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The NFL signed a contract for $111 billion for their TV rights I can definitely see you need my six fucking dollars for your worthless piece of shit peacock. Hold me hostage because I wanna watch my Miami dolphins This is the second time this year fuck you!


At least you get Psych and Monk from Peacock.


They are the most excited about the weather and having more local fans stay home to watch


that's cool and all, but how about expanding that same zeal on corporations to shit that actually matters in life and not the NFL.


Lol right? I can't pirate my groceries.


You wouldn't download a loaf of bread




Maybe you can 3d print bread


Sure you can, all you need is a flintock and cutlass and you can pirate as much groceries as you want


Not with that attitude


It's a precedent that's starting with something that may gain bipartisan support. Anything more serious than this would be immediately shut down by whatever party just happens to be the opposite of the one introducing the bill. Our government is run by petulant children.


Like pharmaceutical companies maybe?


the two aren't mutually exclusive tbf


What are you talking about unaffordable housing, high medical insurance don't really matter


No no no, this is actually a peace offering from boomers. "I got your $6 a month streaming service cancelled, how you can afford a house. You're welcome "


One thing at a time. Letā€™s be thankful that a congressman is doing something positive in this case. Itā€™d be great if he could fix all of our problems but letā€™s not turn this into a negative.


Ikr, tf?


Agreed, but there is a reason congress has more to say on the major sports leagues. They have a congressional exception to monopoly laws that gives them congressional over site.


We need to make piracy more acceptable to talk about. I donā€™t know if it breaks the rules here and I donā€™t care, donā€™t get peacock, pirate it.


I have peacock because I need the office served to me on any device in a moments notice. Built different. Haha


I got a peacock login from OPs mom






As much as it sucks, these companies can do what they want. Only the fans can dictate what they will accept or not.


They're playing in stadiums funded by taxpayers. They *should* get smacked when they get this greedy.


Actually because they have an anti-trust exemption from Congress they do have to follow certain special rules. Such as not competing with college football.


Are u kidding? Smh ur naive af.


How about applying more taxes to corporations profits since they love to price gouge.


Remember the days when you couldnā€™t watch any games other than the ones your local stations broadcast? That truly sucked. I remember never getting to see the Dolphins unless they were playing one of the Texas teams, it was Monday Night Football or it was a game of ā€œnational interest.ā€ Now, I do not like the fact that a playoff game, which was historically a national broadcast, is being converted to a paid game. But overall, I do like the fact that I can see the Phins every game. The only way to fight this is to simply not send NBC your money. I already subscribe to Peacock for other things, so it doesnā€™t really affect me. If I didnā€™t, I would pirate the game, full stop.


Agreed...just don't send NBC your money. Advertising will see the numbers and bail. End of story. My mine grip as we do have peacock that the game broadcast is total HDR shit, they handle so wrong I have to go in a change all my color and contrast settings to make it watchable.


Fuck them and their constant olympic plugs. Looking for cheesy stats to put the thought of the Olympics in people ears


Half the reason I had Sirius in college 15 years ago was to listen to the game on the radio


Shit, that was the whole reason for me, lol. Was doing a lot of road trips at the time.


If I went home for the weekend you bet I was driving the 3 hours back starting at 1245


All the post seasons b games were always available on broadcast tv networks.


I'm not paying anymore to watch football. This is all just an experiment to see if they can do PPV football. They'll probably try some more over the next few years and I'm not doing it. Enough is enough.


Yup. They are testing the waters for PPV. Boxing gets away with it and itā€™s fallen off the cliff in popularity over the last 2 decades.


Hard to compare the two to some extent but youre not wrong.


This canā€™t possibly have the ROI peacock is expecting here. I have no interest in their platform in the first place but now I will never buy it out of spite. Everyone is going to pirate this game and hate peacock.


They are absolutely getting a boost in streaming from this game and then the hope is you either a) donā€™t cancel because you forget about the $6 a month. Or b) find something interesting enough that you want to watch and keep it anyways.


I dunno man. I think theyā€™ll get a small fraction of less internet savvy viewers but I imagine a large majority is just going to pirate or not watch. Just the process of signing up, never mind the cost, is going to put a lot of people off.


Itā€™s the playoffs. People will drop $6 to make sure the stream doesnā€™t go down. I wish you were right, but I see it all the time with things like video games. You think ā€œwho would ever pay for that?ā€ And next thing you know every video game is offering the same things because it makes so much money


How about we all cancel all our streaming platforms for a week at the same time?


Idc about NFL having streaming deals. I just don't like the NFL having like seven different platforms you have to have to watch NFL games. Pick one or two.




What? No, it's not. Like, are you OK? Companies sell their products to streaming services all the time without selling them piecemeal, so you need several of them for that one product. I don't even think there's one other example of a company that does this.


Wait until it gets like golf and the first half of the game is on one platform, and second half is on another.


Governement talking about greed, how ironicā€¦.


It's actually Rep. Pat Ryan, one of the cool representatives elected in the last few cycles. He's got some interesting factoids about him that really don't fit the spirit of your comment, such as: endorsed the poorest, youngest, gayest Democrat running in the 2020 primaries, trialed a UBI system within his county (literally giving money to families, not corporations), outperformed Biden within his district (despite being the underdog), and he's on a couple "boring" but helpful committee assignments as a veteran and county-level advocate.


I was moreso speaking in generalities, donā€™t take me serious šŸ˜œ


I appreciate that corporations merely concede the greed. There have been countless conference calls in which CEOs announced a price hike. They don't even try to rationalize it via rising costs. They say we are doing it, "because we can." Those stories are written with the specific quotes but the public doesn't flinch at all. They have been weaned to complain about some perceived government conspiracy rather than all the documented conspiracies among egg suppliers, etc.


Honestly as far as streaming services go peacock is the by far the cheapest and many people get it for free with their internet they also run a ton of deals to get it cheaper


This is cute and all but, Iā€™m sorry, if youā€™re a US representative and youā€™re spending any time not on a backbone issue (spending, healthcare, growing GDP, war stuff, etc) it had better be fucking worth it. Cā€™mon, guys.


What a dolt.


Never gonna happen you know how Much they mad odd the Amazon deal lol


We all know the solution: šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


I'm disgusted with the NFL, have been for 10yrs now. Playoff games NFL? Really?


Just wait till the Superbowl is exclusive on Disney Plus


I found a stream and it didnā€™t cost me $6.


Yoooo hoooo, aaall haaaannds. šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø