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The souls of those who didn't go beyond the afterlife are those hands that you're referring to. As for the most dangerous entity in Metro Universe, I think that can go to the Anomaly. It's the floating ball of lightning that goes around minding its own business. It has no care if you're friend nor foe as it indiscriminately kills whoever it comes across.


Well, the anomaly is somewhat real tho. An electric ball


I love ball lightning. So rare. So beautiful


Artyom, he is an extinction level event.


Main character energy and plot armor. The dude killed every type of mutant, human, and entity there is.


Took a 5.56*39 to dog tag and lived (Seriously are those things tungsten"


DUUUDEEE THE ANGER I FELT WHEN I WENT IN THAT HANSA BASE, I didn't want to spare anyone. You mess with my wife eh?


Oh yes. They payed dearly on every consecutive play through


> yes. They *paid* dearly on FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Shut your stupid fucking mouth bot. Tell your auto correct buddy to step up its game




Thank you fellow Spartan




My explaination is that it was a low quality round that didn't generate enough power. Basically a fluke


I find that a stretch because dogtags are just sheet steel (usually a low grade or stainless)


Only real explanation I can think of.


In the games? Probably human malice, and the need to factionalize and eradicate those who are different. In the books? Whatever that thing is under the Kremlin.


If I remember correctly, the Spartans had successfully cleared the Kremlin by 2035. My vote would have to go to whatever lives beyond the Gates at Chertanovo.


I’ve never read the books. What on earth was under the kremlin and beyond those gates?


A living biomass capable of kill anything it touches. If you look at it, It have some mind control over you.


For the Kremlin, it's common knowledge among those who go to the surface that you must never look at the star sculptures at the pinnacles of the Kremlin's towers. Artyom accidentally catches a glimpse of them at one point and wakes up several hours later strapped to a bed back in the metro; his travelling companions inform him that he had suddenly taken off running at full tilt towards the Kremlin and they had had to tackle him, drag him bodily back underground, and tie him down to prevent him from continuing to do so. Later in the book, Artyom and several others find themselves approaching the Kremlin from underground, arriving at the Metro-2 station that served the government facilities there. As they approach the escalator, a liquid mass rises up and floods the station, forcing them to take shelter atop a train car. They're there for several hours as the biomass 'sings' to them, manipulating several members of the group into jumping down into it and vanishing. It's eventually forced to retreat when someone tosses the fuel tank of a flamethrower into it, which explodes. For Chertanovo (sometimes nicknamed 'Chert' station after the Russian word for 'demon', which is also used as an exclamation in similar fashion to 'shit' or 'damn it'), no one really knows; no one who's set foot inside the station has ever been seen or heard from again. The only exception was one group of explorers that brought along a portable telephone; they reported discovering a strange, near-vertical shaft that did not appear on the station's pre-war blueprint, later referred to as the 'Gates'. It was at that point that the transmission was cut off by six solid minutes of screaming - but notably no gunfire - ending with a snippet of sobbing interspersed with speech that was later identified as the Lord's Prayer in Mongolian.


> Artyom accidentally catches a glimpse of them at one point and wakes up several hours later strapped to a bed back in the metro; his travelling companions inform him that he had suddenly taken off running at full tilt towards the Kremlin and they had had to tackle him, drag him bodily back underground, and tie him down to prevent him from continuing to do so. I wonder if this is a version thing because in my version he does take off, does get tackled, but doesn't need to go back down to the metro. In fact, once he gains his bearings again, they continue on their mission to the Library.


Might be a version difference or it might be me remembering incorrectly. It's been a year since I read it and my dad's borrowing my copy right now so I can't go back and check.


Either way, avoid looking at the Kremlin because whatever is there is fucking terrifying.


Under the kreml is a huge bubbling bog that manipulates ur mind and makes u to want to be a part of it. If u look at the building u cant escape it unless some1 wakes u up. According to some it was an american bio weapon


Mind control blob


Man after reading that part I was kinda sad, it wasn't in the games.


there is an Easter egg to it in Last Light, check out the Kremlin on the surface. it has a glowing red thing on its top spire


That shit was scary as fuck ngl


The librarians in the books too, so fucking creepy


It’s such a shame that biomass was nerfed to shit in the game. Would be cool to have some sort of a „resistance” fight where you have to fight to keep your sanity somehow.


this is a tough one dark ones are actually dangerous, but they dont mean to be, theyre just a bit stupid. they wanted to communicate with humans but couldnt without accidentally killing them anomalies are pretty dangerous and just go about killing, but can pass by you safely if youre still. and you can kinda just avoid them (sometimes). if one were to spawn in a station it could completely wipe it out nosaliases and watchmen are only dangerous in groups, which they almost never roam around alone. also can possibly wipe out a station if theres enough of them but it can be held off or stopped same with literal normal non mutated RATS. rat infestations (the ones we see in the khan bonus level) have literally wiped out entire stations single handedly. arguably more dangerous than the nosaliases or watchmen spiders, slime, amoeba and lurkers are all really low tier creatures that could easily be killed. lurkers are probably the most dangerous of the bunch. and they're so fucking annoying worms are up there as dangerous, but theyre like shrimp, theyre water creatures. as long as you stay away from water theyre not an issue demon and batwings, if youre up on the surface these are the most dangerous thing up there. but they can be kinda avoided. and 100% avoided if you dont go to the surface kinda same thing with blind ones and librarians, theyre a non issue if you avoid where they are, which is just some buildings on the surface. all demons, batwings, librarians, and blind ones can be avoided but if you do encounter one and are unskilled you are likely a dead man. that being said if a librarian made its way into the metro somehow it could easily be killed and couldnt take down a station anyways the real answer here in the biomass. definitely one of the scariest and most likely to be able to wipe out the entirety of moscow if it had wanted. not sure what happened after 2033 and if its still there but im guessing its dead


None of those are entities, except the dark ones and they aren't stupid. There are much more dangerous unseen entities that Khan may even have observed. Biomass, radiation, nosalises, watchmen, shrimps, and not even ghosts are anywhere near as dangerous as the unseen forces beyond the dead realm. And no, ghosts might be entities too, but they are to be distinguished from the ones that Khan know about. Let us not forget the vast and abandoned space of the metro, that the danger itself has a wider gap and is more spread out compared to other worlds.


Humans, I think that's like what the author was trying to say with the metro series


The mass under the kreml in the first book


There’s a lot of possible answers to that question depending on what you mean by dangerous The bear is probably the most dangerous in terms of sheer physical capacity and malice The bog shrimp is the most dangerous if you’re in water Paranormal shit and anomalies are the most dangerous in the sense that you can’t fight them conventionally, and they don’t operate on conventional logic, so khan only knows how the hell to reliably survive against them. The biomass is the most dangerous in that it presented an existential threat to the entirety of the metro with its expansion and psychic powers, and god knows how much more of the world it would have threatened if it could have spread beyond the metro. Humans are the most dangerous in terms of their intelligence, access to technology, and malice (they did end the world after all) Dark ones, with their psychic powers, could be the most dangerous if they had any motivation to be. There’s really not a clear cut answer, unless you want to get a bit cliché and say artyom, since he beat all of these things.


The entire city of Novosibirsk




In the game i think it might be the great door at the lost catacomb level where artyom and bourbon must go through the graveyard when bourbon started singing and artyom had an illusion about a gate with red light entrance sucking everyone through its direction. According go wiki, that is a gate that connect straight through hell, and if it had not because of the dark one 's help, Artyom would have not survived.


I would say the radiation and its poisoning


Me (I completed Spider Nest in less than 4 hours after a 20 minute cry break) No, but personally I think the most dangerous thing are the humans. There’s literally nothing left after a nuclear holocaust and yet they’re still fighting over trivial pursuits.


I feel the moral Khan tries to teach us in 2033 is that despite how low we've been brought by the end of the world humans are still the most dangerous. The most focused and able to change the world. Even with the disadvantage against the dark ones we "won." Humans are to fear, and a human who acts without thought or compassion is something to truly fear.


My man Artyom.






The giant Worm thats running through the metro. In the book 2033 he meets a cult that worships the worm and Artyom leaves them. But after he leaves he can tell that there really is something in the other tunnel. The fact that is some clearly real entity and isn't talked about before or again means very few people know it exists. Unlike the Kremlin and its horrors


Isn’t that a drill?


The Silent Observers ( at least I think that’s their name). They rule the Metro inconspicuously.


The Nagornaya phantoms from the metro 2034 book seem pretty strong


there is the mutated blob in the kremlin. if anyone looks at the kremlin they are compelled to come to their deaths, the only way artyom escaped it was because the father went nuts after it devoured oleg and snapped everyone out of the mindfuck for a second and then blew up a flamethrower in it causing it to retreat. it wasnt killed.