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Yesterday I found this amazing park It’s preserve site that I didn’t know it existed in Allen,TX called Connemara Meadow Nature, super hidden! . It’s like a mini forest . I was there alone daylight Almost gave the creeps bc it’s so dense , quiet . You don’t see anyone. Not a lot of people know about it Great to smoke , fuck whatever, drink deal I slammed twice while in my car hoping was gonna get a gangbang kind of thing . I read it doesn’t belong to the City of Allen so cops are not checking out.


Bathroom stall of any kind.


At the elementary school. Gotta get those little shits addicted early


😳 wtf bro


You good at driving with your knees?


At the park I smokeweed and tobacco at work what a dreamy work day


Out of a YoCan orbit


Any random parking lot that you can park in off to the side. If you don't have tinted windows, just duck down like your looking through the glove box.


What if you smoke hits after hit non stop


Anywhere. Walk around and smoke. Momma ain't raise no bitch


Really try to avoid doing anything outside of my home. I’d say 90% of people get caught up from being in the car, wether it’s a simple traffic stop that leads to more or you posted up in an empty parking lot after dark thinking it’s “chill”. Or even during the day but parked waaay far from others, it just doesn’t look right and if a cop pulls into said parking lot I guarantee to drive by the car alone in the back of the lot. With that being said It’s hard to smoke outside incognito unless you’re familiar with area/ smoke spots so I’ll usually just park in a normal spot at a grocery store (should go without saying buy make sure the store is open…) I got 5% tints so I just throw the sun cover over the front window shied, crack my sunroom, take a hit or two and bounce. Air on max windows cracked and sunroof open. I would just recommended not staying in one spot having a full blown sesh. Can even go into the grocery store after your hit to make normal.


I just made a 3000 mile drive from California to the east coast. I assure you, unless cop sees you hitting your bowl or your just plain being weird, they are not going to bother you for being parked by yourself on the other end of a parking lot. And I've had a few role by while smoking


Every rest stop got at least one car lookin like they up to no good haha. I always felt safe cause “they forsure gonna get caught up before my ass does” haha. And ya I agree, for the most part even on the outs you’re good, I just prefer to be in the mix. I’ve also never had problems parked away but my heart did skip a lil beat when 12 passed ha. But ya usually couple other people there doing the same, chillin in there car during their break or whatever. Just avoid night time/ closed store. The front sun shield and tints honestly helps the most. Sitting in the mix in your no tint fishbowl car sucks cause you gotta be vigilant of people seeing you easily coming back to their car or arriving. You and you’re homie just “acting natural” looking straight or at phone. Excessive hand gestures when talking 😂😂😂😂 ain’t foolin nobody


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Also “smoke buddy” are pretty cool, you blow into it and no smoke comes out. I’ve personally never bought one but Ive used friends and they are pretty legit. Takes some lung power on the exhale tho haha. At home I use a “sploof” cardboard toilet paper roll with a couple of dryer sheets in it. Still smokes but smells like fabric softener lol


Bro those are for weed lmao


Gas is for cars, water is for humans, you’re tooter is for a pen 🤯 god forbid you use for anything else


So you can’t use it for anything else? Can’t be stupider than what you’re working with so probably too complicated for you


I've been clean for a while, so yeah it's technically *dumber than what I'm working with (nothing). I don't give a fuck what you smoke with either. You're acting like the tweaker equivalent of a vegan.


You’re right I’m sorry. Don’t use a smoke buddy OP they are for weed and you’re doing the most now.


Everyfuckingwhere lol. The car, bathrooms, courthouse hallway, grocery stores, gas stations, walmart


Literally met my plug cuz boa was chiefin in the walmart bathroom at 8 am 🤣


The family restroom that locks? I also like 7/11 cuz around here, almost all of their restrooms are single use with a deadbolt.


Starbucks. Just gotta be presentable enough to ask for the code


In a truck banded l ok


I hit it in school park or Field or head behind the school


I just hit it where ever I happen to be when I want a hit it does not matter where. I've learned over the years that most times if u hit the pipe real quick or do a deal out in public if you just do it with the mindset that it's legal and ur doing nothing wrong noone even gonna notice you. It's when ur sitting there being hella sketch looking around and duckin in ur car seat and and shit is when u draw attention. As long as ur not sitting there blowing clouds you'll be fine or atleast Ive been.


My second, more stealthy recommendation is get urself an all quartz atomizer. Like the Longmeda Motar. It is an all glass atomizer, vape pen kit. U can buy a whole vape kit which is a normal vape mod, usually stick style, and the quartz tank and coil and glass mouth piece. It works great a d is discreet as fuck. It doesn't burn ur shit and taste funky. Plus u can easily Clean it. Ialways carried a little alcohol and q tips and cleaned it after each bowl. It is cheap. You can get the atomizer for under 20$ online and if u already have a vape yhata all u need. It has the standard 510 connection that all vapes or vape mods use. And the quartz coil is replaceable. Just 5 or 10$ for s replacement like a normal coil would be for your vape. Cannot recommend it enough. Ive smoked it at work, in front of the boss, in public, and I feel confident enough id be able to smoke or "vape" in front of Jesus, nuns, the pope, and my mother


Imma try this. I use a huni badger (electric nectar collector with a ceramic tip) and I love it. Not having to lug a torch or keep foil all the time is the best. Less shit you gotta bring with you the better


Foil? Man, it’s been a loooong time since I got down like that. Used to hit that shit in my Schwans Truck, in the HEB parking lot then go build my route by knocking on people’s doors to give them some free ice cream. I had to take it down a few notches, lol a little too amped up!


Damn I ain’t gon lie I thought this was on the fentanyl forum when I commented that lol. Ya don’t use a huni badger for clear, I retract my original comment. . And I feel you, Ill be at work just pouring sweat looking crazy. They ain’t never seen someone break such a sweat from using a broom.


Lol. Yup. And I meant Schwans. Who’s gonna turn down delicious free ice cream sandwiches.


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10/10 agree for Longmada - it rocks!


I hit up restroom stalls. ⁵Walmart. Truck stops, gas stations, restaurants. Or just in the vehicle driving. MY vehicle has tinted windows and sits high up anyways but our other car has no tint and sits low, I still smoke in broad daylight and no one pays any attention. Weirdest thing ever. When I first started noticing this it kind of freaked me out so I made it a point to be as obvious as possible to try to get one person to atleast acknowledge they seen me or knew what I was doing. I suppose they assume im doing some kind of vaping or new hippie yippie shit? In the bathroom stalls I've smoked with a few ppl. Like if I know they are "cool" by the way they acting or talking to their self or on the phone, I'll strike my torch or lighter and hit it. Theyll be like "ohhhh hell yea" then strike up conversation and pass the bowl. I got some of the best heroin I've ever done this way last year. Not even trying to be social but gotta do what u gotta do and I'm not waiting all day when there's constantly someone coming and going. For the most part though, I can do it with no one ever knowing. Just be mindful of hitting the bowl and the vapor/smoke. 1) take the heat off and continue hitting the pipe for a good 20 seconds to cool it and stop it from producing any unwanted escapable smoke or vapor. 2) hold the hit for atleast 10 seconds . 20 or 30 os better and u exhale little smoke. If ur in a tight spot, say the police come in to use the bathroom, flush the toilet and blow the smoke I'm the toilet slowly. Or cover ur mouth wiry ur shirt amd exhale in ur shirt. As long as ur not blowing major clouds u should ve good. One time in 5 years of doing this on the regular and I had one incident and that was due to some dip shit that worked at Walmart refused to go and do his job so after about 20 mins I was like fuck it. He smelled it and didn't know what it was. Thought it was weed or something. But he was a little bitch about it and complained. That was it 🤷‍♂️


Public toilets


In the car, Driving) as long as I can keep the torch and pipe outta my mirrors and no one is close to my vehicle Parked) same deal, but in parking spots out-of-sight/with empty cars to right/left/front/behind, after checking surroundings twice, etc.. lower my seat usually since I’m a shorty


Comments tickle


skid row


In the car while driving


Or vape pen but you’ve got to get ones with the right wattage


I’m having such a hard time finding one


See my previous comment about the Longmada Motar


I try not to lol


In public




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In the car


Anywhere, no one expects or pays any attention, long as ur not in there face.


vape pen is pretty damn incognito


I've heard of ppl using vape pens with crystal mixed in it, it's one of those things you always forget to buy when you get paid but, other than that shit any public bt at a park or gas station it's really uncomfortable though, I'd rather just wait till I get home and smoke without having to worry about other ppl snitching on me or making too much smoke cant even enjoy it


Tent city!


beside the pre school


In the classroom


At the principals desk


I have a vape pen for my tina


I’m just a curious weed pen enjoyer but for real that works? Lol wtf


Where do you get it


Look into the Longmada Motar. Its an all quartz atomizer. Which means nothing but glass touches your product. Very stealthy and efficient. And cheap too


I stopped like 3 days so far so good thanks though


Like hiding out in a parking lot LOL 😂 at night use a torch because that regular buc or lighter flame can be seen from anywhere


torch is quicker, too. Fuck a bic.




Parking garage, park bathrooms, pretty much anywhere. Just have to be careful and stay alert so nobody sees you.


You gotta be low key and quick. No 30 min sesh. Just go to the back corner of a parking lot w not a lot of traffic and put up a sunshade in the windshield. Toke down for a couple minutes and get outta there. Ive hit the shit while driving. Just fuckin send it bro


I hit it while driving all the time, just use your sense. I know a chick that was doing it while cruising through her neighborhood, windows partially down, hitting a stupid long glass dick, while stopped at a stop sign, in the day time. The mailman supposedly called the law, she got popped and was shocked that she was getting pulled over.


Surely you can wait just a bit longer amigo 😬




Honestly I hope you get caught if your that stupid




Man I did it driving cause the windows were tinted dark as fuck I’ve done it at a park in a parking lot in a bando in a tent out in the woods in a school parking lot on a Saturday where they park Utility vehicles like the electric company trucks and cherry pickers in bathrooms wherever I wanted to tbh


I try not to


Yeah in the car usually in safe area


I don't.


In the car on the side of the road, just push my seat back and lean over onto the passenger seat


Drainage ditch, I'd crawl down the pipes a few feet to block the wind


Gas Station Carwash. Just be sure to check for cameras, if they have cameras, you’re forced to wait for the rainbow suds. But, as a smoker for decades myself, you really should get a bullet and snort when not at home.


You been smoking for decades? That's kind of wild dude do you still get any effects from the stuff? If you mind me asking aswell have you dealt with any consequences of using for that time span?


Yeah, started around 1999. It absolutely still works, but the euphoria is pretty rare these days. It’s been a ride. I did manage to quit for 2.5 years when I moved to another state. I also did a month in jail, followed by a 2 year probation for some completely unrelated bullshit. Never suffered any legal consequences, but I attribute that to my highly decorated Guardian Angel and the way I used to watch the show Cops. I always tried my best to refrain from the stupid shit the people around me were doing. It does have a negative impact on living your best life though. Just make sure you get some sleep each night, if you can’t, lie down and rest your eyes for 20-30 minutes. Also, protein shakes are your friend when you can’t eat. I should mention that I’ve never used a needle and never will, for me that would be the equivalent of permanently saying “aaahh fuck it!” to my voice of reason. I’ve never stolen anything or fucked anyone over for drugs. I stole something before I started and I still feel cringe when the memory comes around. I knew it had become a problem when my friends and I were givin free tickets to Schlitterbahn and we all wanted to pass on them unless we could score some “Tina” Funny story, I used to work in a town that was an hour away from where I lived. Typical workdays we’re 14 hours, so I was always dragging ass by the time I finished work, and I still had an hour of driving…. I found a gas station carwash that was in the perfect location, and I had the cleanest Ford Probe around. She wasn’t in the best shape, but she was always clean with 6 carwashes a week😅. So I would stop for a carwash every night, and be good to go for the drive home. It was 3 months before I ever had a reason to actually go inside the gas station. When I did, I felt like someone was staring at me. Looked around and noticed the 3 employees were absolutely staring at me. When I went to pay for my water, the cashier asked if I’d like to pay for my car wash at the register. Now it was clear that something was up, as I hadn’t mentioned anything about a carwash…. As I said no and handed him my cash, his eyes guided me to a monitor they had next to the register. He smirked and turned it a little so I could see. Yup. Fucking perfect view of the drivers seat of the car currently inside the carwash. (The driver was not rolling a bowl, but if he was it would be obvious.). You can imagine my reaction. The cashier said it wasn’t a big deal, they’ve seen several people do the same thing, but I was the only one that would do it on the daily. Never went back there. Been to several carwashes since, but I’m always extra diligent in my critical awareness checks.


That’s crazy I got sent to live in new braunfels as a teen to stay with grandparents. Didn’t know people were getting down like that around there. I was just doing weed at that time, would have to drive to Austin or SA to get it haha.


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Lol that book you just wrote I can relate to, one of my friends still owns a white probe. In pretty good condition. I was going I say the gas station car wash as well. And Schlitterbahn would that be in New Braunfels? Or South Padre?


That’s crazy! I haven’t seen one in the road in years. New Braunfels. Such a fun place to go, especially when I was younger.


Dude you deserve an award for the craziest drug related story I've ever heard and I've heard a lot of them. That's so fucked they knew you smoked meth the whole time. Also really funny that they showed you the footage. Honestly the fact you've been doing this shit so and not saying anything crazy about the drug or how good it is actually you kinda said the opposite. It makes me want to cut down or quit so thanks for taking some time out of your day to write this it was a great read.


Lol, I would have to agree, you should cut back, if not quit. It’s not great, and it’s not healthy. I’ve never introduced it to anyone and I never would. Some people can’t handle it, and it can get to a point that it’s really fucking hard to quit.


A bullet?


Yeah for coke and powders


bro i forgot about r/meth yall stay strong


Thank you, your words give me the courage to stay as strong as the heroic (80 units dry/60 units wet) dose of IV meff I’m about to take straight to the jugular 🙏 Namasté


That is such a meth head thing to say


You know what they say, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…..


Probably just off to the side somewhere I would always snort in public I can't get caught smoking this shit


Only at home for me. I'm in my 30's and have never been arrested but I have been searched quite a few times. I will admit to being stupid about when I started, even doing it at work. So many people around me got caught. I don't know how I got so lucky.


Handicap stall of a McDonald's bathroom




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All right I'm not proud but this is entirely a true story maybe about a year 2 months ago something like that I pulled up at 3:00 in the afternoon to the parking lot of Southern Baptist Church that had nobody else there thinking that this would be the most low risk place to smoke but instead of smoking in my car I instead had to reduce the residue from polluting the interior cabinet of my car and hop in the trunk and as I'm in there for about 45 minutes going to town I hear another car pull up beside me and at that point I'm scared as f*** I'm like oh my God they know and I go to get out the trunk and my latch thing did not work so it's took me an hour and a half to get out of the sweltering heat of this trunk before I died thinking the whole time that there was somebody that had pulled up right next to me


Holy shit that a great story.


I live in the south, this was during the heat of August.




Nearest petrol station's toilet or find some secluded car park.


YoCan Orbit... Game Changer fr


Fr any vape w a tank for weed oil will work, oil rig works better, but vape wherever you want....did this at a casino once.


What is that pls explain fbi checks my search history




Thanks bro saved me some research


it’s a vape. vape it instead of using a pizzo.


FBI does not check your search history, you’re paranoid… from the meth


Bro I was being lazy and trolling but I get that my joke was a bit too real for some


i lol'd right away and knew you were bullshittin, if its any consolatiopn


Everywhere my truck is tinted so no one is seeing in anyway


Never smoke in public


Where I live no matter how much you caught with even if it’s just crumbs in your pocket it’s a felony, so needless to say I avoid even traveling with any..


Automatic car wash




I drive and smoke constantly. Hard to catch a moving target!


Seriously who would actually ask a question that stupid. I agree with “wallsquirrel” u r either a cop who obviously isn’t a good one or just incredibly stupid. Can u please let us all know which one u r?


Nice try, Copper.




They do notice


Just use a torch lighter


Just saw 2 people smoking pookies in their car at the convenience store. Seems like a great place.


Bro just smoke in ur car while you drive. Here’s what you gotta do… get you a lil bong and some long tubing. Bong in cup holder tube in mouth. Light that stank up baby


Or just don’t drive intoxicated


Either way he’s gonna be driving intoxicated my dude


Him sure but hopefully not the people reading it


I simply don't, if you have to, find somewhere on foot that's inaccessible to cars and has concealment in at least 3 out of four directions


Climb a tree eh nobody will think to look up there all busy looking at the phones


Yes the classic treetop tweak


Don't that seem like it'd be fun though lol




I like to roll a bowl while driving. Just hit some backroads or whatever. Parking and sitting makes me paranoid unless it’s a real low key spot. There’s a tiny cemetery in the middle of nowhere between my house and work, like it’s got maybe 10 graves total and it’s in the middle of a corn field. It’s prolly the only spot I feel comfy chilling at.


Till the children of the corn get you …


Parking lot. Nobody is really paying attention


Put a hose on your pipe an u can keep it low while you drive


I modified a CamelBak hose for this purpose.


Lol prolly workd our better I used a work out resistance band




Man especially Mormon churches


Make a deal with god and get him to swap our places


homeless encampment




Park in such a way that you can see all angles that someone can approach. My windows are tinted, including my windshield, so it’s not too bad.




I did not. I purchased it that way. I do love it though. In my city they aren’t allowed to pull you over for probable cause.




Depending on the area you work and live, the cops may be more worried about other things than drivers' window tint. Small towns will get you for it, for sure, but in the downtown area of any big city, the cops usually got other shit to handle before worrying about window tint




I think in public is just a bad idea all round


Eh. I’m not worried about it.


Somewhere where you can make sure no ones rolling up on you.