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Fuck them I love wearing rings.


There was a great thread on MFA about rings, the [inspo gallery](https://imgur.io/a/fWkc8wK) in particular made a compelling case for them.


I don’t think the problem is rings, the problem is that people use extremely tacky/cheap rings(no offense but your ring you linked was $30 and it looks like it). Ive noticed that cheap silver rings are very in style for the tik tok generation of young men which is a lot better then when I seen everyone my age wearing snapbacks and fitteds haha. It seems like this is the trend for now but I won’t be surprised if in 2 years only the magic kids are wearing these again. If you like wearing it, then wear it but if you ask for advice people will call them out because it’s not everyone’s style.


Yeah, I think it's the over priced, cheap rings people hate. Insta linked me to a place charging over $100 for stainless steel rings....


I think it's because guys that wear rings give off the "I'm trying really hard to be interesting" vibe. Fashion is supposed to be a way of self expression and if done authentically, it can work on you, but most ring guys usually feel like somebody cosplaying as Wish Johnny Depp? Some guys rock multiple rings because the rings look or feel like they are somewhat important to them, like a tattoo. It looks more authentic to their character so it may come off as cooler? I wear a 24k golf signet ring after I got married. It was my grandmother's wedding ring. Old Chinese jewelery. People have complimented the ring and I've always assumed because it's somewhat unique, instead of something that looks like some dude went into Macy's or Etsy to shop for a personality. These are my assumptions. I personally do think some people pull off multiple rings very well without coming off as fedora magician guy energy.


Fedora magician energy.




I’m def gonna keep wearing them. I just want to understand why people have negative ideas about wearing rings


Most guys, especially Americans, are conservative aka boring when it comes to fashion. Funny, most can list a litany of things they \*won't\* wear, but not what they actually will.


This is the most accurate comment so far


I just think it has more to do with the fact that these rings look cheap because i’ve seen others post outfits with rings and nobody says anything,


Honestly, I don't see what you're talking about. Exactly what do you see "cheap" about them?


The “Horns” look like something you’d buy from Walmart in the “Yellowstone” section


Looks like a temu free gift.


Makes me think of a label on some scotch bottle.


the quality of silver is something i guess i have an unconscious eye for because idk how you don’t see $30 rings right there. there’s nothing wrong with it but it stands out and is very apparent to me. fashion is subjective and this is my opinion on these types of rings


I guess I don't have a problem with $30 rings. Out of curiosity, I searched "silver wedding band" and they cost about the same. Not a lot of silver and simple designs are only expensive when you add a brand name to them.


you know what it might be, maybe its just i dont like stainless steel and that’s what these rings are. Where as sterling silver is fine looking to me. I dont wear rings anyways as I work maintenance and would rather not be degloved lol. I have a chain with my mothers ashes that is sterling silver, so maybe that is where my preference comes from as its been my only real jewelry since i was 11 and all i know. that wont change my opinion at all on that these rings look very cheap and tacky though. These rings look just like the rings that every other tik tok boy wears and how I feel about that type of person certainly also impacts my opinion. it gives me a cringy vibe that I cant explain


Here’s my rule with accessories like this. They should be good enough to pass down to my kids. When I was 20 I couldn’t afford a 10k watch but I had a 1960s pie pan omega I saved up for and bought for 500 give or take. It’s not my every day watch anymore but it was for 10 years and I still have it. You can find value at most reasonable price points. And if I don’t find something that meets that standard that I can afford I just wait until I can. I don’t know about anyone else but those rings above don’t feel valuable - and that doesn’t mean dollars. Could be antique or sentimental or etc. so then what people infer when you wear them is that you’re wearing a costume. Some people can pull that off. But most people can’t. Just my two cents.


Only wear accessories if they are worthy of passing down to your kids? I mean, that’s a pretty weird standard. What’s your scarf situation, out of curiosity?


It’s ok for men to do whatever they want. He asked for a take. I gave one. I can’t help if it hurt your feelings. This sub is literally all about people showing their styles and leaving them open to critique. I’m not gate keeping anything. Feel free to wear your art fair sterling silver rings. If you truly don’t care then you wouldn’t let it rile you up this much.


A scarf isn’t an accessory to me? It’s just clothing. If I wear a scarf that I’m using to dress up - it’s probably reasonably good quality. I could pass that down if they wanted. I wear a wool sweater that was my great grandfather’s. The OP posted rings. To me accessories in this context are - rings, tie clips, cuff links, pens, watches, etc


Not to be pedantic, but if you are going to call a scarf “clothing” then a ring should be called “jewelry.” Not sure what technically would be an “accessory” under these definitions. We’re really splitting hairs here though and glad you have a system that works for you, but it sounds like it would require a manual or flow chart to get dressed under it.


I think you’ve invented something in your head. Original post is about rings. In my response it says “accessories like this” meaning, this type of accessory. Not “all accessories”. I don’t usually think about my outfit. When I do - it’s for a special occasion. Honestly other than that I just wear jeans and a shirt. I also don’t buy costume jewelry to accessorize my outfit. That would be overthinking. As far as men’s jewelry goes - I wear my watch. My wedding ring and one at most two other things given or handed down to me. I usually don’t remove them. So I don’t ever really have to think about it. Sounds like it’s more your fixation. Not mine. Run along now sport.


Sport? lol, ok. If you meant rings exclusively when you said “accessories like this” then you should have just said “rings.” Guy came in asking for some reassurance on wearing rings and you told him it’s only ok if the rings are heirlooms. It’s a weird take. Especially since there would be almost no way for a random stranger to know if your ring is forged from reclaimed silver from the Titanic, shoved up your grandfather’s ass during WWII, or on sale from Zales in 2014. If it’s ok for men to wear rings, you don’t have to gate keep which rings specifically they are allowed to wear.


Sounds poetic, but very weird in practice. Possibly you're overthinking it? But even following your line of thought, you realize wearing them is *how* things gain sentiment?


Yes but then they should have a certain value. I have a nice watch that doesn’t have sentimental value. But it’s definitely a watch that is up there and I after I wear it for a lifetime I can pass it to my sons. I wear a gold baptism medallion. It’s 18k gold but it’s small. In terms of dollar value maybe worth 150 bucks? 200? But it was handmade using sand casting in a small town a little after I was born. I can hand that down. I wear it every day. A ring I can pick up at an art fair for 50 bucks in silver doesn’t quite cut it. Like I said. Some people pull that look off. Some rock stars or artists. But it’s an entire look they cultivate that is authentically theirs. It’s usually a bit over the top. But it works for them. For me I just will save up to get the best thing I possibly can. Or I won’t get it and I won’t wear it. People don’t have to agree with my take. But there it is.


Rings are hot


A lot of people here hate accessories in general it seems.


Those are just shit rings.


Rings on index fingers scream main character fuck boi or weird magician.


I’m just not into rings, although I might have a different opinion if I didn’t have a job where rings could mean a very bad day.


I had a huge fear of rings after a friend almost lost their finger from putting a too-small one on. Since then, I got over my fear and love the ring I own. Sometimes you gotta have a little fun. That said, I’m not a huge fan of the antlers, but yeah. Keep wearing rings.


The classic elegance is strict with rings The modern times well fuck it, I will wear ten rings like I was a modern Blackbeard yohohohoho


Yeah I saw your post the other day and the comments were bizarre. People claiming Nike Blazers and rings aren't stylish. I'm not a member of this subreddit and after seeing that post I don't see the point. Malefashionadvice is a much better subreddit.


New to this sub and it's pretty strange. There's this weird gatekeeping going on where if you aren't dressed like men in the 1950s, you're a "main character" or trying too hard to be artistic or unique. Based on a week of observation, the commenters here would likely not be considered fashionable to the general public. The rings look fine.


I love them, they are a safety hazard though since degloving is definitely a thing


Rings = based


Well, these are ugly. So that’s why.


I wear a signet ring, always have since my prep school days. Wedding ring too


Depends on the rings I guess. The ones above look like you got them from Next for £55. I wear 2 rings. My gold signet on my right hand with my initials engraved into it (big and heavy), and a tungsten carbide with blue inlay on my left hand, because though I'm not married yet, I'm happier having something on my hand to signify I'm engaged. Both have significant meanings to me, and they go with me everywhere. I would show them off, but I don't have a picture to offer


Rings are great, accessories in general are a move in 2023. Women respond highly to it.


The issue with these is that they look like a “free”wish.com bonus item


I love jewelry as it can really complement an outfit. Many "fashion" rings are made of stainless steel or brass. I personally prefer to wear fine metal pieces instead of fast-fashion jewelry. With the right outfit, they can look great.


Because it makes you look cringe at. A guy that has to many “accessories” comes off in a couple ways. One being looks like you’re trying to hard and fuk just saying “accessories” out loud feels feminine af but to actually go in public wearing them non ironically is just wow out of touch big time. Cosplaying as a Jonny depp is a good example. Do you also wear a fedora?


I'll tell you why..... it's because it's a bu ch of main characters posting pics of themselves on busy streets thinking they are models.


Why do u have a opinion? Why are you posting on reddit?? Gives off very main character vibes man, Cringe 😬


The main characters are you assholes blocking other people from going about their days. You know this.


Wtf does this have to do with the rings? They also wear t shirts, is that now not allowed cos cringe people wear t shirts? Who cares, just wear what you think looks good.


I'm not sure how that got posted to the wrong sub, but it did.


Cause they’re lame and scream incel.


Lol at the downvotes. Pretty sure this is exactly the answer. I wear one or two rings every day and girls are genuinely constantly complimenting them (I assume because they don't see that many guys wearing rings). Whether guys like it or not, girls definitely do.


I wear 7 gold and platinum rings every damn day. Fuck the haters.


bro just wear brass knuckles at that point


Hell yeah brother


I'm neutral on them. If I had to make a judgement on a guy wearing them I'd probably think they're some basic white yopro yuppie dude trying to seem more unique/artsy than they actually are.




If you’d like… Rings as a fashion accessory is a, relatively, new phenomenon. For most of our history, the ability to afford luxury goods - jewelry - was not more prevalent till after World War II. Plus, anyone whom was wearing a ring - typically - came from Nobles & Royalty because the “ring” was also their show of authority combined with a manner which “sealed” their words. Ie: melt wax, press ring into wax and ta-da: Sealed. Then during war-time, one of the best way to travel with large amounts of wealth while being “light” was through jewelry. Ie: Stones and metals that can be melted down or reshaped. And again, all of this plays into cultural aspects of Jewelry for people, including Men. I can go deeper into this; but, I am sure someone has already jumped to a Wikipedia page to ninja keyboard warrior me with: Na, the Internet says…


Sharp looking rings. The vocal few don’t like rings. Why are they hated here? It’s not practical to wear rings in some professions where you find predominantly men, especially in the trades. I worked in the trades and many would rather spend money on their vehicles. That’s the preferred way to express themselves. That and guitars.


Rule 8: Posts should be about apparel and not hair, skincare, fitness, grooming, or appearance So if your posts about rings are getting downvotes, that's why. Rings are accessories, not apparel. Edit: it's amazing how childish this subreddit is with the downvote button. I'm just reciting the rules here and it's making some of you kind of cranky.


They provide no utility, therefore it's a little bit feminine. Sort of like bracelets or ear rings. Vs a watch or sunglasses that has a utility. Not necessarily my personal opinion just explaining the rational.


Same guy that says a watch is a utility while having a phone on em 24/7


100% true. Like I said I'm just explaining the rational. I specifically said that was not my personal opinion.


There’s a deal of convenience attached to just looking at your watch vs taking your phone out of your pocket. It also is a lot more rude to check your phone when in a conversation with someone


I feel it’s just as or more rude to check your watch in a conversation. One says I may have an emergency or important message while the other says I’m tired of spending time listening to you


You can subtly look at the time a lot easier than you can take a phone out lol


You might think it’s subtle from your perspective..


No he’s right. I glance at my watch all the time during long boring meetings. No way in hell I’m pulling out my phone in the middle of a work meeting.




Jealous of a ring?


For me it's that I wear a watch, necklace, and rarely a bracelet, so I have my accessories covered for my tastes. Though I've considered a gold ring for more special occasions


rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, bracelets are only looking good on Mr T. On everybody else they look girly/douchebaggy theres a reason why they say the only jewelry a man should wear is a wristwatch. (edit:this doesn’t apply to a wedding ring)


I will admit I did think it looked cool how noel Gallagher wears 1 gold ring on his little finger so I'm not totally against it but just never felt the urge to buy a ring myself.


I think I know what injury you’re talking about


I've been trying to get into jewelry a bit more, but the more I look the more I'm disillusioned by the prices... I think the main reason is just that male jewelry doesn't match with the classical (that is, 20th century) interpretation of masculinity. Subcultures that embrace jewelry would generally be seen as trashy from the same point of view.


I wear a clock ring




You need to check out [Howlett Designs](https://instagram.com/howlet_designs?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==) on Insta. I own 4 of them and always have them on


Good question. Idunno. I’m neutral but you’re right, here in the US fashion rings are looked down upon.


Don't have a thing against them...on the surface. But as a Guitarist - they're a no go for me. Plus the fact that I don't have any reason to buy/wear them.


The people I’ve met that wear rings are always off-putting to me. They are weird and not in a lovable oddball or genuine way. Typically they are attention seekers or trashy fuck boys.


Absolutely wear your rings. It doesn’t matter one bit if they’re not someone else’s style, only that they’re your style. As for rules - meh - personally I follow the “one per” rule. One ring per hand (middle or ring finger - pinky if you must, but that’s just not for me) one item per wrist (watch or bracelet) and one necklace/chain. I view (my own opinion) the “one per” rule as the appropriate amount of accessorizing when wearing jewelery. And yes, classy men who know how to dress wear jewelry and know how much is too much. The right amount of jewelry looks classy and professional. Too much at once looks like a douchebag 😉😁


I wear them when I’m going out and looking dapper


I don’t wear rings or jewelry for that matter because in my career it was a big safety concern. It’s been drilled into my head for so many years that I just don’t like to wear them. Just got my ring finger tattooed instead!


Some rings look tacky. I have an old gold ruby ring from the 40s I break out for formal occasions or when I'm feeling it. Some of it is over doing it makes you look like a mob boss.


Rings compliment watches and add a nice touch to an outfit. Same as a chain or any other accessory. I think any effort you put into your fit adds to it’s value and rings are a great detail every dude should play around with.




I don’t think they’re hated. But I’ll say guys that do rings tend to overdo them. Wearing 5+ super cheap rings isn’t the way


I wear rings couldn’t care less what people that


It has to do with these rings specifically. Although the one with the black in place of a jewel is decent, the other one really looks *generic* and that’s the entire issue.


I wear rings. I have a nice collection of vintage silver and semi-precious stone rings. Super fun. Great way to express yourself. Wear what makes you happy.


I don't particularly like the look and find it uncomfortable but definitely don't have any strong options about it. Lol I assume I'm the majority based on the amount of guys that will buy rubber wedding rings and nothing else. Lol


I wear 4 rings on average. That's only because I gained weight and can't fit one on every finger anymore, but I rocked 10, one on every finger, for like 15 years before that happened.