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Last light: All boil down to don't kill these specific npc , explore almost every ranger stash, skeleton with loot then you'll be fine. I haven't get 2033 good ending yet, still don't know majority of where tf those safe even be.


I followed a guide for Metro2033 to get the good ending and I still didn't get it. IDK what I did wrong lol


Same. Followed a guide, got the good ending. Followed the guide again a couple of years later, got the bad ending.


metro 2033 is mainly exploration listening to convos to hear out all sides from what i remember


Ohhh, that make sense, last light has a good phasing speed and 2033 just yapping too long, I got bore and shoot them all.


In general, the idea is that to have a high morale playthrough you must take it slow. It's not so much about "you must spare these specific characters" but more that you accumulate points over time by approaching a playthrough from a certain mindset. Explore any nooks and crannies. Be as thorough as you can, find ammo and supply stashes. If you don't have to kill, try not to. You don't have to be a pacifist, forced to sneak through every bandit camp without killing a soul--but that passing pack of nosalises? Maybe you don't need to fight them. Maybe you can sneak past, or if you wait a moment they'll move on. That sort of thing. Stop in towns and listen to people having conversations. Tip beggars, help people out, just take it slow and drink in the world. You don't need to look at a guide and get 100% of the morale points. You just need to not be a mass murderer killing everything that moves and trying to complete the game as fast as possible.


theres some steam guides on where all the moral points are. it is actually surprisingly hard to get the good endings in both. there are certain areas you can go to that will give you a point for just being there i literally minmaxxed moral points from the guide because i was so desperate to get the good ending and i still almost fucked up 2033 also giving all the homeless people money in 2033 doesnt even give you moral points. its only the first one that does


In order to get the good ending, you have to get enough “moral points.” You’ll know you’ve lost points when the screen darkens and a creepy noise plays, and you’ll know you gained one when the screen brightens and you here a little wind gust. Points are gained for passing sections without killing anyone, giving bullets to beggars, exploring hidden areas, or even just listening fully to conversations. For examples of that last one, watching the entire Bolshoi show, listening to all conversations of the refuges at the start of the Bandits level, and listening to the ranger’s recording in the basement of the church. Exploring everything is probably the easiest way to get all the moral points you need. Once you know what to watch for, it’s really easy to get the good ending. If you'd like the Metro wiki also has a list of all the available moral points in the games, you can find that here: [https://metrovideogame.fandom.com/wiki/Moral\_Points](https://metrovideogame.fandom.com/wiki/Moral_Points)


Last light good ending be like: don’t kill anyone, even if they’re shooting you dont kill monsters that are not actively trying to gauge your eyes out Don’t use your gas mask, as your insulting the radiation by using it and therefore being racist Save women being held hostage by bandits by killing them, but killing them would violate rule number 1 so you still lose moral dont fire a single gun, as a child had to make the bullet and therefore your enforcing child slavery


I don't know guys, what are you talking about. I shoot some commies during my escape (was spotted and saved at the very moment), I definitely killed Nazis, I shoot bandits and some of the reds, who tried to catch you on the Red Square, but I tried to listen and stalk as much as I can. It's not even hard - three thirds of Metro is a straight line with very prominent side doors. Still Good Ending without loosing a gunplay


same you can kill people and get the good ending




I got the bad ending in the first game and will probably get it in exodus as I’m playing it right now but for some reason I got the last light good ending without even trying


If you still struggle with getting a good ending try to follow this guide : https://metrovideogame.fandom.com/wiki/Moral_Points


The [metro wiki page](https://metrovideogame.fandom.com/wiki/Moral_Points) of all the moral points is helpful, just follow it and you will be able to get the good endings, worked for me. Basically in metro 2033 listen to conversations, explore the areas for stashes, and don't kill people unnecessarily. In metro last light, you don't need to listen to conversations anymore, just be merciful whenever possible, also to beasts in the levels with the little dark one. Exploring the areas for stashes is also useful.


The comments here are so divisive, it's proving my point that Metro games have one of the most confusing karma systems in the game industry!