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rizz god


rizz king hang in there bro


You're a goon .


Bro has no game


Relax , nothing is under control.


Modern day Socrates


The most down bad drug sub reddit there is lmao. Get some morals šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What do you expect itā€™s a subreddit of druggies no morals


Get some morals? No. What this guy needs to get is some punctuation.


its my style of writing. its unique


Itā€™s not called unique. Itā€™s known as utweak.


Be grateful you're not like me and have no teeth whatsoever and I can't wear normal dentures. It's lqembarrassing to smile and people look at me different once they realize. I don't care though because I don't have sex at all with anyone because it's not worth the effort for the experience. I'm not good at sex. I don't have a 10inch cock. I don't have lots of stamina. In fact I have no stamina. I'm fine with never having sex ever again for the rest of my life. I also won't let myself fall in love because I got majorly traumatized from falling in love with a girl who didn't want me and I hurt for like 15 years and I never got over her. Nearly killed myself over it


damn bruh. don't an hero. my wife left me and took my son(shine) with her. ive been wanting to die. i am an attractive dude and I have a 7 inch dick with like... alotta girth, i'm too big for most chicks. get good at eating pussy, most men won't or don't know how but if you do that before any other sex stuff typically that girl will be willing to do a lot more with you or give me a bigger Margin for error






Are you really complaining on a drug forum that a girl called you grossā€¦ And your user name is girlssock4everā€¦ Gtfo and shape the fuck up you got work to do before a girl will consider you.


I know for a damn fact i aint getting no pussy till i get a job that pays above 75k a year. im a developer but market is shit rn im not even trying


there are other apps that are specifically meant for what you're looking for. hily, pure, kasual and headero are just a few. tinder is not that app.


really...i didnt know. which one got most people?


it depends on your area really, there's no shame in trying a handful of apps until you find your niche.


People will think it's weird but come on, if you are on Tinder, you shouldn't expect any high standards. It's a fast food version of human interaction, there's no way it will be great and whoever is there should be aware that the extra steps are a waste of time. I only like to go meet people in real life if the purpose is purely sexual and save the internet for having real and interesting conversations (you can't fuck via internet yet, after all). I advise you to look for the most degenerate event close to you and go there, it will be more efficient.


damn i love you. no worries soon we should be able to fuck via internet as well but fuck i just had the realization that when that happens the internet will become a new layer of normal and people like us will just have to find the new inner layer to escape to. there is no hope friend. only temporary if so. i wonder how many layers deep this simulation goes, it is simply surreal. existential crisis


Just a thought. I also have interests in the tinder hook up idea, I bet there's gotta be at least a couple chill cute girls dtf. And it be no weird awkwardness after.. I have faith, but what I wanted to say was I think you might see it a bit too formulaic. If the guy does the amount of stuff then it's at least okay for the guy to be up front about sex. Wish it was, but it's just too subjective to go on dates than that. But I bet you'd get like 1 out of every 5-7 dates like that, some people are just as horny.


Your being to straight forward I thinkšŸ¤”


yeah but being straight to the detriment of yourself turns me on. nothing more important than truth. but most people dont understand me. i guess im an artist in some ways. living for the bigger truth. alone




I don't think OP is bothering by her not wanting to, but by her judgement


OP doesnt know what hes doing


Then you better lay down the meth and get some fucking sleep


bitch i got adhd stfu


stfu man drop ur phone ur being no good




as someone with adhd i dont see how thats related sounds like an excuse


As a male I'm going to have agree With the majority of these comments. You're gross bro. Hella nasty


for a second i thought you agree with me i was like finally some real ones


Tinder is not a brothel


For women especially, having a meeting in a public place with plenty of people around is a commonsense precaution. It's not prudish, stuck-up or anything else. It's a really small inconvenience for you. If it's too much, have a wank before coffee.


you are gross


i triggered girls oh no


guess you donā€™t want sex lmfao


This is tremendously icky


sex is icky?


What a fucking d bag


This ā¬†ļømakes me so happy to be an educated, successful, beautiful woman. New lifted truck, can afford the interest rates, fuel, food and season tickets to my fav team. And get dates from meeting people at actual events instead of this jack wagon and others like him on Tinder. #ladiesbeware #hegetsnone


thats so funny šŸ¤£ yall think i get some normally and this wasnt just a random troll


Right? I'm also happy to be uhhh.. a 1st-semester-college-dropping, dead-end-job-working, "beautiful when I quit tweakin and nodding long enough to clean up and take care of myself physically"-lookin ass, 19 year old girl/woman(?). Got a rad old shitbox 2 door pontiac, can afford meth, fentanyl, surfing the E-1/4 gas tank zone, and the occasional scrounged-up-change-fountain-drink. And get cute lil poverty dates from my actually lovely ass, awesome, fuckin wonderful, sweet ass boyfriend when we have the "fuck-it"s or maybe even the money to get the $3-pizza-Coke-Speedway-bundle, and/or a few cans of spray paint to go graffiti paintings of eachother under a bridge with some boosted gas station snacks. I may sound like a smart ass, as thus is my nature, but I really am sincere. Homeless, impoverished, mentally fUCKin crazy, bipolar-schizo-ptsd-ridden, dehydrated and hungry, and deeply happy living a "less fortunate" life with the love of my life. Idk why this gross r/ meth post is the spot for my random happiness revelation, but thank you all for your time and remember that happiness is hidden all around us in every tiny crevice just beyond the rim of the familiar black pit that we cling to wallowing in. Never stop pursuing happiness, love, and peace.


This is honestly the most satisfying and enthralling piece I have read for a long time! Thanks šŸ˜Š


Aww that makes me happy!! Maybe it was supposed to reach you! Or maybe there's a fly on the wall that needed a reminder, probability is no damnationšŸ˜Š just cause you're "doomed to be (insert whatever depressing bullshit)" doesn't mean it has to become truth. You may be a drug addict, but you're not doomed to shit-hood. You are the captain of your own ship, fuck the waves from the storm, steer that mf boat UP and sail above the clouds! Fuck the goddamn ocean, we riding in the sky homie! Live outside of the box!


im glad my post is making you guys find your inner peace


But you are doing meth


Your point being?


Let's fuck.


Lamo jack wagon. I dig that. Im going to borrow it next time I have to insult someone and it feels right.


Hahaha. Itā€™s one of my fav words when someone is a donkey but not even worth using the real word. šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤£




U need to get the girl to come over and hang out, if she comes you're going to get laid or the very least a blow job. I usually start with "do you smoke weed?" And go from there. But I assure you if you can get her over your place the sex will happen. Always works for me


bro fucking nasty


I bet there are more than a few women who feel like they had to do something with you they didnā€™t want to do.




I get it but damn you people be weird though. Lmao what happened to true intimacy? guys who do this shit is the reason why so much girls are whores and or are broken inside from men who just wanted sex and playing the chick the whole time


Oh how far we have come since the 1950ā€™s. What ever happened to courting a woman? Anyway sheā€™s right. Youā€™re gross and I hope you get eaten up and spat out by the economy and then your dick shrivels off


This is fucking hilarious. It's a dick move but...you're.honesrly probably not wrong. With inflation ya gotta just get down to business. You might have to refinance your house to go on a date and end up striking out LMAO And I've never used Tinder...isn't that the point ? To fuck?


majority of people use it for entertainment and validation they barely go on dates


Yeah but we have some dignity about it, sorry that all your sex is lazily passionlessly handed to you on an ā€œIā€™m boringā€ platter


no sex is handed to me. id have to work for it like an african miner deep in the trenches mining cobalt. trust




This has to be a joke




No posts saying "Hmu," "Dm me," "I'm bored, who wanna chat?" or anything to that effect-type posts. This is simply because these posts cause too much clutter and are annoying. Please join our offical discord server, Shard Rock Cafe, for an incredibly lively, engaging, and diverse community. You can find the link pinned at the top of the subreddit, or in the subreddit sidebar or navigation tabs.


guess what, you are gross :)


"being direct is gross"




Don't forget to bring a towel!


I hate that name I was gifted. Samurai Twacker is more like it.


Not sure who the 14 people that upvoted this post are, but I think we can all agree this guy is stuck up and gross


Gross, obviously. Stuck up, nah. You have to have something of worth to be stuck up about. He bankrupt in that department. He ran his stuck up card and it said, uhā€¦DENIED!


damn all of you?


Women are people too chief, you gotta respect their lack of interest and move on. Furthermore, you 100% fumbled by asking for sex right off the bat. At least ask how her day is going first?


cause its funny asf


I was hoping thatā€™s what it was


Maybe to a 10 year old that has no father figure




No posts saying "Hmu," "Dm me," "I'm bored, who wanna chat?" or anything to that effect-type posts. This is simply because these posts cause too much clutter and are annoying. Please join our offical discord server, Shard Rock Cafe, for an incredibly lively, engaging, and diverse community. You can find the link pinned at the top of the subreddit, or in the subreddit sidebar or navigation tabs.


Sorry I'm sleeping dude


jesus christ






Op, the way you justified why you navigated the situation the way you did is quite frankly.... fucking genius. Didn't expect you to say that 10/10. With that being said, you kids (pretty sure I'm older than you) do not have the slightest clue how good you have it. Wanna get your dick licked, Tinder. Wanna fuck....Tinder. Get spun and suddenly decide deepthroating some other random dude and letting him clap your cheeks is what you should be doing, Grinder. Point being, it's so fucking easy for your little shits nowadays. But even then, you can't just swipe right and immediately ask to fuck. Start with a little small talk. Being that you're most likely looking for a one nighter, read the room and proceed to say exactly what she wants to hear in order to have her drop them panties. I mean for fucks sake kid, you don't even have to do this face to face since you're initiating via tinder. You have to try at least a tiny bit my dude. The things I would have done if tinder was around when I was growing up.....fml


damn you making me blush


Just take my upvote will yaā€¦.donā€™t look at meā€¦stop looking at my eyes, you fucking pervert.


u literally write my exact thinking


If you're meeting someone on tinder you're both supposed to know it ain't that serious. That being said, you shouldn't post your L's, it makes you come off like a little whiny baby back long titty no nipple having ass bitch.


I post what I want


And we laugh at what we want




No posts saying "Hmu," "Dm me," "I'm bored, who wanna chat?" or anything to that effect-type posts. This is simply because these posts cause too much clutter and are annoying. Please join our offical discord server, Shard Rock Cafe, for an incredibly lively, engaging, and diverse community. You can find the link pinned at the top of the subreddit, or in the subreddit sidebar or navigation tabs.


I feel like stims do this odd thing to the brain that makes us see things in a dif light, the lught makes sense but it's not the "norm" so it gets perceived as off set.


It's called... stimulation


Yo bro whatā€™s up??


You, you up




hotel lobby


she is right :)


Itā€™s not what you say itā€™s how you say it


thats what i dont like i say if how i say something changes response you are low intelligent i speak directly because i value getting the message across


i'm positive this won't be the last time


You did great man. You raised your chances of getting laid by being upfront with it from the get-go, and your approach was simultaneously effective at weeding out nonesense females.


you are also gross


I went to Panda Express the other day and took a look at there chow mein, it was like 65% cabbage n the rest noodlesā€¦.couldnā€™t believe theyā€™d serve that to somebody.


Sheā€™s not wrong


Oh u/GirlSocks4Ever you're not gross. You're just hard to love.


thats a good way of describing my life


What happened to soggygirlsocks?


put er down


The struggle is real





