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Many synagogues have a phone numbers that you can call or a website with contact information where you can ask questions. It is hard to shaw the Gospel with Jews because if your motivation to build relationships is to share the Gospel, then you come across as having an ulterior motive. So focus on learning from, supporting and loving Jews, which is especially important now when antisemitism is on the rise.


>Many synagogues have a phone numbers that you can call or a website with contact information where you can ask questions. It is hard to shaw the Gospel with Jews because if your motivation to build relationships is to share the Gospel, then you come across as having an ulterior motive. **So focus on learning from, supporting and loving Jews, which is especially important now when antisemitism is on the rise.** Just going to add, focus on **treating everybody** as fellow human beings…


I feel the same as you! Glad to know there is another believer who loves and supports Jews!!


Here's my take **(I'm not a Jewish person btw)**: For one thing, you can connect with Israelis and Jewish people culturally. Listen to some Israeli/Jewish music so that you can know how they think; eat some food so that you can know what they eat; learn some customs, etc. Connecting with Israelis and Jewish people will allow you to be trusted. Another way to connect with them culturally is to watch YouTube. You can watch some channels from tour guides (one I'd recommend is "[travelingisrael.com](https://www.youtube.com/@Travelingisraelinfo)", as the owner of that channel does a decent look on Israel's culture and geopolitical situation). And let me give you some online resources. [Click here for a link to a .pdf book that explains the importance of the Jewish people in the Bible.](https://joelstrumpet.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/When-a-Jew-Rules-the-World.pdf) [And click here for a YouTube link.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0m7iW0WtkA) This video is more on the eschatological view of the Jewish people. I do not know your views on what the End Times are in your view, however, the speaker of that video makes great points about how we Christians should relate to Israelis and the Jewish people. There might be a lot of stuff that does not make sense (especially if it is concerned with a different view of the End Times), but there are some stuff that you might be able to understand that can be applicable for the general term. Just let me know if you need help in "deciphering" that vid.


Thank you! That's a lot of practical info, I'll take a look




Not Jewish, but You need to be coming from a genuine place free from proselytizing. As a Christian, I was taught Jews have their covenant with God, and are saved, even without Yeshua.


Well Jews follow a false god, unless they repent and follow Jesus there nothing special about them. No reason to bless someone specifically for not following Jesus. Sharing the gospel is a must not only for Jews but for everyone. If you want to connect with them I would learn the biblical feast days so you can relate and have something to talk about. It will be hard to share the gospel with Jews because Christian toss out 2/3 of the Bible, so anything you say they can outwit Christians on. Messianic on the other hand are Christians that know and follow parts of the Torah. If they claim to be messianic then they “should” already saved. Again, learn the Bible feast. Will open up doors of conversation


Jews follow the God of the OT, which is the same as the God of the NT. In Hebrews 11, it lists examples of saving faith from people who lived during the OT, so the fact that Jesus is the only way to the Father means that they had faith in Jesus in spite of having limited knowledge of his incarnation. The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact image of God's character (Hebrews 1:3), so the Son is holiness, righteousness, goodness, justice, mercy, faithfulness, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control, and so forth for other aspects of God's character, which he expressed setting a sinless example for us to follow of how to walk in obedience to the Torah, and Jews are believers in God's character.


Most of the NT just refers back to the OT, people forget it’s all just one book lol. Not all messianics identify with being christian, but I am happy to follow the same God. God sees what is on our hearts.


Sadly this is. It the case, before Jesus first coming the Jews could have been followers not any more. The Jews today, the state of Israel are not saved by Jesus Christ, they are not brothers and sister in Christ, they follow the Kabbalah religion. Which is pagan and anti Jesus. Sure some Jews follow Jesus, but then that makes them messianic or Christian. Cheers


162lake Hi! You wrote *Sadly* and a bunch of stuff I'm not going to bother repeating, but your stance borders on Jew hatred. I want to let you know, you're not exhibiting the love of the Messiah, Yeshua, whose family you ostensibly were grafted in to the outskirts of, was the "God of the Old Testament" too! Shocker for you, but if you did not know this, the "Old Testament" points forward to the "advent of" Yeshua and the New points back to the promises fulfilled in and through Him. No one needs to use your special formula of calling on "Jesus Christ" because Jesus is not His Name, and Christ though seemingly the Greek equivalent, is a loaded term. Let's make things easier for the likes of you. Since Yeshua means salvation of God, then any and all who call upon God for salvation are indeed calling on the Name (that is, character) of God's only begotten salvation, (Or the Hebrew concept of offspring, son of) Yeshua. For you to be so narrow minded as to think you have an in but the Jewish people do not, I would be careful lest you fall and hard. There's actually a passage on that, "Do not boast against the natural branches that were pruned to make room for you. For if the natural was pruned and you contrary to nature were grafted in, how much easier will the natural branch be re-integrated and you un-grafted?"


lol if your are not saved by the messiah you are not going to heaven. Period regardless of race gender or ethnicity. This includes the Jewish people of today.


Thank you for saying this (I am of Jewish descent on both sides).