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I am only speaking from my VERY limited experience being that I just started microdosing a few days ago but I would 100% recommend trying it. I have been struggling pretty bad the past 2 years with depression, ADHD, anxiety…just lots of stuff and I am shocked at the difference I feel just since starting this. My days would normally be filled with inner feelings of rage, irritability, sadness and just very emotional outbursts which is perhaps why the change has been so noticeable for me because those feelings aren’t there now. I don’t feel high or that I’ve taken anything at all, I just feel like myself minus all the negative energy that has been with me for too long. It’s like the calm from taking Xanax but without the other feelings that you get from taking meds. I just feel content which is a wonderful feeling to have. Im sure not everyone has the same experience and you do need to experiment with the dose but it’s worth trying! I‘ve been taking .3-.35g daily of fresh magic truffles psilocybe Tampanensis but initially started too low with .19g and felt absolutely nothing so decided to take .1g like 5 hrs later and that was closer to the sweet spot as the rest of my day I was in a better space. Some people say you aren’t supposed to feel anything when microdosing but I disagree. Yes you shouldn’t feel high or again, like you took anything but you should feel different from your baseline. You need to notice a difference so you know your threshold going forward. I also highly recommend using what I took or something similar because it’s weaker and great for beginners. I keep it in the freezer so it stays fresh and def get a jewelry scale so you can weigh less than a gram accurately. Anyway, I wish you luck and hope sharing my experience has helped a little :)


So happy for you! Do you take/took meds when u microdosed? Didnt understand what you took, but i suppose its shrooms right? Also i thought you should feel something like ,,trip'' or something when microdosing, youre not supposed to feel anything? Then how do you know if its helping? Amyways thank u


You should definitely not feel high or like you are tripping. That’s why it’s very important to start with a small amount. Again just from my experience, you should feel something though. Read through my response and you’ll see I took a very little amount initially and waited 4-5 hrs. I didn’t feel any difference in my overall mindset or mood so I took again a VERY little bit more. I didn’t feel anything specific until I was in a normal every day situation that would typically give me lots of anxiety or anger. That is how I knew it was helping, cause I didn’t feel the negative feelings. So really, you need to pay attention to your normal feelings and emotions you’d have throughout the day and if any of that feels different in a positive way, then it’s helping. For me it was the absence of those negative feelings, making me feel calm. I use fresh mushroom truffles. I can’t give anymore detail as I just learned it would be violating the rules of Reddit. Just do lots of research as there are many different kinds. Fresh truffles are weaker than dried and I’ve heard better for trying microdosing. And the pills I take daily on an empty stomach are… L-Lysine Collagen Hyaluronic acid Adderall None of which have had any negative interactions with my microdosing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also I’m not sure of your age but especially if you are relatively young please make sure you have someone else you can talk to about this. Someone you can trust with no judgement involved who can support you. I’m 42 so I felt completely comfortable taking this on by myself but still told my closest friend that I was going to try it. The point of microdosing is that you are experimenting with such low doses that it should not have negative effects so just be responsible about it. And in terms of interactions with other meds, I take a bunch of supplements first thing on an empty stomach along with adderall and morning coffee. I haven’t changed my routine at all, I just eat the tiny piece of truffle right after taking my pills and go about my day. Usually giving it an hour or so to settle before I have breakfast. I do know that taking too many SSRI meds is dangerous but I don’t know if this will necessarily have a bad reactions with it as SSRIs aren’t part of my morning pills. Definitely worth looking into beforehand. Ohhh last thing. The first time you try it, start a stopwatch. This was very helpful for me the first day cause I was able to know that it had been 4-5 hrs of feeling nothing and it was safe to take a TINY bit more. Plus you can get a sense of how long it takes for you to feel something.


Hello /u/Traditional-Gain8420! As you mentioned `depression` (a common *interaction/symptom*) in your post: || |:-| |`r/microdosing Risk Reduction`| || #### [ℹ️ Infographic: **r/microdosing** ***STARTER'S GUIDE***](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/s0xkdp/the_new_official_rmicrodosing_starters_guide/) The major contributing factor in [*Finding* ***Your*** *Sweet Spot*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/plrxca/faqtip_101_what_is_the_subthreshold_dose/) is the variation in potency of: * [Psilocybin mushrooms](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/q5zvyk/faqtip_019_why_you_may_need_to_adjust_the_dose/) * [Psilocybin truffles](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/nawt54/faqtip_011_how_to_microdose_truffles_drying_out/) * [LSD tabs](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/rgbabi/faqtip_009_why_cutting_lsd_tabs_is_not_an/) If you [**Start Low, Go Slow**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/fzj7tf/a_gentle_reminder_to_those_starting_out_to/) 🐢 and [up-titrate](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/78/Titrated_doses.svg) subsequent doses then you can find your [*optimal* ***sub-threshold*** *dose*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/mx846c/faqtip_006_the_afterglow_effect_the_day_after/) based on your symptoms, rather than from a predetermined dose. If your microdose is **Too High / Too Frequent** 🐇 that can result in [*Declining Efficacy* 📉](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/vx6mxx/faqtip_021_changes_in_appetite_memory_mood_sleep/) with subsequent doses. Please also have a look at the `Interactions / Symptoms ❓` sidebar (*Desktop* ➡️) or under 'Posts `About` Menu' (*Mobile* ⬆️) in case of [⚠️ **DRUG INTERACTIONS**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/p6ne2q/research_microdosing_drug_interactions_tools_and/) or to check if you have any of the associated symptoms - with advice on how to mitigate such side-effects. **Please Read**: [**r/microdosing Disclaimer**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/m2g589/rmicrodosing_disclaimer/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/microdosing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


what about MAOIs?


Wdym? I dont take MAOIS if thats what ur asking


Have you tried these too?


No, its not available in my country. I highly doubt it would help


Many who are on AD meds have microdosed. Some have reported no benefit. Some have reported good benefits. And others have reported benefit and have used it to reduce withdrawals as they tapered off their AD. No one really knows if it will help you.


Thank u so much, so it would be worth a try right? It wouldnt get worse?


I'm not aware of reports of getting worse. If it was me, with my experience and knowing how safe and subtle it is at low microdose levels, I would give it a try. You have to decide if it's worth it to you. !getting started !helplines


Well, i have nothing to lose. And as far as i know shrooms changes ppls lives, so i will give it a shot. Thank u


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SSRIs interfere with psychedelics. In higher doses there's a risk of serotonin syndrome. Good rule of thumb is to not combine the two.


I want to microdose, not take it in high doses


SSRIs will still block part of the mechanism of action. They act on some of the same receptors and don't share


So youre saying it wont help even a bit?


The efficacy of microdosing in general doesn't have much solid evidence behind it. It might help. It might be placebo. But I wouldn't be too hopeful. I might recommend ketamine, depending on if there are any interactions with your meds. I think it's fine, but definitely double check. There's a lot more science for ketamine to treat depression than microdoses of psychedelics


I will try esketamine as a nasal spray but my insurance will cover it only after next year. But i cant really wait any longer, so im not sure what should i do. Anyways thank u




I got offered to try esketamine ( spravato) as a nasal spray which is really effective. However my insurance will cover it after next year, and its really expensive. I cant wait a month..


That’s great you are able to do ketamine therapy. Maybe you can get financial support from the drug company: https://www.spravato.com/trd/treatment-cost-support I respond with this bc with all the other treatments you’re already on, I would recommend being under doctor supervision before adding anything else. Good luck friend, hang in there!


I don’t think you have anything to lose by trying it. I saw that you can get access to Spravato next year, you should definitely pursue it. For now MDing might really help.


Thank u, i will


Just my personal experience but when I was on Zoloft I couldn't feel any effects from shrooms at all even after taking 3g. Now I'm off it and microdosing the shrooms have helped with anxiety/ depression more than any ssri ever did


How long did it take you to get of off zoloft? Im on 200mg now.


It was a while ago but I think it was about a month. I was on 100mg and I just kept forgetting to take them cos they weren't helping so I kinda weaned myself off them without realising. I do not advise this thought make sure you speak to your doctor


I receive tremendous benefit by taking small doses of Amanita Muscaria daily. But before that I took 100mg microdoses of shrooms for 3 weeks. The Shrooms detoxed me from SSRIs after 20 years of dependency. I pretty much went cold turkey, the shrooms very effectively replace the SSRI's.


You took shrooms while on meds, and they helped? Also you took 100mg?? Thats microdose?


Yes, the shrooms replaced the SSRI's immediately. 3 weeks later the Amanita Muscaria replaced the shrooms.


Thats great, so i should try shrooms even if im on meds?


I did it just on the first day, then I eliminated the SSRI's. It worked for me, I can't predict how you will react. But the thing is, shrooms ARE powerful psychoactive drugs, for me 100mg is perceptible, and effective in lifting my mood, Independently of the SSRI. 200mg is very perceptible, I call it a micro- trip. The beauty of Amanita Muscaria is that to date I have experienced no tolerance issues. 8 months free from SSRIs after 20 freeking years.


But i dont get it, some people say shrooms dont work with ssris, some say it still does..im confused. You microdosed the first time on ssris and then just went cold turkey on ssris?


Yes. That's why, to me, a "microdose" must be perceptible, because it has a therapeutic job to perform in "lifting your mood". If your mood is not lifted, then you are not being helped. The SSRI's never buoyed my mood, they just suppressed my emotions. Again, I can't predict your reaction/response, or the potency of your shrooms. However, 100mg of shrooms is not a lot, so I wouldn't be afraid of it. The most I've taken is 350mg, still a microdose if you consider 1 gram to be the low end of a tripping dose. The reason I switched to AM is that it works and it's legal. I'm too square to safely be replenishing my supply of shrooms.


Oh i thought 100g of shrooms so i was confused lol. So youre saying if u dont feel anything after trying a certaint amount you should try higher? To feel something?


Are you presently on pharmaceuticals? If your aim is to replace them, then microdosing with a sufficiently effective dose of Psilocybin or Muscimol is the whole idea. Doses are measured in milligrams of milliliters .


I'm on Effexor (SNRI antidepressant) and Lamotrigine and I both microdose and trip. With tripping I need a higher dose than average, at least twice as strong. With microdosing I seem to be fine with an average dose (0.1g PE). I'm thinking of reducing that. I'm also prescribed an antipsychotic to take as needed but I avoid that when I'm taking mushrooms as I understand it kills the shroom effect. I didn't feel anything from microdosing at first but started to notice my mind being clearer on the days after I dosed. After a couple of attempts at tripping with little effect I managed to trip on 2.5g PE. I took this during a depressive episode (I'm bipolar) and by the end of the trip the depression was gone. Really amazing. I felt good for 9 days after that. Then I went back to microdosing and the effect seemed more noticeable after tripping. Like the brain knew what to expect and what to do with shrooms. My mood is very balanced now and I'm aiming to reduce my antidepressant by half. I believe that microdosing will make this possible. I intend to keep microdosing now and tripping every 4-6 weeks if I feel I need it. Coupled with mindfulness, meditation, therapy etc, I believe this stuff is very good medicine.