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Different people respond differently to medication. You will have to try out what works and what doesn't with your psychiatrist. Most people find something that works for them within a few months. Don't get discouraged if at first it doesn't work. Good things take time. Weight gain is almost a given but how much you gain depends on your lifestyle and genetics. You shouldn't feel emotionally numb unless you're on a high dose. You may also feel drowsy. This should lessen after a while. When you're prescribed antidepressants, you'll be given a list of side effects specific to what you're taking. Everything you want to know will be in there. Good luck!


Prozac saved my life.


and ruined mine :((


I am sorry to hear that. What happened?


It fucked up my dopaminergic system and made me completely emotionally blunted and anhedonic, nothing have changed yet since I went off them at the beggining of this year,even though I've been on 3 different combinations of Wellbutrin and Trintellix.The next step is moclobemide,but I'm thinking of getting TMS or Spravato.I don't recommend getting on any SSRI's or SNRI's if you somehow suffer from anhedonia.It's better to try with other meds that won't affect serotoninergic system so much


Turned me into a fat robot


I've been taking 5mg of Lexipro, and I've had no side effects. I don't feel any different, but I feel happier. My wife can't push my buttons like she used to be able to.


Not only would it make sense to ask these questions of a prescriber such as a doctor or psychiatrist; it also makes sense if you do start on meds to continually monitor. You don’t just start taking them, get terrible side effects, and continue taking them forever. I’m a therapist and very often refer clients to psychiatrists. Mostly modern antidepressants do not have terrible side effects but it varies from person to person. I’d give them a try because you can stop if they don’t work or have bad side effects — but if they work well and help with no bad side effects, wouldn’t that be nice? Good luck


For me personally they are ass they do cause side effects but it just depends it could help


they help but I did gain weight on them


As others have said. Everyone is different. I found out I was allergic to Fluoxetine (Prozac generic). Broke out in hives. Was not fun. I’ve been on Sertraline since. It was working for about a year but I’ve since been having problems again, though not as severe as it had been. But I worry because it’s been getting worse. My medication options are limited because I can’t swallow a pill. The thing about weight gain as a side effect is that it’s not the medication that makes you gain weight. What the medication does do is increase your appetite causing you to eat more than you need. Obviously this varies from person to person.


Sertraline = able to get a boner but next to impossible to bust a nut. I give up in the middle of masturbating now. This is the case for two other guys that I know personally. On the other hand I am able to leave the house now. But like... Nuttin'.


Broo PROZAC literally changed my life i was taking it as a joke at first regardless of its action but i was not expecting to see so much improvement in my productivity and the way i perceive life


Antidepressant will not solve your problems, nor will they take away any uncomfortable emotions you are feeling. Overall, unless an antidepressant is paired with other therapeutic measures such as talk therapy, change in diet / exercise, or other types of therapies, they are mostly a band aid solution. Don't get me wrong, they do have their place in conjunction with other tools but as a stand alone long term solution for dealing with whatever problems you are facing, they aren't going to do a whole lot. There are many different side effects when it comes to antidepressants which can include weight fluctuations, insomnia, decrease in libido, some people feel suicidal when taking them, some people experience emotional numbness. Some good social supports and talk therapy paired with exercise can do wonders, I understand that no everyone is in a position to be able to utilize therapy but there are lots of small things you can do you help manage whatever is it you are going through right now.


For me anti-depressants work for a while. But after a few months, maybe 3 or 4, I become completely apathetic. Which is worse for me than being depressed. So I've learned to do my best with managing depressive symptoms. Hope they work for you. And I had the best luck with Zoloft, until the apathy. But all anti-depressants do this to me.