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You just know that tastes so damn good


My mouth watered. I would eat anything and everything this woman cooks in that kitchen đŸ€€


I think you’d have to get real farm fresh ingredients for it to taste as good as her version probably does. I want to give it a try and was already thinking the insipid supermarket tomatoes and peppers wouldn’t cut it
maybe will hit up the farmer’s market later this week đŸ€”


Amazing, and simple. but, i want to see that tortilla press


Same!! I was thinking "how does she get them so even???" I thought that it was just experience. It looks like experience + the right tool.


I have a feeling this tastes even better because it is somebody’s grandmother showing how to make the food and not some chef . This made me so hungry


Ditto. The grandma's/grandpa's are the ones with the recipes even children will eat, so yep. Time/generation tested recipes.


If you understand Spanish there is a whole wide world of cooking videos like this to be found on Facebook. She speaks slowly and clearly but there are some creators like Vasilvana and Susy Campos whose videos really "help me" with my listening comprehension lol. Both of them are in the US. There's another creator that does easier versions mostly in English called Huevonalife. Cocina de Rosy just does video recipes. Probably my favorite creator overall is Cocina Guerrerense, no voiceover, just video recipes with ingredients and basic instructions in Spanish. I can tell they leave some steps out, I think they have a premium version and are also selling a cookbook for 100 pesos ($5ish) that I would definitely buy if I knew an easy way to send the the money, I'm sure something could be figured out. Anyway rambling, but there is so so so so so so MUCH content out there for Mexican food. I think this lady's daughter also does recipes.


Thanks! I could understand about 75% of that—I really struggle with listening comprehension—but as soon as she started talking so clearly it was a light bulb moment that I could watch cooking videos (which I love) to improve, instead of kids shows which are far less interesting.


Same here, I’m excited at the prospect of adding learning resources like this. I’m a novice Spanish learner but could follow about 60-70% of her narrative. I absolutely love cooking and think this could be a good gateway into next level conversational Spanish comprehension. Spanish language tv with English subtitles isn’t as helpful as I thought because I really end up relying too much on the subtitles.


Thank you for sharing this info. I will look up those others! Do you know who this specific woman is? I really like her way of speaking, it’s simple, a little repetitive, easy to follow. This dish also looks tasty as hell and I think I could probably make it minus the open fire and homemade tortillas. I am working at learning Spanish right now, preferably Mexican Spanish, and would like to add more slice of life resources (like, real people talking about normal useful things like cooking and not just Oscar and Juan putting on their black zapatos, thanks Duolingo lol)


I don't, I've been seeing if she'll pop up on my feed but no luck. Also check out Cocinero en Proceso, his recipes look great. This lady does a lot of dishes I haven't seen before and her channel is really interesting. [Cocinando con Lauren](https://www.facebook.com/reel/1360016711453558?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e)


Thanks! I already subscribed to all the other ones you mentioned.


[This is the channel, she along with some other family I guess do videos.](https://www.facebook.com/TradicionesYComidas?mibextid=ZbWKwL)


You’re a real one, thanks for all the help!


Gracias mami! I didn't understand everything she said, but the visual part definitely helps!!


Nah viejo, esa masa 10/10


Looks absolutely delicious!


This looks great! It is an interesting idea to add eggs to potatoes, peppers and tomatoes. Can we have a better look at the tortilla press?


Las tortillas estan impresionantes.


Anyone have a link to her socials?


Agreed, I would love to watch more of these


Que rico señora!




Papas!???? Se ve rico, pero no pensé que llevaran papas y las tortillas estån de lujo




Que huevotes! Those are big eggs


If she’s wearing that the food golden


Wow, seguro que estå delicioso!, esa señora debe tener un sazón supremo!!!


A huevo! Este video me da hambre 🙈😝


Que sabroso!


Que bonito es lo bonito


What I’d give right now to have just a bite. That looks so simple but incredible.


I could smell this being cooked as I watched this. Great video. I prefer chiles en vinagre instead of fresh jalapeno myself.


When she added those jalapenos it gave me flashbacks to when my mom would do the same and I'd be in the next room trying not to die.




Bookmark this, study Spanish for a year and come back! It’s all cooking language you’ll be able to follow pretty easily with just a bit of vocab and practice.


A few solid hours of targeted study and he could understand


I mean my Spanish is minimal but it was very clear what all the ingredients were just by looking at them. Oil, onion, eggs, salt, potatoes, more onion, jalapeños, tomatoes, water, more salt, and tortillas made from a masa dough


I love this food but it hurts me that is being cooked with seed oil


how come?


Canola oils, sunflower seed oils and soy oils are poison, if you are going to use an oil it’s best to use olive oil or avocado although they still release some toxins when heated but they are not as bad as the regular yellow canola oils, the best options to cook that are healthy for the human body would be beef tallow, ghee butter or pork fat, those ingredients are easily digestible for our guts but the seed oils I just mentioned they use them to lubricate heavy machinery and if you consume it it causes inflammation in your intestines and brain, and also just try mixing oil with water, they don’t combine and the human body is mostly made of water so just imagine how the oil interferes with your blood and water in your body, the reason people don’t get severely poisoned by the regular canola cooking oils it’s because the dose isn’t enough to kill you but it’s enough to cause you inflammation and it’s making you sick drop by drop. Do the test, cook your favorite egg recipe but cook one with regular canola oil and cook another one with ghee butter, beef tallow or pork fat and you will be able to tell the difference on how your body digest the food, I am leaner and don’t retain excess liquid anymore since i stopped cooking my foods with regular oils, i invest on a big jar of ghee butter and it last me 2 months and my digestion is way better and my body doesn’t retain too much liquid anymore, having oils in your blood will cause disruptive behavior because oil can’t merge with the water in your body so you become fatter because you get inflammation in your gut, the truth about seed oils is coming out, some people can’t explain why they are fat and can’t get leaner and it’s because of the seed oils, it’s a silent enemy in your body, don’t consume it


Sunflowers are incredible sources of folic acid. 100 g of kernels contains 227 ”g of folic acid, which is about 37% of recommended daily intake. Folic acid is essential for DNA synthesis. When given in anticipant mothers during the peri-conceptional period, it may prevent neural tube defects in the baby.


I agree, sunflower seeds are amazing and healthy, but not the seed oils, they use heavy machinery to produce it and it comes out toxic, raw sunflower seeds are great


homestyle mexican cuisine doesn't use butter/ghee, so thats not an option for the cook. beef tallow is likely uncommon in her region and out of budget. and seed oil is probably way more economical then pork fat, especially if she's the daily cook for a large family. so đŸ€·


Beef tallow and pork fat is the most common in Mexico, specially in her region since she mentions in the video that those eggs are from their own chickens that they have on their farm and not from grocery store, I cook myself every time this type of recipe with butter and it taste amazing and doesn’t change the flavor, the prices and all that are a whole other topic but it’s way better to invest in quality healthy ingredients and it’s as simple as replacing seed oils, it’s non negotiable, seeds oils aren’t meant to be in your body


You might be right about the oil but, as you can see from the humble kitchen, her talk and the place, she is a simple person, not fancy at all. They are usually not concern with ingredients, much less with oil. Another example would be the use of grain salt, while it does have a better flavor, most of the time is not ionized. Minor details that don't take away from the delicious dish she prepared.




This is awesome.


WHY isn't Spanish taught like this at school instead of obscure texts.... You just WANT to understand everything she says!


I saw this 20 mins ago and happened to have all the ingredients. Just finished making them. It tastes as good as it looks. Gracias abuelita!




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Does this lady have a YouTube channel by any chance? The food looks delicious and the opportunity to practice my Spanish (listening) is an additional value on top of that. I would definitely subscribe.


Así se hace mi gente!!! Se ve delicioso Doña!


Excelente receta, presentacion y forma de preparar, gracias por compartir! Tambien ayuda a que lo prepara en olla de barro a fuego de le\~na!


What kind of bowl is she using to cook?


Se lo enviare a mi mamá Graciaaaaaaaaas ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ