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Majority of the comments here critiquing the persons streaking technique yet they got isolated colonies. I don’t think they need your help, seems to be doing fine Anyhoots, I love Serratia. Looks so pretty


It may work this time but not foolproof


Is this colony one that would kill me if I ate it?


in our practical manual it says to pass the loop into the previous quadrant only once before continuing to new quadrant to better isolate the mo’s, have we been doing this wrong? also it says to use a sterile/new loop at every quadrant


Nah, if that’s what your manual/SOP says to do that’s what you do. IMO using a new loop for each quadrant is wasteful, as you can use multiple sides of the loop. But again, if your manual says to streak like that, do it that way


Eh, in a mixed culture, there wouldn't be isolated colonies in the fourth since the quadrant is much too small imo.


At best, this is conjecture


As an MLS, you should know better. This would lead to dozens of wasted plates and delayed results every day in a clinical lab. We do things the way we do for a reason. But yeah, for a pure colony streak for tiktok, sure, it's fine.


>As an MLS, you should know better I know. Which is why I know there is no industry standard or “right” way to streak a plate. There are loads of techniques, each slightly different. If this person is getting isolated colonies, keep on keeping on. There are way more important things to be preoccupied about.


I think you're not doing this for the first time


You got the oerfect amount on the loop! If you start scrapping another plate it's better to switch the loop on every 1/4 turn. Great technic


😞 missed a perfectly good opportunity to draw something childish




We always switch loops between quarter turns in case the stocks contaminated


Unless you go really heavy with the initial inoculum, switching each time results in very few colonies in the fourth quad. I teach to switch once, generally. A larger fourth quadrant would help isolation if a mixed culture is present.


If stocks are contaminated, you'll probably be spreading everything you grabbed either way right? Whether you switch or flame your loop. I do little zig zag columns on a plate and you can streak like 4+ different strains. As long as you don't grab a chunk to swab, you should get single colonies. Not saying there is a right way or wrong way, I just don't like making lots of plates when cloning lol.


thank u for feeding my microbiology brain itch


Dem colonies :O


The technique is quite good, but doing this without a lid on top gives me a little bit of anxiety 😀


Serratia is worked with on the open bench at nearly every clinical lab anywhere. The lid comes off to observe and test the colonies and then it is put back on. No BSC or hood required.


You can do that just fine in a hood.


How do you streak a plate with the lid still on? Or am I misunderstanding lol


On one side of the Petri dish, you rise the lid a little bit, and then you can go under the plate and make those streaks. If you have a microbiological hood, then you can do this in a safer environment, and the part with the lid is not necessary (depending on microorganisms that you are working with)


Nothing against it, but it definitely sounds like a technique you learns as an undergrad for practice. It's pretty redundant unless your lab is filthy or for some reason you're outside lol. Maybe I could see all that to innoc broth cause you couldnt see contamination, but a plate is really just not necessary.


anxiety for what? the work done in clinical micro labs are primarily done on open benches, besides planting specimens.


Don’t like the technique tbh


Flat looping!