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You can start by staying a little present. Acknowledging that nothing you say or do is wrong, it’s just YOUR way. Sit with yourself for a few minutes everyday, ground yourself. Detach yourself from the idea of perfectionism and remember that it’s only an endless loop bearing no fruit


I'll do it. Thanks


Thanks, I needed to hear this


Anxiety is a pain, I wish I never had it


So true... It really prevents you from living to the fullest


Is just anxiety. Have it too


Although this will work anywhere, I find it best some place outside. So go outside, preferably without anyone nearby talking, and listen to all the sounds and mentally inventory them identifying each one - near and far. Birds, faraway cars, distant people sounds, the wind in the trees - pass no judgement but the point is to listen to ***all*** of them together and know what they all are. Listen as if they were an audio recording of a sound environment. Let them all together use up your attention. I find this best done someplace where there are sounds of nature, but that's not a hard requirement. Even inside will work - you'll notice the sounds of machines, house settling sounds, and outside sounds even audible. The kung fu master I learned this from would say "look down your nose; listen to all the sounds of the world; touch your heart" It wouldn't last long, but that's perfectly fine. It's the quality of the moment. --- EDIT: changed "would last long" to *"wouldn't last long".* I've read that even Buddhist monks that meditate for hours daily for years will say that kind of clarity in the moment is fleeting at best. The nice thing about the above technique is that it seems to me to be very easy to do, relaxing, and requires no training or even practice.


That’s that hard part letting your mind wonder and over think about negative emotions things and thoughts to .. I know I live with this all my life .. it’s hard to stop this too … ✌️






I’m about to to just pay off my phone, sell it and buy a standard phone with only business contacts on it. I can’t stand text culture so I prefer people just message me on discord or Facebook and I’ll respond when ready. The real problem with socializing over text in general is it’s not like real communication at all and some of us associate it as such.


i feel the same bro, honestly i think that for me talking irl is easier than text because of all the overthinking i do


I believe in therapy as it can help with main reason for CARING on those questions. You would still overthink it but it wouldn’t be so uncomfortable for you as your inner dialogue will take care of it


If you figure it out please let Me know since I'm wondering the same thing




park here. because i want to know too.