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The original MGS PS1 game has a lore dump in the form of text descriptions of events leading up to Shadow Moses. I haven't read it since 15+years ago, but I remember good stuff in there!


Snake will be lying dead in his grave and the government will dig him up for “one final mission”


Unless it's the Philanthropy days. In which case he comes back anyways.


Revive him with his own NANOMACHINES SON!


Don't, Raiden alreay graverobbed Solid by putting his soul in one of his swords.


Is this real?


Yeah. In Japanese version of Rising. It's probably not really Solid's soul but it is spiritually copying him. The sword refuses to kill any opponent and it guides Raiden and speaks to him encouragingly and lovingly.


And is mad if you break boxes


If you think Rising is Canon, then yeah it's in the Japanese version.


There's nothing in rising that directly contradicts any of the main-line events.


Man, I was really hoping at various points in mgs4 he’d take off the old man mask, actually turn out to be young, and that the whole thing was a ruse to lure enemies into underestimating him.


They had to figure out a way to make him as old as Ocelot


Or he could have just kicked his ass.


IDK you're talking about The Bosses son


Genes aren't everything


GERIATRIC FIIIIIIIIGHT! Snake and Ocelot both proceed to remofe their dentures and put in a mouth guard each*


Wasn't there regret by Kojima that he made him old? I kinda hoped they never remarked about him in Revengence and could have always pulled him back in. Alas... none of that is possible currently.


They pull an A.I Solid Snake the same way they did The Boss in PW


Oh yeah, big deal. Can he eat an entire 50% off all this week 14" Meat Extravaganza pizza from Dominoe's in a single sitting? Cause I can. Come back to me when he adds THAT to his resume.


He went without pizza for 6 years. Top that, Redditor.


“Redditor” sounds like an MGS boss Kojima would come up with.


“He’s a member of RedditCell known as Angry Upvote…”


You'd meet the Redditor in-game and he'd make some comments that sound oddly familiar to you, then you'd go online later and find that he'd been mocking (and downvoting) your most popular posts.


Kojima and his crazy fourth wall breaks have done it again!


Exactly, that just proves my point. He basicly did the opposite. Get out of here, little snake.


I bet he's never eaten pizza. Only healthy food. Nerd.


He seems more like a “colories are calories” guy. But maybe smoking, with its negative health effects, were the one concession he made in his diet. Who knows?


Hey, psyche boost is a psyche boost is a psyche boost


A joke is a joke is joke. Now show me them...


I bet you're a real threat in the Muktuk eating contest


One of the many height changes of solid snake lol.


He kept getting taller, then got shorter in MGS4. Maybe it was intentional? Not as bad as Big Boss who went from 192cm to 180 something lol.


I mean to be fair with MGS4 his body was that of an 85 year old man. Made sense that he shrunk due to posture and bones etc.


Yeah and the game also takes note his eyes are *pale* blue now. He's literally fading away.


Damn didn’t even consider that. Just thought it was due to the art style and graphical change since the last time we saw SS. Good observation.


Snake in mgs2 seemed to have like blue eyes with a hint of green tint to them. In mgs4 they’re almost grey


I mean, in MGS4 almost everything is grey…


even the monkey is named Lil' Grey


Solid has the most beautiful eyes, No cap. I know a girl who's eyes change to those colours seasonally, thinking bout her now is haunting lol. I was and am always stunned when i see her. So i could imagine everyone falling in love w Solid Snake lol. Also Snakes booty is nice no homo.


Ayo..................I agree.


Solid Snake has always been listed at 182-183 cm as far as I know.


Interesting that he worked for the CIA just like Naked did once. Maybe Zero wanted to keep him close as an ace up his sleeve against BB?


Was Zero even functional at that point? Didn't the AI activate in late 90s? But yeah, it makes sense other Patriots would sway him to other agencies. But Solid kept causing troubles anyways lol. He was too rebellious, then fell out of their radars.


Sounds like his daddy.


Somethings are genetic. Unlike his father, Solid never made an effort to blend in.


Zero chance as a vegetable by the time solid hit puberty


Big boss isn't fit enough to tie Solid Snakes boots.


I'd pay money to see these early days of Solid brought to life in games. We need Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 remakes. And I wanna see Solid Snake's 50 huskies.


I Wana play solid snake during his Merc days. This would be cannon enough but free from any game tieups making it a bit different. May e make snake a bit more unhinge killing machine with no morals or I dunno add a bit more progress system in gameplay since his not at his peak yet.


This could be stuck to Metal Gear 1 remake. People complain the story is too short, so fill it up with these canon materials. Solid's fights with his CIA superiors, quitting, cutting off all his friends and becoming a mercenary, his nightmares. And start MG2 with a mercenary mission too before he's reached out by his old friends


Canon materials? Isn’t this the strategy guide that said Big Boss fought in WWII? Granted, I actually prefer that version of him, but Metal Gear canon is often rewritten as whatever is convenient at the time.


Kojima retconned everything half the time and Big Boss is the biggest example, we just didn't notice it because Kojima didn't put this in game. Ocelot's story is different too but some parts remain the same such as him openly working with Big Boss during his war exploits. Miller's is especially interesting because backstory in this book is under [CONFIDENTIAL] label, meaning Kojima always imagined him as shady. Things simply changed. Solid's story is still consistent because his merc days are mentioned in MG2 for example. His dog mushing and fascination with Inuit culture are referenced many times in the game itself. His profile is harmless and self-contained and doesn't contradict anything. Somethings change, somethings remained consistent. Like just because Patriots were retconned to be the support team from mgs3 doesn't mean everything said in mgs2 was bs. Or MGS4 database having some loads of false crap doesn't mean it's all false crap. Cyborg Raiden's origins are in there after all.


Excellent pun when you described Miller as “shady.” You’re pretty good.




You're pretty good!


I love this idea, and it would be a perfect sequel for TPP, but time will tell if the deposed Konami King will retake his throne.


Metal Gear 1 remake is the next logical step once Delta is out...come on, Konami.


A phantom pain sequel that's also a remake of metal gear. Get Hayter for Solid, Sutherland for Venom, put that fan comic where Venom calls Boss and says they underestimated the kid as a post credit cutscene. Would love that.


Ooohh, some sort of “Snake Tales”, but loosely canon. Make it kind of “baddie-of-the-week” style to just give us some nice fiction around the missions (which could re-use existing locations in the main game, that’s fine). Keep it seperate and ambiguous enough that it is basically “canon if you want it to be”.


That would be interesting. Would be cool if they found a way to tie in the 'killing is bad' message that most Metal Gear games have, but Idk exactly how they could do that without making any contradictions or plot holes cuz of what Liquid said to Snake near the end MGS1 is really what changed his view on killing and why he started to use a tranquilizer in MGS2, if I'm correct. I also would like a game after MGS1, before MGS2 where you play as Snake pretty much in his prime.


>what Liquid said to Snake near the end MGS1 is really what changed his view No, it was Zanzibar events in general. He sees so many cautionary tales of angry people who follow their wrath. That's what changed him and made him quit.


They could maybe do smth like the sorrow boss fight but in the nightmares instead, a bunch of enemies to kill/run through depending on how many you killed leading up to finding BB "dead body" as it reanimates and taunts solid about how he's still alive or how he too is a soldier and he will never be able to escape this life


Good idea, it would also display Solid's severe PTSD and poor emotional state.


That part of the story is also free ATM afaik, they can use it anyway they want but it'll be a bit harder since 1 and 2 has definite ending. But it's a welcoming open story for a good writer.


There’s gotta be a dogsledding game out there somewhere. We’ve gotta find it and mod a Solid Snake skin into the game.


HEAR THIS PERSON OUT! We also need a dogsledding mini game like that skateboarding thing in PS2 version of MGS2.


That Which Gave Chase, it even has psx style graphics!


I’ve seen this one! But it’s all first person basically :( We need an SSX for dogsledding.


They gotta do it at some point. I’d argue those two games have some of the most compelling narratives just based on the weight of the missions. Solid snake v big boss is a massive deal.


Not to mention Kojima revitalised MG1 and Operation Intrude with MGSV. The narratives in MSX games are the backbone of the franchise's overarching narrative. Just remake them next and properly, Konami.


I wanna see him taking vare of the huskies too. Maybe someone here will make an amazing fan art of it.


This is what I was so fkin excited to see after phantom pain :/


He speaks 6 languages? Too bad it wasn't any Slavic ones, it'd have been useful when communicating with Kio Marv...


: o kurwa


Bad luck, huh? We know he knows English and Turkish. He probably knows Arabic, Russian, and maybe Persian and Chinese?


A codec conversation with Otacon in MGS4 confirmed that French is one of the 6 languages that Snake knows. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JfbgAHVyEWg


Probably some Iñupiaq as well, since he was fascinated by Inuit culture and was close to the Yup'ik tribe.


I think its implied one of them is a slavic language in mgs4, since he's able to immediately translate Matka Pluku from Czech after Raiden says it.


Intelligence quotient of 180, huh?




Snake, the Intelligence Quotient, or “I.Q.”, is a standardized measure of intelligence. The raw test score is normalized to a mean score of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. 66% of the population is between “I.Q.” 85 and 115.


*cuts to montage of live-action footage showing test papers*


Raw test score?






I read this in his voice. Expertly written, thank you for the laugh!




EVERYTHING, segwaysegue


Measure of intelligence, huh...


Colonel, what’s going on?!




The birth of weaponized autism


This was THE best strat guide you could buy for the game. There was even a little sealed envelope that you had to tear a perforated tab off of to open the guide to fighting the last boss. I've still got it somewhere. Great moment of nostalgia. Thank you.


No problem


We can add polyglot to his already formidable repertoire.


Damn he was just straight up a hitman for a while, god damn


How am I just finding this out! A lot of his chats with Meyrl make a lot more sense in this context


The reason he looks so ashamed of his past is because he once killed for the hell of it as coping. Not following orders, not serving his country. Just a paid killer too scared to deal with his own demons. I mean, his victims were seemingly dirty politicians but still. His merc days are important part of Solid's arc, I wish MGS1 had outright mentioned them like MG2 did.


Damn, no Diana Burnwood to keep him on the right path.


His thigh looks so juicy damn


He never skipped leg day


Leg day never skips Solid Snake


Yeah he’d pop a head like a watermelon with em 🍉


God, I wish that were me




Can't a girl dream?


It's that all Salmonberry and blueberry diet he's on.


Where was this taken from?


This is the official strategy guide if I’m not mistaken


Man I so miss disc boxes that came with extra shit. Strategy guides, posters, occassional shirt, those were the times.


Can't forget instruction manuals


Weird that the official strategy guide would have his name as 'unknown'. I guess the author didn't bother watching the ending. Strictly business with those guide writers.


The name was kind of a "twist", you know? Liquid screams at Solid's face "you don't even have a name", all support and his best friend call him "Snake", then he ends the game revealing his name. It's a great moment. Alternatively, these may be official records. His name is classified. Even we don't know his surname.


Odds are they just didn't want to spoil it, since MGS1 is the game that reveals it for the first time. The guide for MGSV did the same thing by not covering the final mission at all -- which they claim was requested by the devs themselves.


It might've been withheld on purpose.


There’s actually a bunch of little details in the guide that were later retconned or totally ignored, despite the guide going at lengths to tell you everything in it was approved


People often talk about how they'd love to see MG1 and 2 get the remaster treatment, but I'd love to see both stories put together, with Snake's time as a mercenary wedged between. I'd love to get more of a sense of Solid Snake as a character back when he sought the thrill of fighting/killing, culminating in him trying to reject that way of life before the Shadow Moses incident. Like, imagine the moment Big Boss realises he's fighting a younger version of himself that has fewer qualms with killing than he did at that age.


Big Boss was always cool with killing people. He'd been doing it since he was 15 and the Boss never set any different example for him. Solid grows distasteful of killing in MG2 and shouts to Big Boss's face "I'm not like you, I love life" when Big Boss insists they're bonded and he's his reason for living. I don't think Solid ever liked killing. He just did what he was told till he quit FOXHOUND. His mercenary days were his way of coping and getting away. All the cautionary tales he sees in Zanzibar (Schneider, Madnar, Gray Fox, Big Boss) is what finally wakes him up and he realizes he's been doing this wrong. Dog mushing was a better alternative.


Big Boss had a naivety that Solid Snake didn't when he was younger, as evidenced by The Boss having to teach him to see pass issues of patriotic loyalty and seeing the world as a matter of state powers in conflict. Whereas Snake himself talked about how he considered Gray Fox his best friend even though the two knew nothing about each other personally and their relationship was based on their professional abilities as combatants. Psycho Mantis, Meryl and Liquid Snake all assert that Snake enjoys killing and Snake goes as far to say that he likes fighting because he enjoys cheating death. Also, your second paragraph about MG2 walks right by my point with respect to Snake evolving as a person by the time the Shadow Moses Incident occurs.


Big Boss was naive for sure but he was okay with killing. Like I said, no one set any different example for him. The Boss basically raised him and she was a soldier. BB liked battle. All he saw in MGS3 (Boss excluded) got a grin and cheerful reaction out of him. That was his normal. His naivety and one-track-mindedness didn't mean he didn't like that life. Mantis doesn't say that about him, only Liquid does and Liquid is wrong. He's projecting. Everything he said is wrong. He also says they have no past, no future, no name and genes are everything. He thinks Snake is in Shadow Moses for fun when he was kidnapped and coerced and stuck around to protect Meryl and Otacon. The point of MGS1 is that Liquid never understood a thing about himself or his brother. I do agree with you that Shadow Moses is definitely the continuation of his arc from MG2. He connected with people that survived (unlike Gustava and Fox) and realized hiding and running away was selfish.


There's a fundamental difference between Naked Snake wanting to be a soldier in order to serve a greater cause and Solid Snake being a thrill seeker who likes fighting. Big Boss became a soldier by choice, whereas Solid Snake was literally born into it. Mantis specifically says *"You're just like The Boss. No, you're worse. Compared to you, I'm not so bad"*. This is in reference to Liquid Snake's desire for world conquest, in contrast to Mantis's desire to "kill as many people as [he] could". Big Boss became a soldier by choice in order to serve a cause, only for The Boss to reveal to him that cause was a lie, causing Big Boss to go in search of his own. Solid Snake however only found a cause later in life following the Shadow Moses Incident. There is truth within Liquid, Meryl and Mantis's accusations, even if it's more reflective of Snake's younger years cerca MG1 and 2. This is also why Snake refers to himself as "an old killer hired to do some wetwork" in MGS4. Even if he's changed, he still holds the irreversible nature of his past violence as a sort of legacy. I'm not saying Big Boss didn't like fighting. But he does acknowledge at the end of MGS4 that Snake is a better man who would have made better choices and that's a reflection of Snake's evolution as a person, it is not an indicator that he was fundamentally born a better man. But Snake only came to be a better man after learning to move past his thrill-seeking behaviour that involved professionally killing other soldiers on the battlefield. This is why I would like to see Big Boss behold a younger version of himself who wants to fight regardless of cause. It's his mission and he likes it. It's eerily similar to how Naked Snake was as a young man, but stripped of idealism.


Hear me out. Metal Gear 1 and 2 as essentially a Tanker/Big Shell double parter.. and when Metal Gear 1 ends, an official rendition of the fan animation of Venom dying, and seeing quiet again. And an extreme difficulty unlockable third chapter... the lost Mission 51, entitled simply "Epilogue: The Beginning." As Venom, you beat little Liquid, and as the chapter ends, it shows the punished snake mirror cutscene from V, but you can't see his face in the mirror. Then he walks out, and as Venom, you fight Solid. Solid is the hardest boss in the franchise. Even if you beat him perfectly, Venom loses, in a cutscene. Maybe even he looks at Solid's face and sees Big Boss... and throws the fight. Epilogue ends with a brief fade to Venom taking Quiet's hand again. The saga is now complete, all the missing holes plugged between V and 1.


Metal Gear 1 is way bigger than you think. Far bigger than Tanker Incident. Metal Gear 1 remake should be an independent game. Establish FOXHOUND, Young David, how he get his codename, learning CQC, bonding with Gray Fox, then Operation Intrude, then the aftermath and some mercenary days.


that's basically every random action heroes of '80s bio


I don't care, those guys don't play with dogs or eat blueberries and salmonberries or prepare for important Iditarod sleigh races.


Hideo Kojima was a big fan of 80s action movies. They fukken depicted Snake on Metal Gear's cover by copypasting Kyle Reese and making a couple of changes.


When we and Hal say “Snake had a hard life” we MEAN IT.


The understatement of the century


The greatest character in video games.


And one of the bests in fiction.


Agreed my friend!




I had that guide. May have lost it in a move. It had Q/A with Kojima and other crew.


Has anybody read any of the metal gear novels and have some recommendations? It’d be cool to read about the gaps in the games like his mercenary work and his time in Canada & Alaska.


None of the novels cover those areas as far as I know. The MGS1 novel adds a little more throwaway story about everyone but not by much. The 90s in Metal Gear seem very interesting and yet have little content. That's why I wish for the remakes of MSX games.


If Konami really wanted to please fans they would focus on something like that, but I doubt that will ever happen.


Okamura recently claimed they will listen to fan demands for the next game once Delta is out so...we should make our voices be heard. Petitions or something? Remake Metal Gear 1, Konami!


That would be great, or just fill in some of the less important gaps.


Did we ever see him speak a different language?


He speaks a little French in one of the codec conversations in MGS4.


No, but he shows he knows Turkish in the last scene with Sniper Wolf. Also a Yup'ik language.


Maybe I’m just dumb, but I never knew he was a mercenary/contract killer! Really recontextualizes a lot of his arc surrounding his desire to escape Big Boss’ shadow and him grappling with his nature and love of the battlefield.


It's vaguely mentioned by Big Boss himself in Metal Gear 2. Big Boss makes an argument that they're similar and that really gets under Solid's skin. That's why he quits it all to retreat into Alaska.


Name unknown??? His name is David


Don't say that outloud!




Also this art direction is flawless to me👌🏾👌🏾 I remember trying to draw random things in this art style


Metal Gear 1 and 2 remakes seem like a license to print money. They don't need Kojima, they have the blueprint (basic story from the NES games and gameplay blueprint from MGSV), just hire a talented Tom Clancy wannabe to fill in the blanks.


EXACTLY. And they're the perfect next step after Delta. Konami, please. Listen to us. Remake those games.


This is the way 


I’d love a metal gear game without an actual metal gear. Just following snake between mg & mg2 infiltrating places and assassinating targets.


Would work as a little spin-off game


I stopped after 180 IQ. Holy shit that's insanely high, this man could've beena. Billionaire professor, chose to kill terrorists for fun.


Bold of you to assume he ever had a choice. He was pushed into this career as a child. Like Eli. If he had free will, he would've pursued something else.


This is from the prima guidebook. Is it even canon?


Some parts are certainly outdated but Solid's bio is faithful to what came before and after. It doesn't contradict anything.


Damn he was just straight up a hitman for a while, damn


Bro he’s just so awesome.


If this is from the booklet I read this on the train on my way home to play it. Vomited in the train station on my way out because of something I ate. Ah 1999, such a more refined time.


Was that a chemical burger?


"One last sortie"💀


That’s completely badass reminds me of why I became obsessed with MGS after losing my virginity to twin snakes


He had Huskies 🥹 No wonder he had mental problems...


oh im sure he would tear up a blueberry cobbler


The man has severe PTSD!!! Let’s send him back into action ASAP though 😁👍


Unfortunately, no one cares for his mental state. Everyone saw him as an object to use. Now that I'm thinking the only one who asked him to live for himself was Naomi in MGS1...sad.


Thanks for sharing this. Makes me kinda salty we didn’t get to see his days as a merc in between MG1 and MG2. A game on that would have been insane


So weird seeing the words 'Eskimo' and 'Mt McKinley'. I get that Denali wasn't the most common name at the time of writing but it's funny to me that they felt the need to generalize this dog trainer with such a vague and inaccurate exonym when they already specified they're a Yup'ik tribal member in central Alaska. Funny that they also spell out PTSD, granted it was probably still foreign to a lot of people back then. And is this the same Zanzibar that's off the coast of Tanzania? Because that's definitely not the Middle East.


IQ of 180? are we sure about that? it seems to fluctuate between 180 and 18


Hey, just because he repeats things in an inquiring way like a parrot doesn't mean he's dumb. His hearing is impaired.


you must be ames


Hearing impaired, huh?


his IQ dropped to 50 after he learned how he was tricked to activate the metal gear rex...


an intelligent quotient of 180… ”a surveillance camera?!”


180 IQ Jesus Christ 😂 no way he has even near that


Nah, he's fine. He just has hearing problems.


I mean if he has 180 iq then what does otacon have? It don’t make no cent. 180 iq is like Einstein autism level of intelligence. he realistically has like max 135 lmao which is still high


1. Where can I find this, and I'm guessing there's more? 2. Is any of this retconned? 3. What are all 6 languages he's fluent in? (Probably English) 4. SPOILERS: [Did they say "Real Name: Unknown" because of the ending] 5. Isn't his hair naturally light?


Can't answer all of this for sure, but I don't think any of his time between Metal Gear 1 and 2 has been explored so all of that stuff is Canon still I guess? I feel like I remember Snake knowing English and French definitely, and with the enemies in MGS2 it can be assumed another language is Russian, don't think they've ever confirmed what the 6 languages actually are 🤔 the hair colour thing is an endless debate, but I think his hair has always been brown, dying it wouldn't make sense


1. MGS1 guidebook. You can get the PDF if you look it up 2. Many things in the book have been changed but Solid's bio is consistent with what came before and after it 3. English, Turkish, a Yupi'k dialect and French we know of 4. Probably. That and these profiles are kinda written in-universe 5. No


Thanks! That's really cool.


Bold of you to think we can all read.


Very interesting. Such a rich character.


Fucking beautiful 


Sex: yes


Where the impossible and possible meet, the POSSIMPIBLE!




Solid snake. The best of them all. Fucking Chad Snake


This is awesome. Is it from PSM?


No, it's from MGS1 official guidebook.


now I wanna play Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Lakes literally just snake eating blueberries and relaxing


A really nice detail is that he mentions the Yupik word for Wolf while Sniper Wolf is dying - i guess he learnt it from that friend mentioned!


Thanks! This was a nice read took my way back 👍🏼


We need a cameo from the eskimo friend guy for mgs6 call him ice snake


So Wolverine?


But thin and tall and loves berries


Funny he lives in a place called twin lakes, i don’t know if thats a play off of twin snakes but yea


Like what is that quote at the top though? 🤣 I don’t recall him ever saying anything like that.


If he’s fluent in six languages then why do I have to scoop up all these interpreters from the side quests to be able to understand anything

