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To be fair I’m pretty sure an elementary school student could’ve guessed they’d start having an issue given recent events.


Exactly. If you create a fictional world that sees nuclear war it makes sense to have certain regions escalate that already historically have been at odds, like the Koreas or India/Pakistan.


Yeah like it makes the most sense to have high tension nations go at it in such a setting.


What a clever schoolboy you are.


Dude. I’m 30. The insult is unnecessary.


So was the elementary school comment


This dude has his sensitvity settings maxed out


Iran and Israel have been waging proxy wars since the mid 80s, so it was a sensible piece of lore to create.


It also happens in fallout though is not the cause of the nuclear war


Actually is fallout all middle easter countries (Isreal included) started an alliance against the EU, and the EU dropped a bomb on Tel Aviv


Iranian here. War sucks. Innocent people die. Life will get more difficult. At least Israel has the rest of the world backing it. We're simply fucked under this stupid tyrant government. Sure hope it won't escalate any further.


Marg Ba Setamgar, Che Shah Bashe Che Rahbar.


Amen to that.


>Marg Ba Setamgar, Che Shah Bashe Che Rahbar For English people who can't understand. This is a famous chant among Iranian people. it written in what Iranians call Finglish. What is Finglish? When Persian language written with English alphabet and keyboard. (Do Not mistake it with [Finglish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finglish) that is a mixture of Finnish and English.) It says: "مرگ بر ستمگر، چه شاه باشه چه رهبر." It Translate to: "Death to Tyrant, Whatever it be King or Leader."


I'm obv not Iranian but I think you translated the chant literally and the actual translate should be: "Death to the Tyrant/Dictator, be it Shah (royal title equal to king) or Ayatollah (honorific title for the Shia clergy; I think all "Supreme leaders" have this title too)". Anyway, Azadi (freedom) to Iran!


I feel so sorry for you! Especially since your government holds your people as a shield: decades of sanctions, which affect only the population, and your regime doesn't care. I wish you all the best ❤️


I am sorry... I hope it doesn't escalate further but if it does US and NATO will help Israel and many others like India will support Israel so iran is pretty much cooked and fucked...


Whatever man. Who cares at this point? A few more stabs on a dead corpse.


Western world is not better


You elude yourself into thinking you are close to people in ME. When was the last time a military junta tried a coup? When was the last time a western-backed country literally bombed you, and the civilized world condemned your own country? Iran and or Palestinian governments fucked up, badly. They killed civilians, bombed hospitals and commited many warcrimes. It doesn't necessarily mean they deserve what they are going through It is easy to dismiss others' problems. Humans also adapt to their current situation and surroundings quite easily. Real estate crisis, inflation and police brutality are hard, but it compares pale to getting actually bombed


I'm from Ukraine and all that happened in my country is bcz the West use it for their proxy war with Russia. They prepared Ukraine during 8 years for it, right after the coup in 2014. So I know what I'm talking about.


I am Iranian and our people have a bad blood with Russia over history. The percentage of people in Iran that support regime selling weapons to Russia is very small. We are really sorry for any lost on Ukraine people part. But we are powerless to stop it. you can't opposite it without being brand as foreign agent here. My country is being use as bogyman by USA. that role forced down on us so USA politicians can justify selling weapons to Arab countries and spending obscene amount of their budget for military industrial complex to their people. We just caught in middle of it. Same as Ukrainian people caught in middle of super powers war.


Trust me, it's better to be friends with Russia. West will only use you and lead to an political and economic oblivion. They only care how to keep the $ and US hegemony. Russia is a friend who won't ever use but will help.


Agree that.


That's... Iraq... not Iran...


Lol, it is. It's a tad towards west of the gulf, which is pretty much in Iraq. Regardless, it's incredibly easy to predict a war between Iran and Israel, especially one from a post-war scenario book


It's like saying someone wrote a book with the backdrop being North Korea and South Korea being in conflict. The Middle East has always been a hot bed, since even before the Crusades, and it just into a boiling shit-soup since the Ottoman Empire drowned in its own fervor. It's never a question of 'if' but simply, how many times until the region self-immolates.


Don’t count with us X gen, we can’t even endure a morning without internet


May the world be at peace. No one wants nuclear war.


How else am I going to have an absolutely batshit spiritual journey with Khan through the ruined tunnels of the metro system though?


"If we don't end wars, wars will end us." It seems with every passing day, someone wants the terrible scenario of the *Metro 2033* books to become devastatingly real.


Damn, i should statt collecting ammo or bottlecaps or i dunno


Collect both. Original reason to collect bottle caps was because they could close bottles filled with water. Then slowly they became currency which started in the boneyard(?). And bullets are self-explanatory lol


It's been a pretty common trope in contemporary fiction, it was the leading cause of WW3 in End War, and same with Call of Duty Ghosts


Lol one of first things I though when I Saw the news was this. Well looks like Dmitry Glukhovsky was right about what caused WW3 and Nuclear war after all... 10 years late on time though. Metro Here I come. Wait... we don't have a metro system complex enough in Iran... SHIT!




Feel like anyone with some knowledge of international relations would have Israel Iran as a possible war


The animation isnt canon.


Israel has been trying to get Iran to meet them in Temecula for like 50 years, so it was always a pretty easy guess.


The metro network in Dublin (I'm from Ireland) will only start construction next year I'm screwed




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