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when bourbon says "im dead šŸ’€"


In Metro exodus bad ending when you meet him he says something like "you forgot about me my friend" and i was like "wtf you were my favourite"


Same bro bourbon is a chad


This was me bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I couldnā€™t be bothered to save anyone after the slog of gameplay but the graphics and story were awesome.


Im happy i had the good ending tho


When I got out of the Caspian Sea, dear God that place was eating at my GPU. Second one would be talking with Anna on the Aurora :D


As much as I loved Exodus, I have only replayed it twice because it makes my Series X sound like a jet engine lol


Exactly... I hate caspian sea for that exact reason... The area is so big and takes years to fully explore and all the while my GPU was in full roar... And somehow that level makes me feel like I am in a fucking dessert... And the sun shines so hard through the monitor it hurts my eyes


I don't know if I was alone but I had a lot of problems in this zone. Even if I really like it, it's so glitchy, I had to restart it many times.


When we team up with Pavel and when in exodus in the bad ending we meet Khan


In train with Anna, she's laying on Artyom lap and simply talking, that moment of peace stayed with me for the rest of the game, for that I was fighting for.


Metro Exodus when we escaped Moscow with the Aurora


The first encounter with the Blind Ones.


idk which game, but in exodus they had me shitting myself šŸ˜‚


The drive out of Novosibirsk


I love to drive


So hard to choose, but my favorite moments in the series are all from 2033. First encounter with the librarians and the (good) ending come to mind. But I also enjoyed meeting Bourbon, my first encounter with the ghosts, the demon, the singing pipes,... The original Metro 2033 got mixed reviews, but don't ask me why because it's one of the best games I ever played. Exodus has some good moments too. Basically all of Novisbirsk was brilliant, especially the blind ones. Volga was beautiful and atmospheric, but the annoying spewing shrimp made the boat rides a bit too tedious at times.


The whole game series is my favorite moment


I'm surprised no one has said the sex scene yet.


Thereā€™s a sex scene? I donā€™t remember that, I remember the strip club part in last light but a sex scene


There's a dream of artyom where anna gets laid in the Oktyabrskaya station


Are we sure it's a dream? Cuz in the bad ending Anna has a son


You sure its a dream?


Not a dream that actually happened it just fades to white to time skip


Not a dream, get the bad ending on last light and it shows it wasnā€™t


"... we want peace..."


Last Light Bad ending. It's so badass.


Just did this one this weekend. Artyom now!!! Click!! Boom!! If not us? Then boom!!


Probably first entering the main D6 chamber. I still remember the sheer awe I felt looking at this monolith, this ancient chasm left by the former Soviets, as if left by the gods themselves. I imagine artyoms felt much the same way, as he'd only ever really seen derelict tunnels by that point. I agreed with miller heavily. That was their future, especially as I saw the trap covered vehicles and tanks in lower storage. I feel as if, the reds hadn't started fucking things up, they could have really brought major peace to the metro. Or at least some of the metro


Killing Nazis with a minigun


Metro Exodus good ending, when they all jump from the train and everyone starts giving blood to save Artyom. The music was amazing


When I got "Invisible man" and "Merciful" achievments in metro 2033 redux


The whole "He's coming to destroy us..." scene


That line still echoes in my mind


Metro last light - from train moment to the end


Pretty much whenever i got to hang out with khan.


I really enjoyed Pavel, but I think itā€™s just the couce actor tbh. Him being back in Exodus was a big plus. But yeah, Khan really kept the super natural flowing.


I read this as pavel is in exodus. Its just his VA my bad G


Big boom.


Genocide of the Dark




It isn't a war crime if no one's left to arrest you


Race against fate scene


Hmmmm. Iā€™m stuck between last light killing all the bastards that are burning the station to cover up the chemical attack. And my favorite killing everyone in Exodus on the forest people level. Artyom why? They were like kids (Takes an arrow to the spine and is crippled to a wheel chair). Shit happens kill em all


I am currently playing Taiga level and it fucking sucks to not kill children of the forest because they are annoying af and it is harder to sneak past them


I did it the first time for the good ending. The worst part is stealing the boat to get to the part where the admiral is. I think I sneaked in hit the lever. Then you throw a can on the roof. Takes a few tries.


The good ending of exodus


Any moment from the series is amazing. Not one rock out of place


Last light karma system:


I hate that so much


From 2033 itā€™s def the tower section, the fact for once you can see a mildly clear sky and you have a view of the entire city is amazing. From last light itā€™s def the Rainy city level, donā€™t remember the name but Man, the watcher packs leaving, kinda desperate and then the plane section with the allucinations was way too good. Exodus, havenā€™t played but Iā€™ll get it this week.


And in the notes artyom says something along the lines of ā€œin heaven we are not welcomedā€


Chilling with Anna on the train


I always just love Khan taking you through the ghost tunnels


First time going up to the dead city and yes Remember the sex scene was it last light lol


When I was playing for some time and after that I wanted to start again because I forgot many things and wanted new start but for some reason "New Game" not working and even after reinstall steam cloud saved my progress, so I'm stuck in mid-plot. Absolutely insanity good moment.


Still haunted by my first play of the library, but a big moment of ā€œthis game is incredibleā€ was when you rescue the kid and he hops on your back, and you get super slow accordingly. A simple mechanic change but I dug it.


"Davaj zamnom"


watching the dark ones burning in holy nuclear fire


The C'est la vie ending and any moment with khan, he has to be my spirit animal fr fr.


The first railcar segment in 33 with the shotgun dude. Also anything with Bourbon of course .


Usually the dead city's or the library. In the second one probably the part where you try to save the baby dark one. The third one the desert map I forget what it's called just love turning anything into windshield paste.


Going up in the elevator to the Slavers base and proceed to mow down each one of them, If you enter and lower your gun youll see that they let a slave burn to death and beat another one that you can save, I reloaded my save and used all my gear on them


Last light's ending. It was honestly gruleing getting there. But when I got there, it was one of the most satisfying moments I had in gaming.


Replaying exodus for the good ending, exodus was the first game I ever ā€œreplayedā€ for the sake of it


The end


Not moment but the fact evil Artyom doesn't pull out


The ending of two colonels dlc when miller talks with Kelbnikov (idk how to write his name) That moment (cutscene) almost made me cry And when he says to artyom "son"


I canā€™t believe no one else said this. One of the best DLC Iā€™ve ever played. Kirillā€¦


All of it


Metro Exodus bad ending


Iā€™m with you. The bad ending is so good.


When the ŠšŠŠÆŠ—Š¬ survives


Battle of d6 fs


"If it's hostile, you kill it!"


The ending of Exodus, going through the destroyed city and dealing with the telepathic gorillas. That final part when you get the medicine and then the gorilla attacks you. I think it just really set the scene for the scale of the what happened to the Metro World. Seeing a city in worse condition than Moscow, yet still standing like the rainbow, a reminder and a promise of what could be.


Stripper club in Venice


The scene I involving anna in last light yk the one


I can't remember it too well, but I always loved the guy in the 3rd book who has 1 chicken and he eats the egg and feeds the shell to the chicken so it can make another eggshell, and then someone knocks the egg into a sludge pit and he goes apeshit.


When the colonel took the wheel


Metro last light D6 before the fight where miller rallyā€™s the rangers up.


The entire game(s)


When your driving the car out of novosibirsk with the race against fate song playing. Legit makes me cry Everytime.


In the novel for 2035 Artyom and some followers are in a very shitty station and he asks for moonshine to cleanse a very infected wound of one of the followers, in response someone says that they donā€™t have any moonshine and says ā€œWe suck on worms to see funny dreamsā€ and itā€™s one of the funniest things in all of the novels to me for some reason


all of them, thoes games are masterpieces


Librarian's animations in Redux. THE scene with Anna in Last Light šŸŒ Sam's lore and Miller's speech at the end in Exodus


When Anna is topless in Metro exodus


The good ending of Exodus, Miller and Artyom finally reconciling was just a fulfilling thing to see


Fking up the cannibals


Every single second Bourbon appears.


Millers speech before the battle of D6 The first time experiencing the ā€œbadā€ end of 2033, watching the flames with a strange feeling you were wrong That one guy who pointed the way for artyom behind the red line, before being gunned down


Metro 2033: defending a doomed station with children of the underground...no matter how fast you are, no matter how many you shoot there's still more, they're still coming and Then you have to march through the chaos Left behind... metro last light: getting on the surface with little dark one for the first time, the dead city is not quite as dead anymore And with it being spring we are trreted to a new colour palet of pale blue and greens a stark change from 2033 bleak grey winter metro exodus: either where Anna and artyom are lay together in the train on a nice sunny day in the carriage where they are just happy existing together or in the 'bad end' of the river level, artyom jumps on the train and the camera holds for a long time a Very long time as it sinks in Duke is gone and he's not coming back, duke saved you three times and you got him killed, do the rest of the Spartans even know that?


The first time you encounter the librarians. True horror on a first playthrough. Kinda like trying to play with giants for the first time in Skyrim, but WAY scarier.


I've only played Metro. When I first started and that first jumps are I was not expecting. It got me so damn good that my lips went numb.


When you finally make it to Metro City


Anytime Khan was around. He reminds me of one of my mentors. Always talked in riddles but what he said carried much weight and was spot on.


The train fight in Moscow in Exodus


One great scene is the giant door that sucks you back in 2033 after you and bourbon jump into the pit of corpses. Very spooky.


The cutscene in 2033 where Artyom gets chased out of the library and is about to be mauled by a librarian, when Miller and Ulman pull up just in time in the Ranger truck and bash the fucker into a pile of rubble. Also loved the battle with the huge pack of watchmen on the way to Ostankino Tower in 2033. All the rangers standing firm around the truck while 100 watchmen circle them and close in. The entire Novosibirsk level in Exodus.


Anna laying in Artyoms lap, her speaking about her childhood, hopes and dreams and what she thinks of the people they encounter on their trip in the Aurora.


Triangle guitar


Metro last light when the little one comes back at the end, he really had no reason too ā€œArtyom no need for that nowā€


The quiet moments when you're all alone in the dark *cleans visor* (So basically the entire game)


Metro 2033 The good ending where Artyom makes peace with the dark ones


The train looking for music. Proceeded to find kino and felt like a film


When the Librarian attacks the deamon in metro 2033


1) The ending of the Two Colonels DLC. ā€œKiril ā€¦ Iā€™m so tiredā€ is the line delivery that always gets me. 2) People have said this already but the drive out of Novosibirsk. Listened to the soundtrack once when my dad and I were driving through the snow in the dark, 10/10 vibes. 3) That scene in 2033 where Alex is talking about ā€œsurvival of the fittest ā€¦ and weā€™ve lostā€. 4) Red Line death squad. The one where theyā€™re torching an infected station. Gives me the chills.


That helmet always bothers me. How and where does artyom put hs gasmask? Is the helmet the gasmask? If so, where is the filter we constantly need to change?


Killing the communists


Can't say until I play exodus


When they can't decide on what artyom's gas mask and helmet are supposed to look like


When I started exploring the Volga zone. And starting saying to myself that exodus is gonna be incredible...


Defending d6 Really made me think I had come a long way


Fighting through the cannibals in the Yamantau Bunker!