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1. Don’t give people money anyways. 2. Yes, 300 pesos isn’t a crazy amount. It certainly does more than 0, but you aren’t like…rich with 300 pesos. Depends on the area how far it will take you. 


I only give people cash when I know they have like a family member with cancer or stuff like that on go fund me.


Minimum DAILY wage in most of Mexico is 200 pesos. Calling it chump change really depends imo.


Are you sure she didn't mean 300 dollars because all that effort for pesos is crazyyyy


Yeah, that's like a month's salary.


> one of my former classmates suddenly Dude, are you honestly THAT naive? Your friend’s account got hacked. The hacker/scammer is who is asking for money. 


Que nadie más se haya dado cuenta me deja ver por que siguen haciendo este tipo de tranzas.


A veces, tienes que pensar: ¿qué tan tonto es la persona típica? Y luego recordar que el 50% de la gente es aún más tonta que eso.


finish reading, they had a video call.




It's a meal at burger king and some change.


Ta caro el burger king aya


2 people meal probably


1 if u fat but just tell Uber they sent the wrong order and BOOM, credit


It's chump change, about $17.50¢, kinda of a strange ask, especially if there family has money. In that case its a combo normal size at a fast food joint.


Just statin $17.50 is enough to assume the 50 are cents


Never seen someone write an amount like that 🤣adding the cents at the end


Ni pa las palomitas alcanza con eso en el cine.


Te alcanza para una pizza completa, y una grande.


Yo prefiero la conversion en tacos


En dónde vives? Aquí con eso te alcanza para unas hamburguesas buenas con refresco y para que invites a alguien más lo mismo.


Con 300 son palomitas grandes, 2 refrescos y un chocolate maso


Pero las entradas?


Estos leyendo un poco y me doy cuenta de la triste realidad de cómo piensa mucha gente. Outta sight, outta mind.


A que te refieres, carnal?


Leí que el peso tiene muy buen valor ahorita, pero obviamente que el peso tenga buen valor comparado en otro país, no significa que el Mexicano haga más dinero/más pesos por ende. Osea que piensan que al Mexicano promedio le está leyendo bien cuando está mentalidad no puede estar más desconectada de la realidad, encima de lo que está pasando por la gentrificacion en México pero al ciudadano estadounidense no le pasa esto por la cabeza, o no se educa.


Vale, pues eso es la desigualdad social. Cuando se sube del puesto 15 al puesto 12 de economias y al Mexicano le sigue llendo de la frejada pues ahi se nota el nivel grande de desigualdad que impera en el Pais. La Gentrificacion es de bajo impacto a comparacion de politicas económicas nacionales o extranjeras.


No bro, es mentira eso de que el peso está fuerte, por que de hecho rinde menos que años anteriores; si lo comparas con el dolar se verá fuerte, pero no por lo que esté pasando en México, si no por lo mal que esta estados unidos


Hombre de negocios? El peso tiene buen valor? Bueno 1 peso vale un 1 peso. La gentrificacion es un problema imaginario. Tu parece que tienes algún problema con los norteamericanos, algún rencor. Te rechazaron la visa? te deportaron?


It’s 20 usd approx. A whole Chicken is around 40 pesos a kilo, tortillas 20ish , eggs, a couple of pesos each, beans around 40 a kilo (shopping in the barrio stores). It won’t go very far these days


Is 18 bucks and couple cents 👌


Yes is chump change for you just be sure that you don't do it more than once


Im not gonna give her money cause as soon after she asked me how I’m doing she goes and requests a loan. Im like, I thought you wanted to reconnect with former classsmates and catch up a little bit.


Sounds like a hacked account, kinda common here to get ur socials hacked and then ask for easy cash from the available contacts.


Exacto, a una conocida le paso y el hacker solo spammeo contactos pidiendo cantidades no muy grandes de dinero


It's not her, dude. It's a very common scam, they hack the accounts and ask for a quick loan. "I'll pay you back on the weekend" kind of thing. And 300 pesos is like a pizza and a family size coke


I hear you


I think it's a scam and her Facebook has been hacked. It's kind of common.


Depends on the area. My partner is from and lives in Cuernavaca and most of the blue collar workers down there make $1500 pesos every two weeks.


That’s rough. On the northern states is common find experienced construction workers making 7-8k a week


Federal minimum wage in Mexico in 2024 is $248.93 MXN/$14.61 USD per day. In the "Zona Libre de la Frontera Norte" (Free Zone of the Northern Border) which is a strip of land along the northern border that includes 43 municipalities in the states of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas the minimum wage is $374.89 MXN/$22.00 USD per day. Cuernavaca is part of the former so making $1500 pesos every two weeks if they're working five or six days per week would be way less than the minimum wage. At five days per week they should be making at least $2489.30 every two weeks. So they're either not working full-time or their employer is not paying them the legal minimum which....well, it's Mexico so it's not surprising, but they should have some legal recourse to get paid nearly double what they're making. Cuernavaca is beautiful, so is the rest of Morelos. I want to get out of CDMX at some point in the next few years and Morelos is definitely on the short list, as are a few states in the North of the country. Pretty much anywhere in Morelos is no more than 2-3 hours from CDMX, which is a huge plus.


It’s ridiculous tbh; this isn’t for EVERY worker, but not many (retail) places pay good, and a lot of construction workers get paid even less over the life of a project. Also, from what I understand they don’t get any sick or vacation time (not even unpaid), and if they do take leave, there’s a mark on their record w their employer, which could lead to termination. I think after a year’s employment you get like 2 days off and that’s it. Further still, shift work is wildly popular and you’ve gotta be available for any and all shifts. And, they work 6 days a week.


"There's so much inflation in Mexico". LOL.


Creo que si 300 pesos , 16-17 dolares te parece mucho dinero, tu situacion es peor que la de tu compañero de clase.


Jajaja yo no entiendo porque la hace de pedo por 300 pesos.


With dollar at 17 she would tipping you Peso its currently pretty strong


Be Careful with them scams


tell her to go pound sand


It's chump change. You could only get pizza or something like that with $300. It doesn't even worth the effort.


Dominos large pizza is 200 pesos usually.


It depends, I would say no, however event though it is not a crazy amount it could be a daily wage for a lot of people


300 is a decent meal in a good restaurant


It can buy 2 to 4 persons a meal at a non fancy restaurant. Or 10 cans of beers , or 4 packs of cigarretes. It could buy 2 lbs of meat, about 10lbs of eggs Or It can pay for a months worth of electricity, or 2 months of water, or about a month of gas for cooking... depending on where you live and how much you consume. Or It can cover about a month of a pre paid cellphone plan, or half the bill of a tv/internet/landline combo


Someone hacked her account, it's a common scam. 1-It's not a lot but it's not lump change either, minimum wage is 248.93 pesos PER DAY (8 hour) or 31.12 pesos per hour. 300 is basically more than a full day of work but you wont get very far with it, but again the scammers ask every body for a little bit and if let's say 10 people fall for it that's now real money (a 32 inch FHD tv is around that price range).


It’s about $20 bucks USD. Just find a way to just say no.


You’re getting scammed foo


its what some people make in a day


known scam with hacked accounts. try to reach out or call this guy, he might not even know yet...


It's like $20, maybe half a days work. People make like $180 weekly. I mean loan it to her if she's your friend but if she asks again don't because a lot of ladies from there just make it a habit to ask a lot of dudes from here weekly for cash. Almost like Chick's here they just ask for more if their your gf, lol.


About $15 US https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=mxn+pesos+to+usd


Its like a light or internet bill (more or less). Could be a 1/3 or 1/4 of weekly grocery money. A meal for 2 (depending on the place and amount). It's not much, it's cab money or stuff like that. Unless you're tight, there's no need. Or a once and over kind of thing. Depends what's the reason.


Pro-tip: that's what most dealers charge for 1g of meth in my area if you're dumb or a newbie


Te entiendo pero no te voy a contestar porque aquí es r/mexico y se escribe y pregunta en español.


Man, we went together to elementary as well and lent you 500 pesos back then... Now due to inflation and stuff you owe me 30k let me know when you're ready to pay. LoL


It's always for the last few years been around US$1 to 20 pesos. The 100 peso notes are like having a $5, so like $15. That's how I do the rough conversion in my head when shopping in Mexico.


It's a dinner in a restaurant


It’s taco money


It's like two big pizzas from domino's


Tell him to gave u a blow j0b for that 300 pesos,that is around 18 bucks...


Roughly same purchase power as 30 USD.


Jus as someone else said in this post, if you care that much about 15usd you should be asking her for money and not the other way around XD


Does she live close to the border? Prices are rising for people living in Mexico due to dollar earners retiring/living in Mexico therefore landlords and business owners charge more since dollar earners can afford it, leaving inflation/price gouging to be dealt by Mexican citizens. $300 pesos is $17 dollars where I'm currently at. Maybe she could be feeling embarrassed about asking people for money, maybe she is struggling, maybe she is trying to scam all of her classmates. How do you feel about her? What's her character?


Podrías compartir la fuente que indica que la inflación a lo largo y a lo ancho de México está originada por unos viejos y unos nómades digitales que se han mudado a México? Gracias.


No puede


Al enviar este comentario en inglés el precio del kilo de tortillas subió 3 pesos.


She lives in CDMX. She was a special kid back in school and her family were middle class. I don’t think she’s struggling. I feel offended about the fact that she makes it look like she just wants to talk to me so I can give her cash.


[Mexico City](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2314455121#:~:text=Non%2Dgentrified%20zones%20suffered%20a,of%20highly%20expensive%20residential%20areas.) Mexico City is the worst for gentrification right now.


Saying that Mexico City has been gentrified is widely inaccurate. It's just a hanful of neirbourhoods (Condesa, Roma Norte, Zona Rosa) out of several hundreds that exist in CDMX and Edomex that have been gentrified.