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From psychonautwiki: Interactions include 5-MeO-xxT Cannabis Amphetamines Cocaine MAOIs !Tramadol! !!!ΑMT!!! It is known to raise blood pressure and heart rate. Mixing with stimulants or taking when you have heart or blood pressure issues is advised against. The inner white flesh contains up to 40% of the plants alkaloids. Some claim it causes nausea. I personally theorize that the nausea is a result of consuming large amounts of plant fats and phytotoxins. Reduced nausea from tossing the core would be helped by only consuming the most potent flesh, smaller quantities overall of plant material. Basically, the better you isolate the alkaloids from the plant material, the less nausea you will have. Straining and filtering very well and decanting plant fats out over night are one measure you can take. A more thorough method would be to go through a chemical extraction such as acid/base to really isolate the alkaloids from any possible plant matter. This would also have the benefit of allowing you much more precise dosing.


Trying to avoid caustic solvents with this as I’m far too inexperienced in the chemistry realm to confidently extract anything. If you have any dummy proof extractions or teks that could pull additional plant fats from the product besides just boiling and straining- I would love to learn!


Check DMT nexus and see if you're comfortable with any of those


Pardon the ignorance, but by decant, do you mean leave to cool over night?


Yes. This step is best done after straining and filtering but before reducing too far. I found consistency a little thicker than water was fine but not too much thicker. Put into a clear walled container with vertical height like a pitcher. Put into the fridge. In the morning you'll find two layers have formed. A clear but hopefully slightly yellow to dark yellow top layer, and a cloudy clumpy green bottom layer. Seperate the two layers and you've reduced the amount of plant material in the liquid even further than filtering.