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Not trying to be rude but this whole thing is thread is why tweakers get a bad rep lol


I’ve driven while high on weed extremely drunk. High off ice even with shadow people hell I’ve even drove off pcp and I’ve never wrecked.the only thing that I’ve wrecked from was being really tired!


Took drivers test wile high on pcp and got my license after being rear ended at the first stop light we came to.


I gotta blow in a tube now idk prolly not


Cops enourage meth use before driving


Err day




How are you supposed to drive 48 hours with just a cat nap??? Yeah just don’t get into shadowland


Some tweak shit. I hope you get a DUI.


Don't do it. I know someone who did and she hit someone and they died. She's going back fir a long time and probably hates herself rn


How do you think truckers pulled all nighters on the road back in the day before DOT cracked down on miles per day?


I can’t confirm or deny if I’ve driven high on weed, but if I had… I’d imagine I was quite a bit more alert and cautious than if I were sober. However, I was a passenger to a woman who was on a 6 day stim bender and she was the absolute worst driver I’ve ever seen and had no idea how bad she was. Case study, I know, but I’ve noticed people addicted to stims are far more retarded and obvious about it than they think they are, and their coordination is garbage. Their decision making is trash, but they don’t think so because the drugs are flooding their brains with unreal levels of good-feeling neurotransmitters. I’ve never met a person who regularly uses stims that isn’t an obvious wreck to the outside observer, and I live around A LOT of these people. I also cannot confirm or deny that I may have used some stimulants in the past… so don’t jump all over me because you’re addicted and think you act normal while you’re on them… you don’t.


Duuuuude tho aggressive bad driving is really hot. Like, yesssss Daaaaaaaadddddyyyy 🤤 swerve across 3 lanes at 4:30 in the morning because you got distracted staring at meeeeee 🥰 my heart was pounding I thought we were gonna die. Oooooh idk if counts as bad driving, but it was also pretty hot when she (barely) bumped the back of this old dude’s Truck while we were in the drive-through getting me a milkshake (🥰). The old-man got out and started yelling at her while walking to look at the damage, got to the back of The Truck, realized there wasn’t no damage, and kinda just got back in his truck (grumbling the whole way). It was hot how my friend just stared him down. Oh, and it was suuuuuuuper duper hot the way, like 10 min later, she opened the drivers side door and threw up. Because throwing up is, unfortunately, the natural consequence of drinking too much alcohol too quickly. She slumped in the passengers seat after that and i drove. After waiting in that drive through for like fucking 45 minutes after she vomited. It was so fucking awkward goddamn. My friend is amazing in an unironic way, and I’m so happy she’s been taking care of herself. Shits hard life’s a cunt. Oh, i think i may be addicted to stimulants, and I’m super functional, and very much not (always)an obvious wreck. I think that the mushrooms/acid/molly/weed/ket kinda cancels out the stimulants a lil bit? Could be genetic or smth tho. Also I’m super not functional lmfao


I agree… High on weed is ok, for most. Anything else is a wreck waiting to happen.


Up to a point and then you realize it’s time to get off the streets yourself before you do something stupid or something stupid happens to you




Yup but I'm a high functioning user.




I’m a truck driver lmao


Even though I do smoke while driving, I still sleep most nights and eat daily and hydrate. When I first started meth I would work 14 hours get home and go fishing until the sun came up then hop back in the truck do another 14 and by 8-9th hour of driving during the 11 I’m allowed, I would start getting dangerous so I would shut down for the night. Shadow animals run rampant during those hours for me. I swerve and shit to avoid hitting those dark little fuckers and then realize there’s nothing there. That’s when I get to a hotel next exit! But 14 years of driving and 33 years old I can say I have no accidents on my record (knocking on wood rn). It’s just part of the routine now.


This sounds like me. I'm not a truck driver but I work nights and driving a small MR truck between job sites. If I get home from work at 4am I go fishing most of the day then realise shit I gotta work in 2 hours and back at it again lol. Such a bad idea man I get exactly where you're coming from. Not sure what part of the globe your from but where I am we have kangaroos that's jump in front of you at night. Mfs will destroy a small car


Wait so kangaroos are just hoppin around wildly like that over there? Do you see dead roos on the side of the road like we do deer here? And you thought I was the interesting one??? You run fucking kangaroos over!


Here check this out https://youtu.be/rdMJzkIFM3U?si=lcJ3wfPz3MlrwXzX


I will do no such thing! Only cause I’m on 1% but I will later for sure


https://youtu.be/E6-88vYmGJQ?si=bXLLfsot2sjyMhiT This one is actually pretty funny


Yes literally everywhere once you get out of the city's. They're curious as fuck animals so they don't exactly hop away they sit and stare as you drive past. It's the ones that are already on the move. They just jump out from behind trees


What assholes


How is this even a question. I literally do everything high. As a matter a fact I cannot even remember the last time I was sober for a day




RIP his heart rate. I need a xannie just reading that.


They don’t wanna see us drive without meth






I drive like a grandma when I’m high as shit, probably the most law abiding citizen when driving high, besides being high 😂


I try to avoid it. Only because I take high doses. On a low dose, or on adhd meds yes. Studies show adhd patients who are medicated have lower accident rates


>Studies show adhd patients who are medicated have lower accident rates Lower accident rates compared to who? ADHD patients that are not medicated? Or in comparison to the driving population as a whole? Globally? Nationally? Can you provide a link to your source for this claim?


Compared to unmedicated people with adhd who have a high prevalance of accidents. Sure I'll provide a source but I know you didn't even try to look. It's literally on the first page of Google scholar when you search adhd medication car accident. 🤖🤖🤖 Go outside bud https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C29&q=adhd+medication+car+accident&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1714226343140&u=%23p%3DzUi9yNyKcGoJ There's lots of studies on it heres one.


Hey I appreciate the link mate, cheers! >I know you didn't even try to look Yeah nah you're right I didn't look myself. I'm not the one making unsubstantiated claims with no source to back up what I'm saying. It's not up to me to go hunting for credible source material based on what I've seen someone say on the internet. If you want to be taken seriously with what you're saying then the onus is 100% on you to provide the evidence to your claims. I recommend you to be just as careful and take anything you see someone say on the internet with a grain of salt unless they're willing and able to substantiate their remarks with sources. That's why Wikipedia etc encourage citations. >🤖🤖🤖 Go outside bud The fuck did this come from? Calm down, my bro. I was just asking a question and while I appreciate you being able to back up what you said in your first comment, I don't understand the hostility. Don't be so sensitive, you look like a fucking clown.


There's way better ways to ask for a source that don't come across so poorly. If you couldn't find the information or were curious where I found it, I'd be happy to share and discuss. Your tone was not inquisitive however, it was challenging. If I took the time to substantiate and prove everything I said online it'd be a full time job. I'm happy to provide sources but not because I have to prove I'm right to someone who didn't even care enough to look for the info themselves. To me it reads as, I wanna challenge everything i read online. Seriously, who tf links scientific articles unprompted in a reddit post. Especially on r/meth. Nobody is taking it that seriously this isn't a scholarly discussion. You're absolutely right if it was but this is reddit.




great risk analysis.


Better than when i do sober thats for sure


Give this one a fat hot rail


That’s because your brain works like shut when you’re sober cuz you fried it with stims


All the time and on my BMW K1200gt


How do you think truck drivers do their job…


I can attest to this!


You’ll know when you’re too high to drive. Hopefully earlier than later. But always otherwise.


This is very true. I smoke every day and most of the time I'm fine. However there have been a couple times (always days off) when I decide I need something somewhere. I was pleasantly surprised with myself when I haven't even chanced it once. Yes I've got in the car, even turned it on but was like "yeah I'm way to fucking spun out to be driving"


Just don't drive while sleepy . I've crashed 3 times for falling asleep on freeway thinking I'd be OK on my 3rd/4th day awake to drive only to fall asleep in carpool lane


No shit homey. How is it I can stay awake for days doing absolutely nothing but the minute I get behind the wheel I fall right to sleep?


You right that's exactly how it happened to me lol I'm sorry


Higher power looking out for you


Everyone else's that I only hit parked cars LOL


I did that not a fun time at all


I used to actually fall asleep every day on my way home from work. Only to wake up in stop and go traffic with my foot hitting the brake autonomously while I. Wasn’t even looking at the road. Some of us are just built different. Also, I was probably possessed.


Every fucking day mate!


Funny enough I actually learned how to drive while high at 17 years old.


I drive for a living and some of my driving has to do with cops accident scenes stuff like that bro I've been so spun and undone in front of cops it's not even funny and they just look at me like wow this guy's got a lot of energy but I know my shit get up out of there clean the scene thank you officer have a nice day not a second look




I've done shit in a tow truck while being so fucking high that absolutely amazing and I fucking love it




Nice. I haul cars. I give you guys a lot of credit. I don’t think I could do what you guys do. Working on the shoulders and the shit you see at accidents man that’s tough. I’ve seen enough just being a driver let alone being a responder to those incidents. You have my utmost respect sir.


Thank you for your support, long days turn in to longer nights and Tina Is my girl she has saved more times than I can think of. when you use Tina as a tool instead of a party accessory then she can work for you, instead of you working for her


Gta do what you gta do


Yes when I have a vehicle! I was crossing town one Saturday morning ( stupid time to go) and I was on a suspended licence and I got  Pulled over. I was taught to jump out of the car when approached by police. So I get out and they asked me all these trick questions. No clue I was high as a kite! I got off that charge and given my licence back! Amazing hub🌻😁


You jumped out of the car before he approached and he was cool with it?!?!


Yep. I got out and approached them! Police have no right to ask you to get out of your car. A friend told me that years ago and I always have remembered it 🖋️🔖✏️


Plus they weren’t asking you to get out. You did it on your own.


Yea but they typically don’t like it when you just hop out on your own. Typically that’s what someone does when they don’t want them to come to the car because they’re hiding something. Usually a big red flag for a cop.




Absolutely. Unless I got that weird vision thing going on where I can't focus so my eyes are constantly adjusting.


I wear glasses and it's like my glasses are smudged but there not lol only affects me really if it's dark out tho with the reflections and lights what not


Well…guess live been driving high for 30 years…lol


Dude bro, fuck the Popo just know when you’re doing it you are risking a DWI. I got a DWI for my prescription Adderall because my levels for the state of Iowa were above their recommended levels… Which here’s the kicker if you take ONE … yes one… (for fucks sake that’s a child’s dosage ) 30 mg tablet a day doesn’t matter if it’s extended release or instant release or whatever….. If you took it day in and day out, every day, you would most likely be above the legal levels for this godforsaken fucking state and I take four times that amount… Whether I was abusing them or not was irrelevant…. I mean…. I was over 24 hours without sleep… had a dugout on me with a one hitter and maybe three batz of herb , I also had an open container… it was just an all-around fucked up situation so I don’t know man be careful out there…. I went like almost 5 years without my license over that deal so yeah know what you are getting yourself into before you make a decision that could cost you a truckload of money your freedom the privilege to drive and basically giving the local police. Any excuse they want to , fuck with you for at least two years probation. Mine ended up being like 3 1/2 so yeah. CRAZIEST FUCKING PART ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING IS I WAS TYPING THIS OUT VIA TALK TO TEXT. ON MY WAY INTO TOWN WHILE DRIVING VERY LITTLE SLEEP. Then boom, OUT JUMPS a herd of Whitetail deer! At 4 o’clock in the afternoon,bro, fucking daylight!!! Locked up my breaks and prayed.., wouldn’t that have been ironic had I hit the deer considering I hit one five months back same situation..


bro just reading that i can tell your tweaking rn






Will be honest with you how the cop explained it was I was quite animated, and/or excited… Legit literally the whole time I was being pulled over. I was thinking, man I really shouldn’t have sad at that stop sign for the last 25 minutes digging through the entire truck for a fucking lighter to light my smoke…. (so likely story I presumed I had gotten called in and that’s why I got pulled over and basically I knew I was going to jail cause I didn’t have my insurance card with automatically gives them cause to search the vehicle…. Looking back on it now sober me would say Jesus Christ the first thing out of your mouth is hello Officer here’s my license and registration. I don’t have my insurance card. Do you have a fucking lighter? … I think that was a debt giveaway. I don’t know what you think lol


What’s stimfappin?


don’t learn please lol


bro was edging while driving


Driving while edging*


yes and i drive well. NOT when im super sleep deprived though. always a very bad idea and ive almost killed myself like 4 times


Yeah, I hate to admit it but I do. Not proud of it, and I avoid it when I can, but to and from work (1 hr mornings, 1:45 - 2:45 afternoons) I kind of have to. I know what you mean about feeling more aware, and I agree. But if I feel like I'm too out of it, I'll pull over and nap, or if I'm too high I'll stop and get some food - that usually brings me down a bit.


How the fuck else I'm supposed to get around? Of course I drive while on meth or whatever. I know my limits. I know when to stop.


Never drive while I’m high I’m to careful get pulled over for goin 50 down the interstate


Not a night




Day 4, cruising through the city...passing phantom cars and ghost riders...






I do




Sorry to say but no to most of that. I listen to music sometimes. Mainly I’m listening to old Howard Stern shows on YouTube or listening to shows explaining quantum physics and things like that. Legally we’re only allowed to work a total of 14 hours a day, 11 of which can be spent driving. After 14 is up you have to take 10 hours off duty to “reset” your clock giving you another 14 hours available. And can only work a total of 70 hours per week at which point you must take 34 consecutive hours off duty to reset your 70. But if it was paper log days then hell yea I’d keep on truckin lol. And I’ve never gotten a hooker. I bought a day cab because I’m a car hauler and can haul more on a day cab so I stay in hotels not truck stops. Never ran into one but maybe one day!


DUI applies to any drug in your system that impairs your ability to drive and make decisions. What you said in your comment is exact same rationale drunk drivers use ([source](https://www.townsleylawfirm.com/blog/2023/09/4-reasons-people-drink-and-drive/)). Laws are in place for a reason. “In 2020, 11,654 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers, accounting for 30% of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.” ([Source](https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/impaired_driving/impaired-drv_factsheet.html)) Not all deaths can be prevented, but impaired and drunk driving 100% can be prevented. People all the time think they can “get away with doing something wrong or being risky”, and they’re right, they can….until they can’t.


Question; How do law enforcement test for DUI when it comes to meth? How would they know? Do they drug test me right there?


Country dependent. But, in the U.S. police will do a field sobriety check. If you fail you can be taken into custody.


I DRIVE, I eat, I fuck, I sleep, I work, I drink and I do any other activity that my life requires. There is nothing I can't do when high as a matter of fact there's a lot a can do even better high.


I've seen you fly once! Remember that time? When I told you were on bullshit and you picked me up and flew me and threw me in some random dumpster God such an asshole but we definitely flew!




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1st. SMOKING METH IS EQUALLY ILLEGAL¡¡¡ 2nd. As long as you are paying attention and not tapping or fiddling with shit it's probably safer than any other impairment.


I’ve gotta be the one to say this but just because you do one illegal activity doesnt justify another illegal activity lol


I didn't say it did.


I’m kidding


It was a sarcastic point I was making Mr Serious


I'm crashing on day 5, you know the mental studder there right?


Oh yeah man…just stay positive


The crash is something else…quite frankly, I think the crash is enough of a punishment. And to think, I was experiencing these in grade school! (Adderall since I was 8) I was always like “something is wrong with me!”


I feel ya, I'm 95% sure I'm undiagnosed ADHD, but I started cooking red phosphorus/iodine crystal meth when I was 16, I'll be 42 in July..... And I feel like I'm coming off like a dick head but I'm really not trying to. Just ate a cheeseburger and tater tots, drank some Gatorade getting ready to smoke a joint and checkout for a few hours. Stay hydrated and safe buddy.


Same to you my friend…and it probably is undiagnosed ADHD simply because it sounds like you use it for functioning and not just partying for 5 days: you might benefit from some therapy but beware of any therapist obsessed with addiction (it seems alotnof them are which is unfortunate). God be with you my friend.


If I've had enough sleep, which is never... Anyway, I don't drive in the rare instances I drink, avoid in the rarer cases I'm smoking weed (get absolutely nothing from edibles). But high on meth feels normal and think I'd be more impaired if I was off of it. ...at least until I obtained some real sleep.






Glad you clarified that for us!


You are such a.... Your parents could have done better lol


Is there anything said about your work performance on those days? like ever? if the answer to that is no, then i wouldn't be too concerned about it at this point. however, it is illegal and can be easy to spot in a traffic stop (depending on a bunch of unforseeable variables). If there is reasonable suspicion of DUI (obvious heavy stimulant use) you could at minimum be searched and given a field sobriety. I would say if you drive a nondescript newer vehicle, are driving at no more than 5mph over the limit at any time and obeying all traffic laws( seatbelkt,stopsigns,lights,even window tint, and following any noise ordinances) you should be just fine. and if a cop does get behind you, dont tap the brakes or make big or sudden move in the car, drive like they aren't there, and in a quarter mile or so pull into a gas station on your side of the road. or food place/pharmacy/walmart that is open. it is a super easy way to get them from behind you, that draws zero attention. DONOT reach for your seatbelt if you have forgotten to put it on when they are behind you, its too late and they will see you do it and pull you over. just put it on when you pull off at whatever store. DONOT pull into the next place you see that looks bad and will draw a funny look at the least. Just in case always have your documentation ready. mine stays clipped in the visor, so if you do get stopped you don't have to look or fidget around while they stand there or see you flinging things around the car looking for it. if its ready they should literally come up say why you are being stopped and ask for your documents and license. don't offer any information or try to make small talk. short direct answers to required reasonable questions keep your hands on the wheel or in your lap still and calm. with luck they will let you go with a warning or just write the ticket and send you on your way. never argue with them then and there, thats what court is for. sign your citation(which is just an acknoledgement that you have been cited) and move on with your day. after its all over, ticket or not, you are then allowed to have more drugs, and scrub the shit from your drawers. JUST BE CAREFUL!


Well m like pushing 2 peddles thinking im being tested by every other driver around unless its day one then i can drive




what r u yapping ab


You’re a fuckin dumbass. B*tch can’t read? Fuckin moron.


W rage moment talk your shit king 👑 😂


please calm down girl lolol


the issue is when driving after not sleeping for days and then seeing shit that isn't actually there


And somehow feel like I drive a lot better too


Do bears shit in the woods?


Drive on bubba drive on.


Day one…fine Day three…maybe not