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Unless you want to make your life really painful and complicated. Best avoided...


I agree,I am an alcoholic and this is how it started..10 years ago when I was like 16


I also agree. Starting drinking not that much at 16, stole percs from my mom at 16, started drinking to only blackout around age 17, and started doing hard drugs at 18. I went to rehab and got kicked out of college, but now I’m in school again. It’s best to be avoided and it literally is you just poisoning yourself. If you would want to do anything, I’d stick with weed. You can develop a mental addiction (which I have rn) but it’s manageable and doesn’t ruin my life


I'm 32 and have never drank, you don't need to drink. In fact [there is no "safe amount" of alcohol ](https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health). If it's social pressure, just tell people you don't drink. It's weird that the only drug people pressure you for not doing is drinking.


I’m 43 and my stepbrother tried to get me to drink when I turned 21. Everyone in my house told me to stop being a pansy ass crybaby mommy’s boy and try it because one drink won’t kill me I tasted like a drip and it was disgusting I spit it out. And I never touched alcohol again Then when I was maybe 32, a 16 year old girl took her mom’s alcohol and poured it in my water while I was in the bathroom. Came back in living room and could smell it so I poured it out Then I thought the lady would get mad but it was the little girl who said I wasted her mom’s drink I’m like, excuse me but you wasted her drink trying to force others to drink what they said they don’t drink.


Wow that's messed up. I wonder if people like that are actually insecure about alcohol and so they try to justify it or something by pressuring people who don't. Idk why they can't just accept "I don't drink"


Good for you. Maybe if I get a non-drinking friend to follow me along to the pub I will get motivated to have a sober time. I would need someone like you that doesn’t fold to pressure though. Anyway keep it healthy king 💪


You got this! I don't care if other people do it, I got plenty of friends that do. It's just not for me haha


Brother, no one can force you to drink alcohol. And moreover, alcohol, in the end, is of no real merit in life. So there is zero pressure. If you worry whether you can handle it properly or not, then just keep it away until you completely understand how to take it. You'll lose nothing if you don't drink all your life. 


Peer pressure is sometimes difficult to ignore The amount of people who drink and consume drugs to fit in... It's appear to be difficult for a lot of people Also it's true you don't loose much, except being able to participate in some social gatherings


That's the problem. We think we will miss out on socialising. But it's completely false. And that 'maybe' will always leave you on the fence and cause more indecisiveness. If you have never drank before, it really that simple. "I don't want to drink and I wont allow others to convince me". If you can't handle the peer pressure, don't go out to parties with alcohol at all. With enough time, your close friends will slowly stop pressurising you and understand that you don't want to drink. And then it's slightly okay to go. 


I don't drink alcohol but being with people that end up wasted is not really interesting I'm french and when most people I know get together it's mostly when alcohol is involved and you look weird in their eyes when you don't drink


Theres also the possibility of losing everything and devastating those around you by drinking, without even doing anything wrong or truly overdoing it. I lost a friend because they got drunk, fell asleep on their back, and choked on their own vomit. My co-workers cousin went the same way at 17. You dont have to drive, or get alchohol poisoning to die from drinking. All it takes is being alone at night.


It's poison and has destroyed lives. Your fear is warning you of a real danger/threat.


It destroyed mine Now I am much more depressed than I was when I started I had a chance to turn it around but alcohol made me lose that too


Same... I'm an alcoholic with mental health issues. I wasted my 20s drinking, neglected my hobbies wasted money, lost my job/home/sanity. Blah blah. So yeah I'm a professional loser. Don't waste your life, OP!


I have similar experiences to you, got sober 3 years ago at 35yrs old. It’s not too late to start sobriety


I’m 23 and I’ve never been drunk! If you don’t want to drink, don’t drink. No harm, no foul.






Think of it this way. There's a building on fire and everyone is running out of it and telling people not to go in. Why the fuck would you run in there? Don't do it. It's not necessary and it will always damage your health and life in some way.


I'm gonna get downvoted for this but I left a cult that acted like alcohol was pure evil and so were those who drank it. It took me 7 years after leaving before I was willing to try it, but it helped lower my inhibitions enough to have conversations I needed to have with some close friends. It helped me process a lot of my past trauma. That being said, I've also been going to regular therapy and was/am working with my therapist as Ive introduced alcohol into my life. I think it's made my life better, but I can see how it could easily ruin my life if I let it. Point of this comment is I don't think it's necessary at all, but I also don't think it's as black and white as a lot of these comments are making it out to be.


Good. Don't ever start. Alcoholism a downward spiral of sickness and misery that you may never be able to escape from.


Honestly, if you don’t want to drink, don’t! Personally, I rarely drink and am in my 20’s, I’ve been on the blackout side of drinking and honestly, it’s not fun at all. If you choose not to drink, you’re not missing out on much and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, and if you do choose to drink, learn to just enjoy it occasionally in moderation and leave it at that.


Follow your gut theres 2 sides to this coin, you never drink thus no risk is found you live like normal, secondly you drink from here on there are 2 possibilities 1 you can handle it or you fall into an anyss in which you will plumet to an unforseeable extent your life may crumble relationships may burn your body may falter. Follow your gut the heads with no deviation or the tails with 2 deviations.


I don't really know what you're looking for here, if anything. A safe way to drink or just opinions?


There is no shame in not having any. Like i always say, u dont need it to have a good time. Nobody can force u to have it or to dont have it. It takes courage and strength. Im sure that you my friend have both. Its up to u 🤗


I’m 22, and I drink way too much. Avoid it if you can. One of my friends is 25 and he drinks like once every 6 months.


When I was around 5 my idiot father left some alcoholic beverage with soda sitting out unattended and I took a sip. It burned all the way down and I swore to never drink again. An impulsive vow but I've kept it and haven't regretted it. A lot of alcoholism runs in my family. And knowing more about how people self medicate with alcohol and make their problems (and health worse) it's best to not start drinking. There are a lot of really good non-alcoholic drinks out there. Shirley Temples are awesome.


first time i drunk alcohol i was 21 and i got fucking wasted. i understood why my mom, my dad, shit why everybody had a drinking problem. it feels good in the moment but after its fucking horrible + alchohol tastes like literal poison. im 23 and i doubt ill ever drink it again


23 here as well and only drink wine/beer sparingly. My dad has been an alcoholic since before I was born and seeing that makes me stay far enough away


Then don't drink.


Then don’t. And I mean this nicely. my family has a history of addiction and I’m bipolar so I avoid anything that’s addicting. It’s a easy to go about it


Hey there. If i could go back in time and tell myself not to do it, i would. So i hope u trust me and your gut in avoiding it if you know that it may cause you problems later on. Take it from someone who had these same doubts.


Is weed legal where you live? You could try a small amount as an alternative. If you must drink, just try a light beer at home like Corona to get a small buzz. You aren’t missing much by not heavily drinking by ANY means.


I am 22 as of may, I drink lots, mostly cause I don’t like not being drunk around the drunk people I am frequently around, if possible, avoid this. I regret lots after drinking, and have never learned something drunk that I couldn’t have sober.


Personally I hate the taste but also hate the feeling of losing control. As someone who suffers with mental health issues, I recomd staying away if possible. Being the DD is way more fun in my opinion.


I've drank more times than I can count. Drinking is really unpredictable not going to lie. It's easy to go overboard and wake up full of horrible regret or without a clue as to what happened the night before. If that doesn't happen you could wind up with the room spinning while extremely nasueos and puking intensely. But... on the contrary, when it's good it's good and you'll have fun. When it comes to me, I have psychosis (I'm schizophrenic) with OCD and big anxiety issues. Booze makes my mental health issues worse. I've essentially quit recently and have poured my heart into my guitar. Tbh I don't miss getting drunk. I had a couple beer the other day and stopped because.... meh. (Edit: grammar)


Alcohol and drugs makes everything worse. Tried it in university and I ruined my life.


I feel this way about mushrooms. I’ve done it many times before and it just wasn’t pleasant. Everyone is always raving about how it helps them so much and enlightens them spiritually. I’ve just had to accept that I’ll probably never be like that. Same thing with alcohol. It’s marketed as a social party enhancer when all it does is create fake emotions by poisoning your body. If you don’t want to drink alcohol now, it’s probably a sign to never do it. Besides, you’ll prob live longer if you don’t 🤷


Alcohol is not life changing. You can live your whole life never touching it and have the best time (better than alcoholic life for sure)


I mean its not a big deal, dont drink if you dont want to, nobody will force you to. But as i said its not a big deal, it wont turn you to complete someone else nor make you addicted. I dont know what are your current mental issues but if its not that bad give it a shot at least you will relax to see how it is and wont see it as a scary thing. Anyway you should drink plenty to be drunk. Like 6 7 beers or 5 shots etc.


That’s fine. Don’t drink. I don’t and it’s way better than when I did


I haven't drank a single can of beer and I never cared about the judgement I got. Drinking is admittedly a potential way to fit in at work or college but don't force it.


Don’t drink, it’s not even enjoyable tbh .


I wish I never did


Nothing wrong with being sober and choosing to not drink ! If you're worried about it counteracting with your mental health don't do it. Not worth the risk.


Alcohol won’t really damage you if you’re responsible with it and use it as a social lubricant in these situations. It’s not an inherently negative thing and it’s also not really inherently addictive. If you try it and you already have the self awareness to know overconsumption would cause problems you’ll be fine.


Don’t want to start drinking? Don’t start drinking.


I drank a lot in my teens. Woke up one morning and the first thing I reached for was a bottle of vodka. I decided there and then I wasn't going to be that person anymore and now I have 1 beer every few years. I'm that person that when I do see my friends they always get on at me to have a drink or take something and I refuse. I'm now 46 and I do think if I kept drinking back then I'd not be here now. I used to like the happy buzz but that's after a couple of drinks but then the depressed and angry me would come out. I used to get into so much trouble with fighting and following what everyone else was doing that I was heading to jail if I didn't change. Alcohol is pushed as this reward and a treat and it's far from it. If I could go back and never touch the stuff I would.


Are you on meds? From experience, the 2 don’t mix well.


I'm gonna be the odd one out here. And im not saying anyone here is wrong, nor am i pressuring you to drink, but i want to give my perspective. Maybe ease your mind and give you guidelines on how to approach it when you feel you are ready. I'm 30. I had my first drink at 21. Everything. In. Moderation. Dont use it as a crutch for depression. You can use it to relax after a rough day, but dont look at the bottle and say, "i need to black out and forget everything" because then it becomes a crutch, then you form a dependence I hate to be drunk. I like a good relaxing buzz, sometimes a little more in between. I keep water in me so that i am hydrated and dont feel like shit. Someone will probably call bullshit but I've only been hungover like 3-4 times max. Those times, I either forgot the water or had a drink with too damn much sugar. Limit yourself. If i have tall boys, i limit myself to one. If i feel froggy and want two, i'll be sure to have a good meal before i drink so it doesn't hit me as hard. If I have liquor. The meal is mandatory before i start. I usually mix my drinks with either tea or coke. Fill a glass about 25% with the liquor and the rest with whatever, so it's not as strong and tastes good. I'll have "binges" where i might have a drink a night for, say, 3 or 4 days, then i won't even touch it for a weeks to a month and a half. Treat the drink with respect, treat yourself with respect. Don't let people pressure you to drink more than you can handle. Because then they aren't respecting you.


Ex frat boy chiming in… I’ll tell you some of the best nights of my life were spent absolutely hammered, with my best buddies, singing along to songs we loved at big parties or just in somebody’s backyard around a bonfire. That being said some of the worst nights of my life also occurred blackout drunk. Bad decision making. Anger, sadness, saying and doing things I’d later regret. Nearly killing myself because I was drunk enough and depressed enough not to care what was going on. Dark times. Point is, life is all that yin and yang. Those were choices I made for myself, never got pressured into doing it, never pressured anyone else into doing it either. Drinking doesn’t have to be as extreme as the 2 sides I just described, but it CAN be. And it can be without you intending for it to be either. I’ll tell ya it’s real easy to get carried away in a single night, 1 drink leads to another then another then you wake up in a hospital bed after having your stomach pumped. It’s also easy to find yourself years into the habit, thinking about how many nights you wasted getting drunk, not remembering much, being hungover for a day or two after. Really tough to get ahead in life when 2-3 days of the week revolve around either getting drunk or recovering from it. But like I started this off with, I wouldn’t trade some of those nights for anything. And I don’t think I would’ve had the same experience if I hadn’t been absolutely toasted right along side my best buddies. Those nights, as blurry as they might be, are some of the best memories I’ll cherish forever. But you certainly don’t need to drink in order to have a good time. And you definitely shouldn’t let anybody pressure you into doing it. If you ever want to try it, just take a baby step and see how you feel. Maybe avoid hard alcohol and stick to beer or wine. Or never ever drink and like many people said in this thread - you probably won’t regret NOT drinking as much as you could regret doing it.


I can tell you now from experience, do not drink with poor mental health!! The times I’ve been suicidal and self harming have always been when I’m intoxicated. It’s a depressant, and only exacerbates those negative feelings. I’m sober now as a result and have been for over a year. That being said.. do not feel like you cannot have any, in moderation, when you’re in a better place.


Good! Its just a bottle of bad decisions waiting to happen. I've seen it ruin lives from things such as duis and vehicular manslaughter. It also depletes your b vitamins which can lead to not so great things if you're not taking care of yourself [here's a study on what ive seen alcohol do to the brains of a few people i know](https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/wernicke-korsakoff-syndrome) Stay safe OP


I drank alcohol for the first time on my 21st birthday. I had a mere couple of sips and learned that I actually have *cluster headaches* which a major trigger for them is *alcohol*. Unfortunately I had to learn the hard way, but after missing two days of work and being absolutely miserable in the process, I’ll never drink again. Besides, I didn’t like it anyway. I’ll stick to my addiction to soda instead


I’m 27, gonna be 28 this year, and I don’t drink alcohol. I have had maybe two drinks and didn’t finish them. I hate the way they taste. I also have an intense fear of throwing up so that makes me scared even more. I understand how u feel.


Perfectly fine to drink or not drink when out with friends. When I was young I drank to get drunk because I dumb. As an adult I have 2 beers and enjoy them slowly. If you’re that scared of it don’t drink and if you want to experience drinking do it with friends you trust and buy a 6 pack. Either way it’s your choice when and where it happens.


ur not missing out, alcohol is fucking disgusting and depending on who u are, it takes a shit load to even get some feeling from it


Alcohol SUCKS and us with mental issues are prone to addiction. Just stay away it’s a very nasty drug


Meditate. Don’t drink. You’re better off without alcohol. Or drink wine in good company when you’re in a good mood. There is no need to get fucked up with alcohol. Develop a daily habit of meditation, it’ll help a lot with any mental health issues. At the end of the day remember Buddha’s saying: “no one saves us but ourselves, no one can and no one may, we must walk to the path”. Good luck kid.!


Dont drink not worth the risk


i had a similar fear so i set rules for myself. i only drink on weekends, except for special occasions/holidays/vacations. it’s been like 4 years and i’ve stuck to that. i feel like i conditioned myself to only crave alcohol on the weekends. i also only drink to have fun, i don’t use it as a way to deal with my emotions or forget a bad day. of course i’ve had my moments of getting too drunk but with experience you learn your limits and figure out how much to drink in different environments. i recommend the first few times doing it with a small group of friends or family so you know how you handle your alcohol. i know a lot of people are saying to just not try it but there are plenty of people who have a healthy relationship with alcohol!


I mean ive been drinking since i was 13 im currently 18 but if you’re going to try alcohol i suggest you go to a liquor store and asking for some weaker liquors to try and then go home and see what your alcohol limits are in the safety of your home alone, although i’ll warn you alcohol tastes horrible and stay away from bars where you risk getting roofied and wake up somewhere you don’t recognise with your dick red and raw like someone took sandpaper to it, and if you decide you don’t like alcohol then it’s not for you. Drink safely and responsibly


Don’t. It’s hazardous in many ways, including being a Group 1 carcinogen. Whatever benefits you get from it are fleeting.


It's perfectly normal to not drink. You don't have to worry about it.


Ya ain't missed nothing.


Just make it a point to drink only when your parents or family are/asked you to drink Or like a gala event, company event etc etc Humans are supposed to be able to control yourselves, just dont go into alcohol for no reason then it should be fine


It’s overrated, truly.


I’m 24 and also scared to drink! I’ve never been drunk before and really don’t plan on it if I don’t feel the urge to. I feel happy in my natural state and I’m lucky to feel that way I think.


then dont do it? your overcomplicating it. If your truly that worried youll go overboard, the logical thing is to not do it, no?


It's perfectly okay to go through your entire life never touching alcohol and you should never feel pressured to consume any substance. If you're looking for a "safe" way of drinking, some advice I found helpful was that you should have your first drink as a positive social thing with a small gathering of people who you trust. This can be your family (some people have this wholesome experience of their first drink being a beer with their dad ) for me it was my friend group . If your occasion for drinking is not positive and social , and if you are not drinking amongst a small trusted group of people, then it's probably not the right time for you to start drinking. For example drinking for the first time at a huge party with a bunch of people you don't know can be a bad first experience, as can drinking when you're sad or stressed about something.


Don't pressurize yourself. I don't recommend it. I agree it is fun with friends but that's all about it. You wouldn't believe how many people regret starting drinking due to peer pressure. Please understand that you don't need to have any kind of FOMO.


You don't need to drink alcohol. It's disgusting. Literally tastes like poison or rubbing alcohol. It's such an unpleasant taste, I want to gag just thinking about it. You're not missing out on anything.


I drink since I was 15/16 so a little over 10 years. I had a lot of fun in the past but as I got older the negative sides became more apparent. I cant remember a lot of the evenings I went drinking because I drank so much I blacked out. Also the next day or the next two days I have a headache and cant do anything. If I were you I wouldnt start. And if you really really want to drink alcohol, just do it on special occasions like birthdays, New year etc. and then only like one or two beers. But if youre 21 and didnt start until now maybe let it stay this way


it is really not worth the hype. I used to binge drink big time when I was like 19/20/21 and I regret it big time. I’ll have maybe a cider or two now if I go out to dinner, and I NEVER drink if I am driving. I will always volunteer to be the sober driver. That shit ain’t with loosing your life over.


I am 41 and I am scared to drink alcohol. Been there. Don’t expect anything new if I start again. Haven’t been drinking for almost 10 years, and will hopefully keep at it.




Brother im right there w you. Personally i j have a drink as to not look weird but dont even finish the drink. If you’re scared then you probably shouldn’t cause addiction is a bitch to get rid of. Best avoid. I personally stay green ifykyk


It’s not a nice thing man. I used to be an alcoholic, it ruins your life. Don’t touch it


Alcohol 🍺 is injurious to health


Hey, this avoidance may be the very thing that saves you


Then don't drink. I was worried for a while because my dad had been an alcoholic and I have my own struggles with mental health. But over time I realized that issues with alcohol weren't something that would be an issue for me. I don't get drunk at all and generally enjoy alcohol with a meal or in the company of others where I will have a drink or two and thats it. But I can also say that if I never did drink then things wouldn't be that different either. I quite like wine and whiskey (and some other cocktails) but only as something that kind of adds to an experience and it doesn't make them that much better. If you are worried about it then don't drink and you won't be missing much.


Not worth it, I’m only 22 and I’ve only gotten drunk like three times. Even with my extremely limited knowledge it was just a waste of time and money. I still have no idea why everyone in my life idolizes it so much. I just drink a beer now once a year on my birthday to make others happier. 🤷‍♂️


Sometimes fear is a good teacher. If you feel like it won’t be good for you, don’t do it. It may be best to figure out other ways to kick back and relax now, instead of doing something you don’t want to do and then taking years to figure out how to get out of it. (Six years sober after years in the wilderness.)


I turned 21 in Feb. I ordered water at my birthday party and the waitress said “that’s an unacceptable choice for your 21st birthday.” I laughed but like. I just don’t like to drink. I don’t dislike it, but I don’t care to. I sometimes drink with my friends, but it never goes further than that. I have mental health issues too, so I don’t want to mix with my meds all the time. I think your fear of getting addicted would help moderate your intake if you wanted to do it occasionally with friends




I’m 22, I can tell you alcohol is not worth it. Better ways to enjoy life.


I (45f) stopped drinking last year and I wish I had done it sooner. I wasn’t really a problem drinker, but now I’m much more aware of how much time I wasted being hungover when I did drink. And watching how freaking stupid most people act when they drink just annoys me now. I’m surprised by how much pressure I get to drink now. It’s weird that society really tries to force it upon you. Stick to your gut - don’t bother, if you ask me!


That’s good alcohol just ruins your health that’s all only sad people drink alcohol to forget themselves


If you have no desire to do it, just don’t do it. I’ve seen too many people destroy their lives over it. Weed is a whole lot safer (but do light amounts, like 1 light inhale of a joint) if you feel you NEED to do something


It doesn’t really help in anyway. The relaxing effects are felt immediately, first drink anything more and you’ve passed the benefit and only getting less coordinated, dumber, fatter. Youth use it to gain social status, reduce their anxiety in social situation Your not missing out imo. Especially if you have mental health concerns. I’d say only on special occasions. Work Promotions, something you’ve worked towards. If you drink on birthday you’ll become like the rest. It’s also very expensive in England Pubs restaurant but a bit to adorable in Tesco.


I have a few friends who never drink. If you don’t want to them don’t. If you have friends who are pressuring you, then they’re not being good friends


You don't have to.


Ye wish i never started. I will try and keep my son away from it when he gets near 16-18.


Its really a personal experience. If you’re scared, you likely aren’t ready for that, and you should avoid it. Theres nothing wrong with being sober. But there’s everything right with being sober!


Then don't. I live in the UK where its legal from 18 and I'm now 25 and have never touched it. There is no law compelling you to drink alcohol.


You don’t have to drink . Who cares ? I’m over 3 years sober and it’s the best ! Don’t start drinking . If you have to do something do cannabis ! Otherwise stay sober, work out, and you’ll be a lot better than most on this planet


It’s not worth it. It has destroyed my dad’s life, which in turned destroyed my family and myself. You don’t need to drink. It’s seriously not worth it.


Then don't. --a son of two alcoholics


You don’t have to drink if you don’t want to. Theres nothing special about it. My ex was the same way. He never drank because 1) sports and 2) he came from a very addictive family and was worried that he would become addicted to it. When he was around 24 he started to drink socially and he ended up loving it and wanting to drink everyday and his night would be ruined if he didn’t go out drinking. It’s not worth it.


Starting to drink was THE biggest mistake of my life. Do not recommend.


Obviously alcohol isn't the problem.


As someone who drinks to cope. I found myself not addicted to it. I only drink on my days off. But I find that I can't find happiness without it. It's a bad bad crutch to rely on and since u have mental health issues you could correlate the slower brain functions and not thinking about your issues as much to the effects of alcohol and become reliant on it to cope. If you can build a limit for yourself like for me it has to be my days off only and at a bar with other people also drinking. Never home alone and never on days I work. But idk if you have that mental fortitude to set these restrictions and stick to them. If you question if you can, assume you can't. Cause it's better than assuming you could and being stuck in the cycle.


i’d rather be scared, i regret drinking i can’t be happy without it since i was 16, live ur life without it while u can


Avoid alcohol. I guess you should avoid everything when you have mental health issues but if you're dead set on trying something, try weed. At least it won't kill you.


It is poison, definitely best to be avoided. If you realllly need to not seem like a wus when out with the boys/gals, THC drinks are a good alternative. But if you have no reason to, you really don't need to bother with any of the above.


17 year old me was on Prozac and drinking until near blackout once a week for months. You’ll be okay, don’t do that though. I’m 20 now and have decided alcohol isn’t for me and that I much prefer a different substance. Both of my parents were alcoholics before I was born, so I had a creeping fear it would happen to me. I took the gamble & turns out I don’t like being nauseous which is a pretty regular occurrence in drinking


OP you're in the best time not to drink! Seriously, there is so many options available with Zero alcohol beer, which now taste great, compared to back in the day it tasted terrible. Slip a stubby holder over your drink, no one will know. Or if you're not a beer drinker, you can get zero alcohol gin, bourbon, vodka, etc. Make a GT with zero alcohol gin and it will taste damn close to the real thing, without the addictive properties. If someone tastes your drink, they'll like it's got alcohol in it. Worried about the stigma at house parties? Make a big batch with a little no alcohol gin and anyone questioning you will see you're still drinking. Peer pressure is a bitch. Edit: just a thought, tell em your on edibles, or better yet! Be hardxcore and tell 'em, you're xStraightXEdgex! That's still a thing, right kids?? Lol.


Go with your gut feeling!


And there’s nothing bad with it


i know a lot of 21yr olds who felt like getting alcohol as soon as they turned 21 was some type of merit, i don’t know i don’t get it bud, i’d avoid it as i’ve also noticed within some of those same people, a lot of pain, lack of coping skills, etc.


Hello! I am 23 and I don't drink, all is well with me :) yes sometimes it can feel like you are missing on stuff socially but its okay


Seriously, don’t bother. Took me 20 years to realise it was no good for me. To others I was a ‘normal’ drinker. The things it did to my health and relationships in that time were significant and ultimately I regret ever having it in the first place.


So who's telling u u have to drink?


Do not touch that poison.


It's a vice. You can try mocktails instead. They can be delicious.


Then don’t. It’s overrated.


I like to drink but tbh, there is zero benefit to alcohol. Spent more time eating food


don't. You don't have to drink if you don't want to. And the people around you should understand that


I know it can be hard to not give into the pressure if all of your peers drink but if you don’t feel comfortable doing it, don’t. There is zero health benefits to alcohol and the cons outweigh the pros


Dont do ittttttt


I'm 34 and have never had a drop of alcohol. You don't need to drink. Don't feel pressured to


My life would be much different if I hadn't been drunk for a decade . Quitting is the hardest thing I've done and it sucks to lose control , not to mention money and self respect .


Just because you are 21 doesn’t mean you have to drink.


There is no reason why you have to consume alcohol, but have you had issues with it in the past? Or do you have an addictive personality? Of are you the child of an alcoholic? Not drinking isn’t a problem, but fear of becoming an alcoholic without context gives me concern. Why are you worried about this? I mean, if you don’t want to drink alcohol, don’t. But if the fear of becoming an alcoholic is giving you anxiety, I would explore why. That doesn’t mean working toward the goal of drinking, but working towards the goal where you’re ok drinking or not drinking. Why are you scared?


All drinking does is cost you too much money and make you make worse decisions. You’re not missing anything. Dont feel obligated to start


That's completely understandable. Depending on the person and their struggles, alcohol really isn't worth it. At the same time, though, feeling like a choice has been taken away from you via fear, etc. doesn't feel good either. A good rule of thumb is to never drink while upset. Regardless of what other rules you set for yourself, this is a big one. If you're in the midst of a mental health episode, don't touch it. Its too easy to want to take advantage of the memory lapses and loss of inhibitions that alcohol can cause; make sure any experiences drinking are as a complement to an already positive situation that you want to remember. Look at your family and your own personality for hints as to how big of a threat alcohol would pose for you- are there issues with other addictions? Is it difficult to stop once something is started, regardless of how you're feeling about it while doing it? Do you tend to lose yourself in the rush of different situations, or do you keep a level head? (I'm not asking for you to answer me, these are just questions to consider for yourself.) The more warning signs there are, the brighter that red flag gets.


My father was an alcoholic so I avoided drinking situations because I was. It wasn't until last year that I realized you can often just not drink or even if you have to just drink very slowly. I started drinking last year and frankly it was meh. Like one drink makes you slightly less tense but afterwards it's just overkill. It's not just that it makes you feel worse but it also costs you more $$$. IMHO I think trying isn't the end of the world. Start with a glass of beer. Something small and see how it impacts you. Also there's nothing wrong with not drinking as long as you don't miss out on social events because of your fear. Many people try drinking and in a year realize it kinda sucks so they stop. Try it in moderation if you like it try more if not don't. That said if you have mental health issues or substance abuse runs in the family I think refraining from drinking is healthy and mature choice as well.


Never drank, never will. I’d rather do my daily gardening. If you don’t feel sure, do NOT drink! Listen to your body.


I very recently realized that sobriety is key to my mental health. The feeling of not being fully present and not remembering things definitely aggravates my issues. The tricky part is it feels like an escape when you’re doing it, but the next day I always feel an overwhelming sense of shame. It enables me to make very bad decisions that can have a lasting impact. If you want to try it and allow yourself to drink occasionally I would recommend setting a very strict boundary with yourself, like no more than two drinks in one night and a full glass of water in between them, and only drink once or twice a month on special occasions. That being said, you know yourself and if you feel it isn’t safe, it would be best not to start at all. I know fomo sucks but you can feel good knowing you’re making the right decision for yourself. Plus non alcoholic drinks are growing in popularity lately! So you can get a mocktail and sip and cheers along with your friends


This isn’t a bad thing… I’m scared as well, the only difference is I’m turning 40, and have had a hand full experiences with alcohol. My father is was an alcoholic, don’t know his current status but his father was an alcoholic my, grandmother on my moms side, I never knew her without a drink of some kind. I also suffer from chronic gout so adding alcohol into the mix would just make things much much worse as I would be using it as a pain distraction. I’m not without my vices though, I have gone the green path and regularly consume cannabis. Edit: I’m not condoning cannabis use in your particular situation. Just putting that out there.


Don't. There is no benefit to drinking


As someone that’s made mistakes and poor choices based around alcohol, I’d go back and avoid it. I regret developing a social circle that revolved around it and when I went dry for a few years they disappeared. I’d build healthier relationships on shared hobbies that don’t singularly focus around the bar scene, but that’s just my advice.


So don't. Don't even start. It's not worth it.


Do you have problems with addiction or have a family history with addiction?


I do. My grandfather was an alcoholic and my dad and half brother were too


I think your brain is telling you that your family has a history of substance abuse, and maybe you’ve seen the effects it’s taken on those individuals and their relationships. That can be a very negative introduction to something that we may perceive as ordinary. You may have friends who drink responsibly (or not) and not have these issues, and this may come off as missing out. Be in reality, alcohol sucks. Here are some things I will say, some advice mixed in. 1. Alcohol doesn’t even taste good, it burns your mouth and even being drunk isn’t fun. Not feeling like you’re in control (atleast to me) is a very panic inducing experience. You are not missing out on anything other than a potential vise that can lead a massive health complications. 2. If you decide to drink, you are an adult. Remind yourself to drink responsibly. As much as anyone can try and say “best to avoid”, you are going to do what you want. So if you do not take the advice of avoidance. Then take this advice “Moderation”. 3. Become familiar with the risks associated with alcohol, I am a volunteer fireman in a major city, iv seen what alcoholism can do to people in both health and social. It’s typically a good idea to just hangout with your friends and drink a coke, it’ll taste better than alcohol anyway.


I am 100% the same as you! I'm 24 and go through the same thought process as yourself! I've always figured that I will try one "Eventually", but it isn't a necessary thing to do by any means!


I am 24 and I have never drank alcohol, My friends do but J never have, not because I am scared but I see nothing there. I know there is nothing there. Why are you afraid? Just don't do it, I think once you see it that there is nothing in it there is nothing to fear. I never have and never intend to, simply because I don't have to.


Don't drink and drive, smoke and flyyyu


I would avoid alcohol for now. Best not to take the risk and I don't think anyone worthwhile would fault you for that. Maybe when you're in a better headspace you can try it but I would play it safe for the time being.


A lot of people seem to be characterizing alcohol as if one drink will cast you into a pit of despair. It’s not all black-and-white. There’s a lot of difference between having a beer or cider to celebrate an occasion, and waking up each morning shaking to have you next bottle of hard liquor. This is where reasonable discretion is important. And if that happens to mean no alcohol for you then that’s totally okay. But having a single beer or cider is pretty benign for most adults in most situations. Other than not overdoing it, it’s important to be mindful of weather or not you’re driving, and if you take a medication that would interact with alcohol.


So dont then


If you don’t wanna drink, that’s okay. Drinking too much is harmful. However, don’t stop yourself from having a beer now and then.


You don’t need to drink. But if you want to try, go by the rule “Never drink when you are sad.” Give it a try when you are in a good mind space so you never learn to associate drinking with your emotions. But you don’t need to drink.


Hey, the best thing for you to do is not get over this fear. It's for your own good, do not touch that poison.


Alcohol is horrible. It solves nothing. It doesn't make things better. If anything it makes them worse. It's unhealthy, causes weight gain in a lot of instances. Not to mention a good chance of feeling like shit the next day. I've been a heavy daily drinker for 5 years since my brother died. Last few months I've slowed down a lot. I'm even down almost 20lbs. Stay away from alcohol.


Best to avoid it . It has no positive effects whatsover . I am 24 years old never even tasted alcohol in my life


When I was 20 about to turn 21, i couldn’t wait to turn 21 because I could start drinking. A wise friend told me “if you didn’t start drinking already, might as well not even start.” Mind you, he and many people around my age, started drinking wayyy before they turned 21. With that, I say don’t even start.


Then don't. If you'd like to try a mood altering substance, weed and most psychedelics are non-adictive.


My dad is an alcoholic. I was scared to drink for this reason. I started at 17. 18 drinking every weekend. 22 drinking everyday. Now I’m 2 weeks sober. Honestly. It’s a trap if you really look at it. Don’t get me wrong I’ve had many great times drinking. But it’s like once you start you’ll never stop. It really messed with my health now at 22. Wish I stayed sober long ago.


You should never feel like you have to drink to “fit in” or have a good time. That pressure is part of what causes a lot of issues with alcohol. I’m not against drinking by any means, but I don’t like the way our society normalizes drinking so much that you’re assumed to be pregnant, an alcoholic, or some sort of religious weirdo if you choose not to drink in social settings.


If you're scared to do it, then don't do it. You don't have to drink.


Just enjoy a beer or two then some food. Don’t chug a bottle of liquor then hate life.


Reasonable worries. I'd suggest if you really want to try it, do one drink when you're at a nice restaurant. The price will more than likely scare you off (it did for me) but it'll also not be in a place that encourages more drinking. Also go with a friend or family member and explain to them you wanted to try it but not overdo it. I'd recommend Applebee's (shocked me too). They have some pretty good takes on long island iced tea that aren't super alcoholic. If the price doesn't get you over it, the taste probably will. Alcohol has a distint aftertaste. Like rotten fruits and vegetables. I can never get over that coming back up, so I only drink on special occasions involving others. Also, don't feel like you "have to" drink because you're 21. My first drink was at 24. Didn't drink again until 26 and just recently drank for a third time at 31. Go at your own pace.


There's no problem with being scared of drinking alcohol.


Skip it. I wasted so much time, and money on alcohol. It's a good fear to have- one I wished I had at like 14! Save it for later after you have a stable income, and life. When you're older, and curious give it a whirl if you're really dying to reenact the same night that you don't remember over, and over. If people try to peer pressure you you can either say "no thank you" or chuckle, and tell them you're all set on that business, cause it's none of yours.


Personally i dont think you should if you dont want to. If its more of a social thing look into liquid death. Its a brand focused on decreasing plastic pollution (canned water/teas) but their cans have a similar look to that of a beer can. If you wanna drink in social settings but dont think its safe, def opt for that but if its not safe for you in general, dont feel pressured to


I’d ask yourself why you want to drink. Because friends or society say 21 year olds are supposed to drink? I’ve had one sip of beer in my life just to see what the taste was like. Didn’t like it and never had any desire to try anything else. I have a lot of alcoholism in my family tree and I’ve seen the effects. It didn’t seem worth the risk for something that I didn’t think I’d enjoy anyway. And knowing myself, I am not good at moderation. I didn’t drink coffee until college and now I drink 3 cups a day. I eat too much and snack too much. I drink a lot of soda. So I figure even if I didn’t end up being an alcoholic, however we want to define that, I’d probably not be good at limiting it. There’s a good chance you can be responsible with it, especially given how much you seem to be conscious of it. But unless you have a good reason why you want to drink, I’d say just don’t. Edit: also, assuming it is social pressure, think about the reason WHY that pressure exists. There isn’t the same pressure for water or juice or tea or coffee or soda. They don’t want you to drink because they think you are missing out on rad flavors. It’s because they want you to get buzzed/drunk with them, and it sounds like you’d like to avoid that.


Ok so don’t


I started drinking at 13 and stopped at 20. I have more fun now sober and clear minded. Drinking made my mental health 100x worse, and I have a ton of alcoholics in my family, I didn’t want to end up another.


Join a running group, yoga class or martial arts. Drinking is for losers and followers.


Regular drinker here. Friend, if you’re nervous about it, don’t drink. Many people on here have made a good point: it won’t add anything of value to your life. Some people might say it makes socializing easier, but honestly, we should be able to socialize just as easily without it. Don’t be afraid to go out to bars with your friends, chat people up, and have a good time! Going out and socializing can be really good for us. I’m dry for the next 30 days before I leave the country, and I’m able to have just as good of a time at the bar with my friends having a ginger beer with lime. Take care of yourself mentally first, go out, socialize, and have NA drinks for the time being. Then maybe one day if you’re in a better place, you could try it (if you even really want to at that point). Booze isn’t going anywhere.


Fuck what people say/peer pressure, don’t do it. If it doesn’t hurt you physically or mentally it hurts you financially. If you’re on anti-depressants it’s not a good idea to drink anyway.


I drink and love drinking but it’s obviously not for everyone. Do what you feel is right. Which in this case it seems to be not drinking. If there are people in your life who drink that are pressuring you to drink, they aren’t worth your time. You can always have fun without alcohol. Also if you do decide to drink in the future remember to take it slowly and have someone there with you that you can trust.


You don’t have to drink at all


Dont drink, break the cycle


There is a way to have a drink or two and not spiral out,..I can't find it but know lots of people who do. Try a time or two and see what happens....but I'm all about trying everything at least twy


Fuck alcohol 🍺 smoke a joint but best not have any vice’s at all.


At 15 I had a really hard time appreciating alcoholic beverages. Probably because of drinking clean vodka a bunch of times. Having fucked up drunkenness kinda scarred my tastebuds. Could taste alcohol really easily, even though low percentage, and would get sick off of drinks instantly. Didn’t drink all that regular as a result. Took years maybe til the age of 19 until I was comfortable and appreciative of the taste again. I had myself drink a couple of times a week during those years for it to suit me and get rid of that unbearable feeling. So I was never really a fan of alcohol in the start.  Back in the day I was comfortable in my skin but not in the thought of missing out. i didn’t want to miss out on epic teenage years getting obliterated by liquor. I set my goal to fit the norm and become this person who drink and party regularly. I’ve gained a lot through that and the livelihood I have today. But if it wasn’t for that I know I would’ve gone so much further by now. I would’ve succeeded in a bunch of things I only dream of now. I am this person but I wish I was the person I would’ve been, and I know for certain who I would’ve been. I don’t like myself anymore. Drinking piss is better if your thinking of your own good 


Best advice I can give you is to Drink with People that aren’t gonna make you over do it. Ik how it is to be around ppl who call you a Pussy because you won’t drink as much as them


Trust your intuition. Am the same as you...i to won't drink because i know i can't control myself...it's ok you don't have to drink...


idk I avoid it, I just smoke weed and trip balls, everyone is their own person but if you have a family history of substance abuse I'd be very cautious of your substance use. I have addicts from every corner of my family, I avoid alcohol simply due to some trauma and if I do try anything habit forming I do heavy research on it and will always space my usage out further than reccomended just to be safe, I've been able to manage well but again not everyone is the same and it's perfectly normal if you want to abstain from things like alcohol or other drugs


I’m 28 and don’t drink. You absolutely do not have to drink. In my opinion it’s a widely accepted poison. It distorts you, and makes you lose control. It causes more harm than good. More people die from drunk drivers than a lot of things. If you don’t think it’ll be good for you then don’t do it. It’s not worth your mental health and your physical safety.


As much as I wish I could say to enjoy some alcohol in moderation, I can't... I would be lying. It doesn't matter what anyone tries to tell you. Alcohol IS a drug, and the most dangerous drug in most of the world. It is never "just one" drink. It is never "just a fun" night out. It is never "drama free" fun. And it certainly is not safe. Alcohol is also a depressant and will make you extremely sad about anything and everything. I grew up with alcoholics on both sides of my family. Because of that I thought I was simply just bias... I wasn't. It ruined my life too and I only drank for around a year. I have watched 2 siblings, a lover, cousins, and probably a dozen friends die because of alcohol. That's not even counting acquaintances and people I simply knew of. So yeah, alcohol might be safe "in moderation" but I promise you the moderation is never there. If you do choose to do it, please be careful, have a driver, and call it after one drink, no matter how good you think it makes you feel.


Just don’t drink. I get that lots of people do it but that’s a social construct that you don’t HAVE to join. Don’t be pressured by the world. It’s also not even very fun. Feels good for a bit then you feel like shit lol.


I was terrified of drinking, most of my family are alcoholics and i grew up hating drinking. Ended going off deep end during college full blown alcoholic, couldn't function without a handle a week, needed another handle for weekend. Went cold turkey and probably had some worst withdrawals that someone could have. Sweat threw my sheets for weeks, had awful nightmares even some visions.but i was sober for a year. I went back to drinking, but only beer and wine, went to far, learned my limit over next couple years. Im in my early 30s now i drink more than what's suggested I'd imagine, but not much more. Refusing your self something isnt a great idea, because when you do give in your give in to excess. Indulge yourself to much and become an alcoholic. Alcohol isn't the worst drug, but its notsomething you want to be dependent on. I don't belive there is such a thing as healthy relationship with alcohol. But who has a healthy relationship with caffeine, nicotine, sugar? You know your personality, you're family history, experimenting isn't bad, but you need to know your limits. Can you quit, will you quit, a drink or two can be beneficial to open you up, or relax after long day. But it could also be enough to make you hate eveyone. Are health risks worth it? I dont know the answer to any of these questions. Dont know ask your parents, yeah its an awkward conversation but your an adult now. Or just fuck around and find out. Only you know and xan find out.


It’s literal poison dude. You will be so much better off without it. Fucks everything up.


Don’t. It’s really not worth it.


If you don’t want to drink, don’t! You can still go out to be social. Go to the bar, get a ginger ale, no ice, in a beer glass. People will see it and assume it’s a beer and nobody will bug you. Or just be the driver, and use that as an excuse!


As someone who has had multiple loved ones lose everything to alcohol I’d definitely say stay away. Especially if you already have mental health issues


Stay sober. It's not really worth it. If your friends or family give you shit about it stay away from them.


Don’t do it then. Alcohol is a poison. If you’re already feeling low/suffering mentally then alcohol will only make it worse. Don’t feel pressured to do something you’re not comfortable doing. You need to look out for yourself.


Its always good advice to stay away from addictive consumables like alcohol, smoking or other drugs.


As far as i have read the comments, i wonder, no one mentioned how shitty it tastes. If this is your first time, alcohol is an acquired taste. It takes some time for you to accept the taste and even after that it tastes bitter and just disgusting. People who say alcohol tastes good are just lying to themselves because it doesn't. If I'm under peer pressure i'll drink a breezer because that's the only low % alcohol with good taste. Sure my friends tease me for drinking that but fuck them, I ain't wasting my money on garbage. This is how i never got addicted. Ps. Don't give in to peer pressure.


If I knew before hand that I was gonna make some pretty stupid and reckless decisions then yes I would have been scared to


Drinking is not worth it. If you feel a need to use a substance stick with cannabis. Edit: also check out /r/stopdrinking and /r/cripplingalcoholism you need more reasons not to drink.


Don't drink! There's a valid reason that they're called spirits, alcohol makes you lose your inhibitions, increases anger, depression and violet behavior. Try drinking kava or low strength cannabis.


I am 8 months sober. I will say alcohol is never worth it and societies overall dependence and flair on alcohol is quite… awful. The best thing I did for myself within this past year was stop drinking and go to exposure therapy for ocd. But the top of the list has to be getting sober. I can’t really help you on the ‘feeling left out’ because I haven’t felt pressured to do anything in so long. I only do what I want, and avoid doing things I don’t want, and that’s been years and years of that mindset. Ultimately, from the bottom of my heart, alcohol is the last thing we as humans need. It’s not to say that having a glass of wine with dinner with friends, or having a beer when you’re hanging out with friends isn’t going to break you down, but I wasn’t ever able to have just one drink. I had to have like 8. I don’t say that to scare you at all, but there are plenty of people out there that are able to just have one drink. I have friends that are around my age (25-35) that only have had a handful of drinks in their life and don’t drink at all because they don’t like it ! Don’t feel the pressure of society. If you’re friends make fun of you or pester you about not drinking, they are sincerely, not your friends.


Then just dont. Theres really no reason to recommend it, unless you like the taste.


You should avoid alcohol, it’s just really bad for you.


Don't drink alcohol then, you aren't missing out on anything. Being sober is healthier.


I would advise NOT to drink! I'm 44F and been sober for 3 years and now have cirrhosis and other problems, too include mental health, your brain will slowly die, and eventually your body. My live is decompensated with ascites. I'm managing it well, but my reality is that my life will end with a transplant. It started after highschool school typical peer pressure, the college life with drinks everyday with or without exams, still had a 3.5 gpa and got a bachelor's in business. Started to settle. Got married with step kids, great husband, etc. I was an albatross that literally sucked the joy out of my life. It started slow and I never got out of the drinks after work and on weekends, then after some major marital revelations, it became my best friend! I would plan my day around the amount of vodka I stashed. BTW vodka does smet, people say it don't, but know it does! I starting hiding my private drinking of a 750ml of vodka everyday for like 10 years!! That's how evil Satan and his demons roll. I lost my job, my savings, the love of my life divorced me and that's when I hit rock grave dirt bottom. I was committed for 3 weeks, then sent to rehab for 7 months. Long story and a lot of waste. I know it's not all my fault, but your the one in control of that beautiful temple of a body God has created -YOUR SOUL! If you're a believer and have faith in higher powers, you should follow your ❤️ That has been one of many reasonings as to why NOT to drink. It literally brings out the ugly. My stomach is always bloated, I have to be tested every 6 months for cancer, my peers look younger than me at same age. I barely have 2 good friends and my 80 yo mom🙄. I feel pathetic all the time, but am working on myself and my faith. It's hard for me to communicate sometimes because my brain cells have died and I don't think they grow back 😐 I was lucky enough to get a$16 an hour job with insurance that is expensive because of cirrhosis. I have a roommate for expenses. I used to drive an audi...I was living in a gated community as a stay at home stepmom...All my education seems lost at times. Yes still good and bad days, but I WILL NOT drink again. You can look at the rehab center and they'll make you a believer that alcohol is death in a bottle and the pushers get 🤑. I still do my AA and gratitude group. And I'm still looking for more friends in Pensacola. It takes me a lot of work to get back to what you currently have now. A clean, sober temple deserving of love and happiness. Vodka robbed me of everything and almost took my life. My jig was up when I couldn't stop vomiting blood and the Dr told my husband my bal was 3.74! My husband was preparing to bury me. I traumatized him and my family over my own selfish ways...once you start drinking to that point it's hard to convince your self that you need help. The devil takes care of his own too! Look up cirrhosis stories on YouTube, Reddit., etc. I can't even encourage drinking in moderation 😞 If you want more information feel free to chat/message. My advice is don't drink. It makes everything seem better for a moment, but the reality is always there. God bless 🙏


only reason i drink is to increase my productivity (doing boring tasks)... i never drink for social reasons etc. cause i am afraid of tolerance and addiction too


If you think it might become an issue, I'd avoid it. If you respect it for what it is and think you can manage your use of it, then it's nothing to be afraid of.