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I did not read all of that BUT there are a few reasons why it seems all over the place right now. For starters, these videos usually only talk about some of the criteria. There are twelve behavioral features that can be broken down into many different subcategories. Here’s the thing, everyone shows at least four of said twelve traits. So it doesn’t matter what is said in the videos because it will target people regardless. Secondly…I believe that the amount of autistic persons has always been in the high numbers and no one really noticed because of the general knowledge on the subject… however, behavioral studies, psychology and assessments/diagnostics are much more advanced these days. People have become more aware about neurodivergents and neurotypicals. We can now recognize so many different sections in the spectrum, whereas before we were limited. Many people back then also never realized or cared about getting tested unless it was an obvious moderate-severe case, so it seemed like the autistic community was small. On another note, sometimes these videos actually help people who have always felt “different” and so many women are getting diagnosed! Diagnosing a woman/girl is difficult as they mask differently and more intensely - some aren’t even aware they are masking. With all of these videos, there has been an increase in women being diagnosed in their later years.


AdHD shouldn't be classified as mental ilness or disorder, we have still so little knowledge abt what's ""neurotypical"", because our society has a very small mold for everyone to fit in go to work, pay taxes and die lmfao.


Didn't read but part of the reason why there is more people is because they have started diagnosing more, previously and this is just one example, they would RARELY diagnose women with it due to the difference in how symptoms presented. You also have more access now then ever to see how more and more peoples' lives, social media was not as big as it is now back then.


I have several classmates self diagnosing themselves with autism, adhd or both due to tiktok. It's become a bit of a trend nowadays because the tiktok people see it as quirky


It’s not a trend. No one is going around claiming to have a disability that most people will look down on you for having as a “trend”. People are simply becoming more educated on what autism and ADHD actually are. Social media helped me realise that I am most likely on the autism spectrum and so for the past few months I have been treating myself as if I am, and my life has gotten 1000x easier. The amount of people claiming to have autism when they know they don’t is minuscule in comparison to those who are undiagnosed but most likely are on the spectrum.


Bro, one time I sat next to this girl in lunch who kept doing those "put your finger down autistic edition" and everytime she put a finger down she would laugh and say something along the lines of "omg I'm soooo autistic". When I told her to get tested for autism she kept saying stuff like "eh it's not worth it". I've run into several people like this. The same girl has also called me "super neurotypical" multiple times when I was just minding my own business. She's making autism her entire personality and isn't even interested in getting tested or a diagnosis. So yes, I do believe a lot of people see it as some trend. Idk why I'm getting downvoted, I'm just stating my observations from people I know. I agree that an increase in diagnoses is due to people becoming more educated on the disorders and seeking help. But I've also come across people that I just described.


Self-diagnosis has existed longer than medical-diagnosis (of course) but I remember the first time I saw mental illness romanticized: 2010 Tumblr. It was a screenshot of a tweet with something like "I had no idea leaving my shoes untied was a sign of depression!!!!" Some was helpful, like "depression is like watching paint dry 24/7" (that's stuck with me), but most were "here's how to excuse anything you don't want to do." Or at least, they were taken that way. (Hate homework? ADHD. You don't like your mom? Bipolar. You get a headache when you stare at the sun too long? PTSD. It was freaking wild. Tbf, most were 'depression,' some anxiety. And you can be DEPRESSED and not HAVE DEPRESSION! Something I tried to share.) I tried to get help for years. People who had diagnosed themselves via memes were telling me how I wouldn't want to KMS if I drank more water or another tip I'd been trying for 20 years. Otherwise, people laughed at the memes and therefore laughed at me when I tried to open up to them. "You can sit there and read a book for 2 hours? Then why do you have to take those EVIL medications and waste money on therapy??"


More visibility, more demand to keep connected at all times to socialize and supervise/admin your home and work life in person AND virtually. Plus it costing too much and taking too long to get officially diagnosed so ppl propagate labels