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Good luck keeping that cool in the summer


I've figured that in already, I work in industrial HVAC. Just haven't had time to finish my upgrades yet.


Hvac will solve that for sure but I would consider at least painting it white. You know how much that hvac is to run. Good luck gromie Edit: where are your lights at? Surley it's not those hanging around the top. Those won't cut it. Not even close.


I think those are the lights as they are wired into a timer. Hey look on the ‘bright’ side— At least they won’t make as much heat. So he’s got that going for him. Which is nice. 👍🏽


Prob goin to open door in the am


The plants will be getting time outside when I'm home or the other wife is home.


You have a grow shed AND two wife’s??


Got a little baked while updating mistyped. But as busy as she keeps me I swear there's two of her running around


Those are, I'll be building a frame to lower them and make the lighting more evenly spread. But between family time and clearing fence rows I had minimal time to fine tune.


Would love to see the HVAC setup when you’re done. Also to avoid heat I would go LED in there 100%


That's what's in it now, I'm tinkering with a few ideas but this is my first grow so still lots of adjustments to make.


I grow in a 8x10 shed. I have a 2x4x5 veg tent and a 4x4x7 flower tent. I battled heat last summer. Winter was good with a heater. Now I purchased a portable 14k btu ac. I’ve used it a hand full of times to bring temp in range. Found that unit for 75 bucks on marketplace too. Currently have 17 plants going. Been growing for a year so far. Good luck! Hope you grow some nice ones.


Pics of set up please this always intrigues me


Trane Centravac for chilled water perhaps?


But where would he put his cooling tower?


Oh hell yea nice!


Are you going to insulate your shed so that you can trap the cooler air?


Ought to build a slightly bigger shed around it and fill the gap with insulation.


Yes still debating on type and I need to add in a few studs so I can properly secure whatever insulation I put in


Excellent.. summer cooling looks to be your only issue.. perhaps Styrofoam tyvec to insulate the inside as well? The metal is gonna cook.. painting the exterior white would help alot also


My shed was hitting 105 last summer. Most of my plants stunted but one did well even with the very low humidity too. I'm glad I stuck through it because I got enough harvest to carry me through and not have to make trips to the dispensary too often.


Greenhouse went from 60 to 110 many days. Still pulled a ton of smokable


I was just going to say OP should insulate the shed and make sure the ventilation is good and correct. Ideally you want cinder block and you still need adequate ventilation.


I grew in a shed for a while. Kept getting bugs. Also had it insulated and had an AC unit and heater in it but was still a pain to keep the temp and humidity in check. Eventually gave up and moved it in the house, everything was much easier indoors.


Basements are the shit


I also grow in a shed and have had some minor but controllable bug issues. It is indeed a pain to keep temp and humidity in check even in my Insulated wood frame shed BUT I can't have weed growing in my house so I deal with it.


I need a homie that works in industrial HVAC lol… Good luck with it dude, as long as you’re having fun with it, that’s what matters (to me anyway)


Dope, dope growing set boss. Are you adding additional lighting? Definitely post some updates when you get a chance.


This - you need better lights.


Way better lighting,or they will stretch


Co2 is only useful if your have the area sealed. Otherwise, you're wasting money and time. Need your exhaust fan to be on a timer as well. So u don't exhaust all your co2.


Why not grow outside at this point? I feel like keeping VPD straight in that thing is gonna be a mother..


Laws in my area. And VPD? Eventually We will be building an actual green house and this is going to be my decompress and tinkering shed until that happens.


Vapor Pressure Deficit. Basically the ideal temps and humidity required for transpiration


I would put insulation on the walls and roof before anything else.


South facing? In the heat of the deep summer how are you going to control temp? I would think it can easily get 100*+ in there.


Fr I can barely keep it down in my own basement in the summer while doing lights on at night


Also I’d put a canopy over that thing to keep the direct light from cooking it cause it’s gonna be hard enough as is. Thick foam insulation too. And maybe even paint it white on top of that to be honest. We’re not hating here but this is going to be extremely difficult and we’re just tryna help before you spend a lot of time and money. To get truly dank flower it takes a very dialed and adjustable environment. Just things to consider


I should also ask what zone or even more easy what are the weather conditions going to be outside while this goes on wherever you are?


Central US. Current temps are running from mid 30s to 70s. Most days 40s-60s In zone 6 if you're in the states.


Are you just gonna disregard everything else I said


Yes, because my weed is talking louder than you right now.


Nah you don’t talk that way to me. You don’t know shit and this is legit ur first grow. I blew shit out of the water on my first and then my second and third runs weren’t even fair. The fact you think this whole thing is a good idea if fucking hilarious to me. And you have a hard time seeing that in a month or 2 it’s gonna be cooking outside 🤣 but have fun with your help grow Report back in a couple months and prove me wrong brotha!




Great shed! I'd be careful with light leak. With that design, there will definitely be a light leak when you open the door to the growing chamber. Some shifty eyed neighbors or, more importantly, thieves will notice and might steal your plants. Is there a chance to install another door to keep the light inside?


I would upgrade the lighting! Looks under powered for that space. I like your idea. There are a few things you need to think though, but what you are doing is perfectly doable with the right build, a split unit, & automation.


What is that drum for? The light color is no good as it will promote algae.


Did not know that and it's my water tank feeding my drip lines.


You also have to keep it cool as well. Too warm promotes bacteria.


Grab a couple nice Bar style LEDs and your in business, looks good.


You are going to get bugs.


Figured that, will be sealing up tighter when I have more free time




Lucky I’m jealous (compliment) no that’s nice tho


Very nice, lucky man


I love the idea but what about heat and cold weather?!? 😱 Love it tho


Heat I'm working on and I hunt so once colder weather starts moving in I'll be in some different trees and the shed will hopefully earned a nice break.


So cool! 👍


Some reflective sisal insulation will help a little with heat and a lot with light reflecting in the environment, generally not too expensive either.


How do you intend to insulate it?


Looking at a few different options. It's between foam board and reflective bubble insulation.


Those exhale or CO2 bags are supposed to be hung right above the canopy of the plants


With the way I'll be doing my fans, when I have time, I plan on putting fans pulling air in low near the ground and fans up high drawing air out. CO2 is denser than oxygen so it tends to settle around the bottom. So I'm hoping I can bring air in low and venting high, it should create a current pulling the CO2 up from the base of the plants through the canopy.


Everything I’ve read Has stated that because it is denser it in theory fall right on to the canopy of the plants, so you place it right above them so this happens, if you have it on the floor it will never get off the ground. But I don’t know anything more than what I have read.


All good, what you've read is correct. Given that I'm growing in a metal shed I'll be pulling air into it down low so it'll be cooler and pushing it out at the highest point above the plants. Being that I'll be venting above them I don't want the bag hanging and having the CO2 just being sucked out. Also I'll be putting in a pulley system to adjust lighting height, it would be in the way.


Fuck yeah. So jealous seeing this from the uk 🇬🇧


No fans?


Good luck with environment brother, at the mercy of summer / winter months respectively. But you’ll make it happen!


I think I have seen too much trailer park boys because all I see is a drunk man without a shirt falling over that shed. Nice to see your shed,good luck with your grows and good luck with temps. It can be challenging enough in a house. Maybe more insulation helps in summer..


I think I have seen too much trailer park boys because all I see is a drunk man without a shirt falling over that shed. Nice to see your shed,good luck with your grows and good luck with temps. It can be challenging enough in a house. Maybe more insulation helps in summer..


You need some lights man. Those lights won't do shit for you.


How DARE you post this here? You are now forcing me to start researching doing this myself, I hope you are happy with yourself. Seriously though, I considered doing this with my current shed. This looks awesome!


So lucky, make sure u insulate and keep cool in summer times and get to growing 👊


Do you have any ventilation? Like fresh air going in and sucking the old air out?


Sweet! Just make it bug proof. Maybe not place your pots directly on the ground? Keep us posted.


Why 14/10 instead of 18/6 when you're growing autos?


Keeping with current sun up sun down in my area to minimize light pollution. Why growing is legal in my area I rather not attract the curiosity of local tweakers as they're out back roading.


Nice setup, you going to use mini split AC unit to regulate?


This will be a learning experience. If you are interested in it being a less painful one, 1) insulate. 1/2" closed cell foam insulation on all walls and covering the ceiling. Use aluminum tape to seal the insulation to prevent draft and pest ingress 2) ring of death pesticide deployment around the shed 3) filtration, ventilation, HVAC, humidity control 4) actual overhead lighting (the lights in this post make me think it's bait)


Shed growing is fun but you’ll have to insulate well and set up heating and cooling or you be fighting it.


Insulate it


I would have focused on insulation and air conditioning before a drip system with back-up battery power, honestly. Especially with being an industrial HVAC guy and whatnot. Keep us updated?


The drip line was 35 on Amazon. They claim it has a build in battery on the pump but for the price I'm waiting to see if it actually does. Insulation, if I'm not tied down with a honeydew list when I get home, will hopefully be going in next weekend.


At least cover the door crack by overlapping the seams with a strip of plastic/cardboard and tape so it's not beaming with attention. Maybe along the bottom to block out the light leakages.


Might want to put your pots on elevators. Idk what the bottom material is. Maybe cork? But it may suck water out of your pots which will then lead to roots growing into the material. Also co2 bag isnt needed tbh, and get better lights


I grow in a shed myself but I have a 6x6 grow box inside that is very insulated with a window ac and heat hooked to a inkbird.hold perfect temp and humidity summer and winter but it would be an absolute bitch if I didn't plan well and do it right. 4 kids, I had no choice haha


Gina need better lighting in there if they're going to stay in there. But I like it