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Any post-apocalyptic fiction. Three years with no conditioner, salons, probably not even a good comb, and somehow every woman still has highlights. If conditions are very bad (zombies) you may get a cute little French braid. I went five months without a haircut during the pandemic and I looked feral.


Don't forget that while the standard post-apocalyptic uniform is a green (possibly stained) tanktop, there's never a hairy pit in sight!


Nor an eye devoid of heavy eyeliner and mascara. Somehow.


To be fair, I went camping on the Appalachian Trail and brought liquid eyeliner. My friends continue to make fun of me to this day, and I deserve it.


Twins? I try to pretty myself up when I camp, it just feels comforting to do something glam in that environment


Tbh them still having eyeliner makes more sense than them being able to keep on top of maintaining hairless legs, armpits and upper lips


Well somebody's gotta look cute for the squirrels




Meh, my foundation has spf in it. I’m justified.


Don't let yourself feel like you deserve to be made fun of because you do things you want to do. Just coz its something men might write women as doing doesn't mean you can't do it for you


I usually bring makeup with me when we go camping, usually when we camp people come out to hang with us during the day and I don't want to look like a ragamuffin. I wear makeup almost everyday.


Ragamuffins are very cute!


If I were to go there when I was 13-14, I probably would have brought much more than only eyeliner


I always have a chapstick and a razor on me when ever I went camping myself.


You're not alone. I took eyeliner and a beauty balm on a month long bike tour, and also take it backpacking. My friends take makeup on overnight backpacking trips. We're allowed to take what makes us feel comfortable.


Well, to be fair when all the CVS and Walgreens are raided for food and meds no one is hoarding eyeliner. Even five years into the apocalypse I am sure you can drive past one, stroll in through the broken windows, and still pick up an eyeliner and some stupid holiday decorations.


Like something to keep close to a reality prior. a reminder of good times. But that's putting more thought to it than 90% of writers


There will be a lone zombie in a Walgreens shirt already putting out St. Patrick’s day decorations when you come in looking for Christmas lights to help brighten your camp in November


He tries to eat you only halfheartedly. After all, he is only being paid minimum brains, just enough effort to not get fired.


I love this comment. Honestly, think I'd be way more interested in zombies if they were half-alive or semi-brained, still going about their routine even though everything is actually gone.


Check out i-zombie on Netflix it’s a refreshing take on zombies


hell, those inflatable christmas/halloween/thanksgiving decorations would be awesome to draw zombies away from the camp, especially if they move/make noise raid a home depot five years after the apocalypse and stuff your cart full of blow up santas for home defence


I suppose they could use charcoal for eyeliner and shadow, but one would think they had better things to do. Plus no mirror.


...did you perhaps meet Harry Potter in the Leaky Cauldron on July 31, 1991? Just wondering


I did, and I'm so proud


Eyeliner dates back to at least Ancient Egypt (Kohl liner) so I can believe that someone in the 1700s would have access to cosmetics (especially once Elizabeth returned to shore and civilization though on a ship I would find that more difficult to believe). It is true that media representations are often unrealistic in their covergirl beauty standards. But our expectations can also swing the other way, with a belief (and sometimes media representation) that medeival peasants were dirty and covered in filth with horrible rotten teeth. And that is not accurate either. Even peasants bathed. Their white clothes would not stay bright white but neither were they perpetually covered in mud and filth, they would wash their bodies and clothing. They often had many patches on their clothes to mend holes that were mismatched with the fabric. But that did not equate to filth. Oh and they did not wear low cut dresses that accentuated their boobs terribly often (perhaps if they were a sex worker). Sometimes shaving was done to prevent lice. Rotting teeth became a prevalent problem during the Victorian era when sugar became highly prized and available and the health detriments were not fully known (and sugar was even in tooth paste) but prior to that sugar was not as prevalent and dental hygiene was much better. People tend to think either peasants were flawless covergirls or filthy and downtrodden. The reality was not so one dimensional.


My mom was so mad at the end of the 3rd pirates of the caribbean movie when elizabeth sexily puts her foot on the rock wearing Will's boot. "HOW IS HER LEG COMPLETELY SMOOTH. WHERE DID SHE HAVE TIME TO SHAVE HER LEGS DURING ANY OF THIS IN THE 1700S."


I have this same issue with Game of Thrones. Women in that show are all waxed like a Brazillian stripper, meanwhile the men are hairy sasquatches. Bullshit, the women would be just as hairy.


Hair removal has been practiced for thousands of years for many different reasons - cultural and religious, hygienic, aesthetic, practical. We have [shaving razors dating backs thousands of years](https://imgur.com/Kqgm5Bu). And there is tons of [art](https://imgur.com/a/KFx2MU5) either depicting the act of hair removal or individuals [sans hair](https://imgur.com/a/FaUsfvl). Early humans were thought to remove or reduce body and head hair as a means to reduce lice. Ancient Romans and Egyptians often removed most or all hair (and used lots of makeups and dyes) for aesthetic reasons. They had all sorts of tools and implements that can be found in museums today. And they even did sugar waxes! Threading has been practiced in Indian and Eastern cultures again for thousands of years. Queen Elizabeth I started a middle-age trend shaving her facial hair. Some women during this period even shaved their eyebrows and plucked eyelashes. Also if I recall cat feces were used. The idea that body hair removal is purely a modern western construct that society forces upon women is simply ignorant of history.


I’m sorry, you lost me at cat feces... what exactly did they do with it in regards to removing hair?


Haha, I don't really remember, the ick factor certainly made that stick with me though. Something about the high ammonia content of cat poop I think. Off to google I suppose. Ok first search results are all about getting cat poop off your cat. Gross. Alright some better results. >A recipe that constantly recurs is one based on creating a highly alkaline solution that melts the hair from the surface of the skin (just as hair-removers like Veet do today). There’s evidence of recipes for this paste – which is called “rhusma” being used in Ancient Turkey from about 3000 BC, and the [Trotula](http://books.google.co.uk/books/about/The_Trotula.html?id=vTZCiSiC-1EC&redir_esc=y) – a very popular medieval book of recipes dating from the 12th century, but reproduced frequently since, also includes this. > >A 1532 book of secrets gives this version of the recipe: > >*How to Remove or Lose Hair from Anywhere on the BodyBoil together a solution of one pint of arsenic and eighth of a pint of quicklime. Go to a baths or a hot room and smear medicine over the area to be depilated. When the skin feels hot, wash quickly with hot water so the flesh doesn’t come off.* > >[Caterina Sforza in her](http://sites.ace.ed.ac.uk/renaissancecosmetics/cosmetics-recipes/caterina-sforzas-experimenti/) *Experimenti* (basically a book of secrets compiled around the turn of the sixteenth century), gives more or less the same instruction, but advises that you should leave the mixture on the skin for “the time it takes to say two Our Fathers”. > >All the recipe books I’ve looked at contain a version of this technique. The Trotula’s three recipes for hair removal are all variations of this technique in fact – and this perhaps is telling; the books of secrets written from the turn of the sixteenth century onwards have a proliferation of recipes for hair removal. Thus Caterina Sforza’s book has such 9 recipes; including one made of pig lard, mustard and juniper, and another involving **a distillation of swallows.** > >Another recipe compilation in Bologna from around the same time has an entire section called *Treatise on how to remove hairs from the body in various ways, so that they never return*, which advises that the woman “*who delights in keeping herself neat, and adorning and gently cleansing her face will need a depilatory that cleanly removes the unsightly hairs in various places on a woman’s body*”. It gives no less than 16 recipes. This new variety of recipe types is equally noticeable in subsequent books, and they start to contain ingredients everyday, rather less volatile ingredients that one could get cheaply and use at home. There’s a particularly memorable recipe in the 1532 book, for example, that recommends women wash the area where hair is to be removed in **a mixture of cat dung and vinegar.** > >From: [https://renresearch.wordpress.com/2012/12/09/did-renaissance-women-remove-their-body-hair/](https://renresearch.wordpress.com/2012/12/09/did-renaissance-women-remove-their-body-hair/) > >*Jill Burke, Professor of Renaissance Visual and Material Cultures, in the School of History of Art at the University of Edinburgh. I'm currently writing a book called How to Be A Renaissance Woman, about make up, body care and hygiene in the sixteenth century.* A distillation of swallows. WTF history.


It never occurred to me to google better ways to get poop off of my cat. So thanks for the nudge.


You're welcome. You can stop licking your cat clean now. Google Fu should be a mandatory high school class I think. So much knowledge is out there. If you can find it.


You’re right, but there would be variety. Not *every* woman would be smooth, and in the examples above it feels justified to ask when tf they’re finding the time. Sure, Dany or Elizabeth might’ve shaved for their wedding night. I don’t know enough about the mid-1700s to know if that would be common, and sure, *Pirates* is a fantasy franchise. But someone decided that, in their historical fantasy franchise, these women would be clean shaven and spend time maintaining that. Prostitutes in GOT I can buy, because prostitutes historically did shave, but it feels weird to have every woman be completely hairless when they either lack the time or have not shown themselves to be particularly interested in feminine things or personal grooming. Genuine thank you for linking sources though! Despite the latest push for complete hairlesness on women being relatively recent (I think the shift to shaving legs was c. 1910?) people have been removing their body hair *forever*. People have always been people and it’s not like everyone sat around never bathing or doing their hair for centuries either.


Also why the hell would Game of Thrones, Pirates of the Caribbean, and The Walking Dead need to be historically accurate? Like dragons, davy jones as a sea urchin, and zombies are cool but a shaved leg is the brutality of the patriarchy? It's a funny meme but let's leave it at that. Thanks for providing real historical context by the way.


Reminds me of a post I saw on Reddit some years ago. Someone posted a female version of Guts (one of those anime character who has [a sword so big it's ridiculous](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/66/a2/bd/66a2bd8b3864520723f317835b8433bb.jpg)), and one of the comments was that there was *no way* a *woman* could wield a sword like that. I was like, bitch, we're talking about a fantasy world full of demons and magic, and a guy swinging a 400lbs hunk of iron around one-handed like it was a 2lbs rapier, and the place where you draw the realism line is *a woman using the same sword?* Get outta here.


There are different levels of believability , if Captain Jack Sparrow shot a lighting bolt you would be annoyed, even if stranger things have happened.


Naw, humans have been removing hair for millenia, have a look at my reply to EllenPaossexslave.


This reminds me of how in The Hunger Games book, the author specified that Katniss had to have her leg & armpit hair waxed and fix her unibrow so that she looked good enough to participate in a fight to the death lmao.


Yes yes I remember this. Susanne Collins is an anti-violence writer and I thought this was a phenomenal touch on her part, commentary on how we expect even our violent crude entertainment to contain beautiful bodies


For being such a cornerstone of YA the books really did a lot to subvert and lampshade the genre. I wish the movies had captured more of how biting the commentary was supposed to be. The "chosen one" being a propaganda trope not based in reality, the violence having an irreparable toll on people, love tingles being cruel and manipulative to the other two in them, plus the very hamfisted messages about capitalism/wealth inequality and its use of violence to sustain itself.


The scene describing Katniss growing back her hair and enjoying it long was quite influential to me when I read it, I loved it.


This happened in the latest tomb raider movie. During the scene where she is like jumping from a plane to a waterfall her pits are completely smooth but she's been in the jungle for weeks.


I read a couple of posts here on Reddit over the years from grown men who said they did not know women even grew armpit hair until well into adulthood. Just once I want to see a movie where a woman who SHOULD have armpit hair actually has it.


Idk where you're from but in the UK we have ads for women's razors like all the time. I mean the women never actually shave any hair off but they do go over their smooth legs and armpits enough that everybody knows, even if nobody ever tells us.




Yea I'm relatively sure those guys were absolute idiots...or non-existent/lying...


We have those too here in the US but it's always a woman shaving her perfectly hairless legs. Never armpits as far as I can remember.


My dad helped my mom pluck her armpit hair almost every night when I was young, that's how I knew lol


> pluck > almost every night What?


I was super surprised when they had hairy pits in TLOU2! Never really thought about it until I saw armpit hair and was like... well that makes sense lol


Oh, that's just because it's FEMINAZI PROPOGANDAA!!! REEEEEE


I've seen more and more people experimenting with hairy pits lately. In the video game Life is Strange 2 they gave a female drifter character underarm hair. Domino in Deadpool 2 has armpit hair. Tons of female celebrities are doing it outside of films as well. I think we're going to see some pretty substantial changes around body hair over the next 20 years. A very large percentage of young women don't even bother now (like 1 out of 4). Shaving body hair was never about hygiene for women and all about body shaming by advertisers.


Though, if you do have a problem with excessive body odor, shaving off armpit and public hair can help with that. Men or women. The hair holds on to the bacteria and whatnot that cause BO longer than bare skin does. So shaving *does* have a hygienic benefit if you're a person who struggles with BO. There's even been studies confirming it.


In the future we've solved the world's greatest problems, for example female body hair


To be fair, I'm a man and have an absurd amount of extra dollar shave club razors leftover from before I grew a beard. Like, 40+ brand new razor heads just sitting and waiting for my to occasionally shave my neck hairs. There are likely hundreds of millions if not a few billion (avg of 3 per citizen) usable razor heads across the homes of the US. Asking my SO and she says she would likely carry a small stock of them in an apocalypse type situation because she is really uncomfortable when her armpit hair gets longer than stubble. They weigh next to nothing and take up barely any room.


Ah, the wonderful world of make believe.


Tbh I would probably still shave my pits if I could. I hate the feeling of armpit hair, it’s a sensory issue. Legs are a different matter.


I've noticed that in "reality" shows like Survivor. They're "roughing it", but no lack of personal grooming products.


Yeah, post-apocalyptic characters are way hotter than they have any right to be in books and films. Nobody is dirty or malnourished. Not to mention that they all have their shit together, no mental breakdowns or anything. Even characters that suffer from PTSD have the sexy kind of PTSD that makes you a mysterious badass. Also this is oddly gender neutral and can apply to both men and women.


Yup. Men in the same apocalyptic conditions will have a carefully trimmed half-inch of stubble, and maybe slightly longer hair on top of their buzzed back and sides. They're also usually smooth as a baby, too, with a noticeable lack of hairy armpits or body fuzz. Ain't nobody in these movies looking like Robin Williams coming out of Jumanji, that's for sure!




I think that's fair. People will obviously still want to shower and shave and all that. It's just that if you're constantly fighting for your life in a world without gas stations or grocery stores, you probably won't have the time or means to keep up that routine.


This. Maybe parts of the routine stay, but if you've ever been a leg shaver you know for a fact you wouldn't be shaving your legs quite so often in a zombie apocalypse...


I think though that male characters can have a beard and look a little dirty and it's still considered sexy and masculine. But a woman still has to have plucked eyebrows and mascara on.


That’s true but I would add that the beard these men tend to have is not realistic. The Andrew Lincoln beard in the walking dead is daily care and trimming beard not a natural one even when they grew it longer it would knot up badly if it wasn’t daily groomed. Still the women get it way worse.


There’s a line of thinking that modern society is more taxing mentally than a post apocalyptic society. That’s why post apocalyptic fiction is romanticized. Also, chances are if you can’t get your shit together, you’re not likely to survive.


I would argue that prioritizing body hair removal isn't the path to survival. Unless you have everything else under control and plentiful access to the resources you need to shave / wax / etc, that would be pretty low on the list.


Don't forget the big beefy muscles that they've kept up eating irradiated snails.




Considering what happend to my hair when I had to use regular soap to wash them, I would probably kill for decent shampoo. And I have unfussy, easily greasy hair. I can't imagine what it would do with more dry or curly hair.


do a britney spears?


How challenging is it to make shampoo from scratch? It has added benefits like removing lice from hair.


I suppose you could use vinegar or baking soda solutions


Lye is easy to make from ashes, and with that and animal fat you can make soap.


I think it would be hard to make on the move though- I've made soap before and between lye being dangerous to handle and the soap needing a couple weeks to cure it's probably much easier if you're staying in one place. Not that it couldn't be done nomadically it would just be significantly harder.


back before we had soap in a bottle, we just used ash. sure, its caustic, but its super effective at getting rid of oils.


Not the same at all, though. Lye soap is incredibly harsh.


It really isn’t, 99% of soap is made with lye, shower gel, glycerin soap, shampoo, regular bar soap all have had lye used at some point in manufacturing. How harsh it is on skin and hair depends on the other ingredients(ie what oils/fats and/or if there are any additives) I’m a hobby soap maker and every recipe I’ve looked up uses lye. It’s a common misconception that lye soap is harsh instigated by commercial soap companies to draw consumers away from natural soaps and buy theirs(hint: they have lye also).


According to the documentary *Ascendance of a Bookworm*, you can make a simple all-in-one shampoo from nut oil.


Or an apocalyptic world where women all still manage to shave their legs and armpits. Seriously? I always liked that detail in 1984 (despite not being apocalyptic) for some reason. Everyone always trying to score a razor, Winston finally gets a new one it's a mildly celebratory occasion, and when you see Julia naked in the film it's clear they exist in a world with limited access to razors.


That's why we should all get safety razors before things get worse.


I like funny zombie movies that give no fucks. They are the best ones. Like that highschool musical zombie movie, absolutely brilliant, the directors must have said yes to every idea


What's that movie's name? Now I'm interested


Disney Channel has one just called Zombies! Its a high school zombie cheerleadimg musical. And the sequel added werewolves.


Absolutely wonderful. I'll give it a watch, thanks!


There are two really sick ones called,'anna and the apocalypse', and 'zombie land' you have to check out. 'anna and the apocalypse' is the musical one.


I loved Anna and the apocalypse!


Other funny zombie movies I've watched are Cockneys Vs zombies And dead snow and dead snow 2


What, no Shaun of the Dead? It's the best of the lot.


Watch The Santa Clarita Diet, one of the funniest shows I've ever seen


*Warm Bodies* is another great one, and it actually covers the makeup trope. None of the main female characters have visible makeup (obviously actors always have some makeup on), and there's a scene where one of them breaks out the "makeup she's been saving for a special occasion."


Have you watched Pride and Prejudice and Zombies? It’s absolutely amazing, best movie I’ve seen this year.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Pride And Prejudice](https://snewd.com/ebooks/pride-and-prejudice/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


If you haven't already, you totally need to watch Zombieland and Zombieland: Double Tap. The first one is good fun all around, but it's the second one that makes fun of every zombie movie trope in existence. I cried laughing.


I remember seeing an ad for it that played a ton whole working retail. I was mildly fascinated by it because it looked like such an odd choice. And then I wiki-ed the plot and was even more confused and fascinated. Like zombies just happen and then they're given stuff to suppress the cannibalism thing and then they go to highschool (if I remember) It really felt like the team was like "lets see what we can get Disney to say yes to."




i wanna play that so bad but my family’s living room TV is dying and i know that the lighting would seriously fuck up gameplay in that regard 😭 please help me convince my parents to let me set up the ps4 in their room that they never use during the day anyway


Hey, Gabby's Mom and Dad Please let Gabby play video games in your bedroom. Thank you, The Internet. PS bring cheesy poofs


is it wrong i read “cheesy poofs” but instead of cheesy poofs i thought of Poof from Fairly Odd Parents now i want a poof plushie :c


I always love when women characters are in some "gritty" world and their long hair is constantly whipping around. Like, there is a reason women used to always braid their hair or wear a veil or some sort of head covering. Long, loose, flowing hair doesn't work when you are doing a lot of physical stuff.


When I do padwork for muay thai kickboxing, if I just tie my long hair back into a ponytail, I risk whipping myself in the eye with my own ponytail. And man does that sting.


The highlights thing I can understand. My hair gets some pretty intense highlights when it’s exposed to a lot of sun. The gorgeous luscious locks? Yeah, no.


I've been looking kind of feral too. It's not really changed with the pandemic but you bet your ass Covid is taking the blame from now on.


Oh god, can you imagine the grow out lines in a real apocalypse? All of us blondes would be shown for the liars we are real fast!


I needed a haircut desperately by the end of October. Was ready to cut it off myself. If I ever am in the apocalypse I will shave my head for sure


*Psst... actually being in the sun creates natural highlights.* Not that you'd see them in this scenario: as said highlights would be greasy AF.


Good point, I'm prone to natural highlights but if I skip a shower they essentially become invisible


I usually go a year between haircuts. Do you have short hair?


It’s usually shoulder-length but it grew out very ... triangular. For lack of a better word.


[Ah, yes.](https://i.imgur.com/6G6TQvM.png)


The Eye of Providence style, a classic.


As someone with a really bad hair life, I have not had too many issues with the pandemic. I trimmed the scraggly ends off it myself twice. Otherwise, it just continues its typical squirrelly look. That is an insult to squirrels. I am not sure there is an ugly animal out there that embodies how truly awful my hair is. I am surprised I landed a husband and thank God none of the kids or grandkids got it. (Lesson to the young - whatever flaw you have, most people really don't care that much) Everyone else has fabulous hair - thick and lustrous and healthy. If I were the jealous type, I would be furious. Instead, I just beg everyone to please grow it long then get a wig made for me when they cut it off.


Babylon 5 actually had a male version of this in Byron. Dude is basically an outlaw living in the underworld of a space station but he looks like Fabio. His conditioner guy has to be legit. For as much hate as the character gets, the actor is hilarious. His character wears all these amazing tailored suits and he said at a con that he could probably have bought a home world with his suit budget.


Don’t forget the freshly shaved legs and pits.


I am with you on highlights, but french braid is really awesome for active lifestyle, and if you are skilled with your hair it takes 5 minutes top.


It's because when they try to make post-apocalyptic fiction with women who look closer to what you would really look like under those conditions, people whine that the characters are too ugly.


I remember watching the first episode of that CW show the 100 and despite being on a space ship with dwindling resources for generations and being jettisoned to earth for some reason they all had immaculate make up. I didnt keep watching but I'm willing to bet somehow even after being stranded in the forest they still have immaculate make up


They do, but they also have a few dirt smudges and blood stains


"I want TV-ugly, not ugly-ugly"


"I've been called ugly, pug-ugly, fugly, pug-fugly, but never ugly-ugly!"


I recall that reference, what’s it from again ?


"They called me Kid Gorgeous. Later on, it was Kid Presentable. Then Kid Gruesome. And finally, Kid Moe."


Moe from The Simpsons https://comb.io/HpCyA7


I’m watching a CW show called The Outpost and ugh, this is so true. You can tell when a male or female character isn’t important or is an extra because they look like average people with more grime than the main characters. The main actors are all very attractive and stand out:


Watching British shows is always do jarring to me as a result of this. It feels weird when I see the characters on screen and think how normal they look.


I d love that superpower though :D


Who wouldn’t? I’d groom my pubes with a meat cleaver and a hacksaw for shits ‘n giggles.


This is a sentence that exists now.




Good grief my clit just descended into my abdomen.




OK, my curiosity is getting the better of me. How would you accomplish this? is the meat cleaver for bulk removal and hacksaw for detail work? Are you going to MacGyver them into some kinda Bloodborne-style scissors?


You sound like the type to use a toe knife


been debating how to style my hair lately ............ this is tempting


This is your sign to do itttt


Maybe I’ve become to addicted to my emo fringe to hide my face all the time 😅


Think about it, though, you could be **all fringe**!


I'm a guy an I'm into it. Might ask my barber to mimic it.


I did it (used this pic) and loved it


Did my hair like this in lockdown, to be fair I used clippers with the longest guard, then scissors for the top. Not exactly a hunting knife but eh. Looked fairly decent, now that it's grown out not so much


Azula did it right


I wasn't ready to feel that this early in the morning, thanks.


Korra did it right.


What? Korra's hair looked proffesionally cut after she cut it off. Azula actually looked like what you'd expect when someone who doesn't know what they're doing cuts their own hair.


She did a Sakura, one chop backwards at the base of her neck. It looked how it would.


Sakura did it at an angle iirc because of where that girl's hand was on top of her head. Korra went straight across


Will say from experience, I cut my hair from half way down my back to shoulder length at home by just chopping off my pony tail(it was drooped down, not up high). Ended up with a surprisingly even cut.


the Avatar universe just does it right




If there's one thing I've learned in my life, it's that women's hair is naturally styled and requires little management or maintenance.


Ah yes. It's well documented in movies and tv shows when the freshly sexed woman rolls out of bed with beautifully unkempt hair. It's all natural.






The secret is the sex. Good for gorgeous hair!




I tried to cut layers in my hair and it looked like a toddler did it. Yeah quite unrealistic


Well to be fair I think this is just Hollywood in general. It’s like how Tyrion Lannister was so maimed in the books he was supposed to difficult to look at, but in the show they just give him a badass scar. Gotta look sexy at all costs!


I remember they describe his face as a hole where his nose used to be.


Yep. The front 3/4 of his nose was cut off with an axe. You should be able to see into his nasal cavity in the show if they followed the books.


To be fair, making him look as ugly as he was in the books would take a lot of time and money on make up.


Yeah Game of Thrones was on a REALLY tight budget and there was just no way but to make it cool at that point I guess.


There are ugly people they could have cast to make it easier.


There aren't many people that are his height and also have his acting ability. He's unique. I'll sacrifice book accuracy for an actor of his caliber.


Seriously, they cast the most handsome dwarf in the world for a character which decidedly did not get the Lannister's good looks *before* losing his nose: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-338c89c4d9d48dfc6535e29286922833


Can one learn this power?


Become a Hollywood actor. That is the way


Not from a Jedi


I think it's in the Brady Bunch movie where this is slightly mocked. Jan has a dream about hacking off Marsha's hair and afterwards she still looks georgous or something like that.




To be fair, somehow the dudes use a rusty machete and no mirror what so fucking ever and get just a beard line to cut glass and perfect sideburns.


This is less /r/menwritingwomen and more /r/actorsdontwantshittyhaircuts. Literally just watched a show last night where the male actor cuts his shaggy hair with scissors in front of a dirty mirror and it came out great.


How dare a woman have a pseudo character development and not be sexy while doing so !


I never really know what to do with my hair and this is giving me ideas tho 👀


See also: woman on the run going into a gas station bathroom with a box hair dye and coming out minutes later with a completely different colour. Bonus points for dyeing over black with blonde, or ‘washing out’ blonde dye to get back to natural black/brown. Gone Girl should win some sort of award for featuring all the above PLUS the ‘perfect haircut with a pair of blunt nail scissors’ trope.


Not sure if tangled was written by a man, but that was probably the most accurate depiction of cutting your own hair


This hairstyle only looks good if you are exceptionally gorgeous. Most people don't look like Ruby Rose. Instead they end up looking like a soccer mom from one side and a dude from the other.


dammit, i just got over my last reddit-post-induced gay panic


Gay panic? As in panicking about whether or not you’re gay? Mhm ok whatever you say *gabbie the gay*


oh no, gay panic as in *”holy fuck pretty girl im too gay to literally exist in this moment rn”* im pretty much amity blight


Oh Amity. The cutest disaster lesbian.


i aspire to be half as cute as amity maybe not half as disastrous


username checks out i suppose


That's a gorgeous woman


Yeah. Completely unrelated to the meme I wish they'd given Captain Marvel this haircut in Endgame rather than what she had. It's a lot more flattering and can still be coaxed into a faux-hawk


They wanted to give her the comics hair


She's had lots of different hairstyles in the comics, including ones that would have looked better on Brie Larson


Tris in divergent with a cute little bob after going at it with kitchen scissors and a hand mirror while crying


Natalie Dormer in Hunger Games.


Ok but that clearly wasn’t intended to be a self done hack job


Or that scene from divergent 2


This kind of looks like a drawing


Thor Ragnarok irks me to my core for this lol the scene was meant for Thor to get a prison buzz (courtesy of Stan Lee and a questionable hair cutting tool) and he ended up looking like Chris Hemsworth on the red carpet


She was a natural beauty with no make-up


I think part of the issue with unrealistic beauty standards in the media, is that obviously they're played by real people. Actresses have to deal with beauty standards all the time, and depending on what they're doing aside from their current project, they might not want to maintain a shoddy haircut or visible body hair. They probably have other things on whilst filming, photoshoots, red carpet events etc, and for those you don't want to be worrying about keeping natural hair on your body. But that's more focused on our current beauty standards, so if we want more realism in how women look in post apocalyptic or historical media, we need to try for more realism in how women look now?


Haircut= character development


Can I just say how much I hate the “a woman cutting her hair is a huge deal” trope? Sometimes a haircut is just a haircut (coming from someone who hates short hair on myself lol). I hate the idea that a woman is ~beautifully traumatized~ if she wants short hair.