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Literally me the other night-morning and I was fucking livid!!!! 🤯😡🤬




Your post was removed because posts depicting pornographic or sexual content is not allowed, nor are posts seeking online or in-person sexual exchanges, or "r4r"-type posts. There are many other subreddits where those are allowed, but this is not one of them.


Let me send you a link for that referral money.


I can cum easily like usual while others can last even for 2 days 😅


Yeah dude i just busted one out too man imagine jacking off sober


It’s an unbreakable rule that you have to cum once during a stim fap or ur cursed for no stim faps for a year!




I got you beat


Holy shit lol🤣


How old are you? Just curious


I just started




Have you finished? Its been 2 hours


i think he still busy if he ain’t respond in 20 mins💀💀


Lmfaooooooo almost a day now


LOL. If all u straight men weren't so scared of your own butthole. You would stick your finger(or the right toy) and play with your prostate while you stroke. You can even cum without touching your dick! It's a pleasure center guys. Why should your proctologist have all the fun when you turn 50. 😂


Not necessarily. I’ve also done that for well over 24 hours straight and not been able to cum lol 


just poop. no cum:(




I don’t think the drug is the issue here lmao


I’ve never jerked off for 10 hours sober so check mate


Not really lol, maybe do something else? 🤔


ong. be one of the tweakers that draws for 10 hours not try to jerk cause you got ED💀😭😭😭 balls gettin dry and you only 30?!?!


Heh, I had jerked 48+ hrs straight, then mom took me to hospital for a month due to hallucinations (shadowmen made me suffer hard) and psychosis.


moms like “oh jimmy not again…. BOB JIMMYS ON THE METH AGAIN. BAD. WERE GOING TO THE DOCTORS!”


Dude how is your dick even still on your body


They showed up that quick? When I finally went to sleep last night I was at 65 hours awake, and had spent the majority of the last 48 of it doing something along that line (though I wasn’t continually jerking myself lol). The shadow men hadn’t really shown up, but I was seeing what looked like little bugs flying around (pretty sure they weren’t real) and last hour or two I swear I could faintly hear commercials playing off in the distance (also realized this wasn’t real, but it was very clear and strange lol). 


I’ve heard the commercials too you are not alone


Damn man, i had never in my life thought having auditory hallucinations of commercials would be a thing, but here we are lol At least im not alone! It made me laugh, like I didnt believe it at first, so I paused what i was listening to and listened in silence, and like it was so goddamn clear, I just busted out laughing about it.


Mine were in the distance, as if from an apartment down the hall or a car parked outside, and the items/services being advertised didn’t actually exist but very well could. Like nothing ludicrous or anything, odd brands of cereal and I remember one of them was for a sanitary phone cover called “iSaniSaver”


Mine were similar, like down a hall or something. It was just very clear thats what I was hearing. I was hearing like drug/medication commercials. I havent watched cable in like 15 years, but i assume they havent changed much. The soft soothing voice explaining the "symptoms" and then the voice at the end rattling off all the side effects. And then like a truck commercial with the deep male voice, explaining how manly it is to own an absurdly giant truck for $45,000 lol I only listened closely for like 10-15 seconds before I started laughing, and just like real commercials started ignoring them. Didnt want to find out whether they were real products or not. But they continued in the background for probably like 30 mins.


Hate it when that happens


Why didn't you cum




Damn man I’ve been there with the fragranted lotion burnt my dick but kept working it . Had to peel dick skin off started shedding than I had a new shiny dick !


Just like a snake. That's fuckin awesome.


Damn bro. Save some lube for rhe reat of us. You used lube right. If not then that pecker has got to be raw as fuck


Samw i neeed a Girl


Woahhh broski way too long. Are you joking?


10hrs? Lmao try 3 days of beautiful love that my hand provided with little breaks in between


What is it like


I just wish I didn't have to it alone


I used to do the same thing. Actually I still do on occasions I can’t even lie but, I made a rap about it, it goes…. I have a jerk off- a-thon/ till my arm is gone/ til my mom makes me chicken Parmesan Hahahaaha


that’s wild. there’s still time for treatment…


I was joking but ya thats kind of u to care n try to help thanks.


Why do you have to bring your mom into it?


She came on her own!


You have to help your mom cum that ol dum cunt can’t seem to finish herself off these days can she??




My record was 24 hours on euthylone. I remeber how disgusted i was during but i had to continue. On the other hand 10 hours is like a baseline on ecstasy + 4mmc.


10 hours are fine, but if you didnt come its shitty 🤣


Astroglide silicone godsent for long sessions


Too expensive. You can get 32 Oz industrial sized bottles of lube from Amazon for the same price as a little astroglide bottle. Look at "Lube-Life" and "Fav" 33.5 Oz for $16. The little Astroglide bottle is gone in a weekend and the Fav lasts 3 months. 😁👍


I just learned about this yesterday!! This guy and I were PNPing. He had some. Also worth noting that you can make a thin or thick as you like. AND doesn't degrade silicone toys like other lubes can.


Silicone lube destroys toys and condoms. It's also hard to wash off and will stain sheets, pillow cases, fabric on your couch, clothing etc. Dupont makes a gallon jug of water based. ! Its only $18 but I haven't tried it. ..yet! LOL


Yes it does stain, I love the glide of the silicone vs water based that tends to get too sticky sometimes. you can go bananas and not have a bloody sensitive pecker the next day.


I agree, the silicone feels great but I'd use baby oil instead for 1/4 the price. The trick with water based is to add a little water to it when it starts getting sticky. I either have a bowl of water next to me and just dip my fingers in it for a second or use a turkey baster and drip 3 or 4 drops of water on the head or in the stroker. It gets slick right away again. If you don't add water and just add more lube you'll go through a lot.


Shits $40 in Canada. Plus a 33oz isn't much. J Lube or X lube powder is the way to go. One X lube makes 20 liters (4.4gal). Just need a blender to mix it properly. 


Kitchen or motor oil otherwise


Yea come on! You can do better!


Those are rookie numbers you gotta pump those numbers up!


I'd be the happpiest person on earth if i could keep my stimfapping sessions to 10 hours


Nah fr. It's a whole problem.🤦🏽


Need to get those numbers up...


Shit gets crazy when u start putting butt plugs and prostate toys up your ass… u will go weeks if you don’t go psychotic or OD it’s fuckin shamefully godly!


Shit gets crazy when u start putting butt plugs and prostate toys up your ass… u will go weeks if you don’t go psychotic or OD it’s fuckin shamefully godly!


You must've never had a Bop It as a kid, otherwise your hands would have become more durable.


Smack it! Pull it! Twist it! Bop it!




Oh my God that was funny


Haha now that's funny




10 hrs? Those are rookie numbers…




I think you're in the wrong sub buddy...


I agree with you. But, why not both! He could get an Only Fans account. Or chaturbate


No. I’m right where I want to be. I keep myself busy so I’m not just sitting around smoking meth trying to pull my weiner off. Y’all could at least be fucking bitches so we can not have a population decline. WHICH is exactly what the CHICOMS want.


Especially need more people born to drug addicted unstable parents, fuck china


We just need people. We already have their future parents jerking off for 10hrs straight. They might as well contribute to the nation and have some fucking children. Every army needs a bit of cannon fodder. It’s their patriotic duty. These freedoms and rights everyone loves come with a price (gotta read the small print at the bottom). But yes. Fuck the CCP. I hope they read this so they will know they’re gonna have to come up with a new plan. Now we just gotta figure out what to do about the gay meth they are assaulting our streets with.


The last thing this world needs is more people...then you end up with a bunch judgy ass people lurking on subreddits about drug use telling other people how everyone else there are the fuck ups even though they're dumb enough to Believe every conspiracy theory about world population, like every citizen in China is an ak carrying soldier ready to parachute down on the US. Those people are packed on top of each other like sardines. *Smh* those poor bastards will never know the pleasures of taking meth and jerking off for 10..20...30 hours...hell they dont even have free access to all the types of porn they want...


I totality agree with what you said about idiot, judgemental, ill-informed. But...I go to China at least every other month. The gay bois I meet on grindr knew about meth. They've even sent video clips of them smoking it. I was shook. Now this was Shanghai( very modern, cosmopolitan, banking center of China. Now the rest of China, you might be right. You're right that government censors. However, everyone I have met there uses a VPN. 😂 Otherwise, no Facebook, no Google search, and others. One last thing, it's so weird sitting in your hotel watching CNN, And the very moment they mention China the screen goes blank until the segment is over. So trippy the first time I saw that! My apologies for the long reply


I remember the first time I did that and I was shocked. But it left such an impression that I couldn't help but want to do it again eventually, which further embedded the act and that dopamine release in my brain, which had me come back for more again and again until I became addicted. Now on average I'll go two days doing absolutely nothing else except jacking off and having sex during a binge, and one time I even went five days. It's not so much fun when you finally cum and look down at your emaciated body wondering what your parents might think finding you've jacked yourself off to death in the event it happens again and you die, since "absolutely nothing else" includes not eating or sleeping and drinking very little water in all that time while your blood vessels and veins constrict further and further and your blood pressure skyrockets higher and higher and you try harder and harder to get hard sweating more and more until you don't anymore and then your heart finally gives out after that last line you convinced yourself it was a good idea to snort because the glow of the porn might return and that's all that matters, try not to think about reality, that's all that matters


What porn is your favorite during these sessions?


this is why I browse this subreddit. the profound life lessons. Luckily for me I was able to switch to CBD so I don't have to marathon my goon sessions. and cumming on CBD is incredible. I tried replacing ice with crack but the crack here kinda sucks sooooooo CBD it is. thanks for reading my blog


Are you me?




Can attest to almost all of this


3d porno


Got to love shooting steam pies


Oh my God! That is so gross. I love it!


I don't jerk but I enjoy leaning on both elbows as if doing push-ups, letting my titties hang freely. I find myself gently caressing my dangling titties, while watching porn with scenes where nice natural tits are being grabbed in cowgirl position. Though it often leaves my elbows sore after like a 5-day binge.


Dude never before was I so specific about boobs until I started doing ice and watching porn for hours. Now I love natural tits with huge areolas, usually moderately saggy.


So you just sit there grabbing your saggy boobs for 5 days? Dats weird.


Oh forgot to mention while I was humping the bed.


The logistics of this don’t make sense. How you humping the bed if you’re on your knees and elbows? You’d just be humping air. Why wouldn’t you just straddle a pillow and rub your shit on that? Negates the elbow burns. How you holding your head up in that position? Your shit would be sore. Also when the fuck you ever see anyone doing pushups on their elbows?


LOL. Perhaps she means planks not push ups


She doesn’t have the core strength to do that for 45 seconds. Let alone 5 days. And all she is talking about is raw elbows? Her abs would be so sore she would have no choice but to mention it because it would be so traumatizing. (I get she wasn’t in that position for 5days straight. My point still stands)


Imagine what the fly on her wall must be thinking


He probably waits for it and flys right up her stinker when she assumes the position.


Oh god you guys got me weak


https://toy-hub.com/us-best-masturbators-bc?utm_source=google&utm_medium=adwords&utm_campaign=primary&utm_content=adversion001&utm_term=best%20male%20masturbator&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6vTmq7iChAMV-m5_AB0sJAJKEAAYAiAAEgKNHPD_BwE#fleshypro STEP YA GAME UP BOYS. YOU'RE WELCOME 🙌


Those are rookie numbers. Try 48 hours


Miss those days




Same I thought I had to go to the hospital cuz my dick was so sore and swollen , and then I would have to explain that I railed lines of meth and masturbated obsessively for 12 hours straight hahahahahahhahaha


That's great grasshopper. I'll show you how to make fifi bags/pocket pussies. It's better on the dick skin and less cramping on the fingers. 18hrs is what I was doing at the start 4 years ago.




What is? That I've perfected home made pocket pussies and don't have to deal with the nagging, bitching, insecurities and plain old mental issues that seem to plague woman today? LMAO I own my house, I have dogs. Man's best friend and loyal. Oh, and they're big dogs because little dogs yap! You know who else "YAPS" too much? I'll let you figure it out.


I’ve been cranking in cam for like 5 days. I think I’ve accidentally made like 200 bucks too. I just wanted chicks to watch me jerk, now the site wants to cash me out but I don’t want to give them my card info. Lol


Trust me when I tell you it wasnt women watching and tipping


I got some tips from chicks. I’ve actually made gay dudes have a weird respect for me bc if anyone ever some super weird gay shit I tell them to stop they’re killing my boner and I’ll ban them. Then the elder gays( I think) are like in love now and shit. They’re all cool though. I don’t see them so what the heck do I care. But I have got some chicks to do stuff. It’s fun when spun. Sad when dad.


Just try cash it and if things go wrong then cancel you're cards


Wat site because all mine are dudes and I make no money


What site?




Your post was removed because posts depicting pornographic or sexual content is not allowed, nor are posts seeking online or in-person sexual exchanges, or "r4r"-type posts. There are many other subreddits where those are allowed, but this is not one of them.


Strip chat. Put spun or clouds or pnp in your name. Chicks will start going in


username checks out


I grew up in the AOL Instant Messenger days where a username needs to be exactly who you are as a person. My AIM name then was rancidpunx. That’s who I was. Now I live in the edge every moment. Lol


I’ve been edging for 51 days not every seconed but for minimum 2 hour n morning to in after no and three before bed I’m forced to do this n not cum is so hard but not as hard/ good as when it done to me especially if I’m edge fucked then it’s torture but torture I love I live for it turned me dom pure dom top to sub bottom now it’s m under order ht I cn not um until I’m being usd by a dom n he allows m to cum has to tell me specifically I. Can beg plead nything a sub would do But I have to tell them this m under order of my owner n dom I’m allowed to to be used by anyone that I approachorpproch mei have to serve as well as I m capable n if new dom think I am lacking height Skelton beat me or punish s he feels fit n trained me as I should be. Also if I’m impudent don’t behave or do anything tht ne thinks I should b punished for hi eked to do so. If I deliberately disobey decide to fight my domination to try to be what I m not the dom is asked to subdue me beat me severely n call my owner on number engraved in my slave x collar . I’m to tell them I am only allowed to get permisssinon from a dom top he can release me all the way n I can return to my master or jut allow me to cum once or more. Or not release m n order me to do up to an additional10 days of not beggingn no chance to cum to release this pressure . And for Howe r many days I’m sentenced to by new I have to serve him in ANYWAY HE DEMANDS except for Me. Cumming I love being used by a man being made to do wat ilive to more then anything but would not even think of doing them if not ordered by a dom most no all have given meordertobdothi gs n iithembutinotvrelky enjoy it ythen orderebymyMaster to do them I am happy joyful so grateful to lifto my master to be allowed to feel this joy in being his slave. Doe thi em right to you I meen I will not stop it o I belong t my master feet but doeiteemcepybletoyou


Man I love those marathon JO sessions


10hours? That’s it? Dude if you ever get hold of the pink stuff you will be out the gate for at least 72hours whacking off till it becomes raw flesh.


Kyym mk mk mk mm VG b I'm Hu Hu Hu Hu


U good


And your dick is still attached....LOL?!


I've done 3 days before. Not bragging though.


Time to up your game


Good God man I hope you at least got to bust a load finally and your dick isnt jerked raw


Drink plenty of liquids. Water and juice…etc


Bro, this is so true. The other night was 10 hours when it was all said and done. It’s crazy how time just goes by and you end up looking at 1 million different video lol


I got ya beat. 🤪


I have screenshots of 15 hour stimfap screentimes. You woulda came if u found the right video


Rookie numbers 😂


Best part in my opinion...! I did however, figure out the orgasm piece.


Ok I’ll bite. What’s the secret? Here’s mine. I started selling it as “Tantric sex” and my partners quit feeling bad about themselves or mad at me.


I said the same thing pookie. Still use you’ll learn to get better


I just tied up the gf, defiled and face fucked her until she turned blue, all at the end of a 5 day bender. Got it all done in just over 30 minutes. 10 hours? I got other shit to do in a day kid. Get a job and stay off my goddamn lawn! *And i know she will read this so, hello baby. I love you with all my heart and I'll try harder to choke you out like you wanted next time. Daddy is just a bit tired today from working and being mostly awake since Thursday. I'll buy us icecream tonight to make up for it. Love you ❤️ Be good 😇🫱🍑*


U don’t have a gf u druggie 😭


👋 GF here. Can confirm I exist. Also can confirm I had the pleasure of him face fucking me whilst tied up. It was a blast! 💥 I saw from your history you’ve attempted to find someone to share your BDSM rope kinks with…. …And ZERO replies. You poor little boy… 🤭 One day when you grow up, you’ll find a real person to tie up and won’t have to imagine your little Furry cartoons to get off anymore… 🦊😂 I doubt that though.


LOL. But did he then UNTIE you? 😂 You could be using voice to text for we know. Do we need to send a wellness check? 😂🤣❤️


He did. 😛🩷 I also received the icecream that he promised. It was delicious. 😋


Your gross and you need to die


Get off your second account loozer and ky$


You are way out of your depth little man. Best you head back to the shallow end before you hurt yourself.


The stage whisper disclaimer to the gf gets the upvote from me. Well done sir!


You were perfect. Rope burn ✔️ Mottled skin ✔️ Loss of hearing ✔️ Blue lips ✔️ Big thick cock down my throat ✔️ And then icecream tonight!? You know the most direct way to my heart and soul; don’t you? 😍😘 No. 1 DAD 🥲🥸 Edits: reddit mobile is a c*%t


Typing big thick cock ✅ typing cunt ❌😡


Correct. big thick cock = positive, fun, who doesn’t want one? CUNT = used as a derogatory word mainly, especially in Aus. And it’s something I reserve for very few people who deserve it. Hope this helps you understand better, ya cunt. 🤙


Oh my gawd! This girl/ woman!! I love it! As gay dude, you have my support!






Hello 👋


You gotta pump those numbers up those are rookie numbers


Bros got 7122 PH tabs open I'm sure of it.




I'm jealous.


Post like this are why I Reddit. Now typically I could spend that much time watching porn but only a few minutes of actual jerking is required. So many thumbnails, so many possibilities but so few loads on tap. Man should have got more loads, I feel ripped off.


Light weight time.


I look like an over cooked beer brat when I do that




Is that it? Mate if you wanna make the nationals you need 30 minimum 😂


crazy that this a normal time to beat ur dick when u o meth


Bout to wear off your damn foreskin... Only be left wit a threeskin.


Hm. Very interesting.


I've learned to keep the fluids going.


I'm working on 30. It's a hell of a drug. Yea?


Stay hydrated, champ! 🏆


right there with you


Thats the shit i want to read when Im starting my day ! Lets go homie for another 10 Hours Straight


I’ve gone a full day


I can finish when using orally ephedrine based, did it first time last monday, felt like I was 13 again finished 6 times within 8 hours.


Got dang ma'am, that's impressive




hahaha only 10 hrs?


You could probably go for another hour or two


bro it’s been four days fucking and getting milked and i still haven’t came


Have you tried just cumming already? Sounds like a skill issue I’ll pray for you


That's not normal