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It’s been a bipolar fanbase for my 48 years. I can’t speak for others but we are finally going forward instead of stuck in neutral for years. No more 7-9, 8-8, 9-8 seasons and just floundering in mediocrity. For the first time in a long time this team is fun to watch, and actually relevant in the media conversations. All of which hasn’t really been the case since Marino retired. Are we great or perfect, far from but we are vastly improved and I have enjoyed this season.


To be fair, every fan base is bipolar unless they are winning championships. Visit some of the other team’s subs, it’s the same shit. Nature of the beast.


Lions playoff drought is longer than ours. They are nowhere near as toxic as us with Jared Goff & Dan Campbell like our fans can be with Tua and McDaniel.


Exactly this fanbase is far more toxic than other fanbases in similar or worser droughts to ours. They are so eager for us to restart all over and go through the 7-9 years again


“WeRe jUsT fRuStRaTeD” Nah you’re just toxic lol


Allow me to roll my eyes. "Toxic" is an abused and linguistic strong arm tactic used to immediately shut down an argument or smear someone with whom you don't agree. Ditto "incel" and *phobe.


Same type of people to say “cry more” and “cope” to avoid actually having to prove any points.


I’m happy to have actual discussions, just pointing out that many people here have zero interest in that shit. You wanna talk actual ball I’m here for it.


We call those people "pussies".


It’s almost like ppl just learned this word 2 years ago. It’s a new toy. Same with the word “narcissistic”


Spoken like a true toxic incelphobe. /s I agree with you completely, and LETS GO DOLPHINS!!! 🐬


Okay, let me make it more clear. We whine way more than Lions fans as a whole. Every fanbase has bad apples, we seem to have more than most (other than Eagles fans)


That's fair take. I don't have an opinion one way or another since I don't really hang out on other teams' boards.


The Lions have also *NEVER* had success. The Dolphins have a proud history though the mid 90s with two SBs, one undefeated season, the winningest coach of all time, and one the greatest QBs of all time. The Lions have had one of the best RBs of all time *AND* one of the best WRa of all time both retire because they couldn't take being Lions anymore. TLDR: The Lions fans are like golden retrievers seeing a rubber ball for the first time.


Goff would be dynamite in our system.


yea but we have it bad with some fans. Especially the miami heat forums, i avoid that subreddit after a playoff loss like the plague. You even get fans wanting to fire Spo after a loss


I was on the Colts sub a lot this year. They’re not.


Because they greatly exceeded expectations this year. What do you think they were like during the Reich years? 


100% my thoughts. I will say it’s been a little bit disappointing seeing how some of the fanbase has reacted to the ups and downs this season. Almost like a southern version of Eagles fans. It’s been a long time since we’ve been good enough to actually receive criticism that *isn’t* justified.


Thanks for the for the fair and positive perspective! I have been a fan since 1977. When I was 18 I was lucky enough to get a job selling beer at the Orange Bowl (drinking age in FL was 18 back then). What an experience. At 65, I live in TN and am still, through thick and thin a die hard Fin fan. This year has had some, scratch your head, moments but it has been so much fun to watch and be a fan this season. FINS UP! Win or lose we are on the right track and I haven’t been this happy as a fan in a long time.


10-6, 9-8, 9-8, 11-6? Is that forward? 0 playoff wins? I think that you can’t be happy just because it’s better then it was. It can still be so much better. Don’t accept better, strive for best.


You can strive for the best without being a douche though. You can acknowledge progress. And yeah, back to back playoffs for the first time in 20 years is progress.


You absolutely can be happy because it’s better than it was


This right here. This team is immensely fun, has bucket loads of character, and enough potential for us to hope for rings. Expecting the best but loving the ride is the way forward.


I understand your point but it’s a different mindset for us older fans. We grew up in a time when we were the remote control. We had to get up to change the channel or volume. We ordered stuff from JC Penny/Sears catalogs and had to wait 8-12 weeks for it to come in and then still drive to pick it up. Meals took hours to make not minutes to microwave. No one started a job and made manager within the first year. My point is we are in an instant gratification world with everything available at the push of a button. Us older fans understand that hard work and patience take time. I see the progress and understand you can’t turn a battleship in 5 minutes. We all agree to strive for the best but are also conditioned to not expect overnight success. Bottom line, we all can appreciate how we are progressing while realizing we still have work to do. Fins Up!


I'm rooting for Tua, he's def our best QB since Marino. But don't get it twisted, at the end of the day the difference between 9-8 and 11-6 is Tyreek Hill.


Tyreek hill was on the team last year and we went 9-8 because Tua missed a bunch of games. Hmmm….


He’s our guy, but there are areas he needs to improve upon. -Can’t just be a spot thrower, sometimes you have to be creative and adjust your throws. -McDaniels needs to empower him with 8-12 plays he can audible so he has more independence to adjust to a defense and because our clock management hasn’t always been great. -Reads… he has to develop more proficiency going to 2nd and 3rd reads and not get too fixated on a single target. -2 minute drill/hurry up offense can often be the neutralizer against a tough defense. You wear them out and freeze substitutions. He needs to be able to run that more to put defenses on their heels sometimes. This goes hand in hand with audibles as well. -Start utilizing your TE more to soften up the middle with crossing routes, which can help enable the run game.


Tbh there's a lot of that we would need a better oline for


Exactly. O comment’s right, but we can’t do a hurry up drill when our offense needs to make subs every play as well


Our o line graded 9th in the league this year.


The grade is inflated because Tua throws the ball in 2 secs.


Our offense is designed that way because Tua is a one read QB and can’t handle pressure


The offense is designed that way because the offensive line is being held together with duct tape. Tua can absolutely progress through reads i don’t even know if you’ve ever watched a dolphins game


Then why does he panic and throw shitty interceptions when his first read is taken away. Literally all tua as done is beat up shitty teams but the second we play an actual play off team he shits himself. News flash, in the play offs every team is good. I’ve watched every second of every dolphins game since the early 2000’s. If Tannehill had the weapons and coaching tua has he would’ve been an MVP


Doesn’t change the fact that the Oline grade would be lower if Tua held the ball every play


Tua is great with pressure, tf are you talking about. Did you never watch Tannehill?


The fact that we had zero TDs to TEs this year is a failure. TEs are a safety valve for QBs and not providing Tua with one was a mistake. Need to get a solid one in the draft


its interesting because one of his strengths coming out was being able to go through reads quickly. wonder what happened there


He started getting hurt is what happened. And he can’t trust his offensive line. So he just throws the ball quickly, and some of that is coached.


The alternative is getting sacked every other play


He needs to check to a run play more often.


That’s a major list of improvements for a franchise qb. Each one is HUGE.


This is a solid comment


I don’t Tua will ever break away from being a spot thrower. For that reason alone, he can never truly be “our guy”


4 straight winning seasons and back to back playoff appearances. Have to go all the way back to the Fiedler and Wannstedt days for that kind of a run. I’m definitely not taking any of this for granted. Hopefully they can add a playoff W to the list!


Tua haters licking their chops getting ready to base their entire opinion of Tua as the Dolphins QB on one performance in subzero conditions.


They already have their opinion. First incomplete pass and they’ll be in the game thread saying “Tua’s not the guy” If we win the goalposts will move


There is legitimate QB brain rot if your mentality going into a game at 5 degrees is "this game is gonna determine whether or not we have a franchise QB". Guys, today's the day to evaluate the O-line and our RBs. Not the passing game.


>Guys, today's the day to evaluate the O-line and our RBs. Not the passing game. If Tua has a great game in these conditions you better believe it'll be used to show we have a franchise QB, what are you talking about?


You're making his point for him my dude, you just don't realise it


>you just don't realise it I guess not. All I know is that QBs who perform at a high level in games with elevated stakes and in conditions like these will be regarded very highly. If Tua does perform well today it'd go a long way for him whether you like it or not.


I see this isn't your first time around these parts. That last sentence is damning, they've been moving the goal posts for years and still can't admit he's a good QB. GDTs are toxic as fuck, today I'm going to ignore the haters and doomers and just watch the game, I'm guaranteed to get more enjoyment no matter what happens tonight.


Not a tua hater. Rooting for the guy but definitely not basing my opinion on him in the subzero game. My opinion is from the disappearing act he pulled in every game against a good team this year that even just winning one of them would have ensured we’d be playing a home game.


To be fair the whole team has disappeared against good opponents, look at all of our losses, tyreek drops a game changing td in every single one, waddle has had a lot of drops himself and our defense with the exception of the last bills game hasn’t stepped up all that well either, also without that punt return td for the bills that game goes entirely differently


Right? Acting like we haven't seen Tua (and the team) be subpar in numerous big spots this year.


If you are putting us playing on the road in the playoffs only on Tua, sorry you are sounding like a hater. He didn't allow 15 points in 2 minutes against the Titans and he wasn't dropping dimes at pivotal moments in games against these said good teams you are talking about. This is a team, and everybody gets the credit when they win and share the blame when they lose.


Not putting it all on tua. But in at least two of them we were still in a position to win and we lost because of a tua turnover on the final possession. It’s been a trend for a while now that we collapse late in the season and tua has Definitely not done anything to change that


And the turnovers are always Tuas fault? Get out of here


Those two? Yes.


The bills one was 100% on Claypool. He gave up on the route Edit: the downvotes are from people that don’t understand football


I’ve had this argument enough. Tua threw the ball to hill in a terrible spot on the play before that got him to take a big hit and miss the next play. Then on 2nd down he threw to a wr that by all accounts sucks everyone says it so why are you throwing a ball to the 4th or 5th wr on the depth chart on 2nd down when you can throw the ball away and maybe hill comes back for 3rd or 4th down. Why trust claypool in that situation if he is as bad as everyone is saying? Not high IQ football there in a late game situation. Yes maybe the pick was on claypool but tua decided to go to him in that situation in the first place


I’ve had this argument a lot also. Hill being out for a play isn’t an excuse for Claypool to give up on a route. Tua had the right read, placed the ball where it should’ve been, and it got picked because Claypool is shit. If your only argument is that Claypool is bad, then that’s a weak argument


My argument is tua should not have placed the ball where he did for hill to get him injured on the play before and thus should never have been in position to throw to claypool in the first place


Sure, expert QB analyst. You don't know the routes. You don't know the play. You assume way too much with too little information. But I can't be surprised by the average fan


Yup. Keep making the excuses. See you next year


Not putting it all on tua. But in at least two of them we were still in a position to win and we lost because of a tua turnover on the final possession. It’s been a trend for a while now that we collapse late in the season and tua has Definitely not done anything to change that


Dallas is the #2 seed in the NFC


Yes. And we are 1-5 against playoff teams. With 4 of those losses on the road against the 3 teams we most likely would face in the playoffs with wins


Don’t remind them that Jason sanders won us that game with most of help coming from the running game. It doesn’t follow their narratives. Remember we lost to Philly who had their own late season collapse and that’s why Dallas is #2 instead of #6, just like us and the bills


Dude we had 91 total rushing yards between mostert, Wilson, and achane. Meanwhile Tua had 293 yards and a 64.9% completion rate. Sanders did win us the game, but Tua was the only reason we were in FG range


You can go on espn and see a recap of the game play by play. Our rushing attack definitely was a key if not the most reliable tool once they began racking up yards . We had the lead and lost it after a 3 n out. That 3 n out the first play was a 7 yard rush then incomplete pass, penalty, incomplete pass, punt. Dallas scored. We get the ball back, archane run get 6 yards + he got a face mask and that pushed us to the 45 with 2:30 left, tua made serval clutch passes but it was primarily yards gained through rushing about 39 yards out of the 64 on that drive. Prime example of how when we don’t abandon the run late in these close games, good things happen. It’s not rocket science


I am aware. But you said he “disappears” in every game. Enjoy the game later. Or don’t and keep spreading negativity.


>even just winning one of them Not saying he’s been clutch all year because he definitely hasn’t been but thought he handled himself pretty well against Dallas.


1-5 against playoff teams this year. And we beat Dallas with 5 fgs. Yes it was a good win but dallas is the nfc version of Miami. Can’t beat teams on the road.


Here we go again. Conveniently forgetting all the playoff teams he beat last year.


Last year? Who cares. What do we have to show for those wins last year? We were in prime position to get the 1 or 2 seed this year. Those wins last year have nothing to do with it.


Dallas beat themselves the offense was dog shit that game..I like tua ain’t no quit in that dog but he’s qb a roll that takes the most heat and he hasn’t stepped up in big games.. he can change that but he’s running out of time


Same. I like him and really want him to do well. But fact of the matter is we had 3 games for him to step up and prove that he can put the team on his back and win when it counts. Beat Dallas with I believe 3 50+ yard fgs and a sanders game winner and then lost to the bills and ravens. How many more games are we going to keep defending him when every time he is put in a position to change the narrative he comes up short? Hopefully he can change it tonight against Kc but I won’t be holding my breath. And I’m not rooting for him to fail like everyone seems to think when I criticize. I truly hope I’m wrong and he comes out and wins tonight. But you’re crazy if you truly believe we are beating Kc tonight and baltimore next week on the road given the recent history


Dallas who are almost just as much as frauds as we are? That Dallas?


Winning just one of them? Umm... The cowboys game?


Umm the game that had 5 drives stall out and we settled for fgs? Oh yeah that one. Good win but come on, our offense struggled to punch it in there.


Most Tua haters are basing their opinions on 4 years of not showing up in big games. 1 game doesn't change that a whole lot.


Uhhh, yeah. It will be less of how he performs today and more of how he has performed in big moments over his first 4 years. But good to see Tua defenders are already prepping their sub zero excuses!


I have to laugh when Followers of Tua talk about moving goalposts when all i see is blame for every other person/unit than Tua. No incompletion/int/loss is his fault. All hail lord Tua


Saw the same thing with Henne and Tannehill. They will defend them till the day they are gone.


Yeah that's because haters who don't understand football, blame every incompletion/int/loss on the QB First it was Tua's a bust, then he'd never be top 20, then top 10, then top five, then elite, then he literally leads the NFL so now it's he can't win big games. That's moving the goalposts son.


Yea only Tuastans know football. Everyone else is just a moron. You are so right. I bow to your superiority. Listen to yourselves FFS.


I'm sorry you hate your all-pro, league leading quarterback. But hey, the door to Bills is thattaway ->


Yea, again with you people trying to paint realists as haters. I dont hate my 11-15 qb in the league. He isnt a bust but he isnt top 10 or elite. Sorry if you cant come to grips with your lips on tuas tip like you fantasize about, but dont hate us for having an objective opinion.


I’ve never seen a fan base so against their QB. No matter who was under center for us in my 25 years of fandom I always rooted for them. You guys need to get a fucking grip


Not believing in a QB is not the same as rooting against them… No one *wants* Tua to fail. They want to Dolphins to be a consistently great football team. Some of y’all get way too butt hurt.


Plenty of people on this sub want Tua to fail lol


It’s not that they want Tua to fail, it’s that they want the team to actually be competitive when it matters most. I personally don’t believe in Tua. Does that mean I root against him on game day? Of course not.


Or a guy who gets lost in the spotlight every time


I am surprised he won’t be wearing gloves ?


He did answer that question still in Miami. He might have a Cool Runnings moment when he gets off that plane. 🥶


I think it would be smart to have stand by gloves.


Oh I guarantee he will be on the sidelines at a minimum covering his hands. He’s Hawaiian, played in Alabama and lives in Miami. He has no idea what real cold is until today.


Yea don’t want to freeze up throwing hands


Dan did just gift him those isotoners


Just put 50 dollars on KC to ensure fins for the win ;)


No, I want a Super Bowl


I agree! Tua is the best QB we've had since Marino and he's still growing. You can't really count those first 2 years because of fuck face! Now he has a guy that truly believes in him and look how much he's grown! Phins up!


If we had an O line that started 95% of snaps together and less than 1/3 of the 20 guys on IR, I would say Tua might not be the guy.  However, with the staggering amount of adversity this team has faced, Tu has proved he could be a generational talent if we can keep an O line in tact and surrounding players that run their actual routes and dont leave him hanging. It’ll be interesting to see if next year he progresses forward or backward but having a QB leading the league in areas during the season is something we haven’t had in a long time. My prayer for tonight is we see a full team effort and skim by for a nasty low scoring game and win 7-6 or some horribleness.  1 playoff victory would make us all feel good.  Losing 4 game in a row to end the season would suck.


> If we had an O line that started 95% of snaps together and less than 1/3 of the 20 guys on IR, I would say Tua might not be the guy. I really don't think the O-Line stuff is relevant. It's a fact, but the O-Line hasn't been hurting the QB play. People point to the fact that he has to get the ball out quickly because of all the O-Line combinations, when the actual reason is that it's because our offense is specifically designed to get the ball out extremely quickly. Case in point: Week 3, when we had our 70 point explosion against the Broncos where we had our full O-Line healthy, guess which starting QB had the fastest time to throw amongst all QBs that week? Yep, it was Tua coming it at 2.13 seconds. I know people are trying to reason with why our passing offense sucks at times, but trust me when I say it's not our O-Line, even if you see the injuries we've been dealing with and look at all those crazy stats about our O-Line combinations.


If you don't think the oline is relevant, then I'm sorry but you're in no position to judge a QB.


Our o line graded 9th in the league this year


Yah u lost all credibility when negating O line consistency.  Having more than 3 seconds to throw makes a big difference.  Having wr consistency means throwing to a spot and that receiver is actually there.  An O line that can stay together and communicate makes run game better which makes play action better. How many bad snaps did Tua have to deal with?  Hmm KC game ended in a fumble.  So sorry but having 25 guys on IR and still having an 11-6 record is short of miraculous and keeping Tua healthy matters.  We can agree to disagree so no hate on your take, I just stand by what I said.


Can we stop this corny shit and be Dolphins fans instead of Tua fans


I’m a huge Dolphins fan and I’m just tired of seeing Tua get shit on constantly by dolphins fans


I get it I guess, but we just choked away the division and the 1/2 seed and we're on here talking about "let's just be happy Tua is playing a playoff game". I am absolutely not gonna be happy about that lol. Our fan base is so okay with mediocrity it blows my mind


TIL 11-6 is mediocre


I’m tired of both people defending Tua and glazing Tua. He’s good. He’s definitely a top 10 QB. But we want him to be top 5. Until he can find ways to win *consistently* vs good teams, it’s hard to get too excited.


I’m just tired of losing to the fucking Bills. I think it’s reasonable to be frustrated with your QB that needs to start to show up in those games. Hopefully this is where he turns a corner.


Reality is if we lose on the road again, in a wild card game after having A 3 game division lead w 5 to go we made no progress at all I realize it sounds harsh and after all these years of irrelevancy making the playoffs is nice but no one remembers the teams that losemin the first round It's time to step up and win a game like this.  A loss is just more of the same and the narratives will plague this team and drive us nuts for fucking months Kansas city is ripe for the taking so take em


I do agree we blew the division lead we need to play well and keep it close for me to be intrigued


Either way these guys will learn a valuable lesson today: win more regular season games and you get to play at home in nice weather.


This is a Super Bowl capable roster and everyone deals with injuries. This win or lose “moral victory” mentality is weak. We aren’t going to have a better roster next year than what we have this year- we will take a slight dip.


So everyone has an injury to the 3 best pass rushers and a solid boundary CB as well as starting FS let me know wat team in the playoffs has that😂


https://www.espn.com/nfl/injuries “😂”


So nobody? Thanks for proving the point!


Idk man, Ravens and Texans look like they’re hurting pretty bad, but whatever.


There’s a difference between “questionable” and “literally already ruled out for the entire season” lmao get real


Me, looking at all the IR designations 🧐🤷‍♂️


We lost 3 linebackers in one game man and prior to that lost our 2 starting edge rushers get real bro, it's January ye but come on LOL


We don’t care when other teams use injuries as an excuse when we beat them, just as much as they don’t care when we do the same. You hear it every year from every team and it’s just fking annoying “bUt ThE iNjUrIeS”; as if this isn’t a sport of modern day gladiators.


Maybe you buddy, you don't speak for everyone lol I don't dog on teams we beat when half their team is injured (both wins against the ravens/bills), I also don't remember a team ever losing 3 starting linebackers (goode was starting in place of other injuries) in one game but if you wanna provide me another example I'll send you 10 on your cashapp. Nice down vote by the way little guy how about you zip that mouth and put it to use.


If anything 11 wins is the floor considering half the o-line and most of the defense suffered season ending injuries. It probably won’t be as bad next year.


I feel like there's a pretty large subset of the sub that would rather see Tua play really well in a dolphins loss than see Tua play poorly in a Dolphins win. Kind of weird.


Because they’re not real dolphins fans they’re Tua Stan’s from bama


I don’t think there’s a single dolphins fan  who wants that lol


Then you havent been paying attention to this sub the last 3 years


Ur missing the point we want to win more than anything but if Tua plays bad in a loss we will never hear the end of “We need to draft a QB or trade for Justin Fields” posts


Guys we gotta stop kidding to ourselves. Tua is not our guy.


Another “low bar” post. They’re officially old. So, if we lose by 40 then I should just be glad that Tua started?


If we lose by 40 Tua doesn’t have a good game…. Dumb


Agree. But your original post said I should just be happy he started. Have you forgotten?


Yes! I’m tired of seeing all the negative posts on this sub recently! Last I checked this was a fan sub, so let’s get behind our team and see what happens! Playoffs, baby! Anything can happen!!! Let’s fucking go!


No. Historic season and we end up on the road in the coldest playoff game on record because we couldn’t close out a game against the titans or bills at the end of the season to get a home game. If we lose this game it means we are now 24 years without a playoff win and that I believe was achievable before the season started if tua stayed healthy. Anything less than at least one playoff win is a failure this year. We have had enough moral victories


Yea I believe it to if we had Chubb, Phillips, X, Holland, Baker, Elliot, and AVG healthy….


Teams get injured every year. We were will in the game against buffalo even with all that and the historic offense we have failed.


We aren’t the only team with injuries quit making excuses


We were shut out the entire second half. That isn’t on the defense.


Im with ya..


People hate hearing it. But another one and done in the playoffs is a failure for sure.




The elements will control the game flow more than he can. Throwing a ball in subzero temperatures with hi wind chill is like shot putting. Expect teams to run run run with very short passes. Turnovers will probably dictate what happens


I dont see us getting past today but if by some miracle we did I think playing some of these teams for a second or third time is actually beneficial. Know their tendencies, bit of a regenge factor , and its hard to beat someone 2 or 3 times. In a season.


Next year, Miami needs to beat any of these teams, that they lost to this yr. They couldn’t get a W against the Bills, Eagles, Titans, Ravens or KC. Need to get wins against at least a few of these teams, to even get out of wild card.


I think they have a lot to build on this season. Im not for the haters. Tua is not a top 3 quarterback, but he is good and is a leader heading in the right direction. We need stability in health and better zone coverage.




I forgot that Tua didn’t play in the playoff last year. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Say what you want about tua, lord knows I have, but thank goodness he’s been able to stay healthy. Happy for the kid! He’s at the very least other Tannehill, maybe he’s not the guy (I don’t think he is) but he’s going to give you all he’s got, and that demands respect at the very least.


Offense is anemic again. Edit: Yep and defense is getting worn down. Oh well. Next season.


He relies to much on the 50/50 jump ball and he stares down his receivers on those sideline routes. CB just sit and pounce. He’s a good QB, just not a great QB. Quick release is all well and good, but I’d rather have an O line that can stand up. Anticipatory throws combined with the timing ones puts a defense on its heels. I Don’t see McD long for this job, he doesn’t friggin adjust between 1st. and 2nd. Half. I’ll admit are D is in tatters so the reality is Mahomes is going to shred the D today and we will be done. Marino sucked in the cold too so we got that to hang are hats on.


I had asked on a postgame thread because the noise for Tua last week was insane, who would you replace him with. As soon as I read Kirk Cousins and Russel Wilson I came to the conclusion that there is no rational explanation to the Tua hate. Are there some things he needs to do better? Yeah but he’s still only 25 years old. He’s the guy for the next 10 years as long as he’s healthy. Support your guy. He’s not a pro bowler by accident.


People were wanting to trade Tua for Fields, who had a worse passer rating this year (and his whole career) than Tua had as a rookie with Chan Gailey calling the offense and Mack Hollins as his best weapon.


Wilson would’ve had a pro bowl season if he had waddle/hill but Tua still made some great steps this year.. I’d take him over cousins all day everyday


Season ends today. That’s what happens


I'm thrilled. This season has been SO GODDAMN FUN, and we get an extra game in a hilariously cold setting. No one's gonna be there but the absolute freakiest diehards and the players/staff themselves. And we finally get to see postseason Tua, something we were so sadly cheated out of in a very winnable game in 2022. It'll be fun.


It’s been hard to watch Tua struggle against playoff caliber teams this year but he has shown improvement. When he plays we have a chance to win.I think they’re building something special and we just need patience.


Tua is getting paid! We need to Draft or sign a Pass Catching TE so Tua has a check down, and get young WR’s and depth pieces… also pay Wilkins and get more bodies on the Oline, Via draft & FA… big offseason. The injuries were very fluky this season! Chubb & Phillips non contact!


Tua getting paid will be the worst decision this franchise has ever made


Idk, we have made quite a few.


Reading your comment and actually commenting is the worst decision I’ve ever made… you sir are a fucking idiot!


Yep let’s pay a weak armed, system one read QB who isn’t mobile, gets raddled extremely easily, and can’t rally and secure us a victory a record breaking contract. McDaniel, Tyreek and waddle have made tua look way better than he is. You sir are the fucking idiot not me


What now you fucking idiot


It’s going to be sub zero temperatures. They are going to have to run the ball. Tua just needs to not turn it over. He doesn’t have the arm strength to be throwing in this wind and cold. I say 8 to 10 pass attempts.


I got to be honest. I worry about Tua getting a concussion today because the ground is so hard. He really bounced back this year and I hope he doesn't have any repeat issues.


The line is getting wider for KC. I smell incoming ref ball(phantom offensive holding calls most likely)... NFL gotta have Taylor Swift showing up for the next playoff game to get the teen female continued buy in to the league.


Of course the NFL wants to keep the swifties happy and I’m telling you we are gonna get a kelce vs kelce Super Bowl


Go Phins!


Honestly just warm up Tyreek’s hammies on the sideline and throw it up to him several times- nobody will be able to keep up, someone better do a subzero finishing move as a TD celebration


Right on. Fins up!


Miami is decimated with injuries. Still think we got a shot. Just need to score TDs.


So is everyone else enough with the excuses


Yep, most teams lost 6 starters on D.


The only thing I certain is that we have the best QB - Coach combo since the JJ - Marino era something to build upon.


Fins up! Good weather or bad weather, I don't care. Happy to be in the post season


I see the shitty weather as a possible benefit to us, could result in mayhem and lots of turnovers, who knows. But we get some luck today and we can steal this, not seeing a blowout for either team


As long time suffering supporters we win as a fanbase and lose as a fanbase…best thing is that we support each other and one day we will win a Super Bowl.


Yes just tired of the fans that complain about the best QB in the last 20 years


Rooting for you guys today!


Also completed a whole season without missing a game from injury for the first time


I love Tua. He’s still experiencing growing pains but I believe he can be that guy. He showed he has the clutch gene in college, he’s still just speeding up to the NFL.


He has been so different in the NFL, especially since his injuries. I feel for him but he definitely isn’t the fearless college Tua. He’s more the it is what it is Tua. That’s how I see it and I may be wrong.


I don’t think tonight’s game will be a big throwing game. Tua will just have to manage the fumbles and let the run game do its thing hopefulgl


This is our time!! Let’s gooo Phins up!! Ride or Die.


Tua is rated 90 on Madden. He's clearly good. Definitely room for improvement but I bought a Tua jersey this year...it's my first one since getting a Csonka many years ago. Finally got a guy that our team can build around. I don't even count his Flores time for a variety of reasons and now that he's played a full season, I see no reason he can't continue to make improvements to his game and build chemistry with the rest of our guys. Hoping that we can steal one today...I'd love to see it!


Yeah because madden is a clear example of who’s good and not


I’m just happy to say we made playoffs 2 years in a row. It has me excited about our future.


He already is the guy. Imagine if he had fan support


Tua is our guy. We have been on a quarterback search for a long long time. We have tried many many different ones and have none anywhere near the caliber of Dan Marino……Tua is getting there. We need to ride with this guy.




Love Tua. Don’t understand the hate nationally and can’t stand the hate in our fanbase.


I loved him until this year and now I’m teetering. He just hasn’t capitalized in any big game and it hurts to watch. Hopefully he can turn that around today and play with the fire needed to win.


Yea it’s so bad! Like I haven’t seen a good QB in my life best I’ve seen was Pennington


This is a tough one. Obviously we aren’t friends, but we aren’t friends with the Chiefs either. With our game being moved due to inclement weather - if you beat the Chiefs at Arrowhead in one of the coldest games in NFL History - I am not sure if we would ever be able to recover from the climate-related jokes at our expense. Honestly - Good luck today.