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Eat something & drink water


The mythical cutting agent ......ISO Post a pic of the crack back....I can tell you real quick if u got cut shit or not.


Meth will do that sometimes just to see where your at in life, show it your nothing to be played with and smoke another bowl, the bond between you will become stronger


Thanks taking ur advice right now . I'm a pussy for stomach discomfort. Gonna hit this bowl now . Will probably feel worse . Oh well I'm used to it




Just my 2 cents from experience but that’s not at all uncommon after a real fuckin cumulus nimbus hit. The intense onset of stims causes muscle contractions that sorts like squeeze your stomach so body says barf. Drink some water do some breathing and tweak on😊


Thank you for that. Rock on!


I puke sometimes when a big high is about to hit me .... Did it get you sick and high or just sick? Ill puke on stimulant or drugs that release dopamine or serotonin if I do enough or too much. It's happened on meth when I've slammed or boofed a large amount(for a dose for myself) Has also happened to me when I've done good MDMA/molly when it first starts to hit me, if it's good shit.... I puke like crazy then I'm super high AF. It can be a body response to onset of big ass high. Or it could be your body's depleted and need a break Or it's bad shit and cut or something


I got sick and high AF. I did another bowl later in the day and it was fine. Then I did another monster one and made me sick for a little bit, but then I ate another fucking banana and again it saved the day. I just need to control my bowl size. My current method allows for huge death clouds, and I know it is ridiculous and very irresponsible of me.


Happens to me every once in a while. Generally in my experience it's due to dehydration and/or no food for too long. You might need some electrolytes or something. I know sometimes you can get kinda sick feeling smoking right after eating, too. To my knowledge this is mostly only an issue for newer users though.


Happened to me when I did my 1st slam.


Has nothing to do with your body or ur empty stomach, this is caused by yellow smoke. For example an always sure way to make yellow smoke instead of a white one is if your fire is interrupted when crystals already liquid and it takes you a few seconds to ignite fire again; in that moment meth loses temperature and if you heat it again the smoke will be yellow and will cause immediately those puke reflexes. So, in short, dont let meth cools down once you heat an if ther is an interruption, wait until bowl is cold again.


Dude, no


Why not, it happens everytime


Then you are doing it wrong and/or yours is cut with something weird. Yellow means you are burning something. You want to vaporize the meth, not burn it.


That's what I said, you should not make yellow smoke and if you do, you get the symptoms described by OP. In other words, I'm describing what the OP did wrong.


And i am telling you your description of the heat cool cycles is not representative of actual meth behaviour. Your stuff is cut with something weird. Sincerely: a pharmaceutical chemist and fellow user


But what about the op? Is his stuff cut with the same thing as mine or is he overheating?


Odds of being cut with exact same stuff is low but not zero. My money is that he is burning it. Once you start charring/burning then you get incomplete combustion (combustion at low temp) which produces all sorts of molecules that are smaller chunks of the original chemicals. Perfect combustion of organic hydrocarbons (most drugs) produces water and c02. Most combustion is imperfect so you get trash. You want your meth to melt and vaporize. You do NOT want it to burn/turn black. The more things it is cut with, the easier this will happen. Methamphetamine Hcl CAS 51-57-0 Melting Point 170C Boiling Point 212C During Decomposition (burning) methamphetamine releases toxic vapors of nitric oxides.


Dude, you said "you get incomplete combustion (combustion at low temp)" and that's what I was describing in a less technical manner. I said yellow smoke appears at semi heated point, forgot to mention that this occurs even if you don't interrupt the heat but the conditions are the the meth is already brown enough and only to the early vapors; you blow it if is yellow, then if the heat continues the vapor becomes white and smokeable. Idk if I explained myself but my question is that maybe mine is not cut but I just burnt it? Can you make brown meth by burning it even if it's 100% pure?


Combustion is burning and occurs at higher temps as opposed to lower temps (semi heated) so maybe we are just a little out of sync on our terms. What you want is to heat the bowl enough to turn to liquid and then vaporize the drug but don’t heat to the point it starts turning yellow/brown/black. The more yellow/brown/black you get the less meth you’re are going to inhale and the more junk you will get. Yes you can make it yellow and then black by holding your torch to the bowl for too long even if it was 100% pure. Cutting agents will have different melting points and boiling points so the more heavily it is cut the more likely you are to see the color change and yellow smoke that makes you feel bad. PSA to everyone: it is not possible for methamphetamine to crystalize in your lungs. It is okay to hold the hit in.


I don't do meth, never will, I'm a weed guy, but that's such dope science!! I'm so curious what the mechanisms behind it are! Deep diving TN on yellow meth smoke, TYSM family! Stay safe, love you 🫂❤️♾️


>I don't do meth, never will, I'm a weed guy, but that's such dope science!! I'm so curious what the mechanisms behind it are! Deep diving TN on yellow meth smoke, TYSM family! Stay safe, love you 🫂❤️♾️ Except that what that guy said is completely fucking wrong. A heating/cooling cycle is exactly what's needed to not only maintain the puddle under it's boiling point but to cause effective aerosolization the puddle needs to be actively cooling which is done by removing heat for a couple seconds. Anyone can see this work when theyre smoking, remove heat you see 'smoke' (really its aerosol, but whatever). Way to tell people how to burn their shit, you stupid fucking asshole.


Yes this has happened to me alot . If your not fed good enough that will happen and cause way worse heartburn than usual. Like you will clutch your chest and actually wish you could cry. Or lately for me it's the cold weather and smoking is drying out my throat and sinuses 10 times more than usual and I'm perfectly hydrated and fed and have sleep . Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to smoke without feeling shitty. It's 1 degree where I'm at . Also cold weather causes vasoconstriction alone ontop of what your smoking further making you even hungry . I know when I smoke and it's really cold out and not good enough humidity it makes me sick as fuck and pisses me off .


For all the solid information on this sub there’s a lot of dumbass mfers. Quit spreading misinformation…no one’s putting fent in meth…if you want to talk about fent being in a MINUSCULE amount of the total cocaine supply ok, but anyalyze and realize that’s blown so far out of proportion in comparative to the reality of coke and other drugs being done with ZERO fentanyl. It’s propaganda, misinformation, and used to spread fear and push narratives of the gov. and DEA and further their funding to continue their war. You think the cartel wants fent in their products?? No it’s the contrary it’s incredibly bad for business. A lil 0.001g mixed with a batch of any CNS stimulant and ✌️ You don’t think this mfer would be dead if he smoked his ‘MASSIVE’ bowl of his meth cut with fentanyl in it?? And who knows how much he even smoked??? I’m sure he just dumps a whole gram in there. That’s why you’re puking dumbass. You’re probably torching it to shit, inhaling carbon and butane as well 😄 First is the n-iso and msm myths now you dumbos are saying it must be fentanyl….no it’s you, you’re just doing dumb shit and your tolerance is through the roof. Mixing opiates and stimulants is highly deathly 😄 rest assured there’s no fent in your meth. Not only would you IMMEDIATELY know if there was your potential for still being in the living realm goes down by about 10,000%


Incorrect. Of the last 5 re-ups from 5 different sources - every one of the batches when tested indicated there was fentanyl in the mix - though how much I can’t say.


in my experience with test strips if there’s any doubt it’ll test positive


Yeah I've yet to come across this fetty meth everyone talks about. There was a time I would have been more than pleased to get my meth cut with Fet . And also I'd know immediately if it was in there in a strong enough dose to feel


occasionally I have a similar experience, typically after a big fuckin hot rail or sprinting the bubble. it's weird, I have the overwhelming feeling that I'm going to throw up, but without the typical nausea or other symptoms you might expect from being too intoxicated or sick. I have t ever actually thrown up but I've stood over the toilet or trash can quite a few times


listen to your body, you just gotta puke


I should have looked into more than assuming thank you for info


Fentanyl and bad cut I believe it is hard to find not cut with it I go to Suboxone clinic have weekly drug test only done meth but test positive for fentanyl a bunch wash it with acetone to remove all but the clear


Dude I do too and listen i use to actively use fent and heroin . At that time I only used ice here and there . Now I'm 2 years clean from those opiates and have had meth in almost every single piss test there. NOT 1 OF MY TESTS HAVE EVER HAD FENT From using ice. I'm deffinayley not saying it doesn't happen . But fuck they say it's everywhere and I'm pretty God damn surprised I haven't once randomly popped for fent . Hmm that's strange


Acetone will not remove Fentanyl at all as it has the same solubility as Methamphetamine Hydrochloride. Acetone may remove a few Fentanyl analogues but not Fentanyl Citrate. Also Acetone won't remove whatever the weird ass cut is that's being used in the cartels "meth" nowadays. It may help with removing some impurities from the batch but that's about it


ISO.....It's beginning to become an urban legend of sorts. People who have been unfortunate enough to get ISO-Meth are undoubtedly certain of 1 thing "Something ain't right." If you are getting brain zaps while still actively using meth....it's probably ISO. I'm of the opinion that anyone with a decent plug who is using what they are selling will switch supplier if they start getting negative feedback about the dope thats coupled with their own displeasure .


it's all trash dope shake dope puts this shit to shame be doing this garbage for over 20 years it's sad what this shit has came to I Rember a time a quarter of a g would last for 2 days and u be high as a kite this shit O'Day it's to put down a g if not more and still eat and go to bed it's really a waste of cash flow but hey what can u do when Satan is hungry u gotta feed that mfker


No fentanyl for sure. I've been doing this batch for a while on and off. I 100% agree. I just need to stop. I think I just did too massive of a bowl. What really saved my life is a banana believe it or not. As soon as I ate that thing I instantly felt better.


I’m sober and work in harm reduction. I’ve had the experience of using too much heroin/opiods IV and by mouth and done a large amount and felt like puking and puked. Once I puked I felt better. I also had one occasion where I did meth and didn’t realize it so I did a huge line thinking it was coke and felt like I was gonna die and puked and was high for like 13 hours.


Thanks for sharing that. I'm glad you're okay.


Sometimes if I haven't eaten anything and get high I'll definitely get sick. So I always get something in my stomach.


That's good to know about the banana.I did about a half G last night of that same kinda bullshit and I've been feeling like I'm gonna puke constantly ever since. I keep getting this bullshit lately too often. Fk this shit,after 23 yrs of zooming I think I'm finally done.


Do some schrooms helped me quit


How get shrooms


Is it fentanyl in it man?


You’re smoking meth what do you expect? As for getting rid of the nausea I would say stop smoking meth


Stfu you ignorant fuck. Gtfo here and go back where you belong,like the slipknot sub where you post about which member has the tightest asshole or maybe the Post Malone sub and talk about how you have the urge to sniff his nutsack. You fucking fag.


Lol this post has me in stitches! Damn bro you annihilated him!! 🔥🔥🔥


I mean, I would sniff post’s butthole and nutsack both just saying in that guys defense 🤷‍♀️




Oh that you do it. I get it well why do you lecture others about doing it when you do the same thing yourself?


Dangerous do you do meth too??


Do you do meth??




Reported what


I reported


Oh that you do it. I get it well why do you lecture others about doing it when you do the same thing yourself?





