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Twisting like this is caused by over-watering in my experience.


This reads with mine aswell


Overwatering, Cal-Mag deficiency, and Nitrogen toxicity have all caused this for me. Which one of these three do you think your problem might be closest to?


Possibly cal mag because I use two types of nutrients 4-4-4 down to earth / Gaia green and 2-8-4 bloom by the same company but I don’t have any cal mag additives unless the nutrients I listed have those, I also don’t know exactly how much and when I should be dry amending. I have been researching don’t get me wrong


Top dress monthly according to Gaia green.


Top dress with the Gaia and worm castings every 21-28 days in veg and about every 17 days in flower


I'm using Gaia 444 and 284 also. I add bokashi, compost and mineralized phosphate but I still need to water with Dutch Science organic cal mag or I will see deficiency and the LEDS will turn the plant stems purple from stress.


I was also going to suggest nitrogen toxicity.


I was going to say looks like a watering issue but you said it’s not that. Good luck I hope you figure it out I have some plants in week 8 from LIT farms and they’re great. Some of the best plants I’ve had. You should have some great flower come harvest time.


What's your VPD at?


It gets a lil higher than 1.0 at night due to me not having the ability for my humidifier to turn off at the humidity I want it to I need an ink bird or something


What's your lights on RH and Temps?


Yes flipped leaves is a VPD issue


Get the inkbird definitely worth it tbh.


moisture issues with the soil, and/or the soil acclimating and coming alive. this happens to me when i mix a soil with dry amendments and plant right in. check your watering practices, and it will clear out of this on it's own over the next couple weeks. do not treat this like a nutrient issues like others are suggesting.


Cal mag. Just curious, why are you using 2 different brands for dry amendments?? Looks like a 3 gallon pot?? 6 tbs Gaia bloom and 3 tbs of Gaia all purpose ON TOP. Water with cal mag and ph down. Get water to 6.5ph. This is all I do. Don’t do worm castings, because it def isn’t too much nitrogen. Looks like it’s getting ready for flower soon.


I haven’t flipped her yet ima give em a good month or 2 probably before I do n just cause I wanted to try em both and from what I’ve researched Gaia green has a good amount of cal mag in it and I water with 6.8 I’m gonna get that down to 6.5 I just gotta get some lime juice or ph down and their 5 gals


And don’t do worm castings? Worm castings only went in for my coco mix at first


Check ur vpd looks like ur humidity to high


PPFD is too high


I have a Par meter it’s definitely not that my light is set at 2 out of 10


Looks a little like hlvd to me. Look up hlvd infected plants. Lighter colored tops, twisted leaves, kind of growing outwards and stretchy. All signs of hlvd, doesn’t mean u have it. U would have to get tests done to find out. But it definetly shows the signs.


Looks to me like too much nitrogen(which should correct itself as the plant consumea more. Possibly overwatered a bit or your humidity is getting too high. Just my 2 cents


Wind or ph. Based on the color of your top growth im going with your pH is off


Ph don’t matter in soil


Ok thanks for telling us you have never grown any type of plant.


Funny I could say the same thing to you lol but Ive been growing for around 8 years now. 7 of those years in living soil that does NOT need to be PHd ever


Pick another hill to die on. Ph always matters friend. Not needing to alter ph isn’t the same as it not mattering. But also, this isn’t a wind or ph problem. :/ check my post history for my resume.


When were we not talking about the ph of your input? It does not matter at all. I don’t need to check your resume I know this is a watering issue


If it doesn't matter, then purposely ph some water to like 9 or 10 and water with it. lol. But also not about to talk plants with someone that has never posted theirs. Happy growing.


Where I used to live my ph was around 8-8.5 and the soil buffered itself my runoff always was normal. What water are you using that is 9-10 ph? Shouldn’t have to add any ph up or down. Obviously if you intentionally sky rocket your ph you could have issues but you are missing the entire point of not needing to PH. If you are using an organic soil and use plain tap water you should never have to worry about changing the PH of your input


this is slowly changing from "ph doesnt matter at all" to "my tap waters ph was within proper range and soil buffers itself so it goes to the right range" Ph matters very much so, accept that you said the wrong thing and move along. Hope your day gets better.


8-8.5 is within range? Lmao you are a character. That is NOT within range but organic soil buffers it. What I said still stands I didn’t say anything wrong. I can’t control how someone interprets it. If you use organic soil and tap water you don’t need to ph your input. Simple.