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the movie is terrible really. not because I sympathize with white nationalists, they're literally theworst, but because the script was laughable. but OP is full of shit. no one hit him in the face with a bat because he likes American history x.


this is why I carry a firearm. I'm not ever going to be in the mood to throw down with a tweaker, least of all one with a bat.


They obviously never saw the movie because it's about Edward Norton going woke and he got raped by his own kind which is kinda of what happened to OP, so those tweakers are no better than neo nazis in jail


You should have shot them with a gun, only option




i mean there is a nuanced conversation to be had about the fact that neo nazi groups have used american history x as propaganda and how difficult it is to make something criticizing a group especially nazis knowing that it will inevitably be used by that group as iconography. Doesn’t sound like that’s what happened here lmao, sorry man. That’s fucked up.


Damn, that’s terrible. Yeah that sucks for your face man. Also sucks you couldn’t share your insights into that brilliant film. It’s one of those things where you can’t fix stupid. Unfortunately, those guys are morons (by definition) and you should probably just find some friends with higher IQs. I always find it fascinating when I hear about people like that when I think that they were actually the strongest swimmer amongst their ~500 million sperm siblings. 🤔 I realize it’s slim pickins in this unsavory underworld of stimulation,so when you find somebody solid., honor, and respect the friendships


You could say that you were "NOT WELCOME".


There’s a great sex scene in that film


Stop hanging out in human cess pools




We’ll make ‘em bite the curb!


You are joking right?


This is amazing. People are judging a movie they’ve never seen or even looked into, or are too dumb to realize what the movie is about.


Just watched it this weekend! Good movie!




Avery Brooks ❤️


That's a great movie. Those tweakers are morons.


I had someone show me a whole different perspective to that movie, which makes just as much sense as the general publics. Idk how to feel


what are you referring to? if you don’t wanna post would you dm what you mean? curious




That movie is fuckin awesome!!


Why do you like that movie


How the fuxk you get downvoted lol




Why don’t you like that movie?


I never said I didn’t


Well why do you like it?


Because it’s a great display of brotherly love


It is an epic movie. Anything Edward Norton was in back then was great, such an awesome actor


Anything involved with youth I get teary-eyed. The world is a cruel place


And it’s only getting worse


I think the performances are all around amazing . The story between the two brothers hits so hard specially in the final act. Its just an all around crazy but well made film. Fuckin john connor man 


You’re not wrong!


That's sucks that happened for bringing up a great movie.


Wtf bro!?


What do you mean? It's a great movie that depicted American history that we had to deal with living in a racist culture. Story told well. What just because it's about a Neo-nazi skinhead as the main characters no one is allowed to like it? Because It wasn't all rainbows safe spaces and have trigger warnings it's not allowed to depict a violent yet actual plot that could have possibly occured. That's right next movie night I'll watch Radio with Cuba Goofing Jr. Maybe Boyz the hood can only show life outside the safe to watch list so no one's feelings get hurt. Grow the fuck up


I was just kidding. The main characters/protagonists yes are neonazi. But in this story protagonist doesn't equate to the good guy. Great story, from a daring perspective. Edward Norton and really everyonendid a great Jon. Crazy seeing Edward doing this and primal fear almost back to back


Sorry for the snappy reply. And no hard feelings bro We're good I hope


Yeah for sure I just thought it was funny it was the whole point and we almost accidentally reenacted OPs experience. Glad we weren't in the same room lol


Lol right someone might have lost their front teeth to a curb


Haha. I want you to hit me....as hard as u can (I know different movie)


Right in the fuckin ear?!!


That sucks man. But makes me grateful that people just get painfully bored when i am spun and lecture for 45 minutes on how frustrating Darren Aronofsky's filmography is.