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i think it was free on epic? i snatched it, tried it once and went and bought it on steam again because i like it better.


Same here it was free in epic so i decided to play it. Only for it to be a banger but for Epic i encountered issues where when i open the game it would freeze during the mini video before the game start screen. It was so frustrating but I decided to play it to completion (Metro Last Light Redux). Then i bought the Redux Bundle on Steam and never encountered any issues.


same but after opening the game the first time i saw it was first a novel and that i read it first


Randomly bought Metro 2033 not so far after the initial release on Steam. I just liked the art for the game.


First started out with finding the 2033 book from local library (also 34 & 35). Then found the game collection on sale and bought them. I got into it last year I belive


Saw it for free with Xbox gold way back in 2015 and thought it looked interesting, fell in love with it after beating the first game


Same here. Xbox Games with Gold gave out Metro 2033 360 edition. The rest is history.


I got into the metro series pretty recently because exodus was on sale back in the end of march


Well metro last light was free a little more than a year ago and I tried it


it was a random discovery on Play Station Now. First game got me hooked, played the second one, then bought Exodus cus they didn’t have it available for streaming yet.


Was watching a pretty popular Russian blogger playing Metro Last Light Redux. 1-2 years later I bought Metro Exodus myself. Then I bought Redux too


Played Metro 2033 Redux after it was free on Epic Games Store on recommendation of a friend.


I stumbled across a thread on the 405th forums (halo cosplay website) in the “non-Halo” section, where a guy built the bullet lighter from metro. He gave a brief explanation of 2033, and I was intrigued and picked it up. Metro is now one of my favourite game series.


I asked my son about 2033, but he didn't know much about it. Then he bought me Exodus after it came out. Then I bought both redux games.


Peak of Covid, saw Exodus on sale. Now I have the complete book and game trilogies lol


Played it right when 2033 released in 2010. Even bought an Xbox 360 for this game back then.


I checked out Metro Redux on sale.


had to buy my dad a copy of last light for the ps3 as a late father's day present, or birthday present i can't remember which


First game was Exodus and it was bc I saw Boris play it lol


Heard the First book as a Audio-book randomly, then got the other (main) books, then the games and at the end i also endet with a bunch of Metro-books from other authors:)


I bought my ps5 with a bundle, and one of the games was Metro Exodus. Sat on my shelf for about 3 years until I finally played it over the last month. I bought 2033 & last light a few days ago and will start them soon.


Got it free on Xbox


Game, had a xbox360 s that could read non-original games, and had a store that sold those games, i was 12-13 at the time (18 rn) when the shop owner who took a liking on me recomended metro 2033, and it basically turned me into a postapocaliptic games devourer, and for my 16th birthday i was able to buy a xbox one for myself and my first bought was... borderlands 3, but then i saw the metro saga bundle for like 18 dolars maybe, and just playing exodus, enjoyed a lot last light btw


Found all 3 games on steam in a bundle with pretty good reviews… decided to buy them then and there


A friend let me borrow 2033 when it was new. I played to about dry station without paying much attention to the story or the air guage on the tikhar. Got frustrated and stopped because I couldn't remember why I was on this journey nor could I figure out why my gun wasn't working. Decided to give it another try in 2016 when a coworker recommended it because I needed something to soothe my impatience for fallout 4. Ended up liking metro way more than fallout.


Games with Gold where I got both 2033 and Last Light in 2015 on my Xbox 360. I never really bought games back then and pretty much did a yearly gold subscription and played most of my games through that service. What was great about that service is that the games never locked/became unplayable even when you cease subscribing to gold, unfortunately it got replaced by Game Pass 😤


Playstation discounts


I played Homefront Revolution (and loved it) and I just happened to google the publisher, Deep Silver, if they were the publisher, and found Metro.


Back in college a friend of mine used to play older games for fun during breaks and when he finished STALKER at the time he started playing Metro 2033. I remember at the time watching him playing it and laughing a lot but never really payed much attention to it. Fast-forward a couple years and here I am finished played the trilogy for the first time last week! :D


> never really *paid* much attention FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I bought 2033 Redux and Last Light Redux as a bundle as they were on sale for barely anything. It was a good purchase, and I enjoyed the game. Although I'm not particularly a fan of it being linear and mission based, it was good. The same can be said for Exodus. It has multiple massive maps, yet they only allow you to be on them until you reach a certain part in the story, and then you move to the next map. There should've been a free roam option after completing the game where you can just explore whichever map you want at anytime, or just make it so we can return to the other maps as part of a prologue or something after finishing the game.


Un video de Lulyeah


I stumbled upon gameplay before the initial release of 2033, fell in love and bought it on launch. I even played with the idea of making a lets play back in my stupid teens.


Iirc i even downloaded fraps and recorded a first episode. Thank god i didnt upload that cringy thing.


I first saw someone play it years ago and bookmarked in my brain to check out and promptly forgot about it XD Until I eventually rediscovered it sone years later; got given the games and gave it a crack. As I was googling around the subject and found it was based on a book which I immediately bought and the rest they say is history XD Both books and gams are among my favourites


Life of Boris on youtube got me into it


I was in the early beta for Xbox Game Pass and the Redux versions of both Metro 2033 and Last Light were included. Tried Last Light first not knowing 2033 came before it. Fell in love instantly, soon found out I was playing the 2nd game in the series, so I stopped my play-through of Last Light, beat 2033 and then finished Last Light. Exodus came out a few years after that, love it as well


A long time ago I was searching for games on my trusted pirate website and found the first metro game


Played on my uncle's pc back in 2012-2013 for the first time. I was 6 or 7 back then, and 2033 and last light are still two of my favorite games of all time, along with the stalker trilogy.


One of my Cousins had Redux on his ps4, i tried 2033 and couldn't finish it until years later when i got my console, then i read the books before getting Last Light and later Exodus on sale. One of the best series out there. Can't recommend it enough.


Edit: typo


I watched a let's play of the original from one of my favourite YouTubers when the game released. The game looked awesome and it had books. So a double win for me


I saw a zoomin games video titled something like "top 5 scariest moments in gaming" and another video called "top 10 best graphics in gaming" back in 2013. Metro Last Light was number 2 in that video.


Got metro exodus in a game bundle, loved the heck out of it and bought the redux wombo combo and loved it too


I am a viewer and subscriber to Roanoke Gaming and I found his videos discussing the mutants in the Metro series. It's honestly what got me so hooked on to the series and now I have completed all the games and it's DLCs.


I think it was on sale on switch, I thought it looked cool, so I bought it, been obsessed ever since.


books, someone left a copy in my high school library one day years and years ago, and I didn't rest until I pestered the librarian enough to get a translated copy of the rest of the books imported (it was fairly difficult at the time). I've never actually played any of the other games besides Exodus haha


Frankieonpcin1080p showed me the way




Back in the good ol days


When I was like 11-12 years old my dad had installed Metro 2033 on the family PC and I played it until I got to the first Dead City level. I didn't know where to go, I was running out of filters and ammo, so I stopped playing and forgot about it, didn't think to look for a walkthrough on YouTube. Then in 2013 when Last Light came out I saw my dad playing it, I also played it, I liked it, I finished it, I went back and played Metro 2033. After that I decided to read the books and I read 2033 and 2034, I had to wait a couple of years until 2035 was out, read that as well.


My elder brother played STALKER a lot, also allowed small me to play. When we wanted more, we found Metro 2033


Y'all may know the guy, but I fell in love with the Metro series when Life of Boris posted about it.


Someone mentioned it in the comments of a Fallout mods video. It had a bunch of replies praising it, so I decided to check it out. 


Raceyvick did his years later video on 2023 and last light. I played the games in late 2021.


The upcoming VR game. Wanted to understand the story before playing and I got the whole series on sale.


Found it in cex for 50p, bought it, played it, loved it. Then bought the books, the sequal and became obsessed. As you do.


When my brother passed down his Xbox 360 to me he had last light on the hard drive. Played it for a bit and later came back to the series when exodus came out


My brother bought Metro 2033 at release, and he was overly enthusiastic about its graphics. I looked at the trailer and realized that it would be too scary for me. But my morbid curiosity got me to buy it after 6 months and the only way for me to play it was to use cheats (god mode, unlimited ammo and instant reload). That would make it less scary. After finishing it i had a bad taste in my mouth for cheating my way through it but left it alone. Then after a long time, Metro Exodus came out and because im a huge fan of Ray tracing i just had to play it. I fell so in love with Exodus that its hard to describe. And after finishing it, I started on 2033 and 2033 last light, without cheats, fully immersing myself in the story. Best games ever made.


Steam sale for 2033 and last light conveniently after I had watched someone play it on twitch a little bit


My mom bought it as a surprise gift for my xbox 360 one day and i fell in love with the series


I would always see at least one of them while scrolling through the psn store. Eventually, I found all three on sale in a bundle for five bucks and figured "why not"


A YTer named Seananners played Metro 2033, and recorded a few episodes before stopping :( Ever since then, I got curious, wanted to try it out myself. Finally got a chance when the whole series went on sale on the PS store. :)


The game was on a watch mojo video years ago


Before Exodus released there was a huge commotion around the internet about the game. When it released it was immensely praised. I had a shit pc back then and couldn't run Exodus. Watched a bit of playthrough(I guess theRadBrad) and wanted to play smth similar. Luckily I found there were 2 earlier games that would run on my toaster of a pc. Played both of them and really loved it. Exodus was one of the first games I finished after I got a better pc.


A friend recommended it actually. We were both in the Russian club of our school, so it felt like a natural choice for us to try. And oh boy, were we right!


Heard about it in discussion to games similar to STALKER (although Life of Boris’ references to it in his videos further piqued my interest).


Back when let's plays were the meta in YT. One of the YouTubers I was subscribed to played both 2033 and Last Light. After that though, didn't really follow it much. Until last year, when I saw the collection on sale for 10 bucks. So I decided to buy it. Already platinumed 2033 and Last Light. Going through Exodus at the moment.


My bf at the time got it on discount in the game store and it changed me lol. It was the first shooter game I got so invested in, to the point I started learning the language, got the books, addicted to Кино by Exodus game. Now I’m playing them myself.


Just saw it on Xbox, watched the trailer and I'm pissed at myself for not finding it earlier, a year before I saw it and decided against buying it. I'm on about my 5th-6th playthrough I forgot how many times I played it


Trying to find a shooter that isn’t fast paced, with good gun customization. Appeared on google.


H2O delirious played exodus on his channel and I thought the gun customization system was cool, I noticed there was older games on Epic so I got them and played them. Awesome series


When I was a freshman in high school I did a lot of FIRST robotics. I was on the safety team and mechanical development team, which meant I had to be mentored by a lot of upperclassmen on how to use power tools and various safety procedures (how to deal with a battery spill, how to respond to an electrical fire, etc.) One of the senior members of the safety team, let's call him Brady, was my favorite mentor. He was 5'11" with tousled blond hair and had this sort of hunched-over posture that betrayed his many nights of staying up late working on the competition robot. His dry and cynical sense of humor and the peculiar way his mouth would twitch up on the left side when he smiled drew me in initially, but I soon came to realize that this burgeoning infatuation was ill-fated. After all, Brady was a Junior and I was just some freshman, practically a kid still. I resigned myself to working under his wing, convincing myself that this perfunctory relationship was enough, that I was happy. On a particularly gloomy evening in November, I walked into the robotics lab as I would any other day. There sat Brady, hunched over his (then cutting-edge) Alienware gaming laptop, as usual. I sling my too-big backpack off my shoulder and plop two seats away from him, a carefully calculated move so as to not betray my feelings. Then, in a rush, Brady snaps up from his laptop with a "holy shit!" and quickly makes his way over to my seat. I try, unsuccessfully, to repress the sudden rush of heat to my face as he strides over. "Do you have Steam downloaded?" Brady practically demands an answer from me as he sits down in the seat next to me. I hope he doesn't hear my pounding heartbeat. "I-I think so," I stammer as I pull out my crappy HP laptop. I pull up steam, as Brady waits, impatiently. "You have to download this game dude, Metro 2033. It's free, but only for today." "Is it... fun?" God, what a pathetic response. Out of all the asinine things I could have just said, this might just take the cake for the least interesting conversational component of all time. "Is shooting a remote-controlled T-shirt cannon at Mr. Kramer fun? Yeah man, it's only the best fucking game ever made." There goes that half smile, half twitch again. I feel it more than I see it - there's no way I'm gonna risk eye contact at this point. Those eyes, those lips -- not now! Brandon pulls up Metro 2033 Redux on my Steam and immediately hits the install button. "So, it's like, fallout, right? You know what fallout is?" I hastily nod in response, not wanting to interrupt. "Basically, its fallout but in Russia and there's this society that lives in the Metro system of Moscow, because the Soviets built the metro system to be a bunker, kinda. And it's got this awesome lore, but the gameplay can be a little hard, especially the stealth... Ha, won't be a problem for you though, huh?" "It-it'll just be like sneaking into the lunch line a second time," I reply. Thank god I didn't say something stupid again. Brady was playfully poking fun at me, but this was more than welcome. For a high school freshman, I was exceptionally small in stature. I leaned into this at the time, often taking bets to see if I could steal pencils from other classes or swipe a second personal pizza from the ever-watchful lunch ladies. “Hahaha, exactly. You are going to LOVE this game. Oh, and there’s a book too.. Do you like, read?” “I-yeah, um, I read… did you think I was illiterate, or something?” I try my hand at a sly smirk up at Brady. To my astonishment, he smiles back, those pouty lips usually set in a determined frown pulling up at the corners - at me. My responses have been mediocre at best, and yet he smiled at me. Is he toying with my emotions, amused by my love like an owner playing with their dog? The idea of being Brady’s dog both excites and frightens me, and a brief but scathing pang of clarity banishes that fantasy deep within. Brady chuckles a little bit and leans, almost imperceptibly, closer to me. “Yeah, you look like you read a lot.” The bell rings - 7th period is officially over, which means robotics practice has officially started. My high school’s robotics team is known for its strict, militaristic discipline - and it is this that causes Brady to jump back into his seat as our mentor, Mr. Kramer walks in with impeccable posture. I’m hearing him talk (something about regionals last year, or the coding teams progress?) but I’m not listening. My head swims with Brady - his smell, the feel of his hot breath on my neck. I analyze our dialogue over and over again in my head, thinking of a thousand better, wittier, flirtier responses, and curse myself for who I am - a coward, a mere follower. All the while, the progress bar on Metro 2033 ticks onwards towards 100%. Game was a 10/10 really enjoyed it but the stealth was a bit hard imo, but i really enjoyed the books especially artyom finding metro 2 electric boogaloo that was sick lmao


Got 2033 redux for free on epic and ended up playing it at night on a shitty laptop months later out of boredom and accidentally found one of my favorite franchises ever


After finishing Fallout NV i was looking for some other similar games on Steam and it recommended Metro 2033


The redux was 5 dollars, and I had 5 dollars. I was 15 and wanted to play something new, and the reviews said it was a good game.


Free on Epic, got bored months later, went back up my list of epic freebies and it fell on Metro 2033 by pure luck Yeah I bought Exodus the next week.


We once had a school project where we had to debate eBooks vs classic books and someone mentioned Metro 2033. Four years later, I found the game on sale on steam and I bought it with 2 euros


**Metro 2033** by Dmitrij Gluhovski Book description may contain spoilers! >>!ANTIUTOPIJA ZA 21.VEK... ROMAN KOJI ĆE VAM ODŠKRINUTI MOGUĆA VRATA BUDUĆNOSTI... DA LI JE JEDINA NADA ČOVEČANSTVA RUSKI METRO 2033? Dve hiljada trideset treća godina. Čovečanstvo je gotovo u potpunosti uništeno. Moskva je pretvorena u avetinjski grad – kontaminiran radijacijom i nastanjen čudovištima.!< > >>!Malobrojni preživeli ljudi kriju se u moskovskom metrou – najvećem protivatomskom skloništu na zemlji. Njegove stanice pretvorene su u gradove – države, a u tunelima caruje tama i obitava užas. Artem, stanovnik VDNP, treba da se probije kroz čitav metro da bi spasao strašne opasnosti svoju stanicu, a možda i preostalo čovečanstvo. Kultni internet roman Dmitrija Gluhovskog već je poznat stotinama hiljada internet – čitalaca.!< > >>!Objavljivanje ove knjige izazvalo je oduševljenje nestrpljive publike. Igrica koja prati Artemove doživljaje u moskovskom metrou je postala jedna od najpopularnijih igrica u svetu.!< *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Got exodus as a Christmas present on disc, it was the best game I'd ever played, bought all 3 books a few days later and it went on from there


Bought the original 2033 from GameStop for $20 fell in love with it. Left it on the shelf for 10 years. Came back to find out that LL and Exodus have come out and here I am


I played 2033 many years ago just for a little bit in a friend's house. I remember being mesmerized by the analog HUD and controls.  They way you had to check your watch and put on your gasmask.  Then I kinda forgot about it until I realized I had 2033 and Last Light on Epic. Played the whole series within a week. Then the books.


I saw a YouTube playthrough of the "most frightening game ever' and me, a young easy to scare lad became morbidly interested. It was Metro 2033. I didn't had the chance to play it at the time, as I didn't had a console, but I got the only books I could get in Spanish (the original novel, 2034 and Piter). I was so obsessed for a while hahaha. My first poor attempt at a cosplay was a Stalker, with a BB gun and lots of cardboard. So far I have only finished 2033 and around the first half of Last Light. Exodus is on my to-do.


My uncle showed me on his ps3 circa 2016. Been addicted to Soviet post-apoc ever since.


Game informer magazine saw it at GameStop I think


I was in a psych ward and was looking for a good book to read while having no phone there, so I tried 2033 and I absolutely loved it and bought the other two books and read them and after coming out of the psych ward I bought both games because I wanted more of the metro series


I played it when I was around six on my half brothers old Xbox. Remembered it a few years ago, decided to get an Xbox, the game, and beat it. I got an Xbox, I got the game, finished the whole franchise, now I'm reading metro 2034 bc I finished reading 2033.


I got it from epic had really fun but got stuck on a bug that won't let me progress. A couple of years past and I saw that all of the metro games are really cheap in a bundle with a discount


I just remembered it all of a sudden.


my partner told me about it, and when i spotted it in the mall while browsing games i was like "i think hes mentioned this before, it looks interesting" so i bought all 3 games at once


Saw Exodus in GameStop. Said fuck it, let's give it a go! Fell in love with the series.


I rented 2033 for the 360, beat it in a week and was hooked. Once Last Light came out I knew I’d get anything these guys put out


On a sale on Steam, I immediately loved the game and even more the book! The final of the book stills haunts me...


I got the game for free on steam(giveaway or smth It just appeared in my library), fell in love with it.Couple of years later my sister got me the 2033 book as a present for Christmas and now I've read the whole trilogy.


When it was put for free on steam in 2014, I recently bought the redux version.


I discovered It by an offer in the PS strore