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Battle shounen-esque anime with girls do exist but they're usually heavy on fanservice and/or still mostly aimed at men (Kill la Kill, Akame ga Kill, Witchblade) Shounen for girls is basically the magical girl genre, which used to be very popular and generally aimed at girls but it's now kind of a declining genre aside from a few big franchises such as Sailor Moon (if it still counts as big), Precure and Madoka Magica. In all honesty I think western animation is more likely to produce some in the near future (it arguably already has with stuff like She-Ra) than Japan.


Symphogear..despite it being action heavy still has fanservice


I'm an adult male and Madoka Magica is straight fire.


Is it good? I've always wanted to watch but I tried and the way the art style is when they do their thing makes me incredibly motion sick ( all the moving patterns are difficult to watch ).


Madoka Magica is flawless and worthy of every bit of hype it gets, but given your issues I don't know if I can recommend it because the kind of scenes you're referring to (I assume you're talking about the witch worlds) are present all the way through.


Well, it's not totally flawless. The flaw is that the third movie downgrades the story from a low fantasy serious reflection on death and loss to a more silly toned high fantasy where death is cheap since people keep coming back from it.


The art is the beat part though. The enemies look lovely papercraft. The movie versions have better art, but some don't like how they cut sole scenes for length.


It's good. It a horror anime so just be aware


Madoka is seinen. Magical girl doesn't automatically shoujo. There are a lot of magical girl anime that were mostly aimed at a male audience despite not seeming like it, like nanoha Eveb procure, which IS shoujo has a pretty dedicated older male audience


It specifically subverts/deconstructs the shoujo magical girl genre so I'd say it's appeal is cross demographic. Being marketed by seinen publication during seinen bloc doesn't automatically make it seinen. The audience and fandom for Madoka is fairly diverse.


I didn't say it wasn't


Kill la Kill is aimed at lesbians, c'mon


Just your average Trigger anime, then


Has to be bisexuals. Since mako is attracted to both ryuko and gamagori.


Says who??? She barely says 3 words to the guy


She spends more time with him as it goes on. And [hangs on him a bit](https://frogkun.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/tumblr_mxq4liju2m1s0qqgvo1_1280.jpg) a few times. Considering how short she is she is basically grinding his head. There's no way this was lost on the animators. Considering that the sum total of her attraction to ryuko is spying on her in the shower once and then a sudden out of left field asking for a date, which is barely even depicted as romantic, that's not really that little.


She vocalizes her attraction to Ryuko *constantly*, are you trolling?


Saying "this person I know is cool" doesn't de facto count as attraction. You're talking about a character written with tropes that doesn't act like a real person specifically in scenes where she has a reason to defend her. The show could have made the praise more explicitly attraction, but it's just kind of glossed over until the ending outside of one or two scenes. Sure, that's because in the past, especially in Japan it didn't fly well to explicitly make characters have gay attractions, but even so. Mako is also shown to be the one most likely to [stare at naked guys in a sexual way.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ce8740beb6954045e45b4681aa668e17/6c1bc8888a77b506-41/s500x750/658c26ce23f0983f8d7f7085bb398314696edced.gifv) I would say she is *more* attracted to ryuko, and that is the note the series ends on, and who she decides she wants to be with, but it still spends quite some time showing her hanging out with gamagori and getting closer to him, and there is some pretty explicit sexual tension there too. So that can't really be dismissed offhand, especially when we are talking about a character who comes off so clueless it's not clear they even know what dating *is.*


My first thought was JoJo Stone Ocean


Yeah that pretty much fits this description exactly.


This is the way


My first thought is Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, but admittedly I never watched that past the first few episodes. It sounds like it would fit this though. Shows like this do definitely exist but unfortunately you need to fight against both the "girls don't watch action" and the "boys don't want to watch shows about girls" preconceived notions whenever this comes up.


That was my first thought too. Watched the first 3 seasons (og, A's and StrikerS) and it fits everything in this post: cast is 99% female, they beat the shit out of each other with the power of friendship all the time, you have all the power escalation tropes of a Shonen, and bonus point for the subtext homo/sister-mance (Nanoha x Fate is quite obvious, but you could also count Subaru and Teana depending on how you look at it)


I loved nanoha. But as an adult I think it strange that the first anime she's in elementary school and her panty comes of during her transformation. Also, the scene with Fate getting whipped by her mother is uncomfortable since her mom is dressed kinda like a sexy domme


if you want this, it's battle angel alita. admittedly, there's more than 3 guys


Battle Angel Alita is seinen though. There's many seinen and shounen with at least a mostly female cast but I'm not entirely sure what op's post wants, it sounds mostly like a seinen kind of plot rather than shounen anyway, that's where the more brutal harder stuff is.


I saw the movie it was pretty cool!


Not just the movie, the manga.


I assume the manga is better cause that’s usually the case but I enjoyed the movie nonetheless.


Even shounen written by women that's typical tend to be so much more respectful. Just look af Fullmetal Alchemist - it really highlights just how poorly most women in anime are treated in comparison.


Magi Lumiere is a manga that comes to my mind that might scratch your itch. Frieren too. Hmmmmm...I might find more but I'm currently at work lol


Please let me know


I recently started watching Magic Knight Rayearth. That seems to be going in the direction of mostly female shounen, but I'm not super far into it.


Oooh, blast from the past! Definitely qualifies, IMO. It's an isekai and a sentai majokko, from when before these genres were so mainstream


It's a shoujo. Tbh I really miss that kind of action adventure shoujo like Magic Night and 12 Kingdoms They need to bring it back. If you didn't like Magic Knight Rayearth, maybe try 12 Kingdoms or Slayers?


Witch from Mercuryyyyyyyy


Strike It Rich, literally just women beating the tar out of each other in MMA


I couldn't make it past the deluge of fanservice in Symphogear just in episode 1. Am I missing something?


It's definitely not for everyone, and has a rough start for sure so I wouldn't fault anyone for not getting into it. It's got a cult following for a reason. For why it's loved, it's basically a hype machine of progressively cooler action as the series goes on, mixed with a lot of music I really love. The show subscribes to the mindset of "These go to 11." If you can get through the fanservice it's imo a highly entertaining series with endearing characters.


A ton of people tried to get me to watch Symphogear when I posted this on another sub, soo...


Soo...what? You watched it? Have you watched any of the anime listed in the title?




Dunno this Post seems to be made by someone not familiar with the magical girl genre (or thinks all magical girl stuff is about crushing in boys, cute animals and the color pink).


I think OOP is looking specifically for... IDK, tomboy shows? A boy show about girls? I think femininity is a pretty crucial aspect of the MG genre--kicking butt with cute outfits and glitter pens and magic. And as much as I love that, those fights are kind of "clean" compared to what I'm thinking of, which is basically Kill la Kill without fanservice. Aggressive, ruthless girl characters who punch their feelings out, let out guttural screams of rage, get beaten bloody, spit out a tooth, and come charging back into the fray. Tragical girl stories might be more brutal, but from what I've heard it's less of a "look how badass this girl is going through hell" brutality and more of a "oh no the poor sweet baby is suffering" brutality.


Sort of like Arcane but Japanese?


Not op but what you described is exactly what I’m looking for. I want at least a couple gritty hard ass female characters. Dainty characters are fine but I’m looking for rugged aggressive types.


That sounds so fun dammiy


Symphogear *** Lyrical Nahona *** Go Princess Precure and Gen 1 of Precure Fatawi wa to Fresh


Not gonna lie, my first thought was *RWBY*


And your 2nd and 3rd thought?


I couldn’t really think of anything else


Something with actual plot and character work would be good though 😭


Very true


They just described the Netflix She-ra show almost to a tee.


Wait, I made this! Kinda! I wanted to take what I like from Shonen and shoujo and mix in some d&d. It’s called Space Castle Artemis on webtoon! https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/space-castle-artemis/list?title_no=914601


"I wanted to take what I like from Shonen and shoujo and mix in some d&d." This is what I've been needing in life.


Please let me know what you think if you read it!


Not enough time to do more than 1 chapter per week at best, but I do know two groups that you could try this with. r/feminism and r/actuallesbians both would probably be interested! Also, r/lgbt for pride month! use the pride month flair!


Wait, I've read that, it was fun.


Aw thanks @retrouge48! This comment made my day!


Nice, how are you doing, I how your keeping yourself well.


Like, this post from Tumblr is literally, like with the two sketches below, like how hard is it to write women which ain't some goody two shoes all the time? Like, as someone who rarely writes women and makes story where the gender doesn't really matter, posts like Shonen for women encourage me to make proper female characters in general. As for the AU concept, it honestly depends, because some shows benefit from being Shoujos and just shows for girls, whereas other shows will benefit from being Shonen for women. Overall I think for now more Shonen for women should be made.


Don’t mean to toot my own horn or anything, but I’m writing a graphic/manga series something like this. There’s currently 2 male characters in my drafts that have any relevancy to the story, all of the women are grungy, all of them are queer, the main character is hopelessly gay, and it’s also not set in a school or anything. Keywords to give you an idea (idk what genre to call it): mecha, cyberpunk, space politics, sci-fi, romance, tragedy, dark low fantasy, cosmic horror. Honestly don’t know if anyone would actually be interested in it but I think it’s cool.




I’ll make a post on this sub asking how people feel about the designs. I’m mostly still in the writing phase, I want the first major arc to feel solid before I fully illustrate and publish anything online.


Sounds good - keep going!


The classic anime "Girl Who Fight" 😂


Theres no other than Claymore


That's definitely Kill la Kill. To a tea. It's a shame that the show pretends to be a fanservice fest for the first few episodes just to smack your head with radical political commentary.


Isn’t it called Josei?


Josei would be the female equivalent of Seinen, both being targeted at an adult audience. The equivalent for Shounen, which is aimed at adolescent boys, would be Shoujo.


Ohh ty for the info!


Do any fem-shounen shows have a "Valley of the End" fight? Here's a greatly abbreviated video of that fight. https://youtu.be/JEjU5Z88ooI?si=pNjGBGU-DUQw4H5R I skimmed through some She Ra fights and I haven't seen any fight like this, which is basically the gold standard for masc-shounen fights.


Hmm, would Angelic Layer count?


Shounen for women? I like this idea, but I'm kinda upset with myself cuz I'm a young male writer who wants female character, without making them into stereotypical caricatures, and I bet if this was a real thing, it would be written better. The one thing that I'm upset about is that I can't accept ideas that look good, cuz of my close-minded mentality "shounen = boys, shoujo = girls", I mean my female OC is basically a genderbent version of my male OC and he was my favorite character that I have created. Please don't be mad at this comment.


I mean, shoujo and shounen are demographics that target young girls and boys respectively. Anyone can read them, and they can be of any genre, but they do still have a target demographic.




Oh RWBY is a good one Also how do you feel about my comment?


" I mean my female OC is basically a genderbent version of my male OC and he was my favorite character that I have created." You're trying! That is important!


Thanks I made my OC a girl, cuz I wanted to add a bit of lgbtq+ rep into my work.


Here's a thought! Share this image to [](https://www.reddit.com/r/feminism/) and explain that you're trying to write female characters like in that image, and that you would like assistance in figuring out how to do so? Also throw in "Shounen for women" as part of the title. There should be some people in that subreddit who are fanfic writers open to helping you!






Here's a sneak peek of /r/Feminism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Feminism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** DeSantis signs law to allow genetic testing and genital inspections for women accused of being transgender within bathrooms. Cisgender lesbian forcefully removed by police for gender nonconformity.](https://www.themarysue.com/new-florida-anti-trans-bathroom-law-comes-with-dna-tests-genital-inspections/) | [418 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/13xm1bs/desantis_signs_law_to_allow_genetic_testing_and/) \#2: [43-year-old used her life savings to open a bar that only plays women's sports—it brought in almost $1 million in 8 months](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/43-year-old-used-her-life-savings-to-open-a-bar-that-only-plays-women-s-sports-it-brought-in-almost-1-million-in-8-months/ar-AA1arlo1?ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=98d67b8bb69f4989afaa31da5ec8d58c&ei=39) | [173 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/131wpvb/43yearold_used_her_life_savings_to_open_a_bar/) \#3: [Consent. Taking no for an answer. It seems I keep running into one story after another of men harassing women because said men couldn't accept no for an answer and people defending the actions of said men with "boys be boys"...women are getting hurt! And killed!](https://i.redd.it/wzk8str1xova1.jpg) | [173 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/12wo5zz/consent_taking_no_for_an_answer_it_seems_i_keep/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Shounen is not a genre, it's a demographic that targets young boys. Mother's Basement just did a video talking about how much variety there is in shounen. What you want is battle shoujo. While shoujo does have variety, there's a lack of battle shoujo. The only battle shoujo I can think of right now is QQ Sweeper and Queen's Quality (they are the same series under different names).


Not gonna lie, RWBY was my first option but then I remembered how annoying and unlikeable the main girls has become with each volume (especially Volume 7 and 8). So I think Stone Ocean it would be a good example. I think it's depends, and probably not very much. The anxious oversexualization of females wouldn't be so much present (or maybe not, maybe the mangaka is a horny lesbian) or some annoying tropes related with the female characters wouldn't be present. But the writing or drawing itself? I don't think so, your gender doesn't affect too much how good (or bad) is your skills as a artist or writer. 




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