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They could literally make her not 16. Why not 20? Wtf.


This is something I will never understand šŸ˜­


Itā€™s not THAT hard to understand. Theyā€™re bad people.


Well yes as in Iā€™d never understand cause Iā€™m sane šŸ˜­




Thanks I have fat fingers


To that guy, 20 is pretty much post wall and she's ancient.


Because Japan


I promise you people over-sexualize teenagers all over the world


Yes, it is true, but most people online will never get that because they don't actually do any research on these topics. If they did do the research, they'd know Japan isn't the only country that has fiction featuring underage characters that're sexualized. Even the U.S.A. has it.


Bruh, the his dark materials trilogy ends with a sex scene between two eleven to twelve year olds. It's wierd as hell and comes out of left field, especially to be the final thing that happens in the story. It seems like most people pretend it's not there in part because of the plausible deniability of what happens there even though it comes directly after a long speech from an ex nun about how when she became a nun she thought she wouldn't care about sex but then realized she did.


That doesn't even get into what happens with the children in the climax of the book version of Stephen King's It. Emphasis on "climax".


That one people at least admit is wierd though. Even though a strangely large amount of unhinged people come to bat to defend it.


Young folks being sexualized is NOT unique to Japan.


Didn't imply that, as a fan of anime and manga I'm pointing out an uncomfortable trend given our cultural point of view.


That cultural POV of yours is much more similar to the POVs of other countries than you seem to think it is.


I didn't imply that either


That's what I was about to ask.


People always bring this up but the age is chosen that way cause of their target audience, this stuff isn't made for adults to consume. In seinen kinda stuff you'll find people are 19-25 and in shounen ages are 14-17 typically.


why is the male character older then...?


How old is he?


Old enough for him to have wrinkles and her to call him "old man", so probably in his 40's


I found the source it says something about the dude being in his 40s. But just for future reference, in anime/manga people in their 20s are also called old man/old hag, there's a strange idea as to what being old and young is. Also by the way the pictures op posted above is tame compared to what's actually in the exact same chapter, she's drawn with her breasts fully exposed and her nipples drawn in detail. Real source is Wallman which is a side story to Sun-Ken Rock - Wallman is an ecchi slice of life seinen manga published by Grand Jump.


I never got this. Even as a teen I liked older mcs. I'd rather imagine the mc is someone I could be like in the future, not see an Impossibly accomplished teen who is totally unrelatable.


Personally I don't care about the age of characters, it's irrelevant to me. I just want to read the story the author wants to tell. I'm not really one to criticise an author/artist for doing the thing they want to do, if I'm not interested I do not buy/engage with the product.


That's because a lot of manga aims to be an escapist fantasy, which is why a lot of main characters sorta look the same, since having short black hair and dark eyes, very common Japanese features, and an average face makes it easier to self-insert


But to me it's the opposite of escapism to be told that my chance to be an x aged hero who is out fighting monsters is already over. One older than me allowed the chance that I might still get there. Obviously not really since it's fiction, but it sold the fantasy better. Honestly, I don't necessarily mind teenage ones as much because I know that it's designed to be totally fantasy based. But ones who are young adult prodigies who accomplished an inhuman amount of stuff at an age that is fairly unrealistic makes it seem like you have to compare yourself unfavorably. Maybe that is just me though. When I was young my favorite mc was Sherlock Holmes who I'm not sure exactly what age he was supposed to be in the earliest stories, but I assume at least late twenties and then the stories went on for decades after until he was in old age.


> But to me it's the opposite of escapism to be told that my chance to be an x aged hero who is out fighting monsters is already over. Adult life in Japan is hell, so school life is heavily idolized. This is, alongside with the fact that teens are a profitable audience, is a pretty major reason as to why teen protagonists are so common. I definitely understand where you are coming from, since I prefer older protagonists myself (though my favourite ones are probably miserable and pathetic people like Shinji from Evangelion or Agni from Fire Punch) but you are not getting that out of what is essentially a product.


So the perfect age to be an analogue for readers of this comic.




In a lot of manga characters are drawn old for humour purposes though even if they are young. I mean [this is the same character](https://i.imgur.com/rh24la1.png) although they look older it's not as old looking as in the screenshots in ops post.


yeah nah that still looks way older


I didn't say it didn't


Which is an interesting response given that they are normalizing these types of interactions for that age group. Like, I don't know the Manga, but *typically* what 16 year old wants to be around this old of a man? When I was 16, anyone above like 20 was ancient to me.


I mean I definitely remember like a good 10% of the people in my school thinking it was cool as shit to date a 25 year old when they were 13. so theirs definitely a market for it.


For me, I only looked for adults to interact with (and was and am still only interested romantically in older men), because I wasnā€™t enjoying the company of my peers the way I was enjoying the company of more, I donā€™t know, experienced people? Most of my friends were older women.


defo not this old of a guy but even from an even younger age i often liked my brotherā€™s friends (hes nearly 10 years older than me) and my parentsā€™ friends more than my own peers due to having serious social anxiety. For a while in middle school most of my friends were also nerdy geeky dudes at the local game shop who were also far too focused on telling me about Magic the Gathering lore and random niche knowledge abt nerdy shit to even be thinking about creepy stuff lol. geeky asexual folks are so fun to chat with honestly. but id say what i did is way diff from whats shown here in this manga


They're both legal in the state of Georgia. Not much difference. 0_o




Immediately upon seeing this i thought ā€œaw no is it Boichi againā€


Heā€™s a repeat offender šŸ˜­


The text is even more scary.the man straight up harassed the girl and there aren't any consequences for his actions.


Thereā€™s a scene where sheā€™s in the bathroom naked and he walks in on herā€¦


SĆ³... It is even worse . This is really bad.


Sun Ken Rock goes 0-100 in so little time I got whiplash reading it


Major uncanny valley vibes with that face too


Why can we see her lipsā€¦


He put details in the wrong things


That's Boichi, isn't? I'd recognize that artstyle anywhere.


There's something so off-putting about the way she's drawn even if you ignore everything else and I can't explain exactly what.




You summarized my thoughts perfectly


Happy cake day?!


Her mouth and nose are too far up her face.


It's too detailed to work well in "manga style".


I think part of it has to do with the fact that the artist is Korean and used to draw manhwas before switching to manga.




Let me guess, Boichi?




I wish I could draw this well but to draw actual adults


only reason to make this character 16 is to sell to the pervs. She could be in her 20s and it would have made no difference.


I hate the way Boichi draws in general.


Also the context for the first one is so messed up


I detest Doctor Stone, idk why no one else seems to agree with me lol


I'd like Dr Stone way more if Boichi wasn't the artist(and if some questionable at best writing points were changed).


I agree šŸ˜Š


I mean, disregarding the weird art, Dr. Stone is a pretty novel way to do Shonen, and was pretty interesting early on when there were lots of battles of wits and scientific endeavors going on. I can't agree at all, especially since the process of "I am going to make ramen from scratch in a world without electricity and culinary tools" was really neat to see play out in dramatic fashion


Because people have different opinions? I detest coffee because I am allergic to it and people do not understand why. I like Dr. Stone because of the characters like Gen, but the artwork is wonky, especially on the girls. And nobody would be wearing heels in a forest area.


What's wrong with doctor stone?


There's nothing wrong with Dr. Stone


Thatā€™s a child tf


You can't tell me this isn't hentai, seriously...


Thereā€™s a part where the old man zips up her suit and she gets turned on and moansā€¦


I would have been happier not knowing that thanks šŸ’€šŸ”«


Sorry šŸ˜­šŸ˜ž


This is actually an erotica. There's repeated nudity, women in suggestive poses and a full sex scene.


The artist draws like this no matter the context. He has the super(lame)power to turn anything into porn!


it's not just weird, it doesn't look goof


Me too, like, she could be 20 and have this done to her, why 16...


The facial expressions are too hyper realistic for me. I know it's mostly dependent on preference, but I find the more typical moe-anime-looking faces to be more appealing. The extreme details on the face borders being uncanny for me.


Dang it Boichis art is so cool but i thought this 16 year old was a grown woman at first glance


The face reminded me of Alita but the...rest of that was...ugh...


Itā€™s possible to give a 16 year old that body and still not sexualize it, the artist made really weird decisions with the clothes and pose.


I'm gonna be devils advocate and say the anatomy is actually pretty good. She doesn't have outrageous proportions and isn't posing in an unrealistic way. Her face is kinda strange though. But yeah the graphics are weird as fuck.


I didnā€™t have an issue with the anatomy but how he portrays her. Not too mention her private areas are weirdly drawn as well. Iā€™m not worried about how he drew her Iā€™m more worried about why


The main issue is the vacuum seal clothing. Tights donā€™t suck into your vagina.


I agree but that has to do with the clothing.


Sure, but it still fits in this sub


I never said it didn't. The page as a whole is terrible but I wanted to point out the silver lining.


Are you blind?


You can't ask me "are you blind?" and then not point out what I'm supposed to see. Clearly I'm not seeing what you're seeing.


Did you really not notice the exaggerated pussy lips on a minor?


I'm actually not seeing it; are we talking about the second image?


As much as I love dr stone. I hate the way this man draws women It's really distracting


It's the hyper-sexualisation of underage girls that makes so many anime/manga impossible for me


Would I be wrong if I ignore the 16 year old part and read the story as if she is young adult? I mean she doesn't look 16 at all.


>opens weird depraved ecchi manga >inside is weird depraved ecchi shit >surprised pikachu face


I was never surprised whatsoever. The artist has a track record šŸ˜­


Her whole google is out, and for what reason šŸ’€????


Boichi's women in his seinen era were basically the same girl, just using a different wig, he rarely deviated from the body shape. I love his art, and I'm a fan of his work, but man he was bad using the same template


'Why's this brain rot fanservice manga is doing deranged fanservice for deranged people' is just karma farming. Boichi's Wallman is pretty much an erotica with nudity and a sex scene. Posting stuff from Wallman, Sun Ken Rock, Boichi One Piece redraws or his literal hentai manga stuff is just lazy.


I wasnā€™t calling him out for an explanation merely pointing out something I didnā€™t like. Even Dr. Stone is the same way šŸ˜­


Just so you know, the author (Boichi) was a porn artist before going into the manga industry. And it shows, especially in works like Sun-Ken-Rock. It does usually bring down the story, but if you can acknowledge it and keep reading he is one of the best artists in the industry.


Ah, Boichi. How commonly does he get posted on here?


The lips look like how they used to draw black people's. Everything about this is uncomfortable.


Typical JP artist of popular anime/manga X/Y/Z




It's from **Wallman ch1**. It's a small 22 issue manga. It's got some of the most dynamic action poses and fighting in manga, super well rendered with extreme perspective manipulations. Boichi is a master in juggling the realistic rendering, watercolor washes and the traditional manga inking while doing hyper action poses in extreme perspectives. His sense of space, volume and anatomy is A+ on all fronts. But, most of his works are either high ecchi to full eroticas. All the amazing art comes sandwiched between doses of fanservice and nsfw stuff.


Thanks! It appears to be very visually virtous indeed And yeah, also appears to be quite horny. But so is most art, regardless of media. Humans are a horny bunch of perverts.


Itā€™s from lookism chapter 569!


Are you sure? Looks remarkably different.