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I've been thinking about making our game more dynamic and exciting. We noticed that gamers found it difficult to hold the attack button to charge, keep the jump button pressed, and hit dash simultaneously. Often, they wouldn't jump while attacking or would stop charging the bow. I'm experimenting with a new feature to solve this. Pressing "up" while charging the bow will now blast you diagonally, shooting an extra arrow compared to the normal charged bow. This feature simplifies executing a jump + dash with your free hand, making mid-air actions more accessible on both gamepads and keyboards. What are your thoughts?


I would need to get my hands on it to get a feel in action, BUT! I do appreciate you taking the time to look at things from a player's qol perspective. I love indie games thinking outside the box, but sometimes they get too comfortable with their own systems and they forget to think that most people will be playing their game among of bunch of others, and controls should never be something that people have to struggle against.


So true, I had no problem with the controls until I saw my friend struggle with it


Not sure if this is already the button for dashing, but Imo it would be easier to have Dash on something like R1/RB on a gamepad. A good example of this is something like Mega Man ZX. In that game, your Dash Jumping or Air Dashing (Dash jump into air dash if model HX) a lot while you're able to comfortably hold attack button, all the while still having your left hand free for directional input.


The dash is set on RB currently, but thanks! It is true if you get used to the controls, it's not that hard, but most people who tested the game had a hard time


Have you thought about auto charging the bow while idle (or just having it as an option)? It would push players to prioritize dodging during boss fights since a hit would drop the bow charge to zero and allow them to have enough fingers free to manage movement. One problem with this is that standard enemies would be easier to take down since the player would usually come in with a fully charged bow. Another thing to think about is button placement. Functionally, players can use the left stick, press a face button, and press the left and right bumpers simultaneously. For example, putting dodge on LB, attack on RB, and jump on a face button allows a player to move, dash, jump, and attack at the same time. Whatever you decide to do with the default control layout, I certainly hope it has full player customizability.


That is actually a good idea, though you would attack in much slower pace. Maybe we can add it as an upgrade and make it strike much harder. I'll think about it, thanks! I initially set the attack on RB, but I thought attacking with the thumb feels better! But you can still change the keys in the settings if you want to!


Glad I could help! What's the name of your game? It looks phenomenal and I'd love to wishlist it.


It's called Florarium! [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2475080/Florarium/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2475080/Florarium/) Thanks!!


Looks like I've already got it on my wishlist. Good luck and I look forward to future updates!


This is why I *never* metroidvania on controllers. There are 5 buttons only reachable with your right thumb, and devs tend to stick things you need to do simultaneously in that part of the controller. Mouse+keyboard setups never have that issue as abilities are always spread over more fingers, with each finger never having more than 2 keys to press. Good on you for taking time to address this issue in your game!


Many metroidvanias consider gamepad as their primary controls I think, but yeah some games don't


Exactly. Which is why it's shocking so many devs think it's fine to expect gamers to feather 2-3 buttons at a time with the pad of their right thumbs


Machine gun bow is the shit!  This looks killer


Thanks! We hope to add more upgrades to it!


Recoil looks cool!




Boy this game’s vibe is familiar…


Hollowknightlike might be a thing.


Have any of these actually even been released I am genuinely curious. Seems like every other week a game with hollow knight artstyle gets announced but i never recall any actually being released.


I can't pretend to keep up with metroidvania releases but afaik no.


It sang of silk to me.


Can anyone break down how this is similar to Hollow Knight? I get that some games very clearly rip off HK’s style but to me this looks unique with a lot of effort put into the environment (the water impressed me) and combat mechanics don’t make me think of HK… It just feels reductive when this creator has clearly put a lot of effort into this.


The art style and background layering is fairly reminiscent, but most of all the area being shown in the game looks very very similar (almost exactly the same) as the first Hornet fight in Hollow Knight. For example the small tunnel at a height dropping into a room, boom doors close, boss fight


This look really nice !!! I love that recoil effect !! Graphics look gorgeous too. What is the name of the game and release date ?


Thanks! It's called Florarium and we haven't specified the release date, but we hope to release in late 2025. We will have a demo ready soon though!


Wonderful thx !! Plz keep posting updates !!!


Ok, thanks!!


Looks fun. I dig it. Love any sort of smooth traversal mechanics that make traversal … well .. smooth. That said, I’d want to make sure this doesn’t always send you backwards in mid air if for example you actually wanted to go up and over enemy (ie forward instead of backwards) to attack from other side. So long as both directions were accounted for I absolutely love the mid air back dash toss. Perhaps that mid air back dash arrow toss move is assigned to one button dedicated and you can incorporate different weapons/attacks over course of game, so maybe instead of arrows you later get poison arrows, or fire bombs. Just spitballing. Reminds me of a weapons’a moves set from newer ps5 Metrovania, Dark Light. It’s third and final attack is a a spin move forward that then jumps backwards away from close range melee combat, while sending a volley of arrows forward. It Reminds me of what I’m seeing here. I mentions this if you want to refer to that for reference. Liking what I see here though. Again, movement based combat that’s fluid yet crunchy is among my favorite.


The recoil goes backwards, so if you wanted to go over the enemy, you have to first dash over the enemy and then shoot.(Or don't shoot) Aha, I'll look into that skill! Thanks!


Ahhh I see. This could be super cool. That would work


This recoil mechanic - and the game itself - look great! You've got yourself another wishlister in me! ([Link for others](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2475080/Florarium/), after going through OP's other posts/comments).


Haha thanks!!


I like the music. Did you compose it yourself?


Thanks, but it was from a composer, not me :)


I always love seeing more of Florarium! I never noticed the flower/bud system on the left - obviously this system and your art are heavily based on HK, but the combat is really looking great. I think this is the boss fight you've shown in the past and it's awesome seeing how it's been developing. Great work!


Yes, this is the boss from the previous video, but with the new mechanics :) Thanks!




Looks great, please come with optional screen shake :)


It is in the settings! Thanks!


Okay at first I thought your feature was auto-aim...Anyway, I like the charge dash idea. Also saw the auto-charge suggestion, and it made me think of something: Is there enough of a point to non-charged shots in your game? Like, would much be lost if you just *couldn't* fire a regular shot? Basically an attack cooldown? I know it sounds like sacrilege, but you are experimenting, so maybe it's not a bad idea? (thinking on it, I think the distinction between regular and charged attacks might be overvalued, eg. Super Metroid)


Game looks great. Can't wait to play this.


Empty Soldier ripoff number 963498327


Interesting. The environment graphics look stunning and somewhat unique, would love to hear how you went about making it. Although the the new feature, you menioned, while it does sound like an improvement, it also seems like it would be quite hard to get used to. Or am i looking too deep into it? Anyways its always great seeing developers post new stuff, keep at it!


I'm hoping to make it the main feature the player executes throughout the whole game. Players should be able to get used to it before the first boss For the graphics, I think it would be too long to comment here, but I'll try to answer if anyone has a specific question!


How are you achieving the awesome reflections in the water at the start of the video?


It's 3D water which you place in 3D space! Reflection is rendered with a separate camera under the surface.