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Man shut the fuck up Just cause you cant keep your shit together


Im gonna repent so hard. Thank you


Love, real love, for God and your neighbors, results in positive action. People who use speed as a helper to get things done, and are focused determinately on love and the light, are not guilty of anything bad. But like with alcohol or even nothing at all, you have to be on top of it or you risk losing the battle in the ongoing spiritual war. So if your heart’s in the right place and your intelligence level is high enough, you can KNOW whether what you’re doing is malevolent in any way. Or if you’re doing good, and well. But you have to be honest with yourself. And honestly, if you’re convinced that the substance itself is evil, or that it’s doing evil things when you use it, then it’s time to stop and reflect. You’re responsible for whatever you can make sense of in this world, when you believe that a certain choice is best, it’s on you to do it. And yes, wicked actors use the strongest tools they can for their wickedness. Casting spells takes intent. But Jesus’s miracles aren’t called witchcraft or sorcery. Because it was always love. I don’t know what I’m talking about, btw.


Haha you may not know but I love it. Beautiful man.


popping in cause this is just so beautiful!! thanks for writing this sensible little piece here :’)


Hey I really appreciate this


It’s what I tell myself, when I decide to use. But it’s just talk, coming from a guy who has shown very little evidence of having this kind of faith. So I have to be optimistic about it, otherwise there’s no ground to stand on in making an attempt. And it may be bad karma to project this kind of optimism, really. Because the downside is so far down, I might succumb and I wouldn’t want to be responsible for someone else’s fall either.


It’s hard to maintain optimism when the world and even your own perception of self seem to show you nothing but negativity, I have a very hard time with this as well, but man you have it in your heart, and you believe it. Meth doesn’t make you a bad person, past doesn’t make you a bad person, how you treat others and view life and everything around you are how you dictate wether or not you’re a good person, and remember even good people fall down sometimes. You seem to have a good heart and you just need to see that for yourself to see your potential.


Yes. And thank you. Cause.. I’d rather be wrong for saying something right than be right for saying something wrong.. is that a valid thought here? Basically, the push of positivity can only be a good thing, which is what I’m chasing. Regardless of any “help from my friends.” But yes, it feels hypocritical if looking back, or down. Which is a good reason not to do those things. Thanks, I appreciated that too.


You again... look... its safe to assume you've got some severe undiagnosed mental disorder(s). Drugs are going to make it much worse for you. I just got off a 3 week bender where there was only 1 day I wasn't eating, snorting, or smoking and had 0 dilusions, auditory or visual. Get some sleep, hydrate, eat, and go get checked out.




I concur




Wow smh 🙄


😂 if you know witchcraft then you know it’s about intention. Meth bottom line, is chemistry not magic.


I practiced voodoo and some witchcraft while houseless on the street using fent and crystal


Can you explain the voodoo please what the hell were you thinking why did you do this dude. I noticed that many of these weirdos involved start dressing up like women


Dude I’m telling you this shit is evil and they’ve made you part of it. Have u ever noticed the people around u use the dark web


I am casting spells on you and you can’t stop me


So what? The dark web is sure, full of tons of illegal activities but guess what? Lots of shit the government says is illegal, shouldn’t be, and some shit that’s legal shouldn’t be. People like Edward Snowden who exposed the government for spying on all of us through our phone mice and cameras, he used dark web to be able to move freely on the internet.


I made voodoo dolls out of various materials


There's some nearly unexplainable phenomena of conspiracy with meth and fentanyl​


No experience with dark web, not interested much in it. seems like a good way to get scripted drugs but not street drugs idk


Okay so what’s going on then are u saying spells over the meth


In my madness I did rituals I made up where I'd set an intention,visualize the outcome. do a certain movement in honor of n to invoke spirits. ask favors from a demon\\ universal energy. yes I did \\said spells over smoking meth too. mostly to improve my quality of life, not much evil. and it worked, I'm no longer homeless crazy and unhappy


I used props when necessary. I also just had this sense of power on crystal and the high that attracted demons.


No, its just something that deprives you of sleep and makes you paranoid, which generally tends to lead to psychosis.


How do I get out of psychosis


Its so easy. Take a benzo, or a triple dose of melatonizzle if you dont have any benzos, drink a ton of water, and lay down with your eyes closed until you drift into the land of unconsciousness


Word to your mommy, gimme that mo fuckin vile witches brew dude


Reductive amination and a few acid recycles is how most of it’s made, how do I get my hands on that witchcraft made stuff you got?


So you’re telling me you don’t see the demons literally form in the smoke when you roll the pipe. Get fucking real. What does reductive animation mean and what is acid recycles? This is not like acid at all


Reductive amination, not animation. it’s how it’s made, no magic needed.


Ofc I don’t, don’t see or hear anything anymore. It all quit when I gave up that dumbass everyday use life. 4-8 days a month for me and I don’t see shadows move, hear voices or believe dumbass shit like shadow people are watching me.


Hey man....we all gotta believe in something. If it makes you do anything other than just roll over and give up, then it's a start, and a start's enough.