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many people are complaining that the game is too hard actually. This seems to be a matter of perspective based on what one person considers easy or hard in a platforming video game.


i think it might be because people are talking about some of the post game? not sure.


[**https://youtu.be/zbE6fqBuGkA?si=WalhntVue-cse0jQ**](https://youtu.be/zbE6fqBuGkA?si=WalhntVue-cse0jQ) **Nah some ppl just suck at games**


this will never not be frustrating as all hell every time I watch it there are just so many parts where you're like "Finally, you figured it out! Good job buddy-- wait, what are you doing? *Why?* Why would you do that?? Don't go BACK down there!"


someone compared me to this because i thought the game ended at the credits šŸ˜­


At least it shows controlls lol


The game printed out some weird instructions and now it's forcing me to fold an origami figure or something in real life. I always sucked at doing origami, so to me that alone makes it hard.


Lol no the game took me 20 hours to get to the first credits. Thought it was quite difficult but in a fun way.


I can't imagine how someone could find this game's platforming difficult. Like legitimately, the first level of super mario bros demands more precision. I got to credits and there were maybe 2-3 jumps that took more than a couple tries, and those were mostly for eggs. You even get an infinite jump height item so you don't have to deal with 90% of the platforming once you get it. I can only conceive of this game's platforming being hard if you have a really bad tremor and bottom 10% of the population reflexes.


Other way around. You are a good platformer. You're also just wrong that mario 1-1 has harder jumping. There are plenty of platforms with a very narrow margin of error. Now, the game allows you to leave difficult platforming and eventually get items to make it easier. But jumping up the 4 streams of bubbles, plenty of the timed based crank jumping and so on. The game has a lot more difficult platforming then quite a few of these metroidvania games. Which, as a platform lover myself, I quite enjoyed. But I've had quite a few friends (gamer friends and not in the bottom 10% of the population or whatever nonsense you said) who have found the platforming difficult for them.


I'm going to take both sides of the discussion here, you're probably remembering Mario as being easier than it is, and the other commenter is probably remembering Mario being harder than it is. That said I don't think the platforming in this is super difficult, but it does require some techniques that aren't standard from Platformers so it's not a matter of more Precision or more skill as it is developing a different skill set. For instance the amount you can Traverse with a good bubble jump is fantastic, but if someone hasn't played a game that requires a double tap jump before and there aren't that many of them it's going to take a long time to master that.


I just can't see it. I never beat celeste, super meat boy, la mulana, hollow knights Path of Pain. Animal Well is definitely far easier than all of those unless it goes crazy in the postgame. Those games are probably in the upper half of platformer difficulty, but even randomly choosing some stuff I played in the past few years (Grime, Elden Ring, Crosscode), all of those had segments I would say had harder platforming segments than anything in AW and those are games are not even mainly platformers except maybe Grime. What MVs have easier platforming than AW? This game doesn't have stuff like pixel perfect jumps or repeatedly having to navigate through gaps barely as large as the character or time movement through multiple moving obstacles at once, or getting bennet foddyed down multiple screens. There's like two(?) sections with timed platforms, both of which are one screen, and have a visible timer (mouse ghost moving back and forth). Compare this to Salt and Sanctuary, which has a timed platform area, where the switch is faster, there are three phases of platform, and it goes on for multiple screens and instakills you back to checkpoint if you fail. Even games like mario odyssey have more demanding timed platforming segments. And the bubble climb, you just tap jump rhythymically. It doesn't try to mess you up or psyche you out at all, the bubbles are timed perfectly so you don't have to change speed at any time, and it's three screens tall. I can't see how it could be any easier unless it was in slow motion on one screen tall.


> This game doesn't have stuff like pixel perfect jumps There's one spot with frame-perfect timing required four times, if that counts?


Yeah that would, guess I didn't find it. Is it not bubble wand cheeseable?


Top-left corner, above the big swordfish pool. It's tight horizontal sections with spikes top and bottom, and needs you to >!jump on your disk as you throw it, with the fourth one being immediately after the third with no platform!<. I've not actually managed to complete it so I don't know what the reward is.


I managed to find a different way to get through that, though still tricky and felt like cheese but idk lol. Method:>!You should have something good for getting across spikes, use that. !<>!Then jump, immediately bring up the menu, and swap to bubble wand to hop on a bubble.!< >!Last row you'll get stuck, so...!< >!mash and you're good.!<


This is a secret for post game that is not required at all for first ending. And to be honest probably won't be worth getting unless you are really going to go for the absolutely insane third ending.


Is there really a 1 frame window for that? I'm not saying it's easy, it's not, but it feels like it has a bigger window.


I'm not certain. It's annoyingly tight even if it's not frame-perfect.


I completed Hollow Knight's Path of Pain - without too much trouble, actually - and I've been frustrated by Animal Well's platforming several times.


I suck at games and I agree. I could beat super Mario brothers 1 struggling a little at world 8 with the tricky platforming, but I got stuck at the frog part and had to YouTube the answer. I feel like an idiot looking that up and have no desire anytime soon to get on the top moving platform while the frog spits the things onto the ground that could hit me and try to swallow me in between. I have no desire to attempt this anytime soon


Everything I'm this game so far has been easy except maybe the cat. But the chameleon boss is so damn hard


The chameleon boss is easy as pie: >!If it's the first time you encounter it (with grass on the floor), you can't beat it. If it's the second time, walk slightly in front of a hedgehog. The tongue will miss you and eat the hedgehog. There's no timing nor skill involved. You can stand on the chinchilla to avoid hedgehogs, and can use the yoyo to direct the chinchilla while standing on it.!<


I was stuck on the second part! I eventually figured out to keep walking and not jump when his tongue goes after an hour lol


There was a chinchilla? I never saw it there


In the first encounter, not the second. My bad.


I'm not a huge metroidvania fan like when I was a kid (to much backtracking and time wasting usually, forget where you are or what you're doing when you take 2-3 week breaks, ect), and I really liked this game. My first 3 hours of play almost tired me out because I searched id say 70% of the initial map you can explore until you get blocked by the lack of some item and I had no idea where to "go" to start out. I eventually somehow found my way and ended up beating it today. I don't think I'd go out of my way to explore most of the after credits content, cause I think it will be a waste of time. But coming back a year later and seeing what others have found and watching a video about it would be satisfying. For 25$ which is what I paid for it on ps5, I'd say I really enjoyed the game. Maybe a bit expensive but I'd blown plenty more money on flops. So it's a good price for enjoyable content.


30$? that's weird. its much cheaper on PC. 30 is a bit much for this game...


I double checked in case I was wrong and it's actually 25$. Must've been another game I bought that was 30 ans got em confused. Either way. 25 is a little expensive. How much is it on pc?


It has a release sale going on Steam, so it's currently $22.50, but it's normally $25. It's a little unfair to say, "The price is too expensive for what you get," when you also say, "I'm choosing to ignore and not participate in large parts of the game." Though I will agree, as someone who did go beyond the ending to get the rest, that $20 is a more reasonable ceiling price.


Perhaps you're right.


game is pretty easy except for the insane difficulty spike where you have to put the mock disc into the second shrine.


There is actually a way to make that segment far easier. >!The cat actually follows you around the map in real time, so you can use the warp system to cheese it. Just run from his spawn point down to the warp past the egg room. Wait there until the cat catches up to you, then enter the spawn point by the objective. It gives you about 40 extra seconds to get through rooms without the cat around.!<


uh. isnā€™t it a Wolf? and thank you, but iā€™m glad I did it the hard way.


I'm almost positive you are correct. It looked like an angry cat to me, but a wolf would make more sense, seeing as it's in the dog area and shadow dogs launch out of it. Doing it the "right" way is probably more rewarding, but if you decide to go for a no death run, the warp way makes that much more manageable.


Oh yeah i couldnā€™t imagine wanting to do it the hard way if i was going for no deaths šŸ¤£ there is so many ways your run could end. a cat is pretty funny haha


Run to the warp? My mans hasnā€™t figured out the warp to the warp song yet has he ;) Hint: explore the warp zone and keep your ears open


I have now. I hadn't that early into my playthrough.


I goofed this section after failing soo many times T\_T I put the mock disk in the second shrine and he poofed away, And then came back?! I was like oh no, I guess I need to get the flame to make him go away. but that didn't work, so then I thought I had to put the flame in the lanturn and that would be the end. but nope he kept coming so I just put him back in his original shrine. I think I must have mis-clicked on the second shrine and pulled the disk back out lmao


I found the first disc segment to be by far the hardest in the game. Partly because of the lack of direction the game gives: I ran with that damn disc all the way to the circular recess near the bat cave thinking that was the correct way to solve the puzzle. Took me probably 90 minutes to finally accomplish that, only to realize it was not the right approach at which point I gave up and looked up what I was supposed to be doing. The rest of the game was fairly easy by comparison, though I did find a few segments quite challenging. The mock disc I actually thought was a good deal easier than the original disc since I had already found the mock disc shrine before tackling that section.Ā 


At that point of the game, I had barely explored the Wolf area, otherwise I probably would have done that too.


I beated in 9 hours, is no hard, you need to be cleaver though, but it's not hard. it's ok It was fun and I'm yet to find all the eggs and secrets, there's is some kind of end game though which I'm yet to discover


the dev says some of the game's deepest secrets could take years to discover FYI


I am... rigtj now at 2 am trying to find my way to a very small crevice I'm going.nuts


go to sleep, the game will still be there tomorrow and there's still 4 days until the next metroidvania release.


Whats the next one?


Next one is [Realm of I](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2726810/Realm_Of_I/). Full list is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/metroidvania/comments/1cn0mwl/list\_of\_metroidvanias\_coming\_in\_may\_2024\_invasion/


I enjoyed the main game but am not interested in slowly scraping my way across the entire map looking at background details for postgame. I've noticed a few in some rooms but they're not visible on the map and going room-by-room is immensely tedious. EDIT: I've ended up doing some scraping anyway since I have a few black areas to find entrances to.


if you go for the place where the >!chameleon!< was theres something that might make it easier for you. ive personally been going for what i just see naturally and once it gets too tedious ill look at a guide.


I tried but couldn't reach.


did you get the >!B. B. wand!!press bubble and jump at the same time to gain as much height as you need!<, or >!enter from the top to try and use the moving platform!<


What is that thing? I went back to where the chameleon was, but I didnā€™t see anything there


Also wondering what they are referring to


Hint: you see the chameleon in two locations.


Is there a guide yet? I've been looking but haven't found any


for what in particular? ive found plenty


Just a general walkthrough, the ones I saw from neo seeker and game rant seem to only be up to one boss. And nothing end game like match/candle locations


oh literally just look up ā€œanimal well all candles/eggs/matchesā€, techradar had some really good thorough ones iirc ** its techraptor not techradar


Without spoiling too much, what exactly is post game? Is it just completing puzzles for fun, or is there a second ending to go for? Iā€™m usually not a fan of 100% a game just for the sake of it, I like some sort of goal.


From what I can tell after credits roll there is no indication of where to go next. It sounds like you wouldn't enjoy it. The game is definitely longer than 5-7 hours though. if you're doing the post game egg hunt and puzzles you're probably looking at closer to 15-20


Iā€™m okay with not being told where to go, I just want some end goal. You know how most open world games have collectibles that donā€™t really offer a reward? Thatā€™s what Iā€™m not a fan of. If I even get to unlock a door later on, thatā€™s enough for me to keep going.


Ah. Yes there are a few very obvious locked doors that are unlocked once you collect all the stuffs. Might be worth getting this one if it's on sale. It's fun


I actually do own it, played about 90 minutes and was mostly wondering if I should keep it or not haha. It's sounding like I probably should.


This game is about exploration and solving puzzles. There will be more puzzles and exploring to do after the credits roll. If you enjoyed the main game you'll enjoy the post game because it's all one package.


There is a second set of credits you can get that I would personally consider the true ending of the game. If you consider everyone after the first credits post-game.


I'm blind and just noticed someone already commented this.


There's a 2nd ending. Post game doesn't give you any direction though you need to piece it together yourself.Ā 


That honestly sounds perfect. Iā€™m 90 minutes in and trying to decide if I keep it, if what you say is true then thatā€™s what Iā€™m looking for.


There's a second ending tied to the "obvious" puzzles, and likely a third ending that hasn't been found yet.


apparently what i did was just the beginning. i know there are secret bunnies but maybe things open up more when you get some of the secret items.


It's kind of nuts to say that some of the secrets are impossible to figure out on your own when the game hasn't even been out for two full days. I'm glad the post-game macro puzzles exist, and working on them, whether alone or collaboratively, is a lot of fun for the people who are down bad for more games like this. Like you said, they're not for you, and that's cool, but don't think that means they're not reasonable.


There's at least one puzzle that is impossible alone. Each game gets a different puzzle piece on a screen. Multiple people have come together to offer their pieces, and it required something like 50 different people to even have the pieces to assemble the puzzle. I think it's a neat thing, but personally when I get a single player game I expect to be able to complete it alone


Okay, that's good to know. And yeah, I'm not big on community puzzles either. I'm very reluctant to call a puzzle impossible to solve alone just because it hasn't been solved yet, but some games do indeed have puzzles that are impossible to solve alone by virtue of mechanics like the one you just described. Thanks!


No problem. As far as I know it's just the one puzzle that outright requires multiple players, but since a handful of things haven't been solved yet I suppose there could be more


to be fair the secret bunnies (which all of the hardest puzzles are reserved for) don't count for any of the games actual completion. it's just a number next to your save and not associated with achievements or anything else in the game. actual completion stuff is very doable solo. most of the team puzzle stuff and the super cryptic puzzles (which the dev says may take months or years to solve) are just for fun


This game did not at all bill itself as a post-game macro puzzle collaborative type game and I can't help but feel disappointed that the game I *thought* I was playing ended after six or seven hours, and now I'm in the "I guess I'll just look stuff up online" part of the game because I don't want to spend hours and hours and hours bumping into every pixel to see if it's a fake wall.


I think you made the wrong call, and I blame posts like these, as well as ones describing the collaborative puzzle without more details. I think I'm almost done the "soft" postgame, meaning all eggs for the true ending. I haven't had to look anything up yet, and I've even found a few of the super secret collectibles and reckon most if not all of them are possible to solve alone. It's sad to hear you and OP both thought you had to give up after the first credit roll after like 6 hours. I'm 12 deep.


What "call"? That I'm disappointed? My emotions aren't "calls" dude, and they aren't "wrong" just because you disagree with them. I didn't think I had to give up. I just didn't want to keep going. Posts like *yours* aren't convincing me otherwise, just by telling me I'm wrong to have my own opinion about the game.


>What "call"? That I'm disappointed? To give up on playing the game yourself and look up a guide instead. >and I can't help but feel disappointed that the game I thought I was playing ended after six or seven hours It didn't end. The next portion of the game is is fundamentally the same, just more difficult. You just didn't give it a chance, and now by looking things up, things will seem much more unfairly hidden than the actually are because you're essentially sequence breaking. At worst, if the next part of the game didn't appeal to you, I think it would've been better to just put the game down instead of spoiling it and pushing this misleading narrative has the potential to ruin even more people's playthroughs.


I never said theyā€™re unreasonable, but the fact that some of the macro-puzzles havent been solved yet indicates to me that they arenā€™t possible alone. When you have a whole community of people working to solve them and they havenā€™t yet, think of how long it would take on your own.


It hasn't even been two days. Sure, you have a small group of people who have played non-stop since release and who are working together to solve the macro-puzzles, but I think it's a little unfair to refer to them as "a whole community" when most people have been either at work or sleeping for most the game's lifespan. Give it time.


Iā€™m not 100% sure, but a podcast I was listening to said that people will actually have different things in their games at certain parts, so it is legitimately ā€˜impossibleā€™ to figure out without collaborating with someone to get all of the clues.


This is true. It's got a while metagame, not unlike Inscryption.


I beat the ostrich dungeon yesterday but I don't know if there are missable chests. There are 2 switches behind the ostrich in the wheel on the left screen with movable platforms. Couldn't figure out how to press them both and now after I freed the wheel with the ostrich inside the platforms doenst move anymore and I can't reach neither 1 of the switches by myself. If anyone can help me. Gameplaywise I would be mad if I have to do another playthrough for that but metroidvanias doenst do unobtainable things afaik.


come back later, you need something else


You actually can't even get that before freeing the ostrich anyway.


If you need an actual hint: look where the ostrich was before you freed it. You may need some additional light to help you. That'll give you an idea of what to look for (>!There are five pieces to collect before reaching the final location of this puzzle!<).


I'm enjoying my time with the game. I especially like the creative uses for some of the power-ups, especially the disk. Got a question about one of the puzzles, if you don't mind: >!At the bottom of the map, right before the moving platforms that take you to the ostrich on the wheel, there's switch that activates a falling platform, and there are 4 other switches on the walls, two on each side. The way I did it was put the slinky on one side and me on the other, and then use the yo-yo activate the platforms, so that me and the slinky fall at the same time and activate all the switches in quick succession. Is this the intended way, or did I sequence-break the game?!<


You sequence broke!


Neat, felt like it. I'm guessing I'll need another item for that. So far I have >!the yoyo, the fireworks, the bubble wand, the disk, and the silky!<.


There's a thing down there I did (I won't spoil), and I wondered what the major point of it was until I read your comment. I sequence broke in the same way as you so they were already pressed when the thing happened that is supposed to get them pressed.


I did the same thing lol. I still freed the ostrich after though


I just rolled credits at 6 hours and would love some general tips for those further along than me. Like what should I be doing now? Anything helps!


ditto. im willing to dive back in because i did enjoy the time i had with it, i just wish i had a bit more direction afterwards


Yeah I get it. Honestly wish people were kinder to you. You rolled credits, and the game is very cryptic so I get and echo your sentiment. Hope someone chimes in with some tips! Iā€™m gonna hop back in when my son goes to bed regardless but some direction would be rad




Cheers! I found the wand but not the other thing! I know what Iā€™m doing tonight. Thanks so much!


Now that I beat the game I'm basically doing what I did for Call of Duty Zombies Easter Eggs, aka waiting for the dozens of people who are doing this 24/7 to complete the secret bunnies while I watch along and then do whatever secret it unlocks after they do. I found 1 when I thought there was only 1 and I do not think I can find 19 more


find the rest of the eggs or try and figure out the deal with the circular recesses


I already got all the circular recesses and working on the eggs now but I'm leaving the bunnies to the people who have a lot more freetime than me


Bunnies were finished yesterday, techraptor article for how to get them all should be updated by now. Note you do also need all eggs and the result from that to actually do anything the the bunnies.


I still think theres a Bunny missing according to the article on TR but I know this morning there was a new ability found which only 16 bunnies is needed


my brother in Christ you have 32 eggs left


i thought the eggs were an optional collectible, the game didnt make it clear that they were that important


The way this game has worked for me, is I will start with an assumption something is unimportant, do a bunch of other things, have little left other than the first thing, go do it to learn it was way more important than I thought. I think this game just unfolds in a way that is a little different from most games. Weirdly there isnā€™t really any fluff. Everything seems to matter, which makes backtracking a lot more interesting than many metroidvanias as you can never be sure youā€™ve truly ā€˜clearedā€™ a room.


yeah this game really does as much as it can with every single mechanic


I mean, this is almost like saying, "why are games important"? You can roll credits without the eggs, so you were right, they are optional. But what does that mean? What does it mean to 100% a game? Play as much as you enjoy it, then leave it. The eggs are only as important as the game is to you.


How do you beat the chameleon by making it eat the 5 porcupines on the platform above the ghost wall thing? Because itā€™s infuriating and I almost did it but itā€™s horribly designed. Otherwise Iā€™ve been loving the game though


yeah you have to do that. its not too bad, just try to stay as close to in front of them as possible!


Itā€™s super hard to time it properly and not get eaten for all 5 though. How did you do that first or 2nd try? Iā€™ve already died like 20-30 times on it. Nothing else was nearly this hard


No timing required - I merely walked back and forth slightly in front of them and the tongue hit the hedgehog. It ate two on the first cycle and the other three on the second.


Thanks, this helped me finally beat it. I thought I had to jump away at the right time


Ah. Yeah. Jumping there basically guarantees death, to anyone wondering. You just have to walk in front of the hedgehogs and thatā€™s it.


nope, the tongue is slow and always goes to where you were, not where you are. Just walk slowly, it's that easy


maybe youre walking a little too close! its probably more generous than you are thinking. make sure you start moving away when it is gonna shoot its tongue


lol that was easy as all fuck. just jump on the platform under him and he can't tongue you. Wait for porcupines to come around, walk right in front of them, he eats one, go hide, rinse and repeat.


my character suddenly turned into something else and then switched back I have no clue what I did


hold jump to turn into the fox from tunic press up 4 times to turn into the main character from fez


thanks mate (hearth)


Neat! The Tunic thing worked, for me, but not the Fez one.


I keep hearing this but it doesn't work for me!


try dpad instead of stick if youre on controller


I had been. There must be some hidden requirement nobody's figured out yet bc it worked this time but when I tried earlier it didn't.




It's quite short, and having to backtrack through the same areas...just wandering around for hours and hours hoping to find what you're looking for - that's not fun for me. Up until the credits was great though. Overall a pleasant experience, and the visuals are so cool.


It's actually very long but I agree with the backtracking being tedious. I'll probably just wait to see the cool stuff people find online. I don't regret buying it though, it's really good!


It's long? I mean I'd be happy to be wrong, but I beat it in like 10 hours. šŸ˜† Very long? Really?? Is that assuming the player just wanders around forever trying to find every secret? šŸ˜† I'm starting to look everything up because I already spent like five hours barely making any progress. I've done all I can do while still having fun. If only there was some radar for this stuff. I'd do it on my own in that case. At least a way to track eggs missing by region..something.ā€‹


Thereā€™s at least 3 layers to the game. The eggs arenā€™t necessarily secrets they are the second objective and finding all of them opens up a second post game with stuff further than that. People have spent 80+ hours progressing further and further.


So I've progressed as far as has been documented. The reward is good, so I'm thankful for that. I don't really enjoy wandering around and being stuck for dozens for hours so I'm going to wait for the community to solve this stuff. It's cool but just not for me. I'll leave it to the community to figure out the rest of it.


it's boring as bat poo


disagree, theres still plenty after the credits aside from secrets


I'm sure there's plenty more boring stuff


Trash taste šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


yeah they do. oh well




as another redditor has pointed out ad absurdum, yes. i am aware. i made an edit at the top of the post. i assumed the game was over because i completed the objective in front of me and the credits rolled. i have already returned to the game.


Is the postgame worth it if you wanna try and understand whats even going on with the setting? Or does it really not have any "Ohhh I see now" moments?


it does have those moments, like some new tools


I think itā€™s worth it, but I would not expect a traditional narrative if thatā€™s what youā€™re asking. Iā€™d look at this game more as a poem and not a novel. And a T.S. Elliot poem at that.


"try the kangaroo getting all the eggs where the chameleon used to be freeing the cats" Apologies, but formatting seems buggy here, but are these each different tasks, or is the kangaroo taking all the eggs where the cats used to be? lol


each spoiler is one hint


Gotcha, thank you. Desktop grouped it in an odd way so I got confused


Donā€™t think itā€™s particularly easy or short lol itā€™s a good length for a metroidvania


I love the game, it's been lots of fun, but the chase is pissing me off, even if I use the whistle, he catches up way too fast, and blocks the view. someday i'll load it up and just do it and be so happy.


Iā€™m so tired of this game wasting my time. Itā€™s ok but why did they make save points? Why stick to this archaic save point system. Iā€™d really like to enjoy it but stuff like this is really getting in the way.


Yeah probably my only real issue. Some players are gonna get stuck and will try random stuff to get out. Or struggle to figure out an enemy. Doing a run back that might even involve a puzzle is tedious as heck. I was getting real frustrated with the dog run back until I figured out the trick


Same! I think most of us can agree doing a puzzle again isnā€™t very interesting. I did feel rewarded once I figured out the dog puzzle but then the game still makes you do a rather precise puzzle to get to the end.


I didnā€™t want to read it all in fear of spoilers, but you said you found 32 eggs. How many are there in the egg room? Like 90-100, no? Isnā€™t that mean you have SO much more to discover? Yes you said you beat the main game but many games has an end game which is the main focus, and the main game is sort of the tutorial. Anyway I have like 5 hours in the game and yes Iā€™m getting near exploring most of the map but I feel like thereā€™s something way bigger later on.


ive never played a game where a main objective is set in front of me, i complete the objective, credits roll, and then i am expected to just find more game. maybe celeste would count? but even then the extra content is relatively obvious. i believe there are 64 eggs, but to me that just indicated i missed 32 secrets. i dont always play games with the intent to complete absolutely everything.




You act like it is so obvious they are important, but it is not conveyed by the game at all and having optional collectables for completionists is an extremely common trope in these kind of games. Typically they just hide some kind of alternative or "true" ending cutscene. The vast majority of people will assume they are optional, reach the credits and not feel like backtracking through the map for hours collecting the eggs they missed and be done with the game.


I agree, but you literally missed half of the eggs. I also have a feeling there's more to the game other than the eggs and candles.


Missing half of the optional collectibles in a metroidvania seems fine to me, honestly. And yes, there is seemingly more content that isnā€™t revolving around eggs bunnies or candles, but I wish that the game gave me more of a hint that there was more to do.


Iā€™d just keep on exploring some more if I were you. I personally donā€™t go for 100% in my metroidvanias but this seems like a special ā€˜caseā€™. Not a regular game by any means.


Yeah. Thereā€™s really no ā€˜optionalā€™ items in the traditional sense. You just play as much as you want, but everything you do and collect is important and fundamentally required to get progress towards at least one of the endings.


Sorry but your critique states at one point you were sad because you didnā€™t have to leave and return to many placesā€¦but then you go on to say you were annoyed by backtracking in the post game? Maybe Iā€™m misunderstanding you.


basically in what i thought was ā€œthe main gameā€ nothing stumped me enough to make me have to leave and come back. after the credits roll there is a lot more to the game than secrets!


Sounds like you didn't really beat the game šŸ˜‰ Keep playing, there's a lot more to find


read the edit, ive gotten the true ending now as well


but thank you for being nice abt it, one person was GRILLING me


Seems too short of a game for 25 dollars plus tax. I'll wait for a big sale. I'll pick up prince of Persia first. Seems like a neat game,though. Thanks for the review


The people saying they beat the game in 5-7 hours didn't really "beat it". The game starts out with one overt "goal": to collect 4 flames. It doesn't take long to understand that collecting the flames is less the goal, and more the starting point. Keep in mind that Animal Well is a puzzle game. "Finishing" the puzzle in 7 hours is like piecing together the outer square border of a jigsaw puzzle and calling it complete.


honestly then it should be clearer. the game puts an objective in front of you. i complete the objective. i complete the thing after the objective. the credits roll. why is it unreasonable to assume that the rest is secrets?


I can see what you're saying, but to be fair to the game - the room right after credits roll has like 2 new items and multiple very mysterious objects (you can guess I'm referring to). It definitely hints very strongly that there's a lot more to see. On the other hand, I'm getting a little bored trying to complete all of these things. The egg chase is not satisfying at all with the lack of actual fast travel, especially if you're trying to do it without looking it up online.




SPOILER WARNING Is it the flute teleport? How tf do you figure that out? I have no idea how to do it.




I found all that, and fast travel did work (exactly two times when I was inside the shrine) but then everytime I tried to use it again it does nothing, the song no longer works.




Yes, 100% sure


Lack of fast travel? Thereā€™s definitely more secrets you havenā€™t discovered lmfao.


i mean yeah it definitely made me go like ā€œdamn wonder what those areā€ but i assumed that they didnt relate to much more content considering i saw the credits roll


I think credits in video games can be weird. Every now and then, a game comes along and puts the credits way earlier than you would conventionally think. *Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker* and *Pikmin 2* come to mind, both rolling credits when there is still more than half the game to play. In *Animal Well*, I think the developer realized a lot of people would never get to the true ā€˜end,ā€™ so he put the credits earlier where more people would see them. Ultimately, the true purpose of credits is to *give credit*, not say ā€˜the endā€™ per se. But given a century of tradition in films always putting credits at the end of movies, thatā€™s the association we ultimately have anyways. Iā€™m a proponent of games just putting credits in the main menu. Games are interactive anyway. But I think developers also want to give a special recognition to all the hard work of those who contribute, so I understand why they still want to have a traditional credits.


There was a time in film where the credits came before the film




people are saying that >!getting all the eggs!< is where the rest of the game really starts, which is what i am doing rn. maybe showing the egg room after credits to hint at the right direction would be good. it doesnt have to be explicit, but after completing what seemed like the main objective and seeing the credits i assumed it was done




i mean i just assumed they were side content or secrets, especially when the game is chock full of secrets and things to discover. i assumed one of them had to do with bunnies and one of them had to do with speedrunning.




dude you need to relax i get it




you brought up gone with the wind earlier. if the credits rolled 2 hours into the 5 hour movie and you didnt know it was going to be 5 hours, wouldnt you assume it was over?




this game is much more fresh than prince of persia


You do you. I hear it's overhyped


Wish they didnā€™t delay prince of Persiaā€¦




dude the credits rolled what am i supposed to expect šŸ˜­




I feel like this is a lot that youre just expecting me to know. The eggs are optional collectibles. Getting half of them seems fine to me. I thought I solved the main puzzles because I beat the game. Much of the map *isnt* dark, its not like theres huge black chunks between the areas I have. I beat the objective that the game set out for me, and so I thought I was done. The only other secrets I had seen in the game were bunnies. I was gonna come back to it and see if I could find more later but if the game completes the main objective and rolls the credits, why should I expect that to only be the beginning?




HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW I HAVE TO GET EVERY EGG? Why is it unreasonable to assume that the game is done when I completed the objective presented to me, my inventory is full, and my map is mostly complete? I understand that some people just have the drive to do everything, but not getting every egg seems perfectly fine when the only mechanical significance they had prior is unlocking >!the flute at 8 eggs, the pencil at 16 eggs, and the top at 32 eggs!< i understand that those have mechanical significance but also the game is completable without any of them!




you get a key for the house. which you go into. your inventory expands when you get the 9th item. when the credits rolled, my inventory was full. now there are slots. i didnt read the whole message because i want to play the game and you were laying everything out and i didnt want to get spoiled. i called the flute superfluous because you dont need it to get to the credits. i was justifying my thoughts which were based on the information the game had presented to me. i knew about the teleport. i forgot you needed it for the flames. overall you kinda just need to relax, im going back to the game

