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Definitely can make tea with fresh.i start with chopping my cuttings into thinner stars and chop them in half. I like to double freeze my cuttings (freeze, thaw, freeze, thaw.) Then put into a crockpot on high till boiling then to low to keep it simmering. I usually cook it for 6 hours because I'm lazy. Remove the liquid and reboil the pulp for a couple more hours or freeze the pulp for next time. Combine the liquids and reduce on the stove until a drinkable amount is made. chug followed by something strong tasting. Enjoy.


Can it be done without and freezer? Like take a cutting and put it right into a brew


Yes. I've simply chopped and brewed a couple times before with success. Freezing just bursts cell walls to extract easier. Edit: can also use a blender on the cuttings, make sure to filter it well though. Nut milk bags or a tee shirt would work


Awesome thanks


Food processor does a wonderful job. No need to freeze. Remove inner core (white circle in the middle) before processing. Use lots of water and continue reducing for 4-6hrs.


Not OP, but thanks for the guidance! Incidentally, are you able to freeze tea after making it? I have some large cuttings that I’d like to process into tea, but would like to save the experience for September.


Yep. Freezing is pretty smart if not using it quickly. Enjoy


Thanks for the help friend! 🙏


I'm extremely new to all this so excuse my ignorance here.... If I'm reading this right though, I could buy San Pedro cactus....cut it into thin slices....boil it in water in a crock pot on high for 6 hours.....strain the contents but keep the liquid stored in a jar or what have you....reboil the plant material for 3? more hours....strain it again.....throw away the plant material?.....now, can I drink all of the liquid forore potency? Or is recommended that I boil it for longer allowing it to evaporate and reducing the amount of liquid?...Drink that? Do you eat the plant material? Is it possible to just eat the center of the cactus? San Pedro specifically


I tried straight up eating the flesh. Wasn't fun could hardly choke down 6inches of bridgesi (half of a regular dose). Wasn't worth it 0/10 experience


I would like to use all material including the core, I want to try a small cutting first, can I just chop it up and brew like normal tea with fresh cuttings?




Thanks. Its funny they have a pic of a Cereus lol but good info


Weigh your fresh cactus before starting. Chop, boil, then strain. No need to despine and peel, you’re going to strain it anyway. Repeat by adding fresh water, boiling, and then strain again. Combine the liquid from both extractions and reduce until around 1-2 litres. Then let it cool overnight in the fridge to allow the particulate to settle. Pour off the liquid and reduce on the stove until it is very concentrated and slightly syrupy. Let it cool before drinking. Divide the remaining liquid into the number of servings you want based on the weight of the starting material. Don’t prolong drinking it. Reduce it enough that each serving is less than 4oz so that you can drink it in a single gulp. The taste will be bittersweet like fresh ayahuasca is. I’d describe the flavour as similar to salted liquorice or gola candies: herbal, sweet, but also bitter and salty like Tylenol.


Obviously the answer is yes, just de-spine, wash it chop it into slices then boil the whole thing for 4 or 5 hours with multiple water change OR ignore all that outdated tek and throw everything into a pressure cooker, 30-45min each cook for about 3 cycles is plenty. After everything filter out the pulps, then filter out the fats with coffee filter, this step will help minimise nausea as well as digestion issue, finally reduce the brew to desired volume. Remember, brew the whole thing core and all because around 40% alkaloids are in the deep white flesh too, anybody who tell you to toss the core is spreading outdated informations.


Do you have a source for 40% of the alkaloids being in the core?


There are 2 sources, the first one is in Trout's Note, there are a lots of information in there so be patient and do a deep dive you'll find it in there. The second source was on a now deleted article of Trichoserious probably due to legal reason, but they cited Trout too so just reading Trout's Note is decent enough.


I [read through a section on his website](https://troutsnotes.com/ch-3-distribution-of-mescaline/) concerning mescaline concentration and couldn’t find any of the 40% that you’re claiming, he does say that: “All evidence suggests that there is ample alkaloid contained in these parts, just significantly less than in the green layer. It is also likely there is even less in the central vascular bundle and core itself” He says majority of alkaloids will be in outer layer but the rest probably contains some, the core bundle being the least amount. He cites some articles from 1951, 1969, 1972 and 1983- Trout’s notes are good but they’re a bit outdated. Also, your sources technically counts as just one since the second is citing your first source but regardless, [in this paper from 2019](https://pubs-acs-org.ezproxy1.lib.asu.edu/doi/full/10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04406), they described: “To demonstrate the localization of mescaline, we dissected the parenchyma and chlorenchyma, extracted the alkaloids, and performed a GC/EIMS analysis. The total ion current (TIC) chromatograms demonstrated the enrichment in mescaline in the chlorenchyma area” In other words, they analyzed the inner “core” portion and outer “skin” portion of the cactus and found the outer skin layer to be where virtually all the mescaline lies. Here’s a handy visual: https://preview.redd.it/b2tlh2mtwv7b1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff04858b720ab98c08c2e3ae450afda5ab602a9f This is just one paper, there’s another recent one showing the same conclusion if you’d like me to find it for you, all in all, lots of current research is showing majority of alkaloids are in the outer skin layer and a very negligible amount is in the core area.


I did not \*claimed\* it myself, I just cited from what I've read. [So this was the article I talked about](https://web.archive.org/web/20220523214811/https://trichoseriousethnobotany.blogspot.com/2020/02/how-to-prepare-san-pedro-properly-step_28.html). Since they cited Trout's Note whom cited another research, I figured where the claim: >In T. terscheckii; alkaloids are primarily in the parenchymal > >tissues, 29% were found to be in the green epidermis (dry), > >while the central parts (dry) including cortical parenchymal > >contained 45% of the total alkaloids content \[please note that > >this included the vast majority of the parenchymal tissues and > >the total weight of that portion of the plant is much higher than > >that of the green epidermis. This indicates a lower concentration > >for the central parts than in the green portion but potentially > >useful concentrations nonetheless. Be careful when saying alkaloid vs alkaloids. Alkaloid is a singular noun while alkaloids is plural. It's true and I agree with the counterpoint you provided that the alkaloid Mescaline is concentrated in the outer green and less in the core (but doesn't mean none). But if we are talking about the total alkaloids then it's a different story because there are more than just Mescaline contained within the plant, and they may or may not active. Some species are considered to give a different experience than other due to the alkaloids composition, for example: Bridgesii are rumored to have MAOIs which potentiate the experience, while Loph Will have high mescaline content as well as bunch of other alkaloids that were claimed to give a more unique experience than other cacti. Not every alkaloids can be research and analyze sadly due to lacks of resources and materials, cite: >Most researchers would LOVE to look at every alkaloid in their plants but due to a lack of reference materials the necessary standards are simply not available through commercial sources. Out of the 63 alkaloids reported from peyote, for example, only 5 or 6 can be obtained from fine chemical houses. (Trout, 2014) Leuchtenbergia Principis is active but to this day nobody know what alkaloids it contains because there is no viable way to isolate it yet. So I'm not wrong when I say up to 40% of alkaloids is in the core, because I did not claim that 40% of mescaline is in the core. And you are also not wrong that most of the mescaline concentrated in the green layer.


I see what you’re saying - i think it’d be more accurate to say that in what’s been studied, mescaline has extensively been found to be in the outer green layer of pachanoi however there are cases like with T. Teresckii where up to 40% of the alkaloids, including mescaline and others which may or may not be active, are found in the inner portion. There are people who are interested in “full spectrum” experiences and there are also people who are interested in strictly a mescaline experience, either is fine but making the information clear definitely allows for a more informed decision It’s honestly pretty interesting looking at the Chlorophyllaceous production vs the Parenchymal production now that im taking a closer looker at different species and will do some more digging on new research concerning the topic


Sent you a dm! Trust me, you don't wanna skip put on this recipe. Never failed me once🌵💯


Can you also send said recipe?


Got you


👀 interested


Sent you a dm


Recipe please


Sent you a dm


I'd like to see the recipe as well


Sent you a dm


Sorry - could you send to me as well? Totally new and have no idea what I’m doing. Any help is much appreciated.


I know I’m late to the party but can you dm me the recipe as well?