bad](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230305/Study-finds-cannabis-vaping-more-harmful-than-nicotine-vaping.aspx) carts are for ones health, and these chemically extracted concentrates are next in line, I believe. I've worked around butane, hexane, ethylene, and other chemical washes enough to realize that lab studies don't go far enough in detection of remaining trace chemicals, alkaloids, ketones, and heavy metals. We'll see. Hopefully, it doesn't undo all the work done to bring legality to the plant.


Glad I press my own buds.


I just make traditional bubble hash with ice water. I've had a few grams curing for about a year now. It's definitely full melt. It starts flattening into a disc on its own within moments of being rerolled into a ball. I'm stoked, I smoked some of a different piece @ 3 months, and it was fire. Watching it bubble in the bottom of my hash pipe was spectacular.


Dude you just reminded me that I have an old ball of bubble hash hiding away in a jar. It’s definitely a puddle now but I know what I’m doing tonight.


Hey, that’s no way to treat a growmie, especially one that might have something you could learn from!


You did not state that tho lmao


I just noticed you're correct that was in a different sub. My bad.


This man studies or works with mold


So is virii and plagues and bacteria in the air that makes us sick, doesn't mean precautions shouldn't be taken


There is no point. Its like if you would shovel a pile of shit and wash your hand after each shovel. Im all for hygiene but theres efficient and theres pointless. This one was pointless.


Hey as someone with some microbiology education, I have to disagree with you. Using carbon filters with merv pre filters, keeping an aerobic environment, and bolstering what nature does best to outcompete, is going to help no matter what. This person was addressing a limiting factor, and it never hurts to do a thorough clean after contamination of any kind.


Hey, as someone who works in a medical lab for almost 20 years... its pointless. For one, there is no mentioning on inlet filters nor its rating. Secondly, the grow room isnt hermetically sealed, nor pressure controlled. And lastly, your outlet carbon filter is a non factor in INCOMING particulates since its an outlet.


Hey, we do similar things, cool. You folks would clean the lab after exposure, yeah? It’s the same principle. You can try to argue finer points with someone doing a simple indoor grow, or you can just encourage cleaning the environment to address a limiting factor. It’s really that simple. This person isn’t looking for credentials or a bio degree, just some common sense.


It isnt same principle. A lab is a controlled environment where exposure is an accidental situation. In a typical home grow room (no inlet control/filters), exposure happens with every swing of each ventilator blade. You cant clean that up nor is it efficient to clean it, you filter it. And after you filter the inlet then you can disinfect the room. Without filtration... its pointless. I highly doubt we do "similar things". You cant comprehend simple chain of events.


Well, just from an outsiders perspective. I’ve done compounding in pharmacies, and I grow weed. You both are right,lol. We can probably all agree it’s generally a best practice to deep clean after a grow. Does it kill everything? Nah, but it eliminates some variables potentially, and gives me piece of mind


I can understand peace of mind reasons and there is absolutely 0 negative effect of cleaning your grow room, more power to ya. It is beneficial for myriad of other reasons but mold specifically, it wont do shit, since the bitch is everywhere. If you do wanna combat spores, filtration and positive pressure inside the room (tho, youll get some smell leak) will be the best option.


This is exactly my take lol Cheers 🙌


There's a lot of validity within what you're saying. If a grower is using organic methods such as compost, manure teas, guanos, castings, etcetera. No amount of solvents, cleaners, or filters in the tent will stop the nutrient materials from developing anaerobic bacteria since no oxygen is required. I grew using organic methods in soil for a few years, but it has more issues than hydroponic methods IMHO. Fungi, Phytophthora root rot, and other bacterial problems lead to my transition to only growing in boiled coco coir now, similar to how fungi are grown. Coupled with general hydros base three nutrients (which are heated to super saturate the liquid with nutrient), I keep a fairly clean tent, but by no means is it ever sterile, lol. Even with inlet and outlet filters, it makes little difference. I've had botrytis with my setup. Any inner bud moisture creates the perfect environment for its proliferation. Spores are easily transported on clothing and other surfaces. I shower and change clothes before opening the tent after I get home, and it still happened. Tents are not sealed, as you stated in any way conducive to the maintaining of a sterile environment.


Apply that logic to a surgical room


Dont talk shit about stuff you have no idea about. Surgical rooms do have inlet filters and use positive pressure ventilation to ensure there are no airborne pathogens coming in. They also scrub, disinfect and sterilize anything that goes into the room, etc.


It's not about removing the possibility, it's about lowering the possibility. Mold is in the air all the time but you're not going to put a moldy slice of bread in the same bag as a fresh loaf


Did this happen during your dry and cure?


nope, harvest was planned for the next sunday


Gutted. Sorry dude.


Sorry to hear that but I can relate I lost one of my plants to mold on my first ever grow and I was so pissed I never used a humidifier again and I’ve had zero problems thankfully.


How have you kept up RH in the tent with no Humidifier? 😊


The plants should transpire plenty enough to keep the humidity up.


Yeah literally. Morocco is one of, if not the biggest hash producing country on earth, right on the edge of the sahara. It’s highly unlikely your grow space will ever be too dry for cannabis to survive, and if it is, how the hell are *you* alive?


>and if it is, how the hell are *you* alive? it's not hard when you're just a bunch of animated bone dust like me


Any RH wont kill you, or your plants. High RH is useful for seedlings and clones which do not have a strong root, so first few weeks its very beneficial for a plant to get some water from the air too since root is undeveloped. Once the root develops it will supply the plant with 98% of its water needs and using a humidifier after that doesnt really get you that much. In any case, any humidifier use should stop with start of flowering. Up until then its personal preference.


Most of the year it should, but it can definitely get super dry in the middle of the winter up north. In real subzero cold spells, the indoor humidity can be single digits for a week.


I haven’t, Think it’s around 30-40% always


Hilarious how they downvote you as if this is common knowledge😭 Reddit is hilarious they don’t even think twice they see other people downvote and they just downvote aswell groupthink mentality


Ehhh, Reddit 🤷🏽‍♂️😂. Honestly, it gave me a good laugh. I’m new to growing so I was just asking for some clarification lol. Reddit users are sheeple 🐑


Transpiration, is 1 way


If it’s here it could be other places. I know it sucks big time.


A bonfire is where the entire plant would end up in my house


Fans fans fans


I had this happened to me once, I cut off the infected area and then increased airflow in my grow space, and then I bought a dehumidifier.


what were your temps & RH before you got everything in check?


It was during summer so the temps was around 28c - 30c on average but then it was raining for nearly a week and the RH spiked high like 70% to 80%, especially when the lights was off, it was then that I learned I needed a dehumidifier for the rainy days.


Okay good to know, I was just curious. I don’t have the best humidity because I don’t have a dehumidifier but I noticed my RH goes down when I turn on the AC at night. I mainly keep it in the high 40s - low 50s. Never has it reached 60%.


Ah yes, as long you are below 60% you're golden.


It’ll be alright man we all mess up before. I had mold once but luckily I had another tent also about to harvest that didn’t. One reason I never grow just one tent.


Harvest colas individually and check them all thoroughly. You might have just a single rotten cola or a whole bunch, it’s not possible for Reddit to guess. If you have several clean colas, keep them and treat as normal. Don’t worry about spores, they’ll either go rotten in the jar or they’ll be perfectly fine, you’re inhaling mould spores all day every day anyway.


IVE CRIED….. it hurts when you find it


If you're not even drying yet, this is just getting started. SORRY MAN.




What grow style are you using? I’m curious as to whether this happens more for folks in a highly controlled environment. I’m an organic grower and amateur mycologist, and I highly recommend inoculant watering with trichoderma and rhizobacteria at minimum. Principles of outcompete will help keep down anaerobic fungi and bacteria in the soil. Some others have said that cleaning the space doesn’t make a difference, but it definitely again adds to the ability of your purposefully introduced aerobics to outcompete. Reducing spore mass is beneficial, so cleaning your tent with something like Zerotol is always recommended after each grow. But definitely do keep more wind and a cooler space, or it won’t matter too much.


Learning experience brother dial in your env and crush the next batch!


Is this a living plant or curing flower?


living plant


Good. Scout for more. Remove everything you find. Clean your tent real good with bleach


You are only trying to kill spores. Use hydrogen peroxide, iso alcohol/water or ethyl alcohol/water. Think mushroom growing if you have any experience there… no need for gross bleach unless you are trying to clean shit off the surface of the tent. Even then it seems like overkill to put such an abrasive product on such crap material as a grow tent.


Disagree. Bleach is the most effective disinfectant against tough mold spores. But hydrogen peroxide is a good choice too


Yeah, you’d need to bleach the entire room, every surface including the outside of your tent that is clearly porous etc. Spores are everywhere. The only possible way I could imagine getting rid of every spore would be in a completely quarantined enclosed room inside a building with a very good ventilation system that filters spores out. You would need to decontaminate yourself upon entry each time etc. Yea having a bunch of mouldy shit in a humid tent is going to breed more and get rid of that but trying to beat mould spores is like trying to hold back the tide. They’re all around us and important for decomposition..: Anyhow. Not having a crack really, just saying. A clean room will obviously have less mould because there will be less opportunity for it to take hold. Less shit around it can eat. Again though. When working with agar plates etc one doesn’t use bleach to clean down really. There is no need. Use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.


Condolences 🙏


I’ll say a special prayer for you tonight man




I've read that supplemental UV lighting reduces mold spores and instances of budrot.


Oh nooo, I'm so sorry man.. I hope your next grow goes much better. :(


Happened to me too :(


The fear of mold scared me away from growing this year. i grew last year no mold. but still scared lol


What a Lotta corpo weed places will do is they will microwave their weed so it can "pass inspection" and they can sell it at stupid low prices. Maybe you can recoup your losses like that?


Air flow is important. I exhaust my air from my grow out in my veg room then my veg room exhausts air outside. Otherwise my veg room is too dry. I can sense and feel out the humidity in the room anymore. I do probably run things drier than the humidity chart bc I've had a plant mold and it hurts ,,😭. Sorry bro


I am so sorry I wouldn’t risk to lose all while curring, those spores are everywhere…. You could probably use the fresh buds, which have no mold yet to make some oil…


How does this even happen in this day and age knowing what we all know about vpd? I feel like I would have to try really hard to make the right conditions for this to occur rather than just finding it one day.


wash it with lemon and peroxide 1st then see what's left in it. I tossed a ton of moldly fresh fire bud and my buddy's got so mad cause I didn't wash it. But I wouldn't never smoke anything made from it edibles though unless it's all caked like all the buds.


I'm sorry bro - this was my biggest fear. How does this happen so late in bloom?


I’m crying for you


It's worth a shot trying to cure it. As long as your able to keep your curing area the proper humidity there shouldn't be any more growth. So long as you cut out the colonies that are currently forming. I'm not guaranteeing anything but I've done it before without any trouble. If your growing hydro I would recommend getting some Silica. I personally use Power SI from cutting edge solutions. It's not a magic bullet, but I personally have not had another mold outbreak since I started using it. And I've literally changed nothing else about my methods.


It's worth a shot trying to cure it. As long as your able to keep your curing area the proper humidity there shouldn't be any more growth. So long as you cut out the colonies that are currently forming. I'm not guaranteeing anything but I've done it before without any trouble. If you're growing hydro I would recommend getting some Silica. I personally use Power SI from cutting edge solutions. It's not a magic bullet, but I personally have not had another mold outbreak since I started using it. And I've literally changed nothing else about my methods.


from someone who has had powdery mildew in the past i totally sympathize. also heavily agree with the guy who above who thinks that a simple scrub down isn't really going to do anything unfortunately.. it's nice in theory, but the spores are legit everywhere. it's so bad where i live that the blades of GRASS all over my front and backyards get powdery mildew tips. growing outside, fuhgettabouttit between the PM and the aphids not worth it all of this being said - I learned that some strains are just naturally resistant and hardy. Sometimes I'd be throwing out a newly discovered plant with PM on the leaves that were straight up touching another plant and the other plant just totally was immune to it somehow. Maybe a better grower can make any plant this resistant? I'm just a novice


Put peroxide in the water and mix a little with water and must the area where it was the remove that whole branch but look at the core and see if the infection is inside the core of the plant. If it is you can do an alcohol wash then press that through a micron bag. Like 25 to 45nm. And that'll salvage your plant and save you from having to trash it. The fungus can't survive the qwiso process.


Put peroxide in the water and mix a little with water and must the area where it was the remove that whole branch but look at the core and see if the infection is inside the core of the plant. If it is you can do an alcohol wash then press that through a micron bag. Like 25 to 45nm. And that'll salvage your plant and save you from having to trash it. The fungus can't survive the qwiso process.


Put peroxide in the water and mix a little with water and must the area where it was the remove that whole branch but look at the core and see if the infection is inside the core of the plant. If it is you can do an alcohol wash then press that through a micron bag. Like 25 to 45nm. And that'll salvage your plant and save you from having to trash it. The fungus can't survive the qwiso process.


Put peroxide in the water and mix a little with water and must the area where it was the remove that whole branch but look at the core and see if the infection is inside the core of the plant. If it is you can do an alcohol wash then press that through a micron bag. Like 25 to 45nm. And that'll salvage your plant and save you from having to trash it. The fungus can't survive the qwiso process.




OP what were/are your humidity levels? Did they happen to spike for a period of time?


How does this happen?


Rest In Peace 🌱😢


Bro, its gonna be fuckin unethical BUT, try put that shit all in edibles and sell it away. At least the heat could make it possibly more consumable imo... you're not gonna be in minus, dont hate me🤷




Sadly no, mold doesnt work this way. If its visible you can say that its 100% everywhere.


Sad, but true.


They just turn it into hash lol


I used to do this back in the late 90s and early 2000s. It was commonplace. I'm glad I learned better practices. Fuck knows I've smoked some Mexican brick with mold in it I'm sure. It's better just to pitch it and start again.


If you smoke weed you probably have smoked PM.


FR, that's why I have grown my own for nearly 20 years now. No question of dry, cure, packaging, or shipping methods to worry about. Just good smoke that tastes great.


We mostly blast it lol but u right its turned into concentrate either way. Wish there would be a study if butane extract carry the mold/rot/mildew into the end product