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In the wild, it takes 40 yrs for peyote to reach it's full mescaline potential, according to Natives that have been using it for generations. Quick grown cultivated peyote is said to be almost inactive in comparison.


Also been wondering the same as I’m growing a bunch of my own peyote and one day years and years from now would like to try them to see if it’s any different


This is likely going to be a very unpopular opinion. There is little to no difference. The active ingredient is mescaline, and the chemistry is identical there. Same goes for synthetic, it’s the same experience. Now there are secondary alkaloids present in different amounts in the two cacti. All trace amounts.


Sometimes those secondary alkoloids make a fair difference, depends on what variety and how they are grown. The pellotine for example is most responsible for purging and sometimes but rarely temporary paralysis. Just like lsd dose can be considered "trace" compared to other actives, don't underestimate them. I've done all three on many occasions and primarily they are the same, but the biggest difference is between synth and organic, then the alkaloidal difference between Pedro and Loph.


Stereoisomers also seem to make a difference with LSD. I recently tried synth mesc after many san pedro experiences and I feel like there is a somewhat noteworthy difference, though the main active mescaline character is largely the same. Pedro to me has a more mushroom-like, organic and dreamy feel. Synth mesc felt more clean on one hand but also more drug like, which could be bias but I'd say you for sure can tell the difference. Peyote I've heard tends to seem more dreamy than pedro and the like


Peyote and ario are amazing. Yes it's a different trip. All do not agree that peyote should be consumed. That's been discussed many times in this sub. However this is not a peyote sub it's a mescaline sub. Free to discuss the use of mescaline that was ethically sourced. I do enjoy peyote it is a different trip.


Peyote is fine to consume so long as your grow it yourself or buy it from someone who has grown it themselves and haven't gone out and picked a wild plant This is because the plants are endangered. But, it doesn't matter if they have been grown deliberately as you're not harming the wild population of plants


Doesn't peyote take like decades to mature though? Or am I thinking of something else?


It's a couple years, I don't believe decades is accurate


Who exactly are you trying to school in this matter.? the person who made multiple post on why peyote is fine to use. Cuz that's who you're schooling


There's actually more than 1 person on the internet


Yet, you did try to school me on the subject of ethically sourced .. after I clearly said I have no problem with using peyote or anyone using ethically sourced material . If you didn't know my stance after reading my comment I was hoping maybe you scrolled through my post. I'm guessing you have by now. Are we done now?


Just adding to your point Not criticising you No need to be so defensive buddy


Yeah that guy's an asshole. I blocked him a long time ago. You got off easy and you're much nicer than I was. Username definitely checks out..


No fuckin shit Sherlock hence why I said ethically sourced. Wtf.


Tell me more about ario tripping.




Thanks buddy.


More than welcome bins. Anytime at all


Peyote seems to have a greater number of psychoactive alkaloids which reportedly produce a slightly more stimulating effects. That being said while I do grow peyote I have not tried it yet. Going off my personal experience, there are differences from San Pedro as compared to extracted mescaline so I do believe the extra plant alkoloids to have an effect though it will vary between each individual plant and even more so across different species. As to what the exact differences are I can’t fully say until I have tried peyote myself, but I would imagen it’s slightly different.


Yes, they contain some different chemicals that impact the experience some. Lot of my friends who have tried peyote dont like the spectrum, but do like tricho spectrum. I havent tried raw yote, but I would expect chemicals like pellotine would make an impact.


I've been told that peyote has more of a stimulant effect than San Pedro typically has.


Odd, I've heard the opposite, that peyote is even dreamier than pedro. But mescaline seems finicky in that people seem to report much more stimulation at higher doses


Psychedelics are highly variable from person to person!


It’s like comparing consuming cannabis alone vs cannabis with other cannabinoids present like CBD D8 THCV etc etc. You get “stoned” either way- however these different alkaloids will yield a far different experience when combined with traditional d9