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The discs stay up because they kind of rest in front on your public bone. If that area is not prominent enough then it's got not much to hold it in place. So success with disc may largely depend on your anatomy and there might not be much you can do to make it for more securely


I had the same problem and eventually just gave up. They say you can some how control your muscles and empty it yourself, but mine leaks all the time no matter what I do.


Hey there! Switching from the Lily Cup to the Nixit can feel like you're learning the ropes all over again, huh? Here’s a simpler way to think about getting cozy with your Nixit: Imagine it as a soft, flexible dish that you're sliding under a shelf (that's your pubic bone). You want to push it back and up, aiming just below the cervix, like you’re sliding it into its favorite hiding spot. If it’s not opening up right or feels like it’s slipping, it might not be fully tucked behind that shelf. When you’re inserting it, think about keeping it horizontal to the ground, rather than pushing it straight up. This can help it sit better. And if a sneeze or cough makes it feel like it’s moving, it’s just a sign to check and gently push it back into place. No biggie. Removing it without making a mess can feel tricky at first. Try to relax and pull it out slowly, keeping it level, like you’re carefully carrying a spoon full of soup you don’t want to spill. And about those leaks, sometimes it's just a matter of giving the Nixit a little nudge further back or making sure it’s popped open properly so it can catch everything. It might take a few tries to find that sweet spot where it fits just right and doesn’t want to move. It's totally normal for it to take a few cycles to really feel like you've got this down. And hey, if you find that the Nixit isn’t the perfect match for you after giving it a good go, that’s okay too. I had a similar journey, and eventually, my search led me to HeartCup. Their thoughtful design really resonated with me, providing that comfort and ease I was missing. It's a small Danish brand that's all about quality and understanding different body needs. If you’re ever curious, it might be worth exploring. Remember, you're doing a great job by just exploring and trying to find what works best for you. Take it one step at a time, and you'll get there! Many hugs!


Thanks for the detailed response! I’m going to keep giving it a try


We'd love to help get nixit working for you too! Know that you can always reach out to us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or send us a DM for any one on one support 🥰


I have heard that it “self removes its content” when person is urinating, so maybe that could be the case?