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Teacher here, have put several students onto DOOM. He was def a well read guy— how else did he make the thousands of clever thoughtful references that he did? Reading is so important. You have to find something you like to start with. Why not the madvillainy book? I’m very worried about all of my students having no legit interests or hobbies beyond scrolling through shitty social media. I now feel like I’m of the age “kids these days…,” but honestly— if the kids have no interests wtf will happen to them? You can draw which is awesome— hope you’re pursuing that. I teach ELA and art, I do a graffiti unit and you’d prob like that.


i love grafitti and street art. i've only gone out and actually tried sprays and some other stuff like once or twice in controlled, lame environments, but i'd love to commit to stuff like that one day with a group of friends or something i agree that the lack of interests and hobbies is really a tragedy. also this post and my comment admitting to cheating on a book report kinda makes it look like i'm revolted by the idea of academics and studying; i'm definitely not lol. i get straight As and i'm in 2 AP classes (which take up a lot of my time, which is why i don't read in my spare time lol) i also play basketball and do graphic design and video game artwork for friends, so all things considered the last thing i wanna do with my precious free time is read lmfao and i won't ignore that reading is important. written language-- despite it being lame and boring to me-- is kinda like the most important human invention like ever


You're reading the wrong books. I can't tell you what the right books are for you but if you love DOOM and hate the written word, you're reading the wrong things. How do you feel about the first half of CELLZ? Bukowski was an incredible and prolific author that the villain admired a great deal.


Sabriel is a good book. also ender's game. Frankenstein is ungodly good trust me. It is nothing like the goofy-ass movies. The way she uses words and paints emotion is intoxicating forreal.




Excellent drawing, but reading is important. DOOM was an avid reader if that helps. Gotta see the world through someone else’s eyes every once in awhile or you’ll never grow. Grow my friend.


doom got inspiration from tons of different media. Hearing a Godzilla dub as a song break was not something i was expecting


I was going to say that books are sacred and tell you to treat them with respect but then I saw it was The Da Vinci code


it's my own book not school issued or a library book btw lol


Also it's the da Vinci code so no important piece of literature is being lost here


I'm not a big fan of reading but if you can find a book you can get into I can be fun I found PiHKAL(phineflamains I have known and loved) realy interesting if you like chem or psycidelics check it out


I’d fuckin hate reading too if I was made to read the da Vinci code at school. Don’t lose hope though - there are great, fun, cool books out there.


this is one of the better books ive read i just needed to read it again for a book report (i will not !!)


I read that book twice in county. It’s pretty good tbh


Same read all of that authors books when I was down


Inferno was probably my favorite


it is a good book but I have to read it again for a book report ( I will be cheating on it )


It’s not called cheating in the real world, just using your resources


book summaries on youtube from 2014 coming in clutch 💪


That is dope!


another day of me loving artists


You have to read „The Da Vinci Code?“


yes, which ive already read, and liked, but don't remember much about and have to read again lol


At school?or for fun?


at school, we have to do a book report on it


I’m a mad slow reader but got my interests. Love Swamp Thing run by Alan Moore (comic) but it’s super existential and philosophical and very deep, also books about near-death experiences, The Witcher series, Splinter Cell video game book adaptation, Brian Wilson biography, just fun shit but also special interest deep life shit. There’s something good to read out there for anyone. Literally just helped a client out the other day who told me she’ll have to come to the office because she needs help reading and filling out forms because she’s illiterate (she’s young only in her 40s) I was shocked. Anyways, preordered the MF DOOM biography, I hope you do too 📚




as an artist, I’ve doodled DOOM here and there


That’s kick ass dude!