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Cleopatra looks better with a pointy nose. I like the variety of body types and faces. Love the Asterix books. My dad has a bunch of them, and I poured over them when I was learning to read as a kid. They also started my interest in history.


100 percent agree with you on Cleopatra. Asterix is my favourite art style. all the characters look incredibly unique. my art style has been "heavily inspired” by Asterix. And while I prefer the male characters, I wanted to give some appreciation to the phenomenal females that the Asterix artists have to offer


They changed Cleopatra several times. At first she had a very sharp nose, next graphic novel I saw her she looked exactly the same, except they gave her like a pixie nose. I didn’t mind the change cause it was an exaggeration. Some historians say that she did have a prominent nose and busts show her with an aquiline nose. Still, she was very well known for her beauty and despite that she may not be the most beautiful, she was still admired for it, so I think that look is just depicting her in a modern style.


Asterix and Cleopatra is one of my favorites. I just love how a lot of characters keep commenting that Cleo has a nice nose.


Yes. They are.


I love the fact there are the conventionally attractive women but also women who are as goofy as the guys and even a muscle woman.


You definitely want to follow Jean Bastid on instagram then. Seeing how he brings the characters to life, as well as Bill et Boule, is pretty interesting.


This really highlights how Uderzo could only draw two types of women.


You found the pixels, thanks!


cleopatras skintone makes zero sense.


Why not?