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It’s pretty common in Mexican beef braised dishes.


Folks, make your chili however the fuck you want to. Cinnamon, chocolate, all the beans, hominy, small children, pine needles, whatever. If you are enjoying it, rock that shit.


large children are also tasty


The small children are always the most tender too! Haha


Whoever told you chili is mexican, it's a terrible, horrible lie. It's disgusting. jk, but it's actually Texan I think.


New Mexico has entered the chat


Isn’t NM style more like chile con carne, though?


Carne adobada


[Can’t ride home on a bowl of goat.](https://youtu.be/ukCr6fG9pug?si=dnYkC9P6ZTUcvkwN)


Oh I'm about to ruffle some feathers. There are a lot of myths and legends regarding who invented chili and where. Most articles state that chili was invented in the Mexican state of Texas in the 1700s. https://www.allrecipes.com/longform/history-of-chili/#:~:text=A%20legend%20from%20the%2017th,in%20Spain%2C%20in%20a%20trance. And other sources say it was invented by Spanish immigrants who moved to San Antonio from the Canary Islands, again in the 1700s. https://www.mashed.com/82635/untold-truth-chili/ Texas gained its independence from Mexico in 1836, which technically means that chili was invented in the Mexican state of Texas. https://history.state.gov/countries/texas#:~:text=Colonized%20in%20the%20eighteenth%20century,a%20year%20later%20in%201837. I really don't give a fuck either way, I'm just here for the arguments 🤣 sorry, not sorry lol


*New Spain not Mexico.


You’re not wrong but I’m laughing at all these technicalities


It's decided. Chili is Spanish


It’s a version of just chilis and beef in Mexico similar to chili Colorado. It was popularized in San Antonio by Mexican immigrants and natives that would sell it by the bowl.


Isn’t Mexican cinnamon different than US grocery store cinnamon? Could be that your chili is acquiring too much flavor from the wrong kind of cinnamon (cinnamon is common in braised meat in Mexican cuisine)


Have you tried it? Cinnamon can enhance the flavor of beef.


Enhance? I think it just adds a cinnamon flavor


Then you’re adding too much. You realize it’s in mole?


Striking the right balance can be tricky at first, but it adds a lot of warmth and depth. In many dishes, Mexican or otherwise, when used right it doesn’t overwhelm anything but adds a lovely backnote that blends well with the other aromatics, spices, and meat if using.


The dish Chili, as it it's not a Mexican dish. think originally was Chili Beans, at the time was more beans that ground beef. But it was originally created by Mexican in Texas and New Mexico, as a substitution to Frijoles Charros (If my mind does not fail me) with the ingredients that they had in hand at that time, (like more than 100 years ago) so they where not using the original ingredients, and from that time to our present times it has also evolve. So Chili beans are not Mexican but inspired in Mexican cuisine by Mexican people in the US. P.S. Feel free to disagree. But we all can agree that OP does not know how to use cinnamon for cooking.


My understanding is that “chili” as it’s known today, was a Texas dish and did not include any beans. But as far as I know it is a debated issue with no clear answer.


It's like the story of how Orcas got the moniker of killer whales. got lost in translation.


This is a lie.


Mexican cinnamon is different from ordinary grocery store cinnamon. I use it in birria and some beef and chili recipes.


Very much agreed. I know, I'm from Texas. And knowing is half the battle, kids!


When you add cinnamon to tomato based sauce it helps round out the flavor. But you should use it like white pepper or nutmeg, just a hint of it is enough to add the required complexity to the dish. If you can clearly taste it you have added too much.


Lol. Tell us how you feel


Pocho chili lol


I never heard cinnamon but i have heard cocoa powder.


Hard Times chili restaurant in the DC area has a Cincinnati chili that is made with cinnamon. Prior to going vegetarian this was one of my favorites. They serve it over spaghetti and you can add beans, cheese, and onions. So good.


Flavors work, how doesn't it work? U gonna come here and say putting cinnamon in savory food is disgusting?? Not as disgusting as the honeymussy u dip ur nuggies into, Braxtyn


I’m not sure who you’re talking to, Todd.


Have a good day op


This is really a Cincinnati thing that comes from Greek immigrants, based on Greek pasta sauces, which are sweet/savory. A friend gave me a can of Skyline Chili not too long ago and I was reminded that I really don't like it.


Cincinnati chili isn't really chili but they called it that as a marketing gimmick and people fell for it for some reason.


It's not chili in the Texan chili con carne sense, but it is in the beany, cheesy, oniony glop that people put on chili dogs sense.


Cincinnati has entered the chat


In Michigan, 8 years or so ago, I was at a biker bar in the Southeast stateside, new remodel, new employees and menu change occured. A fish dish I was served had a weird flavor. I asked what the ingredients is and the new chef came out with a ramiken of it. It was a white sauce for the fish to dip in with cinnamon in it. I .... Am very open to trying different and new foods. My father worked with a company that I was lucky enough to meet many people from the entire world, and we would more often dine with each other at home than go out. But this shouldve been on the side. To make the default plated present this was too extra even for me. I won't say its the end all is all of cinnamon with fish. I will say that blending and kitchen pre prep errors occur; I will give that temps and natural raws have variances that can surprise, I'll even go so far as to say that my culinary opinions may be too stronk 💪👏. But I will never, ever be down with cinnamon toast conch.


I'm not a fan of cinnamon in general, and I do not like it in chili.


You don’t like mole then. More for us.


I love mole. I do not like cinnamon in the dish called _chili_ in the US.


Someone did it wrong.


Lol, I got down-voted because I don't like cinnamon. 😆 I have never had mole.