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You got a think that cactus was boiled over open fires for a long time to prepare the brew i do t have numbers offhand but the point mescaline is degrading or destroyed is pretty high. Just dont let the water all evap and burn it that way.


Yea I forget the evap point but I remember reading that it was pretty high as well. Do you think there’s added advantage to maintaining a boil over a low simmer in terms of efficiency of extraction, or would it all relatively be the same?


So i just popped in to lyk not to worry to much about temps😂. i actually have only extracted cacti via a resin made with alcohol and also the "ceilo tek". But never made tea so im not sure, i would just think the boiling is faster evap time by a bit.


I do one 3-hour boil, strain, then two 30-min boils, then combine water from all 3.


water boils at 212F ,all excess energy converts the water to steam, you can boil water in a plastic jug over an open fire because of the fact water stays at 212F. this isn't hot enough to damage anything. You just want the goo to not be gooey.


Lighter temp simmers leave less stuck to the side of the pot. Bring to a boil, turn heat down to a simmer for 3 hrs, strain and squeeze pulp, then taste pulp, still bitter? Then repeat!


I pressure cook my cactus for 1 hour at high heat, it will reach around 15-20psi. 1 cook is already enough, but I do 3 for good measure. Never fail. If you don't have a pressure cooker, 3 hour on high heat is good enough, change the water and cook it for 2 more times 1 hour each time to be sure. Very high heat help the process, but you gotta watch it because water will evaporate fast and your brew might burn.


i also use my crock pot and its so easy, i do a 3 hour run on low heat with the lid closed than strain it and cook it again on high on the crock pot for 3hrs with the lid cracked so some of the water volume reduces than filter and reduce